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Legal Cigarette Buying Age In Thailand To Be Raised To 20: Jurin

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Rather than put pictures on cigarette packets, which is totally pointless since nobody sees them until the cigarettes have actually been purchased, go to each and every school in the country annually and show real pictures of the damage to a human body that can be done. Get some medically trained person to lecture and throw in the personal economics of smoking. I spend around 28k annually for my nipple substitutes. Follow the old Jesuit saying - get them young and you get them for life.

I doubt that getting the monks onboard to spread the message might assist since I suspect that many of them go for a quick drag behind the wat bike sheds.

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The only thing which will stop people from smoking, or smoking as much is cost. Add on some tax, make them too expensive and people will generally reconsider.

I disagree. We smokers truly enjoy smoking, it is a delicious luxury. Higher costs will just mean that our delicious luxury is more expensive.

Another positive benefit of living in Asia is paying much less for our luxury here.


Rather than put pictures on cigarette packets, which is totally pointless since nobody sees them until the cigarettes have actually been purchased, go to each and every school in the country annually and show real pictures of the damage to a human body that can be done. Get some medically trained person to lecture and throw in the personal economics of smoking. I spend around 28k annually for my nipple substitutes. Follow the old Jesuit saying - get them young and you get them for life.

I doubt that getting the monks onboard to spread the message might assist since I suspect that many of them go for a quick drag behind the wat bike sheds.

You are right. On train journeys I often socialise with monks as we congregate between the carriages having a smoke by the doors. :)

As for the pictures on the packs - They are nonsense. Most of those pictures aren't even smokers illnesses. They just pick a really sick looking photo - and even digitally enhance it. The pics are bs.

"nipple substitutes" :lol: yes they are! :D I love nipples and their substitutes too ;)


The only thing which will stop people from smoking, or smoking as much is cost. Add on some tax, make them too expensive and people will generally reconsider.

Strange how that has never worked in the UK - the world's most expensive country for tobacco products.

Don't think about mentioning comparative salaries and stuff, because even those on the dole (or benefits, or social, or whatever you want to call it) still continue smoking - they just switch to a cheaper alternative like hand-rolling tobacco.


All cigarette smoking should be banned worldwide.

Its a drug industry that governments make lots of money from, just as they did from opium at the turn of the century.

Ban The Cancer Sticks, "Thai Government", or Continue With a Very Bad Karma, with Death and Suffering on Your Hands.

Addicts should be sent to government rehabilitation centers.


Cigarettes should be banned from society and be illegal parallel to selling illicit narcotics such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine.

Tobacco smoking can be dated back to approximated 6000 BC. Today it is ubiquitous throughout the World.

The exponential increase in demand attests its highly addictive nature. Till today, some people rest assured that cigarettes are merely a mental addiction, and the "habit" can simply be tossed in the dust bin whenever they please. The media is culpable for this illusory misconception. Movie stars are seen quotidian puffing carefree on a cigarette. This allures many teenagers into thinking they be be lionized if they imitate their favorite actor/actress. In addition, teenagers are peer-pressured into smoking to maintain or achieve a status within their clique. There are an estimated 4000 chemicals compacted in each cigarette you smoke. Allow me to provide only a fraction of a percentage of them:

A. Carcinogens: a chemical that can cause or aggravate cancer.

Approximate 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known to cause cancer.

A1. Benzene: found in gasoline.

A2. Formaldehyde: chemical used to preserve dead bodies.

B. Toxic Metals

B1. Arsenic: Commonly used in rat poison.

B2. Cadmium: Found in batteries.

C. Radioactive Toxic Metals.

C1. Lead 210

C2. Polonium 210

D. Poisons.

D1. Ammonia: Commonly used in cleaning products.

D2. Carbon Monoxide: Present in car exhaust.

D3. Hydrogen Cyanide: used to kill people in gas chambers in WW2 in Germany.

D4. Nicotine: poison used in pesticides and addictive element in cigarettes.

As for second hand smoke, research has shown it contains 250 toxic chemicals, including 50 cancer causing chemicals.

Ostensibly, it is more pernicious than most assume. The makers of these cigarettes have kept the majority of these substances clandestine for a long time. There is no reason cigarettes should be legal anywhere. Greed, corruption, and dishonesty should be the producers motto. The egregious makers should be incarcerated and held culpable for their nefarious acts.



will this actually stop teens buying tabs? i don't think so!


