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Bangkok Tollway Tragedy: What Went Wrong?

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The recreation of the accident show on TV shows the car hitting the left back side of the van causing it to spin and hit the guardrail. It does not show the car tailgating but maybe speeding.

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The sedan has red paint on its side, suggesting that a third vehicle was involved in the accident.

The mystery car in the Paris tunnel spin?

What went wrong?

How about bad parenting?

How could that be her father is a policeman


The Thai made carframe is noting only tinn metal compare to export cars, Thailans should implement driving light in day time as a safety measure rest of modern the world drivers do

It is a weird fact that motor bikes with lights on all the time, Thai busses do it, but others, Nup


No License.

Underage driving.

At the scene of an accident. (probable cause)

Not arrested.

Something doesn't add up.

Not the way the law works here or for that matter even in a place like the US where the minor would simply be turned over to the parents until the investigation was completed and even if charges were levied against her she would likely not be incarcerated at that point either. Even if it was an adult in the same situation here in Thailand I don't believe the driver would be in jail at this point.

You can't really compare Thailand to the US in terms of law, here there is hardly any rule of law.


I know this is not the case here, but there is an old joke in the Filipines:

I want to dies peacefully in my sleep, just like my father.

Not screaming in fear like his passengers.


Only a day or so later and things are already disappearing into the fog of LOS. Can't imagine it'll be visible at all several months and years down the road.



Thailand doesn't have the guys who come in and reconstruct the accident from the tyre screech marks and all that? How are the circumstances still being debated?

Accident Reconstruction. Lawyers looking to bring a claim, or police fatal crash investigators will often need to employ experts to reconstruct the scene of the accident. Experts will try to determine the most probable scenario that led to the accident. Operator or operational factors are the major cause of 90% of auto accidents. Information including statements, photos, skid marks, road way factors, laws of physics are used to analyse the dynamics of the collision. The most important evidence will be physical evidence in the form of photos and measurements of the scene often taken by police investigators at the scene in fatal and catastrophic injury cases. A diagram can be constructed showing the impact and rest positions.

Where is Dexter when you need him...


Thailand doesn't have the guys who come in and reconstruct the accident from the tyre screech marks and all that? How are the circumstances still being debated?

Accident Reconstruction. Lawyers looking to bring a claim, or police fatal crash investigators will often need to employ experts to reconstruct the scene of the accident. Experts will try to determine the most probable scenario that led to the accident. Operator or operational factors are the major cause of 90% of auto accidents. Information including statements, photos, skid marks, road way factors, laws of physics are used to analyse the dynamics of the collision. The most important evidence will be physical evidence in the form of photos and measurements of the scene often taken by police investigators at the scene in fatal and catastrophic injury cases. A diagram can be constructed showing the impact and rest positions.

Where is Dexter when you need him...

I saw the reconstruction team on TV last night, before they aired the video as to how they felt the accident happened. They had initials on their vests I cant' remember exactly, identified them as such, taking measurements and looking at the damage of both vechiles, but they were the accident restructuring team.


Asiawatcher -

On the other thread, a Thai student who often catches this minibus, and who is a friend of one of the victims stated that (I am paraphrasing), "the woman driver is a good, careful and courteous driver... not the type to drive eratically...

As I posted in the other thread, I have no problem with Pear and her family being held accountable to the extreme for unlicenced driving... but saying that her underage driving is the reason for the crash misses the point...

She was probably driving just like most every other driver in Thailand... too close, too fast, without due care... That is what she should be held accountable for, not simply being unlicenced... I dare say if she was a year older and had passed her test, everything else being the same, the crash would still have happened...

Making her lack of licence the reason for the crash just helps perpetuate the poor driving habits in Thailand... Drive as fast, as close, and carelessly as you like... just make sure you have a piece of paper in your wallet...



Yes, that test doesn't test anything except your ability to parallel park (which at least half the 'students' have no idea how to do - the results are hilarious) and to use turn turn signals. It is common to see whole families arrive at the test centre just to watch the daughter bomb out on her test because she doesn't know the most basic skills. It didn't occur to daddy to take out a couple of hours and teach her at least how to turn and how to park?


I just renewed my licences and watched a 50 minute film which had NOTHING on driving after drinking, speeding or tailgating. Complete joke. Let the flaming begin but many of these accidents are caused by the drivers not having the intelligence to safely operate a motor vehicle.


I just renewed my licences and watched a 50 minute film which had NOTHING on driving after drinking, speeding or tailgating. Complete joke. Let the flaming begin but many of these accidents are caused by the drivers not having the intelligence to safely operate a motor vehicle.

