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Traffic Accident Pattaya North / 3Rd Road


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I don't think that's what Danlo is saying. Sure the police will target farangs for petty fines, not unsurprisingly as they have more money, although in Pattaya I've seen just as many Thais pulled over. Danlo is thankfully adding some sensible comment on the ridiculous myth that 'farangs are blamed for every accident' because they're in Thailand and if they weren't the accident wouldn't have happened.

I agree the police usually investigate accidents with more professionalism. You seem to indicate it is OK for the police to target and fine farangs for petty offences because they have more money? You should see more Thais pulled over, there are a lot more of them in porportion to the farang population? With those values what is stopping them from finding a farang at fault for a minor motor vehicle accident because it is a poor Thai who could not pay anyway? (or knows a friend, or from the same village) I disagree with your philosophy completely. That is why farangs often pay 400 percent more to enter a national park. Thailand has had a slip in tourist numbers from what is see and it isn't just the high baht rate (or low sterling, Euro or dollar). Some things just aren't right.

Edited by gerry53
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I have been driving in Pattaya for 11 years. I try to avoid collisions but don't

particularly go out of my way if the other party does something incredibly

stupid. I have first class insurance and as long as I don't kill anybody I don't

foresee any problem. I must have been in at least two dozen accidents in

the last 11 years. Nothing serious. I think twice it was really my fault and

my insurance did pay up. Every other incident, I immediately call the cops

and lets them sort things out.

The key is to keep composure and be polite, regardless how loud and rude. When the cops are done, 95% of the time the thai comes over and appoligizes ...

The BiB are not stupid. I always immediately call my insurance, they send

some representative over with minutes. He is always with me at the police

station. I can not stress enough to keep your composure and to be polite,

regardless how things might look.

Not a single time did I have a bad experience.



Edited by Rimmer
racial flame
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You need to anticipate everything, but you also need speed for Sukkie.

You don't need speed for Sukkie you just need to be careful. Sports bike owners are always trying to justify their need for speed.

That's a sweeping statement...i'll be the first to say that driving slow is just as enjoyable as driving fast....but when you drive slow on Sukkie everybody is passing you and cutting you up. If you can stay ahead of the traffic then you only have to keep your eyes peeled for cars turning etc....but statistics show that if you have 1 motorcycle accident, then you are more than 4 times more likely to have more accidents..(i read that in a poll of bikers in MCN.) So in other words if you are good with your eyes and observe the traffic flow then you should not have an accident and if you do have one then the chances are you will have more than one.

The statement was no more sweeping than yours.

I don't find sticking in the left hand lane at 60km/h a problem. There's plenty of space (and other slow movers) there.

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You need to anticipate everything, but you also need speed for Sukkie.

You don't need speed for Sukkie you just need to be careful. Sports bike owners are always trying to justify their need for speed.

That's a sweeping statement...i'll be the first to say that driving slow is just as enjoyable as driving fast....but when you drive slow on Sukkie everybody is passing you and cutting you up. If you can stay ahead of the traffic then you only have to keep your eyes peeled for cars turning etc....but statistics show that if you have 1 motorcycle accident, then you are more than 4 times more likely to have more accidents..(i read that in a poll of bikers in MCN.) So in other words if you are good with your eyes and observe the traffic flow then you should not have an accident and if you do have one then the chances are you will have more than one.

The statement was no more sweeping than yours.

I don't find sticking in the left hand lane at 60km/h a problem. There's plenty of space (and other slow movers) there.

What are you driving...Streethawk?

Driving slow on a nice quiet road = Awesome

Driving slow on Sukhumvit during rush hour = fuc_k that

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It's not the fact that it whas a falang driver.....

the fact is it whas a car....

motobike/car exident 99% is always the car's fault...........even it is not the car's fault

Please explain why it was that over the recent holidays 78% of accidents involved motor cycles.

I used to be annoyed when pulling up at traffic lights after not trying to be tail end Charlie in a procession across a junction, when the open road in front of me gradually became chock a block with motor bikes. Then I realised that they were a form of protection for me, an advanced guard so to speak. Now Mr. Cool in that situation.

Nobody has mentioned it here yet but a good rule after being involved in an accident is to say nothing to anybody until the insurance man arrives. An insurance man that I have a drink with occasionally told me that he always asks if the other driver has a licence and insurance. If not both he submits that there is no case to answer. I don't know if this is true.