Let's be even more controversial. Ban the internal combustion engine. Let BKK breathe fresh air.

Well said again! I say that when car drivers stop polluting air with obnoxious discharge fumes belching out of their rear ends :bah: then they can criticize smokers .... And only then.


it is a delicious luxury.

Disgusting luxury would be much more accurate. :ermm:

Obviously that's a matter of opinion but ....

There are things that YOU do that millions of people worldwide would say are disgusting -_-<_<


All cigarette smoking should be banned worldwide.

Its a drug industry that governments make lots of money from, just as they did from opium at the turn of the century.

Ban The Cancer Sticks, "Thai Government", or Continue With a Very Bad Karma, with Death and Suffering on Your Hands.

Addicts should be sent to government rehabilitation centers.


Cigarettes should be banned from society and be illegal parallel to selling illicit narcotics such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine.

Tobacco smoking can be dated back to approximated 6000 BC. Today it is ubiquitous throughout the World.

The exponential increase in demand attests its highly addictive nature. Till today, some people rest assured that cigarettes are merely a mental addiction, and the "habit" can simply be tossed in the dust bin whenever they please. The media is culpable for this illusory misconception. Movie stars are seen quotidian puffing carefree on a cigarette. This allures many teenagers into thinking they be be lionized if they imitate their favorite actor/actress. In addition, teenagers are peer-pressured into smoking to maintain or achieve a status within their clique. There are an estimated 4000 chemicals compacted in each cigarette you smoke. Allow me to provide only a fraction of a percentage of them:

A. Carcinogens: a chemical that can cause or aggravate cancer.

Approximate 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known to cause cancer.

A1. Benzene: found in gasoline.

A2. Formaldehyde: chemical used to preserve dead bodies.

B. Toxic Metals

B1. Arsenic: Commonly used in rat poison.

B2. Cadmium: Found in batteries.

C. Radioactive Toxic Metals.

C1. Lead 210

C2. Polonium 210

D. Poisons.

D1. Ammonia: Commonly used in cleaning products.

D2. Carbon Monoxide: Present in car exhaust.

D3. Hydrogen Cyanide: used to kill people in gas chambers in WW2 in Germany.

D4. Nicotine: poison used in pesticides and addictive element in cigarettes.

As for second hand smoke, research has shown it contains 250 toxic chemicals, including 50 cancer causing chemicals.

Ostensibly, it is more pernicious than most assume. The makers of these cigarettes have kept the majority of these substances clandestine for a long time. There is no reason cigarettes should be legal anywhere. Greed, corruption, and dishonesty should be the producers motto. The egregious makers should be incarcerated and held culpable for their nefarious acts.


You are over-analytical and too easily led by all this hype. If you break down the contents of anything consumable you will find ingredients that will make your jaw drop and sound dangerous in theory and on paper.

I've been smoking 33 years since the age of 13. Non-smokers cough more than me and are prone to illnesses more than me. My health is great and I breathe deeply and easily B)

No need to be paranoid and listen to your over-hyped scare mongering


All cigarette smoking should be banned worldwide.

Its a drug industry that governments make lots of money from, just as they did from opium at the turn of the century.

Ban The Cancer Sticks, "Thai Government", or Continue With a Very Bad Karma, with Death and Suffering on Your Hands.

Addicts should be sent to government rehabilitation centers.


Cigarettes should be banned from society and be illegal parallel to selling illicit narcotics such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine.

Tobacco smoking can be dated back to approximated 6000 BC. Today it is ubiquitous throughout the World.

The exponential increase in demand attests its highly addictive nature. Till today, some people rest assured that cigarettes are merely a mental addiction, and the "habit" can simply be tossed in the dust bin whenever they please. The media is culpable for this illusory misconception. Movie stars are seen quotidian puffing carefree on a cigarette. This allures many teenagers into thinking they be be lionized if they imitate their favorite actor/actress. In addition, teenagers are peer-pressured into smoking to maintain or achieve a status within their clique. There are an estimated 4000 chemicals compacted in each cigarette you smoke. Allow me to provide only a fraction of a percentage of them:

A. Carcinogens: a chemical that can cause or aggravate cancer.

Approximate 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known to cause cancer.