... and how would a 16 y/o cope with that when not even allowed to drive?


I just renewed my licences and watched a 50 minute film which had NOTHING on driving after drinking, speeding or tailgating. Complete joke. Let the flaming begin but many of these accidents are caused by the drivers not having the intelligence to safely operate a motor vehicle.

Curious ,,, what did the film contain?


I just renewed my licences and watched a 50 minute film which had NOTHING on driving after drinking, speeding or tailgating. Complete joke. Let the flaming begin but many of these accidents are caused by the drivers not having the intelligence to safely operate a motor vehicle.

Curious ,,, what did the film contain?

probably sponsoring ads from red label.


The recreation of the accident show on TV shows the car hitting the left back side of the van causing it to spin and hit the guardrail. It does not show the car tailgating but maybe speeding.

You got it – TAILGATING while Thai drivers do not frequent enough consult their rear view mirrors (3) while the inside one most times is totally useless through all the shit such as dolls, cushions, pillows and whatever else garbage Thais pile on the tray in front of the rear window. Road law prohibit obstructing the rear view. Ever seen a Thai Highway Police stop a vehicle with all that garbage blocking the rear view? I bet you have never seen one.

To make a vehicle in front spin does not require much impact at Hiway speed a small tap and the ass end of the vehicle being given a tap start the begin of a spin unless the driver of the spinning vehicle is a proficient race car driver, and even they at times loose control of their vehicle and land up death.

In all my long life on mother earth I have come across only one ethnic Thai race car driver driving international circuits. He name RIP was Prince Bera (of the Thai Royal Family line) he lived in England, he drove a royal blue, if I remember correctly a Massarati. I personal did meet him in New Zealand while I was attending college there 1951-54. Thailand does not produce international racing drivers like England, Holland, Germany, Argentina, Italy, US. Thailand doesn’t even have a race car drivers training school. All the average Thai knows about vehicle driving is, pump the accelerator pedal and hit the brake pedal in continues succession, this is a left over from their forefathers driving pedal cabs.


I too doubt she was 16, I assume that was what her quick thinking lawyer told her to say.

If 18 she is facing a jail term, at 16 its a 400 baht fine for no licence.

At the same time this accident was happening i was being questioned at a road block on Lad Phrao Road by 20 policemen. The crime i had committed? Driving a new car at night with Red number plates. I was in a line of about 10 other criminals who had also bought new cars recently and were having to line the pockets of the police with cash.

I did not take to this kindly and questioned them as to why i could not drive at night, they replied that maybe someone could steal my car because its new... I asked if Thai crooks didn't work in the day time to which they smiled!! I then asked at what time i could start driving again...none of them knew so i asked where they had done their training...they told me to calm down. At this point i smiled' called the top cop a "C**t" to which he said "thank you" and left. 500 baht down...

If some of these so called policemen had been doing their job and had been patrolling the expressway then maybe 9 more people would be celebrating the New Year tomorrow night....

I just renewed my licences and watched a 50 minute film which had NOTHING on driving after drinking, speeding or tailgating. Complete joke. Let the flaming begin but many of these accidents are caused by the drivers not having the intelligence to safely operate a motor vehicle.

... and how would a 16 y/o cope with that when not even allowed to drive?


I too doubt she was 16, I assume that was what her quick thinking lawyer told her to say.

If 18 she is facing a jail term, at 16 its a 400 baht fine for no licence.

At the same time this accident was happening i was being questioned at a road block on Lad Phrao Road by 20 policemen. The crime i had committed? Driving a new car at night with Red number plates. I was in a line of about 10 other criminals who had also bought new cars recently and were having to line the pockets of the police with cash.

I did not take to this kindly and questioned them as to why i could not drive at night, they replied that maybe someone could steal my car because its new... I asked if Thai crooks didn't work in the day time to which they smiled!! I then asked at what time i could start driving again...none of them knew so i asked where they had done their training...they told me to calm down. At this point i smiled' called the top cop a "C**t" to which he said "thank you" and left. 500 baht down...

If some of these so called policemen had been doing their job and had been patrolling the expressway then maybe 9 more people would be celebrating the New Year tomorrow night....

I just renewed my licences and watched a 50 minute film which had NOTHING on driving after drinking, speeding or tailgating. Complete joke. Let the flaming begin but many of these accidents are caused by the drivers not having the intelligence to safely operate a motor vehicle.

... and how would a 16 y/o cope with that when not even allowed to drive?