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I am still shaking my head over something that I witnessed last week in Carrefour car park. An overweight middle aged Thai lady was trying to back out of a parking space in a Humvee large SUV. She was obviously an inexperienced driver, getting more and more stressed out, and didn't seem to sense where her vehicle started or finished. A queue built up as she blocked up the access/exit corridor. A Thai guy got out of his car to assist her in the absence of one of Thailand's ubiquitous trainee football referees. As she backed down yet again he stood directly behind her presumably so that she could see him in the rear view mirror. She slowly backed out and he backed off until he was hard up against another parked vehicle while still waving her backward. I called to him and motioned him to get out from between the two vehicles but he ignored me. Eventually the lady's vehicle was touching him and he was trapped. I close my eyes and waited for the scream. He then called to her to put full lock on and to slowly move forward. As she wasn't clear yet and was going to take some time I dodged between the cars to another aisle and went on my way after indicating to the guy that I thought that he was out of his mind. They were still maneuvering when I enter the shop building. Having displayed to my satisfaction at least that she exercised less than total control over the vehicle at shuffling pace I wonder how much control she has in traffic at much higher speeds. As for the helpful guy I hope that his insurance is fully paid up. Talk about putting yourself in peril and having a life changing experience!

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  • 1 year later...


Always the foreigner to blame ! a friend of mine had a DRUNK thai fly out in front of him on his motorbike, no chance to stop and bang, the thai losts his legs ( even those the police knew he was drunk ) and my friend had to pay a hefty fine or face prison...

its a sad fact, but in Thailand a one way street doest mean one way, and if you are green ALWAYS check, as thais do have a habbit of jumping red lights

Yes, I do not condone the attempts to put the blame on the farang, but I would like to know if the Thai motorcyclist passed the lights just after they turned red and whether the farang driver put his foot down the second his light turned green.

If so, he should know that this is a dangerous thing to do as there are always a few vehicles that will pass a junction after the lights have changed to red.

If you drive in Thailand, you should be aware of the way Thais drive and be prepared to react accordingly. It matters little if you are obeying the law but an 'avoidable' accident occurs. Who knows? - next time it may be the farang lying in the middle of the road and it will be cold comfort that he was simply following the Thai traffic regulations.

In the process of finding out just how Thai Police and Thai people react to a traffic accident. I have to tell you it really angers me to know end now to hear you tell falangs they should be careful. However, I know you are right to some degree.

I'm driving down the road when out of know where I see a vehicle pull up in front of me. His vehicle is across at least two lanes. I turn to avoid him them he slams on his break because of on coming traffic stopped him from completing a U-turn. I slammed into him on the back corner making it look like almost a total rearend.

I won't go into to much detail but the long in short of it was...I sat in my car for several minutes picking up things off the floor then calling my insurance and my wife. This took several minutes allowing a huge crowed of onlookers most Thai Taxi drivers. Once out of my truck this mob came over screaming YOU PAY! YOU PAY!. Seeing this almost at the verge of running thinking they were going to attack me, still wondering where the hell this guy came from because there was no one in my lane for miles, virtually an empty road. After gaining my composure I walked around took pictures and then went to find witnesses while all the Thai's starred at me and laughed at me while others giving me the evil eye Like the Taxi leader and the Driver. I ended up across the street where I found several people to my amazement said....it wasn't your it wasn't your fault that idiot drove through the u turn and when he saw the oncoming traffic quickly made an irratic u turn to get back on his side....I myself didn't see this" No I wasn't on the phone". When I argued with my witnesses that know he came from the left...they said no he came from oncoming side made fast uturn on your side then you hit him....still confused I left it at that. 1 hour later insurance man show up, then police, Then they towed my truck costing me 3,500 baht by police when I have full coverage insurance. Police took my truck my drivers license and told me to wait at office. Accident happened at 1pm....2 hours go by and my witnesses start to leave, 3 hours later while waiting at police box, officer in charges shows up wouldn't say anything to me. Took Thai man and side kicks inside office for over an hour. Officer then comes out and leaves, Thai's leave behind him. Officer comes back 1/2 hr later but not the Thai's. Officer walks past me...doesn't say anything. Never spoke to me except " Wife coming?". Two officers called the Thai man a liar because he said he was in the right lane the whole time...and was driving slowly until he got to u turn that he wanted to make. The officer used two Taxi motor bike operators as witnesses both were sitting more than a city block away. Officer said he have two people say my fault. Not only was there not any debris in the far right hand lane, but his vehicle was turned around facing the direction of oncoming cars still in right lane with no debris. All debree in far second lane and third lane showing I drove to those lanes to avoid hitting him with debris. Now after 8 hours or more at police box, while the Thai boy was allowed to leave and bring reinforcement, I was told to stay for almost 8 hours. Then after police drove by himself to find another witness for Thai man, officer told my agent to tell me to go home come back next week if I have witness can bring him next week??????? I told my agent I have witness I had over 10 who waited for over two hours and saw him drive into oncoming traffic then tried to correct himself by u turning to make it back to the otherside. To no avail the officer sent me home told my agent if I have witness bring them next week. Mean while he keeps my truck and prevents it from getting fixed. And again they towed it for 3500 baht? The reason he is making wait most likely is he wants me to say never mind...If I do...that boy is going to sue me for back injuries neck injuries...and most of all getting away with changing the flow of traffic and endangering lives. Worst of all he will not learn his lesson and eventually kill someone from his bad driving habits. Worst of all Two other police officers blamed the Thai boy telling him it's no possible for me to o hit him in the right lane because there isn't any debree at all there, None. So I am sorry if your comment strikes me a bit on the soar side because you should be directing your comments to the people who are responsible for making the laws and enforcing them not to the Falangs who keep getting blamed for trying to obey the laws then rewarded with big fines and outragous screaming Thai's saying PAY ME! PAY ME! as if the person that screams the loudest with the most amount of Thai Taxi drivers is the winner

