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Poster Of The Month!


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Not much to say, really. Sniff. This is my 200th post. Should have been a very special moment. Sniff. All I ever wanted was... was... a friend. So I joined TV... and no-one likes my posts.

So what if they are generally pompous, self-opinionated and reveal an anally-retentive fixation for getting spelling, punctuation and grammar right. And who cares if they contain dubious facts, outmoded views and unsubstantiated assertions on subjects that no-one has any interest in, anyway?

They were my thoughts. Just mine. It was the best I could do.

I'll get my coat.

(sound of slow footsteps and a gently closing door in the distance).

"WAIT!! errrr...whatever your name is. COME BACK HERE RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!"

(sound of door opening and sprinting footsteps)

"What do you want?" says a tearful TV member.

"Here, you were going to forget to put the milk bottles on the step" says the unforgettable Gazza.


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Not much to say, really. Sniff. This is my 200th post. Should have been a very special moment. Sniff. All I ever wanted was... was... a friend. So I joined TV... and no-one likes my posts.

So what if they are generally pompous, self-opinionated and reveal an anally-retentive fixation for getting spelling, punctuation and grammar right. And who cares if they contain dubious facts, outmoded views and unsubstantiated assertions on subjects that no-one has any interest in, anyway?

They were my thoughts. Just mine. It was the best I could do.

I'll get my coat.

(sound of slow footsteps and a gently closing door in the distance).

"WAIT!! errrr...whatever your name is. COME BACK HERE RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!"

(sound of door opening and sprinting footsteps)

"What do you want?" says a tearful TV member.

"Here, you were going to forget to put the milk bottles on the step" says the unforgettable Gazza.


You can be so hurtful. If you prick me, do I not bleed?

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Wow = scary avatar, much better than the big head

i vote for Buadhai :o

Thanks uncle. The new avatar is my reaction to not being Number One!

Actually I feel that it could be a fair representation of what your lovely little Darling could turn out to be. If you're not careful

Am I right - Cutie morphing to Countess Dracula blood sucking vampire? :D

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There is not one poster who would get my vote. As what many people have said its about everyone. The whole community. Newbies and oldies. Its what makes this forum great and better than others. So to just pick one then its too difficult. Also some of the new members dont know or remember the longer members posts etc. By the way. Where is toastwars? Hes funny! :o

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Well.... Seeing as nobody even mentioned me... I´m off into a corner to cry...

Or... i´ll go and open the BEST BAR IN THE WORLD!!


I love you all... But special mention to my love fest partners...




and a recent arrival


As for Khall.... Well.. Oh Khall... OHHHH!!! KHALL!!!! YES YES YES!!!!

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Well.... Seeing as nobody even mentioned me... I´m off into a corner to cry...

Or... i´ll go and open the BEST BAR IN THE WORLD!!


I love you all... But special mention to my love fest partners...




and a recent arrival


As for Khall.... Well.. Oh Khall... OHHHH!!! KHALL!!!! YES YES YES!!!!

You rang? Geez... I just pop out for a bar of chocolate and my favourite poster turns up. The same one who's been Missing in Action all week, the big Pink Elephant that Tots has been crying about all day.

Kayo, do you want to buy a "We love Kayo" t-shirt? They're on sale in the Bambi Appreciation thread! :D:o

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Well.... Seeing as nobody even mentioned me... I´m off into a corner to cry...

Or... i´ll go and open the BEST BAR IN THE WORLD!!


I love you all... But special mention to my love fest partners...




and a recent arrival


As for Khall.... Well.. Oh Khall... OHHHH!!! KHALL!!!! YES YES YES!!!!

Thankyou, I vote for you too Kayo :D *mwah*

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I still see the guy with the big head. Did you change your avatar?

Me too. I changed it, but the ISP's here in LOS use caching proxy servers that don't get flushed very often. As a result, it can take a long time for you to see a changed avatar. Since the graphic that represents the avatar has the same name as it was before the change, the proxy server thinks it can use the cached version; no need to download the new one.

Sometimes it takes days before the new version shows up....

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I still see the guy with the big head. Did you change your avatar?

Me too. I changed it, but the ISP's here in LOS use caching proxy servers that don't get flushed very often. As a result, it can take a long time for you to see a changed avatar. Since the graphic that represents the avatar has the same name as it was before the change, the proxy server thinks it can use the cached version; no need to download the new one.

Sometimes it takes days before the new version shows up....

I connect using AIS through my mobile phone.

I think your new Avatar is great. :D .

Just hope, for your sake, it is not your wife morphing into your mother-in-law! :o:D !

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There is not one poster who would get my vote. As what many people have said its about everyone. The whole community. Newbies and oldies. Its what makes this forum great and better than others. So to just pick one then its too difficult. Also some of the new members dont know or remember the longer members posts etc. By the way. Where is toastwars? Hes funny! :D

Sounds like another TV devotee who's p!ssed off or saddened at not being mentioned and has to bring it to other members attention via name dropping.

I'll vote for you Jock. Jing Jing. :o


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The Poster of the Month for me is Kan Win for his great photos of many beautiful Thai locations and the polite manner in which he signs off his posts.



And I will drink to that, Cheers :D Old Croc and Thank You :o


And this one is for you :D


Yours truly, :D

Kan Win :D

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Well.... Seeing as nobody even mentioned me... I´m off into a corner to cry...

Or... i´ll go and open the BEST BAR IN THE WORLD!!


I love you all... But special mention to my love fest partners...




and a recent arrival


As for Khall.... Well.. Oh Khall... OHHHH!!! KHALL!!!! YES YES YES!!!!

Since it's almost a NEW month... and he is avidly posting to make up for his most noticeable abscences in the past month ... I would like to nominate KAYO as a potential BEST POSTER OF THE MONTH (Once he gets rid of his permanent hangover!!!)


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The Poster of the Month for me is Kan Win for his great photos of many beautiful Thai locations and the polite manner in which he signs off his posts.



And I will drink to that, Cheers :D Old Croc and Thank You :o


And this one is for you :D


Yours truly, :D

Kan Win :D

I too may cast a vote in the directio of Kan Win, if he would only learn to post photoes via "Add this Attachment".

When replying:

1. Click on the Browse.. button beside "Add this Attachment"

2. Find the picture on your hard disk - click on it

3. Click on Add this Attachment

4. Place the cursur in the edit window at the place where you want the picture to be

5. Click on Add into Post

6. Click on Add Reply

This way a lot of bandwidth is saved and all members see the picture uniformally with the option to enlarge if they want. Like this:


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