A1. Benzene: found in gasoline.

A2. Formaldehyde: chemical used to preserve dead bodies.

B. Toxic Metals

B1. Arsenic: Commonly used in rat poison.

B2. Cadmium: Found in batteries.

C. Radioactive Toxic Metals.

C1. Lead 210

C2. Polonium 210

D. Poisons.

D1. Ammonia: Commonly used in cleaning products.

D2. Carbon Monoxide: Present in car exhaust.

D3. Hydrogen Cyanide: used to kill people in gas chambers in WW2 in Germany.

D4. Nicotine: poison used in pesticides and addictive element in cigarettes.

As for second hand smoke, research has shown it contains 250 toxic chemicals, including 50 cancer causing chemicals.

Ostensibly, it is more pernicious than most assume. The makers of these cigarettes have kept the majority of these substances clandestine for a long time. There is no reason cigarettes should be legal anywhere. Greed, corruption, and dishonesty should be the producers motto. The egregious makers should be incarcerated and held culpable for their nefarious acts.


You are over-analytical and too easily led by all this hype. If you break down the contents of anything consumable you will find ingredients that will make your jaw drop and sound dangerous in theory and on paper.

I've been smoking 33 years since the age of 13. Non-smokers cough more than me and are prone to illnesses more than me. My health is great and I breathe deeply and easily B)

No need to be paranoid and listen to your over-hyped scare mongering

Yea... smokers will always say this, just as heroin addicts will tell you their habit is harmless.


You are over-analytical and too easily led by all this hype. If you break down the contents of anything consumable you will find ingredients that will make your jaw drop and sound dangerous in theory and on paper.

I've been smoking 33 years since the age of 13. Non-smokers cough more than me and are prone to illnesses more than me. My health is great and I breathe deeply and easily B)

No need to be paranoid and listen to your over-hyped scare mongering

Yea... smokers will always say this, just as heroin addicts will tell you their habit is harmless.

Hey Mr scare mongerer you have just proved my point. To compare cigarette smoking to heroin use is ridiculous :lol::cheesy: ................................... :mfr_closed1:


Criminalising the users is never a good idea; neither is criminalising the end-market providers (because if there is sufficient demand SOMEONE will sell). Better to tax, tax, tax the poison and send the extra revenue to health services, as other posters have suggested.


rolleyes.gif Amazing they let 9/10 yr olds ride motor bikes with no skidlids with 3or4 as passengers and let 16/17 year olds drive motors cars but not be allowed to buy smokes untill they are 20.

Like they say.


You've got it wrong.

They have laws saying you can't ride a motorbike until you are 15, you can't drive a car until you are 18 and can't buy smokes until you are 18.

For some reason, because the policing of the laws are non-existent, they have decided to raise the age of buying smokes to 20.

The buying age= we know, the driving age= we know, ............................ what is the law on age for 1-smoking 2-drinking alcohol, minimum age- because buying,is one thing and doing is another. so they smoke and drink before and after school, but not allowed to buy ????

A. Carcinogens: a chemical that can cause or aggravate cancer.

Approximate 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known to cause cancer.

A1. Benzene: found in gasoline.

A2. Formaldehyde: chemical used to preserve dead bodies.

B. Toxic Metals

B1. Arsenic: Commonly used in rat poison.

B2. Cadmium: Found in batteries.

C. Radioactive Toxic Metals.

C1. Lead 210

C2. Polonium 210

D. Poisons.

D1. Ammonia: Commonly used in cleaning products.

D2. Carbon Monoxide: Present in car exhaust.

D3. Hydrogen Cyanide: used to kill people in gas chambers in WW2 in Germany.

D4. Nicotine: poison used in pesticides and addictive element in cigarettes.

As for second hand smoke, research has shown it contains 250 toxic chemicals, including 50 cancer causing chemicals.

That's scary stuff indeed. After reading it I had to light one up just to calm down.

The new paper type will make the cigarette automatically put out if the smokers do not smoke the cigarette for a period of time.

So once you've lit it, you've got to keep sucking on it.

Good move! Come on, kids, keep sucking!

Actually, I thought that was a standard thing in western (at least Australian) cigarettes - partly to reduce the number of house fires caused by people falling asleep while smoking in bed.