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Once a Thai woman backed into my car while I was driving in the carpark in Foodland. She was held to blame (after I chased her inside).

In another incident, my car was hit while I was driving by a Thai driver overtaking illegally. He was held to blame.

I always hear these stories about Farangs completely in the right being blamed. Has anyone experienced this FIRST HAND?

I suppose to balance things, people should also chime in FIRST HAND experiences of being in the right and *not* being blamed.

A Thai cut across me to turn right on Sukhumvit. An outrageous piece of stupidity and I hit his back end, as he cut across me. The people in the car tried to make me pay (?!), then tried to call it quits, but I insisted they pay for my damage, and they flatly refused.

So I called the police thinking "F. you", and sure enough they began to worry when i did so. The police came, thoroughly professionally weighed up the incident, the road and the damage, listened to them. listened to me (well, I speak no Thai but I drew a diagram anyway) and he took us all to the cop shop, where he fined them for dangerous driving, handed me their insurance details and his business card in case there was any problem with their insurance!

Superb service at Soi 9.

Another time in the North of Thailand a tractor reversed into me. The driver ran away (Burmese illegal I think). I knew no-one in that town, and still went to the police. They found the owner of the tractor, and made him pay me 20,000 baht for the damage.

So my experience of Thai police and traffic incidents is overwhelmingly positive, but maybe I've just been lucky.

Your most likely very lucky or your a volunter working for the better of THailand. I am in a cituation right now that sounds very simular to yours..( go to the other posts at the end to find the whole story ) but the police officer in charge wouldn't even talk to my witnesses. I had two other police officers show why it couldn't of happened the way the Thai guy is making it out to sound"

"rear end" But the police officer in charge seems to be working to make sure he can make it a rear end job. As I said before even though I have full coverage...I am not going to just say ok...mai bin rai. This kid could of cost both of us our lives. It was easy to figure out what he was doing he came into my lane because he didn't want to make a u turn further down so he thought he could make a right turn by going through the u turn ending up on my side....when he saw the oncoming traffic coming that enterfered with him making his right hand turn he tried to u turn back but was stopped by the traffic on the other side forcing me to the out side of the road hitting him on the corner pushing his car around into the lane I was in. His story is that I hit him from behind as he was traveling down the right lane infront of me. The problem to his story is.....there isn't any debris at all not even a pubic hair. I hit right on his tail light and you can see all the debris in the far left middle lane and the far left lane. However, the offiicer in charge is the only officer not willing to look at the evidence involved. He wants to take the two motor cycle taxi drivers as witnesses...This really smells bad..I think this officer is looking for a payout. Why would he talk to the Thai mans witnesses and not to mine. Why would he tell my agent if we have a witness have him come to the police station. When he went to see the other two people that say it was my fault. This is a case where the officer is ignoring the evidence period.

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I have to tell you it really angers me to know (sic) end now to hear you tell falangs they should be careful. However, I know you are right to some degree......

