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Eight People Killed In Grisly Bangkok Tollway Accident

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here are some pictures of the accident, only look if you are not easily upset, especially at the poor guy hanging from the bridge


judging by how those van drivers act on a daily basis the assumption that he has some blame for the accident would not surprise me, every day when I drive to work, and on my return journey, I run the gauntlet of these morons.

It seems the blog owner has now pixelated the body hanging from the footbridge


Good and bad depending on what you want the picture for, good in respect of the family, but it loses its shock value to hopefully deter others. But i do see your point, a lot of the time here it appears these pictures are taken for titillation or news, as opposed to as a deterrent.

Yes I see your point Random and agree with it. Deterant is a good thing if used correctly. Just thinking of the family and friends of the those lost souls. Thanks.


you are absolutely right here. I am driving all kinds of cars and bikes since 30 years too, but BKK I will never drive again, one time on the way from Phuket to Nongkhai was more than enough to learn that all this idiots in one place is worst case szenario. Just a single small accident back in Germany when a girl crached my standing car from behind. 3 small Motobike accidents and a serious Truck accident in Thailand in 12 years time. The one with my Truck was when a Watertruck fully loaded hit me with 60kmh two o clock in the morning in Kata in a road which was just 3m wide.

Dont ask me how many accidents I saw with my own eyes, how many injured people etc. My count on death people caused by traffic accidents here is at 12 people so far. Worst one was a huge 30ton Truck standing with its double wheels on a motobike, between the wheels and the bike was still the dying driver....or you ever saw someone who has his face on his back because the neck was broken? Totally normal in Thailand and I BET every Thai has a dead family member which died on a road here. I BLAME MOST OF THEM TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THAILAND and its education politics....but anyway, just a waste of data and time wasted typing

Thanks Moskito! I can imagine that after a serious accident like yours you will think about never drive again in BKK, but the problem is how to go from one place to another. I mean the option to take a taxi or bus won't be any safer. I rather drive by myself, so I have at least some influence (like keeping distance whenever possible, looking to as much cars in front of me as possible (and not only to the brakelights of the car in front), looking in the mirror whenever braking etc etc. Simple things that are for granted for any rational person).


Actually , it's not the speed that kills you.

It's the sudden stop.

It's the "sudden stop"?

What are you on about? Think and compare a sudden stop from a speed of 140 kph with one of 60 or 80kpk. I bet you will notice a huge difference.


It's a bit arrogant for a handful of foreigners to preach down to our Thai hosts and expect them to change their driving habits on our account.

No matter where I go I only ask people to be safe around me :lol: and of course I don't think anyone is expecting them to change their driving habits on an individuals account, but rather they should take the time to consider it on their own account. I know what the odds are tho.

Regarding your last two questions, the numbers horrify me. ;)

Did I ask a question? avatar49.gif

Tony spotted in Ploenchit earlier today.



I don't think I'll ever take another Van. My last ride was just too fast and with the onboard movie and all the phone calls, the driver was just too distracted. I'd rather pay 4 times as much in a taxi with seat belts and at a safe speed. I'm sorry so many Thai's can't do the same. This happens far too often. RIP.


you are absolutely right here. I am driving all kinds of cars and bikes since 30 years too, but BKK I will never drive again, one time on the way from Phuket to Nongkhai was more than enough to learn that all this idiots in one place is worst case szenario. Just a single small accident back in Germany when a girl crached my standing car from behind. 3 small Motobike accidents and a serious Truck accident in Thailand in 12 years time. The one with my Truck was when a Watertruck fully loaded hit me with 60kmh two o clock in the morning in Kata in a road which was just 3m wide.

Dont ask me how many accidents I saw with my own eyes, how many injured people etc. My count on death people caused by traffic accidents here is at 12 people so far. Worst one was a huge 30ton Truck standing with its double wheels on a motobike, between the wheels and the bike was still the dying driver....or you ever saw someone who has his face on his back because the neck was broken? Totally normal in Thailand and I BET every Thai has a dead family member which died on a road here. I BLAME MOST OF THEM TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THAILAND and its education politics....but anyway, just a waste of data and time wasted typing

Thanks Moskito! I can imagine that after a serious accident like yours you will think about never drive again in BKK, but the problem is how to go from one place to another. I mean the option to take a taxi or bus won't be any safer. I rather drive by myself, so I have at least some influence (like keeping distance whenever possible, looking to as much cars in front of me as possible (and not only to the brakelights of the car in front), looking in the mirror whenever braking etc etc. Simple things that are for granted for any rational person).

thats right and whenever possible I drive bymyself too. Sometimes its just not possible and I feel not much safer when I use the bus from KL Airport to Town.