You are quite right. Cigarettes in Australia have been using this paper for sometime now, good the lighter companies. Oh but wait Thailand is going to be the 1st country sorry.


Non-smokers cough more than me


That's worrying:

I just recieved 4 email notifications from you. All exactly the same. Why are you a spammer ? Don't spam.

I don't know why you are giving me a youtube video to look at. It's not me in this video and it looks nothing like me. Nothing in common.

This video means nothing to me. I like more interesting videos. You may watch this all day long, everyday, if you so desire. But it's useless to me. No time to watch it. You are just trying to force you negativity upon me - I don't care. I'm old and wise. All is great for me.

ooh it's cigarette time mmmm :D


Non-smokers cough more than me


That's worrying:

I just recieved 4 email notifications from you. All exactly the same. Why are you a spammer ? Don't spam.

I don't know why you are giving me a youtube video to look at. It's not me in this video and it looks nothing like me. Nothing in common.

This video means nothing to me. I like more interesting videos. You may watch this all day long, everyday, if you so desire. But it's useless to me. No time to watch it. You are just trying to force you negativity upon me - I don't care. I'm old and wise. All is great for me.

ooh it's cigarette time mmmm :D .............................................. :mfr_closed1:

A. Carcinogens: a chemical that can cause or aggravate cancer.

Approximate 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known to cause cancer.

A1. Benzene: found in gasoline.

A2. Formaldehyde: chemical used to preserve dead bodies.

B. Toxic Metals

B1. Arsenic: Commonly used in rat poison.

B2. Cadmium: Found in batteries.

C. Radioactive Toxic Metals.

C1. Lead 210

C2. Polonium 210

D. Poisons.

D1. Ammonia: Commonly used in cleaning products.

D2. Carbon Monoxide: Present in car exhaust.

D3. Hydrogen Cyanide: used to kill people in gas chambers in WW2 in Germany.

D4. Nicotine: poison used in pesticides and addictive element in cigarettes.

As for second hand smoke, research has shown it contains 250 toxic chemicals, including 50 cancer causing chemicals.

That's scary stuff indeed. After reading it I had to light one up just to calm down.


The next thing he'll be saying is everybody should stop breathing when a car goes past


All cigarette smoking should be banned worldwide.

Its a drug industry that governments make lots of money from, just as they did from opium at the turn of the century.

Ban The Cancer Sticks, "Thai Government", or Continue With a Very Bad Karma, with Death and Suffering on Your Hands.

Addicts should be sent to government rehabilitation centers.


Cigarettes should be banned from society and be illegal parallel to selling illicit narcotics such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine.

Tobacco smoking can be dated back to approximated 6000 BC. Today it is ubiquitous throughout the World.

The exponential increase in demand attests its highly addictive nature. Till today, some people rest assured that cigarettes are merely a mental addiction, and the "habit" can simply be tossed in the dust bin whenever they please. The media is culpable for this illusory misconception. Movie stars are seen quotidian puffing carefree on a cigarette. This allures many teenagers into thinking they be be lionized if they imitate their favorite actor/actress. In addition, teenagers are peer-pressured into smoking to maintain or achieve a status within their clique. There are an estimated 4000 chemicals compacted in each cigarette you smoke. Allow me to provide only a fraction of a percentage of them:

A. Carcinogens: a chemical that can cause or aggravate cancer.

Approximate 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known to cause cancer.

A1. Benzene: found in gasoline.

A2. Formaldehyde: chemical used to preserve dead bodies.

B. Toxic Metals

B1. Arsenic: Commonly used in rat poison.

B2. Cadmium: Found in batteries.

C. Radioactive Toxic Metals.

C1. Lead 210

C2. Polonium 210

D. Poisons.

D1. Ammonia: Commonly used in cleaning products.

D2. Carbon Monoxide: Present in car exhaust.

D3. Hydrogen Cyanide: used to kill people in gas chambers in WW2 in Germany.

D4. Nicotine: poison used in pesticides and addictive element in cigarettes.

As for second hand smoke, research has shown it contains 250 toxic chemicals, including 50 cancer causing chemicals.

Ostensibly, it is more pernicious than most assume. The makers of these cigarettes have kept the majority of these substances clandestine for a long time. There is no reason cigarettes should be legal anywhere. Greed, corruption, and dishonesty should be the producers motto. The egregious makers should be incarcerated and held culpable for their nefarious acts.