So what would you have me say?

Don't be careful - Just follow the traffic regulations and don't worry about what Thai drivers may do?

Don't be on the look out for motorcyclists doing crazy U-turns, overtaking on the nearside, or just coming out of no-where, or motorcyclists jumping red lights?

Just obey the traffic rules, drive as you would back home and trust in God?

I am sorry for what happened to you, and I myself have been the victim of several accidents that were not my fault - along with one or two that were.

Advising farang drivers to be careful will not prevent them having accidents, but it may help to reduce the number, so I stand 100% behind what I posted (in 2010!!!!)

Drive safely everyone and may the Gods be with you....

Edited by Mobi
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I try to avoid collisions but don't particularly go out of my way if the other party does something incredibly

stupid. I have first class insurance and as long as I don't kill anybody

I don't foresee any problem. I must have been in at least two dozen accidents in the last 11 years.

Jesus! :rolleyes:

I am still shaking my head over something that I witnessed last week in Carrefour car park. An overweight middle aged Thai lady was trying to back out of a parking space in a Humvee large SUV. She was obviously an inexperienced driver, getting more and more stressed out, and didn't seem to sense where her vehicle started or finished. A queue built up as she blocked up the access/exit corridor. A Thai guy got out of his car to assist her in the absence of one of Thailand's ubiquitous trainee football referees. As she backed down yet again he stood directly behind her presumably so that she could see him in the rear view mirror. She slowly backed out and he backed off until he was hard up against another parked vehicle while still waving her backward. I called to him and motioned him to get out from between the two vehicles but he ignored me. Eventually the lady's vehicle was touching him and he was trapped. I close my eyes and waited for the scream. He then called to her to put full lock on and to slowly move forward. As she wasn't clear yet and was going to take some time I dodged between the cars to another aisle and went on my way after indicating to the guy that I thought that he was out of his mind. They were still maneuvering when I enter the shop building. Having displayed to my satisfaction at least that she exercised less than total control over the vehicle at shuffling pace I wonder how much control she has in traffic at much higher speeds. As for the helpful guy I hope that his insurance is fully paid up. Talk about putting yourself in peril and having a life changing experience!

In summary, the Thai person was kind and helpful, you were thinking about yourself only AND giving him crap (gesture) for being helpful.


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The regularity of these incidents reinforces my resolve not to drive in Pattaya or anywhere in Thailand when on holiday. unsure.gif

Unfortunitly for you it doesn't matter if your driving or not...in some cases and expecially in Bangkok...all you have to do is be the passenger. Heaven for bid if you try to be a hero here and help someone or take them to the hospital. Because the hospital will try to charge you.

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A similar thing has happened to me some time back... Had an accident with another moto driver, clearly NOT my fault.

You would not believe how quickly a yelling mob gathered, no idea where they came from all of a sudden. The other driver was so drunk, he could not stand up. That did not matter, the mob blamed ME!

Unbelievable how quickly the ever smiling Thais can turn into a vicous mob in seconds! I ended up giving the injured drunk some money and payed for the repairs of my moto meself.

The incident was a shocker as well as an eye - opener for me regarding the ever - smiling Thais!

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I have "only" had 2 incidents in Thailand. Only one you could really call an accident but luckily nobody was hurt.

In the accident, a young girl on a motorcycle crossed 4 lanes of traffic in a curve with limited visibility. I was also driving a motorcycle, I did not see her until the last minute and crashed into her. We both were driving slowly and luckily the fall was not too bad for either of us, a few skin scratches. My first concern was to make sure there was no personal damage. Then people started to come and blame me (for being in this planet I guess). To avoid trouble and "just because" I accepted to pay 500 Baht for her damages. I didn't feel too bad about this, mostly glad that nobody was really hurt.

The other incident, not really accident, was 100% my fault, I drove my car into a parked car. The staff got the owner and he was extremely gracious about it, I didn't have to pay anything, he didn't ask for insurance details or anything.

Go figure.

So yes, I believe that we all have to drive as if all the other drivers around are there just for the purpose of getting us killed, specially on motorcycles, but then things are the way they are and they are not always that bad (but don't count on it).

And I disagree with Semper about never being the last one on a red light. Unless it is about to turn to black, chances are that if you stop someone behind you will not stop. Agree with never being the first one on the green light.

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I have to tell you it really angers me to know (sic) end now to hear you tell falangs they should be careful. However, I know you are right to some degree......

