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Immg Type O Muliple Entry Visa

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If I enter Thailand on a Multiple Entry Type O visa and apply for a one year extension(assuming I meet all the requirements & it is approved).

1. Can I legally apply for a work permit during the life of the approved extension?

2. What ramifications if any does this have on the 3 year requirement for applying for a residency?

Two other questions regarding the 200000 to be lodged in my Thai bank.

1. Can this amount be accumulated over a 1 year period prior to entering Thailand on the Multiple Entry Type O visa?

2. Is the 200000 required to be deposited for each subsequent application for a 1 year extension.

I have used the 200000 figure knowing it rises to 400000 post June 2004 unless it is 'grandfathered"?

All comments and advice would be welcomed.


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You say your getting married? :o Once registered you can apply for a one year extension with 200k in a bank account (can be from any time frame but should be shown as from overseas unless you legally worked here). You can apply for a work permit anytime you find a job that provides for one (you do not have any more rights than others in getting a job if that is your point). The 3 year PR requirement (by current practice) is that only time spent on these one year extensions are counted - so yes the extension is good. You will have to show 200k (or more) each year when you renew visa.

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Lopburi3 thanks for the response.

To clarify-already married(5+years) and not seeking any preferential treatment, just needed to ascertain if I could apply for a work permit whilst on the Type"O"visa, and still remain on that visa for the continuity factor.

Definately returning to LOS to reside in the near future and although not "rockafella" can live comfortably using current incoming funds.

Also last week whilst attending the annual staff bash in Bangkok I was sounded out about teaching "English" at the technical school where I conducted Production Management Training some 20 years ago.

The bash was excellent they had aquired the 5 piece group who apparently played for APEC as a special feature of the entertainment ( the young girl on the violin was outstanding and the young boy who played guitar,flute,piano accordian & flute was a master well beyond his years oops off the subject.

Once again thanks for your input.


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You can definitely extend a Class O (Thai spouse-related) entry permit on the basis of employment - that is my status. Three consecutive years of any non-immigrant entry permit status qualifies you to apply for residency.

Good luck!




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Indo-Siam & Dr Pat Pong thanks for your input.

Opened a bank account earlier this year, for that exact purpose and will build the balance to 200000 to leave as an auditable (credible) trail. (If requirement changes to 400000 will raise the bar to accomodate the requirement).

regards from

Mijan24 :o

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