So true and very well said.


The only thing which will stop people from smoking, or smoking as much is cost. Add on some tax, make them too expensive and people will generally reconsider.

I disagree. We smokers truly enjoy smoking, it is a delicious luxury. Higher costs will just mean that our delicious luxury is more expensive.

Another positive benefit of living in Asia is paying much less for our luxury here.

Smoking a luxury! It's a death sentence for the smoker and the people close to them, make the price 300baht or more a pack and many will stop, just because they can't afford to kill themselves anymore, the poor and the smart, will quit and live. the hooked will continue and die before their time.



All cigarette smoking should be banned worldwide.

Its a drug industry that governments make lots of money from, just as they did from opium at the turn of the century.

Ban The Cancer Sticks, "Thai Government", or Continue With a Very Bad Karma, with Death and Suffering on Your Hands.

Addicts should be sent to government rehabilitation centers.


Cigarettes should be banned from society and be illegal parallel to selling illicit narcotics such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine.

Tobacco smoking can be dated back to approximated 6000 BC. Today it is ubiquitous throughout the World.

The exponential increase in demand attests its highly addictive nature. Till today, some people rest assured that cigarettes are merely a mental addiction, and the "habit" can simply be tossed in the dust bin whenever they please. The media is culpable for this illusory misconception. Movie stars are seen quotidian puffing carefree on a cigarette. This allures many teenagers into thinking they be be lionized if they imitate their favorite actor/actress. In addition, teenagers are peer-pressured into smoking to maintain or achieve a status within their clique. There are an estimated 4000 chemicals compacted in each cigarette you smoke. Allow me to provide only a fraction of a percentage of them:

A. Carcinogens: a chemical that can cause or aggravate cancer.

Approximate 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known to cause cancer.

A1. Benzene: found in gasoline.

A2. Formaldehyde: chemical used to preserve dead bodies.

B. Toxic Metals

B1. Arsenic: Commonly used in rat poison.

B2. Cadmium: Found in batteries.

C. Radioactive Toxic Metals.

C1. Lead 210

C2. Polonium 210

D. Poisons.

D1. Ammonia: Commonly used in cleaning products.

D2. Carbon Monoxide: Present in car exhaust.

D3. Hydrogen Cyanide: used to kill people in gas chambers in WW2 in Germany.

D4. Nicotine: poison used in pesticides and addictive element in cigarettes.

As for second hand smoke, research has shown it contains 250 toxic chemicals, including 50 cancer causing chemicals.

Ostensibly, it is more pernicious than most assume. The makers of these cigarettes have kept the majority of these substances clandestine for a long time. There is no reason cigarettes should be legal anywhere. Greed, corruption, and dishonesty should be the producers motto. The egregious makers should be incarcerated and held culpable for their nefarious acts.


You are over-analytical and too easily led by all this hype. If you break down the contents of anything consumable you will find ingredients that will make your jaw drop and sound dangerous in theory and on paper.

I've been smoking 33 years since the age of 13. Non-smokers cough more than me and are prone to illnesses more than me. My health is great and I breathe deeply and easily B)

No need to be paranoid and listen to your over-hyped scare mongering

WOW 46 years old and still have not got the message, I see said the blind man, Yo 600,000 die each year, just on second hand smoke alone, what is it about lung cancer don't you understand?

One favor, it is quite obvious your only going to quit when it quits you, so please don't leave your toxic butts behind for an unknowing baby or wildlife to ingest, become ill or die, also the contaminating of waterways, you see sir, it takes up to 12 years for the toxic cellulose acetate filter, to decompose, leaving dangers behind for the voiceless children, wildlife and waterways.

Thank you for having concerns for others


The only thing which will stop people from smoking, or smoking as much is cost. Add on some tax, make them too expensive and people will generally reconsider.

I disagree. We smokers truly enjoy smoking, it is a delicious luxury. Higher costs will just mean that our delicious luxury is more expensive.

Another positive benefit of living in Asia is paying much less for our luxury here.