So what would you have me say?

Don't be careful - Just follow the traffic regulations and don't worry about what Thai drivers may do?

Don't be on the look out for motorcyclists doing crazy U-turns, overtaking on the nearside, or just coming out of no-where, or motorcyclists jumping red lights?

Just obey the traffic rules, drive as you would back home and trust in God?

I am sorry for what happened to you, and I myself have been the victim of several accidents that were not my fault - along with one or two that were.

Advising farang drivers to be careful will not prevent them having accidents, but it may help to reduce the number, so I stand 100% behind what I posted (in 2010!!!!)

Drive safely everyone and may the Gods be with you....

I think you miss understood my post....I said you were right. Basically I said it is painful to listen to a Thai warn us and then I went on to vent my issues. We are constantly on the look out and most of us warn each other. However, now I am in the mist of a dispute in which I am guessing as my insurance agent also told me.... that because the other driver has secondary insurance, they will make me at fault so he doesn't have to pay for his car. At this point I will most likely sell my vehicle,my home for what ever I can get and take my money else where, but I need to leave this country. As a business owner I have also suffered the ax having to pay taxes for every thing and pay to reinstate reciepts...why I have to reinstate a receipt for something is just beyond me if they are 30 days out of so if I am not happy with my bank and I am 3 months into my company the reciept has to be reinstated if I want to move my money. Even though I am angry I said you were right, I was only making a statement and venting at the same time. With that said if your Thai it would be nice if you directed your coments to the people that manage things around here. While sitting in the police box...there was falang after falang that came in to report being a victims of theft, hit and runs, I was actually totally surprised at the network of crime in the area because I really don't venture out at night which when i think it all happens....this is totally wrong...these criminals seem to have a career in working a systemic crime spree here " one day they rip off bags from people while they are swimming...the next day the work gold chains...the picture is becoming more clear....from the petty theft all the way up to fake accidents that are starting to pop up such as the one I m in. The police won't even speak with my witnesses who were right at the accendent. Then the 2 stabbings in Phuket, the two canadians die in PHi PHI. and the young Australian guy that got his head bashed in Phuket, and the officials said it was a motorcycle accident....yet they don't have pictures and all the information is vague. Now the powers at hand want to investigate land purchase and said they are going to start convicting people for it..."Falangs"....so when you get on here and try to tell us we should drive a certian way you should be able to see the irony. Last month accidently I chiped a square cement cover in front of a women s house that they laid over the curb and let all the grass grow over it and I chip a small piece off with my tire because of the way it was sitting, yet the rest of the square cement cover was cracked in every location they put it in the street which is why I hit the small corner with my truck. The women came out of her home screaming you pay you pay they called the police and made me pay for the whole thing. This is rediculas, Falangs are now full fledge walking targets. The good thing is there are sites like this that allow us to vent. I would guess if there wasn't we would see more violence arcross the board.

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... I'm driving down the road when out of know where I see a vehicle pull up in front of me. His vehicle is across at least two lanes. I turn to avoid him them he slams on his break because of on coming traffic stopped him from completing a U-turn. I slammed into him on the back corner making it look like almost a total rearend. ...

To all intents and purposes, it WAS a rear-end and in a civilized country like your own, you know that you would have been charged for driving without caution; the onus is always on the driver of the car doing the rear-ending to be prepared to stop and not just avoid the other car. Regardless of the subsequent discovery that the other guy was initially trying to drive down the street the wrong way, the fact is that instead of slowing down or stopping to completely avoid a collision, you opted for the Thai-style 'shoot the gap' whereupon he stopped suddenly and you nailed him good.

Perhaps if you had a clearer mind and focused on driving rather than dead Canadians, your company tax woes and stabbings in Phuket, you may well have avoided not only rear-ending the pickup, but quite possibly would have seen the perilous state of the lady's kerbing and avoided dinging it with your tire and the subsequent police intervention and being forced to buy her a new ramp.

The worst thing a foreigner here can do is assume ALL the bad habits that Thai drivers have; you aint good enough. The second worst thing is driving in compliance with ALL the laws of the country you hail from; you will only confuse the other drivers. Defensive driving is the only way to mitigate the unique risks of driving here. I can't say that it is guaranteed to provide you a safe passage or even save your life or that of others. But I am pretty sure it will vastly reduce the odds of being involved in a prang through your own fault.

