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Western Justice Is Just As Bad


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Quite often you hear on this forum and other places about foriegners getting robbed, attacked, killed, by a Thai, and the Thai gets off lightly or with nothing at all.

Well I just wanted to show an example of the exact same thing happening to a Thai in Canada who was murdered.

The punk weilding the knife got 6 lousy years for following and planning to beat and rob these Thai guys walking down the street. His accomplices each got 2 years for robbery.

He wasnt even convicted of murder but rather manslaughter.

So in a nutshell the way I see it, Mr. Sudsaneh's (the deceased victim) family is far from Canada, dont have any money to put pressure on the prosecution, and could not engage the media to take up there cause as most Canadians would if one of there family members were murdered.

In the end it was an easy day for everybody, the prosecution got there conviction with very little work, the defense get kudos for a very light sentence for their clients, and 2 of these parasites will be out in less than a year and the punk who did the stabbing will be out in three when really what they deserve is 25 in a Bangkok prison.

Everyone wins................at the expense of Mr. Sudsaneh and his extended family who he was supporting with his job in Canada.

There you go Canadian justice at its worst. What a joke!


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Canada is notoriously bad when it comes to our "so called" justice system. Canadian justice is a big joke. I've got too many stories to back up what I say. The RCMP cover up their own crimes, while thieves, murderers and covicted drug pushers walk the streets with little more than a slap on the wrist.

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PEOPLE are not apples or oranges or butter or bread ! CANADA justice system is a disgrace. Before you mouth off on a person that is telling you a fact here in Canada be QUIET !

Chalk and cheese, Maybe?

The UK justice systems not any better than Canada, so it would appear.

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The difference is that in Canada and the UK - based on the above comments - you do not need connections to get off lightly. Unlike Thailand, where without connections or lots of lolly, you will go away for a long time.

The OP's comparisons clearly do not work.

Edited by GarryP
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The difference is that in Canada and the UK - based on the above comments - you do not need connections to get off lightly. Unlike Thailand, where without connections or lots of lolly, you will go away for a long time.

The OP's comparisons clearly do not work.

I think you misunderstand me; I was comparing the UK justice with that of Canada’s, based on the OP’s comments, not the two countries compared with the Thai judicial system. Fact is I think the Thai judicial system is fine……………It’s the corruption, abuse and manipulation that’s the problem.

Water and Oil?

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You are comparing apples to oranges, my friend ;)

Could you expand on that?

Looks like apples to apples to me. Or oranges to oranges, if you'd prefer.

Let's keep sectarianism out of this, shall we?

I don't think any of the posters to date have the background to raise that particular comparison.


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You are comparing apples to oranges, my friend ;)

Could you expand on that?

Refer to GarryP's post, any further explanation is unnecessary or maybe you just haven't lived in Thailand long enough.

A good example would be to take a look at the young lady behind the wheel in all the papers now; how do you think this situation would be handled in Canada? Of course we don't know the final outcome here yet but the way its been handled thus far speaks volumes.

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HEY moonraker your funny! Hope you never have this happen to your family.

What? Receive short custodial sentences?

We should be so lucky...

I am sure if it had happened in Thailand, they would have gone away for a very long time, and for sure that would have brought the deceased back.

Punishing the guilty does no good to the victim, and unless it is an effective deterrent, serves no purpose other than to satisfy the spleen of the morally indignant. It's very old testament.


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A good example would be to take a look at the young lady behind the wheel in all the papers now; how do you think this situation would be handled in Canada?

I'm not a lawyer so don't take take this as legal opinion, but in my experience the outcome would probably be the same. Canadian minors are protected by law as if they were precious gems. Granted, the handling would probably be different, but fact is Canadian minors rarely if ever get more than a slap on the wrist.

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Canada is notoriously bad when it comes to our "so called" justice system. Canadian justice is a big joke. I've got too many stories to back up what I say. The RCMP cover up their own crimes, while thieves, murderers and covicted drug pushers walk the streets with little more than a slap on the wrist.

Indulge me.

Canadian sense of justice.......

Perhaps a story about deserting the ugly canadian wife for 2 thai hookers ?

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Canada is notoriously bad when it comes to our "so called" justice system. Canadian justice is a big joke. I've got too many stories to back up what I say. The RCMP cover up their own crimes, while thieves, murderers and covicted drug pushers walk the streets with little more than a slap on the wrist.

Indulge me.

Canadian sense of justice.......

Perhaps a story about deserting the ugly canadian wife for 2 thai hookers ?

and do not forget to post pics - surely you have more pics then the ones that got you banned before ?

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A good example would be to take a look at the young lady behind the wheel in all the papers now; how do you think this situation would be handled in Canada?