Smoking a luxury! It's a death sentence for the smoker and the people close to them, make the price 300baht or more a pack and many will stop, just because they can't afford to kill themselves anymore, the poor and the smart, will quit and live. the hooked will continue and die before their time.


agree with you, I was in the trap in England, now have more sense, cigs there 6 quid a packet, if they put up the price here-big revenue extra monies available for schools and hospitals. The big problem is at the border duty free, Laos/Nong khai. 200 pack is 90 baht, Yes 9 baht a pack. these are vietnam and lao tobacco companies, farrangs and Thai are buying -big time. Whisky the same 25 bht a bottle. Not J/W blue label-or-marlboro. Kill the same.


will this actually stop teens buying tabs? i don't think so!


Let's be even more controversial. Ban the internal combustion engine. Let BKK breathe fresh air.

Well said again! I say that when car drivers stop polluting air with obnoxious discharge fumes belching out of their rear ends :bah: then they can criticize smokers .... And only then.

If all we car users decided to walk or bicycle or ride a buffalo, would you smokers give up your filthy habit? You have got to be joking.


will this actually stop teens buying tabs? i don't think so!


Let's be even more controversial. Ban the internal combustion engine. Let BKK breathe fresh air.

Well said again! I say that when car drivers stop polluting air with obnoxious discharge fumes belching out of their rear ends :bah: then they can criticize smokers .... And only then.

If all we car users decided to walk or bicycle or ride a buffalo, would you smokers give up your filthy habit? You have got to be joking.

Ha Ha, sure got to be joking, sorry coffin nailers, but do agree the shizen turned out by the motor brigade is a big headache. they put oil up--and still the cars are churning it out, cigs prices have rocketed and still dragging away how about banning motors of all types and smokes of all types. people would be very athletic, and slim with the excersise and fresh air. Happy new year from me. Keep breathing thats the main eh!


All cigarette smoking should be banned worldwide.

Its a drug industry that governments make lots of money from, just as they did from opium at the turn of the century.

Ban The Cancer Sticks, "Thai Government", or Continue With a Very Bad Karma, with Death and Suffering on Your Hands.

Addicts should be sent to government rehabilitation centers.


Cigarettes should be banned from society and be illegal parallel to selling illicit narcotics such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine.

Tobacco smoking can be dated back to approximated 6000 BC. Today it is ubiquitous throughout the World.

The exponential increase in demand attests its highly addictive nature. Till today, some people rest assured that cigarettes are merely a mental addiction, and the "habit" can simply be tossed in the dust bin whenever they please. The media is culpable for this illusory misconception. Movie stars are seen quotidian puffing carefree on a cigarette. This allures many teenagers into thinking they be be lionized if they imitate their favorite actor/actress. In addition, teenagers are peer-pressured into smoking to maintain or achieve a status within their clique. There are an estimated 4000 chemicals compacted in each cigarette you smoke. Allow me to provide only a fraction of a percentage of them:

A. Carcinogens: a chemical that can cause or aggravate cancer.

Approximate 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known to cause cancer.

A1. Benzene: found in gasoline.

A2. Formaldehyde: chemical used to preserve dead bodies.

B. Toxic Metals

B1. Arsenic: Commonly used in rat poison.

B2. Cadmium: Found in batteries.

C. Radioactive Toxic Metals.

C1. Lead 210

C2. Polonium 210

D. Poisons.

D1. Ammonia: Commonly used in cleaning products.

D2. Carbon Monoxide: Present in car exhaust.

D3. Hydrogen Cyanide: used to kill people in gas chambers in WW2 in Germany.

D4. Nicotine: poison used in pesticides and addictive element in cigarettes.

As for second hand smoke, research has shown it contains 250 toxic chemicals, including 50 cancer causing chemicals.

Ostensibly, it is more pernicious than most assume. The makers of these cigarettes have kept the majority of these substances clandestine for a long time. There is no reason cigarettes should be legal anywhere. Greed, corruption, and dishonesty should be the producers motto. The egregious makers should be incarcerated and held culpable for their nefarious acts.


I bet you think that Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" is a documentary, too.

"Well, it was in the newspaper, so it must be true..."

So of course, even if you bother to read this you won't believe it, since it won't fit in with your preconceived belief structure.

Zealots are so predictable...

A. Carcinogens: a chemical that can cause or aggravate cancer.

Approximate 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known to cause cancer.

A1. Benzene: found in gasoline.