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I have to tell you it really angers me to know (sic) end now to hear you tell falangs they should be careful. However, I know you are right to some degree......

So what would you have me say?

Don't be careful - Just follow the traffic regulations and don't worry about what Thai drivers may do?

Don't be on the look out for motorcyclists doing crazy U-turns, overtaking on the nearside, or just coming out of no-where, or motorcyclists jumping red lights?

Just obey the traffic rules, drive as you would back home and trust in God?

I am sorry for what happened to you, and I myself have been the victim of several accidents that were not my fault - along with one or two that were.

Advising farang drivers to be careful will not prevent them having accidents, but it may help to reduce the number, so I stand 100% behind what I posted (in 2010!!!!)

Drive safely everyone and may the Gods be with you....

I think you miss understood my post....I said you were right. Basically I said it is painful to listen to a Thai warn us and then I went on to vent my issues. We are constantly on the look out and most of us warn each other. However, now I am in the mist of a dispute in which I am guessing as my insurance agent also told me.... that because the other driver has secondary insurance, they will make me at fault so he doesn't have to pay for his car. At this point I will most likely sell my vehicle,my home for what ever I can get and take my money else where, but I need to leave this country. As a business owner I have also suffered the ax having to pay taxes for every thing and pay to reinstate reciepts...why I have to reinstate a receipt for something is just beyond me if they are 30 days out of so if I am not happy with my bank and I am 3 months into my company the reciept has to be reinstated if I want to move my money. Even though I am angry I said you were right, I was only making a statement and venting at the same time. With that said if your Thai it would be nice if you directed your coments to the people that manage things around here. While sitting in the police box...there was falang after falang that came in to report being a victims of theft, hit and runs, I was actually totally surprised at the network of crime in the area because I really don't venture out at night which when i think it all happens....this is totally wrong...these criminals seem to have a career in working a systemic crime spree here " one day they rip off bags from people while they are swimming...the next day the work gold chains...the picture is becoming more clear....from the petty theft all the way up to fake accidents that are starting to pop up such as the one I m in. The police won't even speak with my witnesses who were right at the accendent. Then the 2 stabbings in Phuket, the two canadians die in PHi PHI. and the young Australian guy that got his head bashed in Phuket, and the officials said it was a motorcycle accident....yet they don't have pictures and all the information is vague. Now the powers at hand want to investigate land purchase and said they are going to start convicting people for it..."Falangs"....so when you get on here and try to tell us we should drive a certian way you should be able to see the irony. Last month accidently I chiped a square cement cover in front of a women s house that they laid over the curb and let all the grass grow over it and I chip a small piece off with my tire because of the way it was sitting, yet the rest of the square cement cover was cracked in every location they put it in the street which is why I hit the small corner with my truck. The women came out of her home screaming you pay you pay they called the police and made me pay for the whole thing. This is rediculas, Falangs are now full fledge walking targets. The good thing is there are sites like this that allow us to vent. I would guess if there wasn't we would see more violence arcross the board.

If you have first class insurance or 3rd party insurance you let THEM (agent) deal with it. Other wise they will have to sue you no matter what the police say! Only a judge in a court of law here can order you pay. Otherwise your insurance agent is trying to "put one over on you" if this is the case tell him you will not pay one baht and get a lawyer. No need to go on hours at the police station over your accident, don't give in their BS.

I paid out 500baht for an accident about 10 years ago that was not my fault in which all thai witnesses backed me. However for that small amount it was worth it to close the matter so i could get on with my day.

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. The second worst thing is driving in compliance with ALL the laws of the country you hail from; you will only confuse the other drivers. Defensive driving is the only way to mitigate the unique risks of driving here. I can't say that it is guaranteed to provide you a safe passage or even save your life or that of others. But I am pretty sure it will vastly reduce the odds of being involved in a prang through your own fault.

This is the one. Was going to start a thread on this subject,but you beat me to it.

Just arrived tourist farang ,driving as though back home,oblivious to everything and everything the Thai does,just shakes his head constantly,gives a mouthful to a Thai as he nudges out into traffic flow,shouts at fellow farangs driving on the "wrong" side of the road,utter pricks the lot of 'em, just hope they do have a bang and then a face to face with a Thai,much fun to be had watching

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... I'm driving down the road when out of know where I see a vehicle pull up in front of me. His vehicle is across at least two lanes. I turn to avoid him them he slams on his break because of on coming traffic stopped him from completing a U-turn. I slammed into him on the back corner making it look like almost a total rearend. ...

