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Why Shoudn't I Move To Oz.

Khun Jean

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I'd have to think to mut to answer that - not on a Saturday night!  :o

You, the veterans, know that, for other board members:

"think too mutt" is a Thai expresion ("kit maak") that describes the state of high anxiosity.

Nothing to do with thinking, whatsoever.

It actually has to do with thinking. "Kliat" is more an anxious mood.

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There are still some very affordable places to live in Oz. Cairns for one!

Real estate in the Cairns region is still in a moderate price range. It's in the tropics with great beaches, rainforest, islands, etc. There are very good schools and the food is great, freshly grown fruit and veges available at the weekend market and fresh local seafood available. The ethnic mix is also a winner. There are many nationalities living there - including loads of Thai's - so international food supplies is not a problem.

Culturally, I would say Cairns is one of the best places to live in Oz. Due to the diversity of migrants there is always some cultural performance or festival going on and the international airport is a bonus for a quick escape when the need arises.

I lived there for 7 yrs before coming to LOS and can highly recommend the area for a young family.


That's what I am thinking of.

To listen to my gf's wish to attend a cooking training class at Dusit Thani for 1 year..then we may open a Thai restaurant in Port Douglas or Cairns.

By then, our Japanese will be good (we can already speak and do some reading), Japanese are very much present there as tourists.

What's she has been doing is a run of the mill Uni that won't take her very far. A place holder until we decide what we do.

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Thanks for the replies sofar.

Something to kit maak about this weekend. :o

I am not rich , but not poor either. When i look at costs of living Thailand is obvious cheap, but in the long run can be expensive. I mean what if you stay here and the kids go to an international school, i can probably not afford that. And if your children have only a mediocre education is that not very expensive to waste a childs mind?

Long term stay is still uncertain, especially with the visa requirements that can change any day.

I am not having a "blues" period. Already past that. I think one must always keep an open mind about other places. And when there is an oppertunity to betters ones live and that of your spouse and children you should do it.

Thailand is already so much better than my home country. But is it the best for my family and me...

My wife wants to go work again, but for the money she gets it is not worth it, better i work a few hours more and we have her whole month salery covered. In another country it would be more balanced. She can go back where she worked before, but than she would have to work 6 days a week 10-11 hours a day. Not much family live left.

Investing and/or starting a business in Thailand is possible and not to expensive to start. I had a shop in Samui and my wife took care of that. I was not allowed to help or do anything in the shop. You have to go through a lot to get yourself a workpermit. Of course it can be done, but it is too much of a hassle to go through. I can be a manager, i'd rather be more than that and busy with the day to day things of a business. More a mom & pop business as a way to make some extra and have some fulfillment. Our shop was copied five times in a 500 meter radius within 6 months. that means competitors and "enemies" that can tip off or make a rumour and i am out of the country. Now nobody makes money and everybody looses. Not giving up and never will, still have many ideas and things in the pipeline.

About the remarks of schooling in Oz, that it is sex, drugs etc. I think take a good look at thai schools. You will see the same. The only ones that can make a difference everywhere in the world are the parents.

I am from Amsterdam, so i know from my own past. Never touched drugs or smoked or did something else that was not in order. Thanks can only be givin to my parents and family for that, as it was everywhere around me.

Thanks everyone, and have a nice weekend.

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To answer the op's question....Cause there's too many Aussies! :D

Recently released figures stated that 10% of New Zulands population are now living in Australia. :D:o A good reason to stay in Thailand. :D

Is it how it works?

NZ folks are not known to be social rejects. They are famous for being the best possible migrants Oz or any other English speaking country can get.

NB: it's not "Zuland". Get your spelling right.

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Khun Jean

If you do look at moving to OZ, don't forget to check out the city of Adelaide (south Australia). Lived there most of my life and it's not a bad place at all. Most people will talk up Sydney, Melbourne etc, and yes they are nice places, but do take a look. It's cheaper than most other places around Oz for housing, great coastline and close to some really nice beaches etc, and good choice of education. A bit quiet for many but that's what's good about it. Some may disagree with what I've said, but make up your own mind after you've done the homework. Need any info, let me know.


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To answer the op's question....Cause there's too many Aussies! :D

or to be more exact - to many Kiwis. :D

now go and eat your feesh and cheeps and stop wearing your jandels in the house. :D

The kiwis are the only ones keeping your sports alive mate :D Ialso leave my Tongan work boots outside the house...all Kiwis are well mannered you know :D

Say six and we'll have a laugh then....or even better say 2 for 22 just like Richie Benaud. :o:D

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To answer the op's question....Cause there's too many Aussies! :D

Recently released figures stated that 10% of New Zulands population are now living in Australia. :D:o A good reason to stay in Thailand. :D

Is it how it works?

NZ folks are not known to be social rejects. They are famous for being the best possible migrants Oz or any other English speaking country can get.

NB: it's not "Zuland". Get your spelling right.

