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Thailand Clears Russian Pianist Pletnev Over Molestation Charges

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Anyone who goes to Pattaya has their reputation tarnished to a certain degree (joking) lol - if he was indeed innocent. I am glad he found justice. If he bought his way out, karma will take care of him - case closed.

I can not understand why a person of his standing would want to come to this MEAT MARKET for his yearly vacation,

wouldn't the black see be a more viable destination???

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Good for Mr Pletnev. He must pretty sure that he would win his case when leaving Thailand several times and always come back.

Farangs accused for child abuse happens quite often, where the case is simply extortion. The pianist is famous and properly well off too, so a "good" target for those low life.

I own a small piece of land in Patts. too and I don't live here for the girls but having a very good family life. More and more couples with kids comes to Patts. for holidays, so maybe in 10-15 years times the place will be completely changed, who knows.

wonderful choices in Thailand... why Patt? there are no redeeming features apart from girls - almost everywhere else is better

Changmaifun, we are way off topic here, try search pattaya forum and you find out why MANY expats with famlies choose Patts.


They dropped the charges - so thats it. Anyone who 'owns a small property in Pattaya' is not entirely 'innocent' - it's not for the culture and the beautiful beach is it? sex rules down there that's it - one big brothel

So I guess there are no brothels in Chiang Mai? Funny, I seem to remember quite a few. If you think that looking down on Pattaya makes your "place" better, I suggest you rethink that proposition. What goes on in Pattaya goes on in all of Thailand.


But Pattaya is the only place in Thailand that depends on it completely.

Take them out of Chiang Mai and it would be like removing a pimple.

Take them out of Pattaya and it would be like removing a carbuncle.:D

that was my point - no one chooses to live in Pattaya for the culture or scenery right? of course there are some here - but its like comparing the the Pope to Lucifer

I think you need to look twice, there is no place like Pattaya in the whole of Thailand,I wouldn't live there if you gave it to me free.


Good for Mr Pletnev. He must pretty sure that he would win his case when leaving Thailand several times and always come back.

Farangs accused for child abuse happens quite often, where the case is simply extortion. The pianist is famous and properly well off too, so a "good" target for those low life.

I own a small piece of land in Patts. too and I don't live here for the girls but having a very good family life. More and more couples with kids comes to Patts. for holidays, so maybe in 10-15 years times the place will be completely changed, who knows.

wonderful choices in Thailand... why Patt? there are no redeeming features apart from girls - almost everywhere else is better

Changmaifun, we are way off topic here, try search pattaya forum and you find out why MANY expats with famlies choose Patts.

Very simple: GIRLS


I hope he sues everyone under the sun for defamation under Thai law.

If nothing else, it might get the law repealed, and changed from criminal to civil offence. I don't think you can ever have seen a more clear, public, damage of reputation. They cancelled concerts so, 10 times loss of earnings should suffice.

I agree but am surprised he hasn't!? Why? I certainly would, if not only to further prove my innocence to people like those in page 1 of this forum topic.

Secondly I agree that there are a lot of scammers out there. A guy I know at AUA was accused of raping an (Adult) student but she would drop the charges for 100,000 baht! The girl was taped trying to blackmail him and then charged with extortion. I have heard many similar stories (not quite as serious as this one) so beware and don't assume people are guilty until they are "proven" guilty. You may be next!


Amazing Thailand and amazing T.V. posters...all wanting to hi jack the forum and get down to Pattaya bashing....

I do not claim to know the gory details of the case in question. But you do have to ask? If Pattaya is such a den of debauchery and iniquity why did this very wealthy Russian chose to buy a house there ? For the view of Koh Larn. For the Borsht soup ? For the great family life it offers ? I do not think so.....previous postings about this pianist stated he had "been outed" before but he is very well "connected" and had bought his way out of trouble.

When people start to throw "sh*t" some of it is going to stick.....and no smoke without a fire....