To all intents and purposes, it WAS a rear-end and in a civilized country like your own, you know that you would have been charged for driving without caution; the onus is always on the driver of the car doing the rear-ending to be prepared to stop and not just avoid the other car. Regardless of the subsequent discovery that the other guy was initially trying to drive down the street the wrong way, the fact is that instead of slowing down or stopping to completely avoid a collision, you opted for the Thai-style 'shoot the gap' whereupon he stopped suddenly and you nailed him good.

Perhaps if you had a clearer mind and focused on driving rather than dead Canadians, your company tax woes and stabbings in Phuket, you may well have avoided not only rear-ending the pickup, but quite possibly would have seen the perilous state of the lady's kerbing and avoided dinging it with your tire and the subsequent police intervention and being forced to buy her a new ramp.

The worst thing a foreigner here can do is assume ALL the bad habits that Thai drivers have; you aint good enough. The second worst thing is driving in compliance with ALL the laws of the country you hail from; you will only confuse the other drivers. Defensive driving is the only way to mitigate the unique risks of driving here. I can't say that it is guaranteed to provide you a safe passage or even save your life or that of others. But I am pretty sure it will vastly reduce the odds of being involved in a prang through your own fault.

No I wouldn't of been at fault, because he changed the flow of traffic and his vehicle was straddled across two lanes, in which I do know and fully understand that this is Thailand a basic rules don't apply here. First of all he shot out from know where, from the left hand side of the road. My witnesses said he tried to pull a uturn starting from the oncoming side of traffic so his vehicle straddle across two lanes in which it happened suddenly allowing me two choices... "first one", hit him in the drivers door. " secound" jerk my truck to the left hitting him on the back right rear side corner of his truck most likely saving him from injury..., just because you hit someone in the rear doesn't make you at fault automatically. For all intense purposes in my country if you change the flow of traffic it is your fault" He came from the far left lane changing the flow of traffic, I wasn't trying to shoot the gap as you would believe. I have been driving here almost everyday working from my car, for eight years except Sunday and Holidays, which this is the first major accident I have been in. The only other accident was a thai breaking my mirror on my truck which he paid for because I had to leave the road as he was trying to pass another car. I have not adapted to Thai style driving standards, but I have taken a more defensive measure like not driving as fast as I can because no one will pull me over. I understand the metholigy of driving is much different here than in my country. Like drivers putting the responsibility on your shoulders in giving them the right away as they merge into traffic from a side street. . Also I think you missed where I said that the first two police that showed up at the scene actually sided with my story. One officer accused the other driver of be a liar because it would be impossible for me to of hit him directly behind in the right lane as all the debriss was in the far middle and left lane, in addition to his truck still being in the right lane facing oncoming traffic.....

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Well after two weeks of the Jomtien police holding my license and my truck and refusing to speak with anyone that actually saw the accident.

They told me I could pay them 500 baht and take the blame then he would release my truck to be repaired. Or the other option would be to allow it to

go to court which would take about two years. I said what about the two police that called him a liar... He said " Where, Where are they?' So the bottome line

is Thai WON.....Your points were well recieved ....thank you corrupt Thailand. Now, I am tired. i will take my money and leave. for sure.

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Here are two links to solve this in good health & safety fashion engineer theproblem out the camera cant lie seem to be inexpensive but ideal for this situation there are more expensive versins available.

if you can afford the big 4 x 4 in thailnd this is a bargain i have already ordered one

i have two cameras in my car with fold down viewing screens, front and back

i have a spare one with night vision but no screen if anyone wants one here and now

4000 in Tuk com, 2000 from me, boxed as new no offers

believe me when i say i enjoy my driving a good deal more now with this protection

It's called false protection......sorry but what I just witnessed was totally beyond belief and while your camera will give you self satisfactions, I will garantee right or wrong it won't make you innocent . He gave me a time to see my witnesses but when I took our witnesses in to see the cop, he went AWOL. Then made an appointment for the next day after screaming at my wife in front of everyone that he never made an appointment with me...then he said he didn't remember making an appointment for this day and left the office for 2 hours while my wife and I waited for him. Then the other side showed up with several young men which looked to be all motorcycle taxi drivers without the vests. My witnesses left in a hurry. CORRUPT TO THE CORE

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Once a Thai woman backed into my car while I was driving in the carpark in Foodland. She was held to blame (after I chased her inside).