If we finally get a public transport system here in Phuket accidents will cut imidiately to 50% I guess. Many tourists every year are involved in accidents because they have no clue how reckless Thais driving. On the other hand they just have to rent motobikes or cars because there is no transportsystem at all. The TukTuk mafia just forbid it and the government is obviously doing what the mafia tells them, here in small, somewhere else in greater dimensions TiT

Anyway, we should not forget the guys which are making money out of an accident, Ambulance drivers, doctors, nurses, garages or the monks at the temple where the victim is burned later....even the coffinmakers will have serious cuts to their income if the government starts to taking care of their citizen a bit better :jap:

So just a safe day without any accidents to all of you, friends and familys


you are absolutely right here. I am driving all kinds of cars and bikes since 30 years too, but BKK I will never drive again, one time on the way from Phuket to Nongkhai was more than enough to learn that all this idiots in one place is worst case szenario. Just a single small accident back in Germany when a girl crached my standing car from behind. 3 small Motobike accidents and a serious Truck accident in Thailand in 12 years time. The one with my Truck was when a Watertruck fully loaded hit me with 60kmh two o clock in the morning in Kata in a road which was just 3m wide.

Dont ask me how many accidents I saw with my own eyes, how many injured people etc. My count on death people caused by traffic accidents here is at 12 people so far. Worst one was a huge 30ton Truck standing with its double wheels on a motobike, between the wheels and the bike was still the dying driver....or you ever saw someone who has his face on his back because the neck was broken? Totally normal in Thailand and I BET every Thai has a dead family member which died on a road here. I BLAME MOST OF THEM TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THAILAND and its education politics....but anyway, just a waste of data and time wasted typing

Thanks Moskito! I can imagine that after a serious accident like yours you will think about never drive again in BKK, but the problem is how to go from one place to another. I mean the option to take a taxi or bus won't be any safer. I rather drive by myself, so I have at least some influence (like keeping distance whenever possible, looking to as much cars in front of me as possible (and not only to the brakelights of the car in front), looking in the mirror whenever braking etc etc. Simple things that are for granted for any rational person).

I believe he said his worst accident was in Kata which is not anywhere near Bangkok... :rolleyes:

Drive safe everyone! It's a jungle out there!



Reminds me of a visa run i made to Ranong/Myanmar earlier in the year. On the way back to the Samui- Donsak ferry we drove into horrendous rain storms. I could only see a few meters in front so moved into the left lane with my lights and hazzard lights on, doing about 30 klms. traffic was overtaking me, no lights and flat out ! One mini bus, full of farang probably doing their visa run, hurtled past me tailgating another. When i got to Donsak 45 mins later , there they were in the que waiting to board. An English guy just about begged me for a lift, he was too terrified to get back on the mini bus. This is why i would rather drive myself than get on one of those busses. They go down to Sadao on visa runs, there and back same day !! when i go that way, i do an overnight stop, bugger the few extra Bht it might cost me.


It's a bit arrogant for a handful of foreigners to preach down to our Thai hosts and expect them to change their driving habits on our account.

No matter where I go I only ask people to be safe around me :lol: and of course I don't think anyone is expecting them to change their driving habits on an individuals account, but rather they should take the time to consider it on their own account. I know what the odds are tho.

Regarding your last two questions, the numbers horrify me. ;)

Did I ask a question? avatar49.gif

Tony spotted in Ploenchit earlier today.


Me on a Yamaha?!

Perish the thought! :lol:



Well judging by the photos "a good day out was had by all" and the accident ( hardly an accident for sure) made a dull day for the spectators much more exciting, of course all of them left thinking they must drive more responsibly.

Im sorry Thai drivers in the majority are IDIOTS and YES I am generalising and YES about Thais.

There are accidents everywhere in the world, here in the USA we have plenty accidents involving white drivers and I wouldn't say white people are bad drivers. Only the "IDIOTS" think they are better drivers than everybody else.;)

Fair enough, but have you done a "one day" visa run ? They drive like idiots whereas its my guess the drivers of Public Service Vehicles in USA are properly licenced reliable drivers as in other countries like UK & Australia. Men who would not drive drunk or drugged up and if they did, then you can guarantee that the police would soon get them. As the passengers would have someone to whom they could report without the hazard of "tea money"


Two things:

Seat belts


actually you can make that ONE thing "education"

In the USA there are over 40,000 Road Deaths every year, is that down to lack of education too ?

I doubt it, but you are just too smart, as i would hazard a guess that it does play a large part. Of course we are talking of "Driver Education here"


Rest in peace. Horrific accident also in Korat Saturday. Sympathy to the families. In God we trust.