Like all legal matters in Thailand this stinks.....:P



Apparently, multiple news media and historic stories in his native country of Russia reported that Mr Pletnev has been accused of similar crimes over the years.

It was intimated that his position and influence in Russia smothered the 'numerous' occasions and 'well-known fondness' that he had for younger company.'

It may have been TV that I saw these accusations on, I honestly can't recall - does anyone remember said posts or data?

In no way does this make him guilty in this case, but it would certainly go to character and seems strange that none of the previous incidents would be mentioned in recent Thai news reports, if his historic behaviour was relevant?

His innocence is on record in this case, so move on we will. Thai Justice - Believe it or Leave, I guess.



They said he was innocent, so give it a rest. What happens in Pattaya

happens in every village, city, metropolis, state, province, region, country

nation, civilization and un-civilization in the entire world. If you don't like

Thailand then get the %$#& out. If you like Thailand enjoy all it has to

offer and quit the yadda yadda yadda.

I will happen on the Moon Mars Pluto and Venus if and when civilized(?)

man gets there. So cool your jets and let the guy alone to live his life. He's

already been either justly or unjustly hurt just by the accusation. Only the

boy and Pletnev know the truth. Both will be justly affected by whatever it is.


Good for Mr Pletnev. He must pretty sure that he would win his case when leaving Thailand several times and always come back.

Farangs accused for child abuse happens quite often, where the case is simply extortion. The pianist is famous and properly well off too, so a "good" target for those low life.

I own a small piece of land in Patts. too and I don't live here for the girls but having a very good family life. More and more couples with kids comes to Patts. for holidays, so maybe in 10-15 years times the place will be completely changed, who knows.

wonderful choices in Thailand... why Patt? there are no redeeming features apart from girls - almost everywhere else is better

You really have no idea about Pattaya, and I suspect all you notice are things of a sexual nature. Pattaya has way better weather and far superior beaches to Chiangmai. Sure there are lots of ladies here but that is simply true of all of Thailand, and certainly Chiangmai has more than a few too, as well as Pattaya having some ladies from Chiangmai. I can go for weeks here and not encounter what you would call seedy. It really can be a great place to live but as the old saying goes "up to you".


They said he was innocent, so give it a rest. What happens in Pattaya

happens in every village, city, metropolis, state, province, region, country

nation, civilization and un-civilization in the entire world. If you don't like

Thailand then get the %$#& out. If you like Thailand enjoy all it has to

offer and quit the yadda yadda yadda.

I will happen on the Moon Mars Pluto and Venus if and when civilized(?)

man gets there. So cool your jets and let the guy alone to live his life. He's

already been either justly or unjustly hurt just by the accusation. Only the

boy and Pletnev know the truth. Both will be justly affected by whatever it is.


They said he was innocent, so give it a rest. What happens in Pattaya

happens in every village, city, metropolis, state, province, region, country

nation, civilization and un-civilization in the entire world. If you don't like

Thailand then get the %$#& out. If you like Thailand enjoy all it has to

offer and quit the yadda yadda yadda.

I will happen on the Moon Mars Pluto and Venus if and when civilized(?)

man gets there. So cool your jets and let the guy alone to live his life. He's

already been either justly or unjustly hurt just by the accusation. Only the

boy and Pletnev know the truth. Both will be justly affected by whatever it is.


They dropped the charges - so thats it. Anyone who 'owns a small property in Pattaya' is not entirely 'innocent' - it's not for the culture and the beautiful beach is it? sex rules down there that's it - one big brothel

So I guess there are no brothels in Chiang Mai? Funny, I seem to remember quite a few. If you think that looking down on Pattaya makes your "place" better, I suggest you rethink that proposition. What goes on in Pattaya goes on in all of Thailand.

Of course, there are plenty of brothels EVERYWHERE, Thailand or anywhere else you care to mention.. nevertheless, that you 'remember' quite a few in Chiang Mai, obviously from your visit(s) here, hardly turns the first post on its head, regarding its assumption as to what the ex-pats in Pattaya are looking for, does it?!!! (safe to say, I wouldn't hire you as my lawyer!!)