In another incident, my car was hit while I was driving by a Thai driver overtaking illegally. He was held to blame.

I always hear these stories about Farangs completely in the right being blamed. Has anyone experienced this FIRST HAND?

I suppose to balance things, people should also chime in FIRST HAND experiences of being in the right and *not* being blamed.

A Thai cut across me to turn right on Sukhumvit. An outrageous piece of stupidity and I hit his back end, as he cut across me. The people in the car tried to make me pay (?!), then tried to call it quits, but I insisted they pay for my damage, and they flatly refused.

So I called the police thinking "F. you", and sure enough they began to worry when i did so. The police came, thoroughly professionally weighed up the incident, the road and the damage, listened to them. listened to me (well, I speak no Thai but I drew a diagram anyway) and he took us all to the cop shop, where he fined them for dangerous driving, handed me their insurance details and his business card in case there was any problem with their insurance!

Superb service at Soi 9.

Another time in the North of Thailand a tractor reversed into me. The driver ran away (Burmese illegal I think). I knew no-one in that town, and still went to the police. They found the owner of the tractor, and made him pay me 20,000 baht for the damage.

So my experience of Thai police and traffic incidents is overwhelmingly positive, but maybe I've just been lucky.

Good to hear a real balanced non one sided story for a change, well said.

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Well after two weeks of the Jomtien police holding my license and my truck and refusing to speak with anyone that actually saw the accident.

They told me I could pay them 500 baht and take the blame then he would release my truck to be repaired. Or the other option would be to allow it to

go to court which would take about two years. I said what about the two police that called him a liar... He said " Where, Where are they?' So the bottome line

is Thai WON.....Your points were well recieved ....thank you corrupt Thailand. Now, I am tired. i will take my money and leave. for sure.

This is why you should have gotten a layer.

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Here are two links to solve this in good health & safety fashion engineer theproblem out the camera cant lie seem to be inexpensive but ideal for this situation there are more expensive versins available.

if you can afford the big 4 x 4 in thailnd this is a bargain i have already ordered one

i have two cameras in my car with fold down viewing screens, front and back

i have a spare one with night vision but no screen if anyone wants one here and now

4000 in Tuk com, 2000 from me, boxed as new no offers

believe me when i say i enjoy my driving a good deal more now with this protection

It's called false protection......sorry but what I just witnessed was totally beyond belief and while your camera will give you self satisfactions, I will garantee right or wrong it won't make you innocent . He gave me a time to see my witnesses but when I took our witnesses in to see the cop, he went AWOL. Then made an appointment for the next day after screaming at my wife in front of everyone that he never made an appointment with me...then he said he didn't remember making an appointment for this day and left the office for 2 hours while my wife and I waited for him. Then the other side showed up with several young men which looked to be all motorcycle taxi drivers without the vests. My witnesses left in a hurry. CORRUPT TO THE CORE

This is positively correct, you could have 10 cameras in your car and they could watch all your footage over and over again, won't make any difference, waste of money buying them if you ask me.

Yes you could get a lawyer to fight your corner but expensive and NO guarentee, as already stated "corrupt to the core".

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I don't understand why you are downplaying cameras. In your situation the fact that the police don't want to listen to your witnesses is of course troubling, but any hard evidence is much better than some bystander eyewitnesses which have a story that even you in your first post didn't believe to be the correct description of the situation. I didn't get the idea from your posts that neither you or the eyewitnesses in your side observed what truly and definately happened without a doubt and that makes your case rather problematic.

In my country the rearender is usually the guilty one and it is also quite usual that a rearending situation involves some strange behaviour from the rearended and that might or might not be an punishable offence which might earn the rearended one a ticket, but most of the guilt even in that case lies with the rearender which pays the bills even when the other driver has some guilt to the situation. It is quite rare that the rearender is declared totally innocent and I don't find from your own description you to be totally innocent either. You should have slowed down significantly if you see somebody making a silly move in front of you and in case of a totally completed 180 degree uturn with an additional stop after observing traffic seems quite long time for you to see this silly move and slow down to stop avoiding to hit him.

I think that even in my country the odds that you would be declared totally innocent in a situation like this would be against you without some really hard evidence to show that you slowed down significantly or either that there simply was no time for you to see this silly uturn and react to it far better than what a couple eyewitnesses could provide when other side has also some eyewitnesses on their side. The situation starts so clearly against you in a rearending accident. What could save the day could be a camera.

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