Yes of course, "Sympathy to the families" and to the survivors for the lifelong burden of horror they must endure.

"In God we trust" .. this is about burry your head in the sand, and relieve yourself of responsibility.

With great trepedation I have used those vans between Nakhon Sawan and Bkk. I am horrified by the speeds they fly at, and knew that I would see an accicident soon. An so it has come to pass.


When will the $hit-for-brains 'authorities' do something about it, and the shit-for-brains drivers take heed?

When I am asked how far North of Bkk my village is, I say "Approx 3 hours drive" .. or ... " 2 hours 'pod racing' in the vans". So what price do we pay for saving that hour? Today's news is the answer. But for as long as there is vested interest in speeding, with only the risk of death when something goes horribly wrong, the hazzard will remain. You need to hit Thais where it hurts most in this land of superficial Buddhism, > the wallet. And for the foreigner who speeds > the wallet and the Visa, with expulsion for serious offences and repeated minor offenses. And I mean expulsion with no chance of return.

"In God we trust"? .. no thanks. I'd rather see something real, like tightly controlled speed limits.

Don't agree, it isn't speed that kills.

As for telling the Thai's how to run their affairs, let us not forget that it is us (the ex-pats) that elected to embrace their way of life.

Are the roads dangerous, for sure and I hate to see meaningless loss of life, it is down to everyone to take care...Merry Christmas

Thai apologist insanity.


Well judging by the photos "a good day out was had by all" and the accident ( hardly an accident for sure) made a dull day for the spectators much more exciting, of course all of them left thinking they must drive more responsibly.

Im sorry Thai drivers in the majority are IDIOTS and YES I am generalising and YES about Thais.

You only have to watch them learning to drive a motor vehicle AT lad Prao 30 its is with out a doubt a F......g joke


give me a break. this is daily in every country, including the clean hi-so west. i saw lots of dead stupid people in the US when i was a firefighter. vehicle death happens a lot more in LA every day than it does in all of Thailand. they just don't put dead bodies on the front of USA Today.

This is a straight up lie, unless you really believe such foolishness? More in L.A. than in all of Thailand? Pure unicorns and fairies fantasy.


In the past week here in Chiang Mai I've see...

Yeah, I'm in Chiang Mai now but I'm getting out, and it's because of the drivers. Was originally considering staying here because of the condo glut. Now I see why there is a glut.

It's like everybody here has a death wish. And as a pedestrian, you are at their mercy.

It's odd. I know what traffic is like elsewhere in Thailand but up here in the sticks and even in Roi-Et itself it really is quite civilized, if a little slow. Never had any problems.

Early last year i took a mini bus from Kanchanaburi up to Three Pagoda Pass. The driver was very good and the only complaint i had was the "Bloody chickens in a bag under the seat in front !!


give me a break. this is daily in every country, including the clean hi-so west. i saw lots of dead stupid people in the US when i was a firefighter. vehicle death happens a lot more in LA every day than it does in all of Thailand. they just don't put dead bodies on the front of USA Today.

This is a straight up lie, unless you really believe such foolishness? More in L.A. than in all of Thailand? Pure unicorns and fairies fantasy.

2009, LA county 588 deaths Total US 33,808. Thailand 13,000. Population Thailand 67,764,033. US 307,006,550.


you are absolutely right here. I am driving all kinds of cars and bikes since 30 years too, but BKK I will never drive again, one time on the way from Phuket to Nongkhai was more than enough to learn that all this idiots in one place is worst case szenario. Just a single small accident back in Germany when a girl crached my standing car from behind. 3 small Motobike accidents and a serious Truck accident in Thailand in 12 years time. The one with my Truck was when a Watertruck fully loaded hit me with 60kmh two o clock in the morning in Kata in a road which was just 3m wide.

Dont ask me how many accidents I saw with my own eyes, how many injured people etc. My count on death people caused by traffic accidents here is at 12 people so far. Worst one was a huge 30ton Truck standing with its double wheels on a motobike, between the wheels and the bike was still the dying driver....or you ever saw someone who has his face on his back because the neck was broken? Totally normal in Thailand and I BET every Thai has a dead family member which died on a road here. I BLAME MOST OF THEM TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THAILAND and its education politics....but anyway, just a waste of data and time wasted typing

Thanks Moskito! I can imagine that after a serious accident like yours you will think about never drive again in BKK, but the problem is how to go from one place to another. I mean the option to take a taxi or bus won't be any safer. I rather drive by myself, so I have at least some influence (like keeping distance whenever possible, looking to as much cars in front of me as possible (and not only to the brakelights of the car in front), looking in the mirror whenever braking etc etc. Simple things that are for granted for any rational person).