I'm not a lawyer so don't take take this as legal opinion, but in my experience the outcome would probably be the same. Canadian minors are protected by law as if they were precious gems. Granted, the handling would probably be different, but fact is Canadian minors rarely if ever get more than a slap on the wrist.

I don't know about Canada, and I myself am not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure that in the US with reference to the scenario, the driver would be charged with manslaughter (each count), driving w/out a license, reckless driving causing injury/death and probably a whole slew of other charges. The offender might be charged as a minor thus making the sentence more lenient (if found guilty) but would be charged nonetheless.

Also in the US, and Im sure Canada, those charges would result in the offender not being eligible for a driving license for quite a long time and there would be much additional backblow that would follow the would be offender around for the rest of his/her life.

Does not seem to be the case at all here in LOS.

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Canada is notoriously bad when it comes to our "so called" justice system. Canadian justice is a big joke. I've got too many stories to back up what I say. The RCMP cover up their own crimes, while thieves, murderers and covicted drug pushers walk the streets with little more than a slap on the wrist.

Indulge me.

Canadian sense of justice.......

Perhaps a story about deserting the ugly canadian wife for 2 thai hookers ?

and do not forget to post pics - surely you have more pics then the ones that got you banned before ?

#1. I never got banned for posting any pictures. And, I've never ever posted ANY offensive picture on ANY forum.

#2. I don't know any stories about men deserting ugly wives for Thai hookers.

#3. I have MANY factual stories of miscarriages of justice in Canadian courts.

#4. I personally know of at least 4 men that were killed by RCMP officers while the deceased were in custody of the police, or on their own property. None were guilty of anything other than being drunk and disorderly.

And, #5 being the most important...

This is a comparison between justice in Thailand and justice in western countries, not what goes on in Canada on a regular basis. We are going off topic here, and if we go too far off topic then the thread will be closed.

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PEOPLE are not apples or oranges or butter or bread ! CANADA justice system is a disgrace. Before you mouth off on a person that is telling you a fact here in Canada be QUIET !

Peas and Carrots?


Yorkshire pudding and roast beef?

We've got the beginnings of a pretty good meal here. Who's invited and where are we holding it? I make a pretty mean Yorkshire pudding with roast beef gravey.

And while we are on the subject of Yorkshire pudding, you folks should try it for scrumptious breakfast. You just make a bigger one in a cake pan and fill it with whipped cream and strawberries or other fruit. Beat three fresh eggs into a froth with a mixer and pour it into a VERY hot cake pan that had a thick coating of shortning or lard (400 degrees). Bake it in the hot oven until the eggs rise and get brown on top.

How's THAT for justice!

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PEOPLE are not apples or oranges or butter or bread ! CANADA justice system is a disgrace. Before you mouth off on a person that is telling you a fact here in Canada be QUIET !

Peas and Carrots?


Yorkshire pudding and roast beef?

meat and two veg ?

whoops ! sorry, wrong comparison. biggrin.gif

Edited by tigerfish
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PEOPLE are not apples or oranges or butter or bread ! CANADA justice system is a disgrace. Before you mouth off on a person that is telling you a fact here in Canada be QUIET !

Peas and Carrots?


Yorkshire pudding and roast beef?

Now you've taken the whole thread off topic.

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topic: thai justice system, dead thai in canada and justice system....

stay to it.

and a quick reminder that immigrants in many countries do get less 'help' in legal systems...thai husband was beaten up by drunk 17 yr old (about 3 yrs ago now)who started off by harrassing him for being a foreign worker (asked to see id, and passport/visa etc).he refused, since they arent police. they grabbed and bashed him. he restrained himself , thinking about me and his visa, and called me. i called the police who were ok , so we filed the report,complaint, etc.

but the kid comes from a well known local family, nothing ever happened with our complaint, and the kid got a tap on the wrist, and not even suspended from school (it happened on the first day of school when the seniors 'take over' the center of town withthe knowlege of the shcool principial. had the comlaintaint been one of 'us', more then wrists would be tapped, but the general feeling was that my husband was 'asking for it' by standing and waiting ot be picked up by his employer; he should have moved to somewhere else to wait, people here are notoriosly racist against anyone that isnt 'us'. this is the israeli justice system.

and the flaming off topic posts were deleted. anymore. and both posters will be warned.



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HEY moonraker your funny! Hope you never have this happen to your family.

What? Receive short custodial sentences?

We should be so lucky...

I am sure if it had happened in Thailand, they would have gone away for a very long time, and for sure that would have brought the deceased back.

Punishing the guilty does no good to the victim, and unless it is an effective deterrent, serves no purpose other than to satisfy the spleen of the morally indignant. It's very old testament.SC

Say what ??? So, according to you, it is okay if we don't punish killers, rapists, etc. because the crime that was done cannot be un-done ?! Gees !

I think I fully agree with the OP. Sad outcome ! The murderer should have been given a lot harsher sentence !

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