Karma and having several different lives is true. I was talking to a soi dog only the other day and he said that he had been a first class reprobate back in the days when the Thai world revolved around Ayutthaha. Many of the humanoids currently working in Pattaya's bars are rated by some as dogs.

Anybody remember the pop song of yesteryear? "I talk to the trees, that's why they put me away"?

Scientifically though we are a sum of many different parts. Since matter cannot be destroyed but is recycled, parts of you dear reader may have been at some earlier time part of a dinosaur and the water that you drink crapped in by a hippopotamus. Now that I can believe.


did,nt he say he was innocent from the start.some people try too stitch people up in thailand maybe this is the case here.doing this just for the money did not work this time

As I posted on the PREVIOUS thread about this case, at the time there was no actual proof in this matter, just the word of a PIMP of underaged boys, who had been busted and was trying to buy his way out of jail by exposing his "Alleged Clients"

If he was guilty, I would have expected him to not return from one of his many trips, if he faced time in a Thai jail. He believed in his innocence.

That is why the trial was delayed and delayed as nothing was available apart from thev word of his accuser and his 14 year old "Staff".

But as I said before, who am I to know the real truth - lets the courts sort it out, which they have.


You guys are the reason extortions succeed here.

Absolutely... never mind it may have been discovered the accuser was doing a bit of a number on him, the TV Judge/Jury/Executioners will never let it drop.

Problematically of course, there will forever be a stain on his reputation, backed up in huge part by postings here, which are supposed to be free of "hang em high" postings.

The guy from Google got it right when he said the only way to escape the postings on the Internet (not just here, but all over), is to become someone else.

And that is my Considered Opinion


Only complacent hippies believe in Karma. How about Thanon Kittikachorn. He massacred Thai students in the 70s and went on to live to the ripe old age of 94. Karma, likes ghosts, just does not exist.

Anyone who goes to Pattaya has their reputation tarnished to a certain degree (joking) lol - if he was indeed innocent. I am glad he found justice. If he bought his way out, karma will take care of him - case closed.

You should learn more about the world. Actually, hundreds of millions of Hindus and Buddhist believe in karma. Also, reaping one's karma doesn't mean you die early. The karma for stealing or murder is that you are a thief or murderer. It's not that complicated.


Thai police deny paedophile case dropped against Russian pianist

Thai police Wednesday denied Russian news reports that a case against Russian pianist-composer Mikhail Pletnev on charges of child abuse had been dropped.

On Tuesday, the Interfax news agency quoted the Russian National Orchestra as saying there was "no longer is any suspicion" that Pletnev had molested a Thai boy at his home in Pattaya, 100 kilometres south-east of Bangkok.

But Pattaya police said the case was still being processed and might go to court next month.

"Today I submitted the testimony of the alleged victim to the public prosecutor, who is responsible for delivering it to the court," police Lieutenant Theerasak Aebfaeng told the German Press Agency dpa by telephone.//DPA



I do not claim to know the gory details of the case in question....previous postings about this pianist stated he had "been outed" before but he is very well "connected" and had bought his way out of trouble....no smoke without a fire....this stinks....

Better to get a handle on the facts of the case first, then, before making up fanciful scenarios. The previous postings were pure rumour and speculation arising from just one Moscow newspaper which is Russia's equivalent of the National Enquirer. No other media outlet originated any such story!

Of course, the full facts will never come out. But there is enough in the public record to show that the original charges and the high-and-mighty statements from public officials were a whole bundle of lies. These lies were quickly found out and dropped. The police even said they found images of child pornography on this man's computer. They later admitted they had never even searched the computer!