It is not a good idea to call the top cop a C**t. He may be educated, and if so, may not take it lightly.


I too doubt she was 16, I assume that was what her quick thinking lawyer told her to say.

If 18 she is facing a jail term, at 16 its a 400 baht fine for no licence.

At the same time this accident was happening i was being questioned at a road block on Lad Phrao Road by 20 policemen. The crime i had committed? Driving a new car at night with Red number plates. I was in a line of about 10 other criminals who had also bought new cars recently and were having to line the pockets of the police with cash.

I did not take to this kindly and questioned them as to why i could not drive at night, they replied that maybe someone could steal my car because its new... I asked if Thai crooks didn't work in the day time to which they smiled!! I then asked at what time i could start driving again...none of them knew so i asked where they had done their training...they told me to calm down. At this point i smiled' called the top cop a "C**t" to which he said "thank you" and left. 500 baht down...

If some of these so called policemen had been doing their job and had been patrolling the expressway then maybe 9 more people would be celebrating the New Year tomorrow night....

Had you and the other Red Plated vehicles not been braking the law maybe they would have had the availability to be elsewhere and going after other people.


I story is so far as far as I can see is that the 16 year old's father isn't just a military man.. he has a big name.. big names in the military control the press.. so the press hasn't been too hot on continuing to involve a big name 16 year old in such a big story.. the problem for Thailand's ruling corrupt elite is the likes of Facebook. The yellows can control the media, but they can't control the internet .. although they do try.... so Thais are talking about this on Facebook and similar sites and questions are being asked. It would be nice if Aphisit was cornered right through the judicial process (same with the Mercedes bus stop moron).. but in this non functioning democracy, this seems unlikely.


So you are saying that TPBS is lying?

Possible, as it used to belong to Thaksin. Remember the old name? ITV?

TPBS is a state agency, wholly owned and controlled by the state (the government) after ITV's concession was repealed in 2008. Who used to own and operate it is irrelevant.


Been here nearly 30 years and can tell when a cop is educated..believe me they are few and far betwen

I too doubt she was 16, I assume that was what her quick thinking lawyer told her to say.

If 18 she is facing a jail term, at 16 its a 400 baht fine for no licence.

At the same time this accident was happening i was being questioned at a road block on Lad Phrao Road by 20 policemen. The crime i had committed? Driving a new car at night with Red number plates. I was in a line of about 10 other criminals who had also bought new cars recently and were having to line the pockets of the police with cash.

I did not take to this kindly and questioned them as to why i could not drive at night, they replied that maybe someone could steal my car because its new... I asked if Thai crooks didn't work in the day time to which they smiled!! I then asked at what time i could start driving again...none of them knew so i asked where they had done their training...they told me to calm down. At this point i smiled' called the top cop a "C**t" to which he said "thank you" and left. 500 baht down...

If some of these so called policemen had been doing their job and had been patrolling the expressway then maybe 9 more people would be celebrating the New Year tomorrow night....

I just renewed my licences and watched a 50 minute film which had NOTHING on driving after drinking, speeding or tailgating. Complete joke. Let the flaming begin but many of these accidents are caused by the drivers not having the intelligence to safely operate a motor vehicle.

... and how would a 16 y/o cope with that when not even allowed to drive?

It is not a good idea to call the top cop a C**t. He may be educated, and if so, may not take it lightly.


Nisa, sounds like youv'e just got off the "ex-pat wives" boat...The police here will never go after real criminals if they have the option of lining their pockets... That is why the accident rate is so high here... no enforcement of laws that actually mean anything..You will get it one day i am sure :)

Had you and the other Red Plated vehicles not been braking the law maybe they would have had the availability to be elsewhere and going after other people.


According to one of the four passengers who survived: He was sitting in the second row of the van in the seat closest to the door (if you are familiar with the Thammasat vans, it is the seat that can be folded up so that the other passengers can move to their seats in the back). He said that the van driver was driving normal (not swerving and driving straight and even smiled to him when he entered the van). When the accident occured, he initially felt a crash into the back of the van. Then he remembers spinning and says that he thinks he fell out before the van crashed into the wall. He was lying on the tollway in pain and yelling for help and water. He remembers looking over and he saw a girl outside of a white car and using her cellphone (at the time, he didn't know that she was the girl that caused the accident) . She was on her phone while he was on the ground yelling in pain for water and help. She did not provide any assistance to the injured. He finally got help when rescue help came.

What you can't see from the camera is that the accident occurred approximately 100-150 meters from the Kasetsart exit.

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