I believe he said his worst accident was in Kata which is not anywhere near Bangkok... :rolleyes:

Drive safe everyone! It's a jungle out there!


Hi BigBikeBKK,

yes you are correct, but he did wrote: "but BKK I will never drive again", so that is why I wrote what I wrote. ;)

And yes, with 2 kids in the car I will try to drive as safe as possible. In my homecountry I drove a Mazda MX5 (which I miss!), but I don't want to drive a MX5 in BKK. Now I use a Fortuner which is a bit more safe I think. Eventually I will buy a MX5 again as a hobby car.


Terrible tragedy indeed... I always wonder while driving around, with those crazy van drivers and the poor people using the service... r.i.p. and my condolence to the families.

In God we trust...........no way! Life is up to each and every one of us! Nobody else!

That is your personal point of view and you should keep it to yourself, as not only it's offensive for those we DO believe in God, but it's also off topic, mister! <_<


OK - So Here's the story from the Thai language websites

Rather than ranting about what Thais are, what Thai minibus drivers are and the usual garbage that comes from assumptions I thought I'd check out the news on the Thai language news websites - The most popular web forum in Thailand (again a Thai language website) covers the story very well.

The first reports that came from the accident reported that the Honda Civic caused the accident and that there were two people in the Honda - Miss A and Miss B.

The first reports where that Miss A was driving the Honda at the time of the accident.

The later reports stated that no - Miss B was driving the Honda and also included suggestions that the driver of the Minivan was at fault.

When we here that Miss A is 16 years old (not legally allowed to drive a vehicle) and that both Miss A and Miss B are sisters with a very well connected family name we begin to see that it just would not do for these young ladies to be accused, let alone found guilty of road killing.

Meanwhile those accusing the passengers of the Minivan of the heinous crime of being ill educated might like to retract their statement on learning the were for the most part highly educated (a number graduates of overseas universities).

Look for the driver of the minivan being blamed and Miss A/B Na-an old capital of Thailand being let off the hook and easing their consciences with a few days at the local temple..... though they may not stay over night... the poor dears.


OK - So Here's the story from the Thai language websites

Rather than ranting about what Thais are, what Thai minibus drivers are and the usual garbage that comes from assumptions I thought I'd check out the news on the Thai language news websites - The most popular web forum in Thailand (again a Thai language website) covers the story very well.

The first reports that came from the accident reported that the Honda Civic caused the accident and that there were two people in the Honda - Miss A and Miss B.

The first reports where that Miss A was driving the Honda at the time of the accident.

The later reports stated that no - Miss B was driving the Honda and also included suggestions that the driver of the Minivan was at fault.

When we here that Miss A is 16 years old (not legally allowed to drive a vehicle) and that both Miss A and Miss B are sisters with a very well connected family name we begin to see that it just would not do for these young ladies to be accused, let alone found guilty of road killing.

Meanwhile those accusing the passengers of the Minivan of the heinous crime of being ill educated might like to retract their statement on learning the were for the most part highly educated (a number graduates of overseas universities).

Look for the driver of the minivan being blamed and Miss A/B Na-an old capital of Thailand being let off the hook and easing their consciences with a few days at the local temple..... though they may not stay over night... the poor dears.

As mentioned before I know 2 people involved (in the minivan). The story above pretty much adheres to what I heard. The minivan was hit from behind by a car. Minivan driver was unable to control vehicle therefore crashed. There were some Thammasat students on board as Thammasat has a Rangsit campus. However not all were from Thamm.

Without going into too much detail those I knew were well educated people , those that Thailand should be proud of - what a terrible waste of young lives.


Well judging by the photos "a good day out was had by all" and the accident ( hardly an accident for sure) made a dull day for the spectators much more exciting, of course all of them left thinking they must drive more responsibly.

Im sorry Thai drivers in the majority are IDIOTS and YES I am generalising and YES about Thais.

There are accidents everywhere in the world, here in the USA we have plenty accidents involving white drivers and I wouldn't say white people are bad drivers. Only the "IDIOTS" think they are better drivers than everybody else.;)

READ MY LIPS IT AINT AN ACCIDENT :whistling: In amongst Thais I accept therefore according to your reckoning to be the "BIGGEST IDIOT" and happily accept the award.:jap:


Two things:

Seat belts


actually you can make that ONE thing "education"

In the USA there are over 40,000 Road Deaths every year, is that down to lack of education too ?

Some people cannot be educated obviously

America Population 310 million Thailand population approx 60 million

40 deaths per 100000 for Thailand and 14 deaths per 100000 for the U.S but hey keep believing education does nothing hey??

Im waiting for the "I think Thai drivers are skilful" poster to appear :lol:

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