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Engorged Prices In Pattaya


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Engorged prices in Pattaya


I'm mad, bad and open very late: The Diamond go-go has turned itself into what the management call a 'BAD' place, that is, the 'Best Ago-go Disco' in Fun Town. I am led to believe the joint now doesn't open until 9:00pm but will keep batting through the night 'until you drop' according to owner Khun Tee. The aim is to compete, on a smaller scale of course, with the likes of the popular Insomnia Club and Marine head-bangers auditoriums. Given that the local government has managed to create a situation where bars 'in the zone' can stay open officially until 4:30am during this high season I am not sure how much added business will accrue to Diamond. Then again, the den has for a long time been popular with a late-night crowd and that's unlikely to change.

More than Soi Disgusting: The Flintstone Sierra Tango boozer (Soi Kow Noi) is just one of a string of similar places designed to relieve the pent-up emotions of the denizens of the Dark Side, and any visitors who care to wander into the eastern reaches of Fun Town. The Flintstone is one of those more brightly lit dine and dash establishments that can be relied upon to have eight or nine exponents of the art of the one-eyed trouser snake handshake. The prices for a lie down do seem over the top with the bar fine at 300 baht and the damsel asking 1,000 baht to reveal her horizontal mattress skills.

A cross between a poetry recital and a madman's breakfast: The popular Offshore beer boozer in Soi X-zyte (off Third Road) will be holding its annual Robbie Burns night on 25 January with the official program starting at 8:30pm.

Tickets for this unique event are limited to 120 people and have been selling faster than you can pronounce 'O wad some Pow'r the gifte gie us' without sounding like you've swallowed a snail with the shell still attached.

The 2011 event promises to be the most impressive ever, celebrating the 252nd birthday of Scotland's most famous poet and the man who brought the world the New Year's eve anthem Auld Lang Syne. The main part of the supper will consist of Haggis, neeps and chappit tatties, which, in English, is Haggis, turnips and potatoes. A Haggis is, according to my dictionary, 'made from sheep's heart, lungs, liver, chopped with oatmeal, suet, onion etc, and boiled in the stomach bag.' What one would call 'an acquired taste.' Turnips are not a vegetable you will find in Thailand and so they will literally be flown in from Scotland.

Although this is a peculiarly Scottish event it is certainly not limited to people whose taste in clothes extends to tartan skirts, and all are welcome to attend. For anyone interested please call mine host, the genial Bob Lawrence, on 089 4011131 or drop in to the Offshore Bar in Soi X-zyte.

Have one on me: A regular patron of the Soi 6 lying-in-for-a-brief-period facilities is of an age where he requires the testicular stimulation afforded by the application of a gel to the genital region. To this knob end he has a regular standing order with a particular pharmacy. The evening following Father's Day he wandered into the said pharmacy and collected his usual prescription, which always comes to 80 baht. The pharmacist peeled off a 20-baht note for the change and then peeled off a second 20-baht note and proffered the 40 baht to him, stating, “Happy Father's Day.” [more…]

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-- Pattaya One 2010-12-30

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"More than Soi Disgusting: The Flintstone Sierra Tango boozer (Soi Kow Noi) is just one of a string of similar places designed to relieve the pent-up emotions of the denizens of the Dark Side, and any visitors who care to wander into the eastern reaches of Fun Town. The Flintstone is one of those more brightly lit dine and dash establishments that can be relied upon to have eight or nine exponents of the art of the one-eyed trouser snake handshake. The prices for a lie down do seem over the top with the bar fine at 300 baht and the damsel asking 1,000 baht to reveal her horizontal mattress skills."

Would love to comment on this but TV rules don't allow me I understand????

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Forgive my ignorance since I don't use the stuff but I thought you ate the gel. Is it topical too?

It seems to be very topical on Thai Visa

I am no longer an active journalist but if I was writing the story I would have looked into the rather astounding fact that there is such a thing as a topical gel that creates an altered state of tumescence.

Quote from Pattaya One, “application of a gel to the genital region.” This is a revolutionary statement. At least to me it is revolutionary.

You would think someone on Thai Visa would know. I guess not. Or maybe everyone knows and I am outside of the loop.

I don't know.

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Forgive my ignorance since I don't use the stuff but I thought you ate the gel. Is it topical too?

No. You swallow it.

Happy to see topics of this nature on the forum! Never noticed this sub forum before! :thumbsup:

Wait, I take that back. Since posting the above I have read this newspaper and it makes me sick in my stomach. For example, this is how they report on a case of child sexual abuse.

See if anyone can read this without feeling sick at the inappropriately jovial language.


Edited by CheGuava
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See if anyone can read this without feeling sick at the inappropriately jovial language.

I feel the language used is more ironic than jovial.

The mother should get her share of the blame (and a sentence) too.

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