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English Accent


which one make you hard to understand  

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i read sometime in TH forum , there are some thread about "what is the most favorite accent ?" some said US , some Brit , Some Aus

but they are agree that Jap. Ch. and Indian are hard to understand

so , i curious that you guys Farang have some prob with other Eng Accent

for me .. i love Brit accent (sound like swallow something) narak dee

US accent is easy to understand maybe it has fluent from Hollywood

Aus accent makes a prob with me sometime ... gee die mide

Jap. accent is worse ..Ca ki (cake) ,Mac koo do nal koo(something like that ) =Mc Donald)

Indian accent ..too much TT and RRRRRRRRR

Thai accent ... i eed fie lice (i eat fried rice)

Bambi :o

ps i vote Japanese ..coz it's hard for me to guess what he-she speak (ok i mean just normal people who walk on the street)

Edited by BambinA
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I voted Indian as I work with many of them. Most are quite elequant so I can understand the accent, some I just can't understand no matter how many times they repeat it.

My wife, a Thai, can't understand any strong (or relatively strong) accent. Scottish accents (my sister's boyfriend is Scottish), Scouse and Irish accents throw her completely.

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I think Indian English accents are most unelegant and very comical at best...

.. now dis I'm not understanding, you kindly please be telling me because dis I'm not knowing, you please be waiting one moment, ... yes, that's one large Squishy, two hotdogs, no we do not take checks ... :o:D

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A Chinese accent is hard to understand I think, particuarly when they speak Chinese :o

I think the Italian accent can be quite hard to understand too ...lot's of a's and o's... "howa are you" I'ma gooda thankayou-o" etc...

I think british accents are quite diverse too ...I really struggle to understand broad scotsman although only living like 60 miles from them or so. I know that the geordie accent is quite hard to understand for people too "al reet? wot yee dein the neet - like hou (that part is optional)" rough translation would be "hello, how are you? what are you doing tonight" Not at all an elegant accent but I love it non the less, oh, the geordie accent was also voted as the accent you would most like trust, scouse being the least.

The french accent is great, no matter how ugly you are, if you have a convincing french accent, you have a chance.

I also think the majority of african accents are hard to understand too, to me it just sounds as if they are mumbling.

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I was in Singapore for a conference. I met a great guy from Down Under (I'm American). We went out drinking and this guy starts telling a joke about some gay guy. I laughed so hard, not because the joke was so funny, but because I had no idea what the fk this guy was saying. I knew he was speaking English because I could understand each individual word he said, but for the life of me, I couldn't make any meaning out of the string of words that he uttered.

This was not really a problem with is accent so much as it was a problem with his use of the English language itself.

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for me .. i love Brit accent (sound like swallow something) narak dee

US accent is easy to understand  maybe  it has fluent from Hollywood

Aus accent makes a prob with me  sometime ... gee die mide

Jap. accent is worse ..Ca ki (cake) ,Mac  koo do nal koo(something like that ) =Mc Donald)

Indian accent ..too much TT and  RRRRRRRRR

Thai accent ... i eed fie lice  (i eat fried rice)



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Having worked in the oil and gas industry in SE Asia for many years now, I've been exposed to a lot of different accents... Scottish, English, Indian, American, Canadian, German, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Singaporean, Filipino... etc. and by the way, I'm from Australia.

The accented English that I find most difficult to understand is Singaporean or Filipino... :o

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Many women over the years have loved it. They said it was sexy.  :D  :D  :D

My missus couldn't understand a single word you said... :o


Thats alright. Shes Thai. People say my missus speaks with a slight Scottish accent. :D:D As for accent that are hard to understand. I never really have much truble. But the Irish accent can be quite broad.

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Many women over the years have loved it. They said it was sexy.  :D  :D  :D

My missus couldn't understand a single word you said... :o


Thats alright. Shes Thai. People say my missus speaks with a slight Scottish accent. :D:D As for accent that are hard to understand. I never really have much truble. But the Irish accent can be quite broad.


irish accent is way sexier that the scots

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Dude lingo is easy to understand. It evolved from the sandy beaches of Southern California in the 60s and 70s. A good representation of this lingo can be seen in the movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" starring Sean Penn. This was Penn's very 1st role. He plays a dude long before Big Lebowski was ever thought about. Big Lebowski is a great character but does not speak dude lingo, nor does anyone in that movie. Other movie and TV characters who speak dude lingo are "Beavis and Butthead"

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As for accent that are hard to understand. I never really have much truble.

Considering you're Scottish, that's a surprise! :D:o

As for myself, I love British accent. Very sexy.

Aussie accent used to give me a good headache too. But getting used to it now that I've been working for an Aussie.. (what did I do to deserve this?!? :D )

Accents I have troubles with are.. Irish.. and Scottish. Would include Welsh too, but since I don't know so many Welsh people (only arsee)... :D

But number one of all times must be.. Yorky's - whenever he speaks Hungarian and Mongolian. Never understood <deleted> he was saying. :D

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The thing that is annoying me most at the moment is the call centres based in India and countries in these areas. You call them up struggle to understand them then you ask to someone who speaks English, they say they do, you say they dont then they are stuck, with nothing to say because they are reading of a scrpit.

Dont get me wrong i think these call centre staff make a good effort, i am sure if i worked in a Indian call centre i wouldn't even come close to been able to speak their language. What narks me though is the fact you are paying these institutes a lot of money in most case for a service that just dosent work.

When will these institutes get it through their heads we as a nation want to be able to speak to someone who speaks English, after they have had you on hold for hours, not struggle to understand someone who dosent actually speak English but is just reading from a script, this is just as annoying as recorded press button 1 for option 1 etc etc phone systems. :D:o

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