A2. Formaldehyde: chemical used to preserve dead bodies.

B. Toxic Metals

B1. Arsenic: Commonly used in rat poison.

B2. Cadmium: Found in batteries.

C. Radioactive Toxic Metals.

C1. Lead 210

C2. Polonium 210

D. Poisons.

D1. Ammonia: Commonly used in cleaning products.

D2. Carbon Monoxide: Present in car exhaust.

D3. Hydrogen Cyanide: used to kill people in gas chambers in WW2 in Germany.

D4. Nicotine: poison used in pesticides and addictive element in cigarettes.

As for second hand smoke, research has shown it contains 250 toxic chemicals, including 50 cancer causing chemicals.

That's scary stuff indeed. After reading it I had to light one up just to calm down.


The next thing he'll be saying is everybody should stop breathing when a car goes past

Don't sit there, inhale it and blow smoke rings, take shorter breaths and avoid as much as one can.


When one becomes one, with their body, one knows what to, or not to, put into it, some never get in touch with ones self, and die of, avoidable things, like smoking, to much drinking, unhealthy eating.

Look Jane, look, see spot run, Education, Education, Education.

Up to the person, run blind, throw caution to the wind, die young, think about self and others and the odds are much better of living a longer fuller life, with less regrets and being more a peace with-in.

(Up to the person) just quit leaving your butts behind, that can kill the voiceless, children, wildlife and waterways, then respect for the smoker is elevated and hopefully self.

Many smokers understand the dangers of leaving their poison behind and either carry a travel ashtray or keep their butts to themselves, until they find a proper place to deposit them (Not in storm drains, streets, beach, parks planters toilets) Good choices would be ashtray, dumpsters, dustbin,

garbage cans and the nice thing to do is keep them until one finds the proper place, (Many considerate smokers do)

A damm hard habit to quit, we just ask one to think a little, about others. Thank You


I'm addicted to cigarettes and I suspect it's only a close 2nd behind motorbike taxi accident on the list of things most likely to kill me. Some good stuff in this thread and some amazing fail of course...

Selling cigarettes to those under 20 via vending machines, the Internet or giving them as gifts is also prohibited. Selling tobacco products at a discount will also be prohibited. Under the revised law, cigarette brands will be banned from all kinds of advertising, except for live broadcasts from abroad.

The last bit, which everyone ignored, is huge!

The first bit...legitimate question, say you're in a club or a bar having a smoke. Girl asks for one. I would have to card her? 555

"Minister, the poor are in a state of revolt. They complain that they cannot afford to buy tobacco."

"Let them smoke pot."

Nicely done....

go to each and every school in the country annually and show real pictures of the damage to a human body that can be done.

get them young and you get them for life.

This would solve so many of society's problems, it's almost ridiculous that it's not already commonplace.

Whether it's smoking, drugs, sex education or exposure to the realities of a life of crime....there is nothing that would be more effective dollar-for-dollar than doing circuits of primary and high schools showing kids the horrific realities.

It would be VERY important to be objective and never lie. Kids aren't stupid. Tell them drugs are terrible and no fun whatsoever, and you immediately lose their respect for everything you say. Tell them why people take drugs, be honest and then show them the horrific realities of what can happen.

I would never have smoked in my freaking life had they shown a couple 15 min documentaries. shiver.

Criminalising the users is never a good idea; neither is criminalising the end-market providers (because if there is sufficient demand SOMEONE will sell). Better to tax, tax, tax the poison and send the extra revenue to health preventative educational services, as other posters have suggested.

Perfect but with a tiny change to reflect my opinion. I hope you don't mind, or even agree...


I'm addicted to cigarettes and I suspect it's only a close 2nd behind motorbike taxi accident on the list of things most likely to kill me. Some good stuff in this thread and some amazing fail of course...

Selling cigarettes to those under 20 via vending machines, the Internet or giving them as gifts is also prohibited. Selling tobacco products at a discount will also be prohibited. Under the revised law, cigarette brands will be banned from all kinds of advertising, except for live broadcasts from abroad.

The last bit, which everyone ignored, is huge!


In Australia they banned cigarette advertising, but it took them a while to get it done completely because of overseas sporting events (including the Aus F1 GP).

Basically, they can't control overseas events, so that was given an exemption ... for a while at least.

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