As for buying his way out of trouble, as you state, when a rich man is accused of molesting a 14-year old boy, we all know certain parties can be quickly paid off before the case is even heard of. When such a man pleads innocence, when he goes through a world-wide media lynching in which he is falsely accused of half a dozen horrific crimes, when he spends a vast amount of money to return to Thailand six times to comply with the court rules, when he loses probably hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost income from cancelled concerts, when the case is officially dropped in late September and yet there seems to have been some kind of official media gag on the news as it does not leak out till the beginning of December (to give officials time to concoct their face-saving stories, perhaps?) - yes, indeed there is no smoke without fire. The smoke is the corruption in the system. And yet some people are still so simple-minded they suggest that he bought his way out of trouble? In this case, that is just plain ridiculous!

And when the same 14-year old accuser is known to have worked for a Thai internet cafe owner who not only admitted to having sex with the 14 year old more than 20 times, but has now been arrested twice for running a pedophile ring and an internet child pornography site (the very accusations first levelled at Pletnev) - I agree, the whole episode stinks, bit not for the reasons you quote.


Karma = wishful thinking.

A hope that somebody will actually pay for their bad deeds.

We can't see it. Actually, a lot of the bad guys live long and wealthy lives.

So, to keep up the wishes, we choose to believe that it will happen later, despite no evidence is available for this belief.

The Karma does not just one life, He will bare his fruit later which he started to plant the tree now.

Do you see a tree grown in over night?

Only complacent hippies believe in Karma. How about Thanon Kittikachorn. He massacred Thai students in the 70s and went on to live to the ripe old age of 94. Karma, likes ghosts, just does not exist.

Anyone who goes to Pattaya has their reputation tarnished to a certain degree (joking) lol - if he was indeed innocent. I am glad he found justice. If he bought his way out, karma will take care of him - case closed.


The charges have been dropped.


On what grounds were the charges dropped? Was it from lack of evidence, failure to continue on with the case by the alleged victim, did Pletnev buy his way out, or was he proved innocent?


I think the police must have filed the charges after the filing period lapsed... :lol::lol::lol:


The charges have been dropped.


On what grounds were the charges dropped? Was it from lack of evidence, failure to continue on with the case by the alleged victim, did Pletnev buy his way out, or was he proved innocent?

Has Pletnev been officially proved not guilty and declared innocent on all accounts?

Can he now take legal action against the 14 year old boy and his family for pressing false charges against him?

Even though you have just posted questions, I think your post is abusive.

What is abusive about asking questions? And abusive towards whom? These are all valid curiosities that would have been covered in the news if there were any journalistic standards in this country. These aren't reporters, they're stenographers.


They dropped the charges - so thats it. Anyone who 'owns a small property in Pattaya' is not entirely 'innocent' - it's not for the culture and the beautiful beach is it? sex rules down there that's it - one big brothel

Thats nearly everyone's opinion outside of Pattaya.

I have worked here for a while now and manage to not get involved with "certain" parts of Pattaya.

Working in the business community, I can tell you that there is a HUGE amount of good work and business being done here.

Unlike Chiang Mia where there is virtually no work

And yes I have been to CNX in fact was there for well over 2 years

Just my 10 penneth


The charges have been dropped.


On what grounds were the charges dropped? Was it from lack of evidence, failure to continue on with the case by the alleged victim, did Pletnev buy his way out, or was he proved innocent?

Has Pletnev been officially proved not guilty and declared innocent on all accounts?

Can he now take legal action against the 14 year old boy and his family for pressing false charges against him?

or.... was it to appease the Russians after the Bout extradition? i would guess so.

Maybe he was just plain innocent? Why do you have to read conspiracy into everything? The guy's image and privacy have been destroyed for reasons totally unkown to us, so why create more gossip and innuendo? Hope you don't find yourself in the same position one day.


Anyone who goes to Pattaya has their reputation tarnished to a certain degree (joking) lol - if he was indeed innocent. I am glad he found justice. If he bought his way out, karma will take care of him - case closed.

I can not understand why a person of his standing would want to come to this MEAT MARKET for his yearly vacation,

wouldn't the black see be a more viable destination???

Suppose he just made the choice afterall it is his business. Pattaya not my favourite destination in Thailand but good for a jolly now and then, good seafood and flirting girls.

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