Where did you get this social comparison from Mut? From personal experience, in a former occupation, I could give a completely different slant of the sociability of certain NZ migrants to Oz.

My spelling of Zealand was deliberately phonetic in an attempt to lampoon the accent of our friends from across the Tasman. (Say it aloud three times). I was trying to get a rise out of my old mate Chuckok.

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To answer the op's question....Cause there's too many Aussies! :D

Recently released figures stated that 10% of New Zulands population are now living in Australia. :D:o A good reason to stay in Thailand. :D

Is it how it works?

NZ folks are not known to be social rejects. They are famous for being the best possible migrants Oz or any other English speaking country can get.

NB: it's not "Zuland". Get your spelling right.

Where did you get this social comparison from Mut? From personal experience, in a former occupation, I could give a completely different slant of the sociability of certain NZ migrants to Oz.

My spelling of Zealand was deliberately phonetic in an attempt to lampoon the accent of our friends from across the Tasman. (Say it aloud three times). I was trying to get a rise out of my old mate Chuckok.

If i was living in the land of Oz, i'd be a social reject...for sure.All those Australians, so much verbals to give...so little time.... :D

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Where did you get this social comparison from Mut? From personal experience, in a former occupation, I could give a completely different slant of the sociability of certain NZ migrants to Oz.

Abstract the rest if you would...what I said was almost a quote of what the ex-NZ PM Jim Bolger told to Paul Keating (then Oz PM).

Keating had no objections. Neither did Oz public nor Oz press.

If you and me endevour, we can find exactly what it was. For now, believe me, Kiwies are the best possible migrants Oz or anyone can host.

In the UK, they are also known for not angling for something they did not come for. Most go there while younger than 28, don't fish for permanent stay like someone from, say, Moldova or Ukraine would.

Kiwies do stay, more than anyone, but it is a pull from the host country, not their push.

Air New Zeland had a great ad in the Sydney Morning Herald 10 years ago: "New Zealand is only 2 hours from Australia. No wonder they call Australia "Lucky Country".

NB: I had lived in NZ for a year, went back many times, loved the place and the people, so, I may be a bit biased.

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Khun Jean

If you do look at moving to OZ, don't forget to check out the city of Adelaide (south Australia).  Lived there most of my life and it's not a bad place at all.  Most people will talk up Sydney, Melbourne etc, and yes they are nice places, but do take a look.  It's cheaper than most other places around Oz for housing, great coastline and close to some really nice beaches etc, and good choice of education.  A bit quiet for many but that's what's good about it.  Some may disagree with what I've said, but make up your own mind after you've done the homework.  Need any info, let me know.


You forgot to mention how cold it gets in the winter :o

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Ey Khun Jean. Ik kom toevallig ook uit amsterdam. Ben je getrouwt met een Thaise vrouw? Ik zou in Australie blijven totdat je kinderen naar de universiteit gaan. Dan blijven ze achter in Australie maar hebben ze in ieder geval een goed diploma. Maar effe een paar vraagjes

Waarom thailand? Hoe oud ben je? Wat is je connectie met Thailand? Hoezo? Waarom over 2 jaar?

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I would definately go back to live in Noosa in a heart beat - 24 degrees "everyday", better beaches, better food, not many fatties and understood at every turn. You can still buy a nice home in Sunshine Beach or Noosa Heads for around 20,000,000 baht. You dont get much in Phuket for that.


Yes, you arn't far off the price for 23,000,000 baht this is on offer:

3 Bedroom House

###### nice place of this world - Noosa!

Edit: to the OP - cleanest beachside town in Thailand I've seen is Hua Hin.

I used to own a pub on the Noosa River about 10 years ago. Noosa Waters which was close by, was only $260,000 a house on the river - now 2 mil... have been kicking myself I didnt buy.

Baan Oz's post is a shock. I would never have thought Aus was one of the most expensive.

Hi Tornado,

Out of interest, thought I'd compare house prices between Noosa and Patong. Patong probably one of the more expensive in Phuket. Here is a similar place, I think not too far from the beach, 3 bedder and is on a bit bigger land for under 6 mill baht. Not sure if recent events have effected prices?

3 Bedroom House - Patong

Noosa and many beachside towns along the East Coast of Oz have increased a lot over the past few years. Especially he waterfront places.

BTW love Port Douglas but ###### expensive!!! Plus OP, hope you don't mind the odd cyclone if choosing Cairns area! :o

I'm with Tornado, the Sunshine Coast is not too hot ...just right (but a bit pricey)! In comparison Noosa to Cairns, here is a simlar valued home in Cairns. Nice!

BTW OP, Cairns doesn't have much of a beach, you need to head north or south - out of the city.

Cheers BaanOz

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Khun Jean

If you do look at moving to OZ, don't forget to check out the city of Adelaide (south Australia).  Lived there most of my life and it's not a bad place at all.  Most people will talk up Sydney, Melbourne etc, and yes they are nice places, but do take a look.  It's cheaper than most other places around Oz for housing, great coastline and close to some really nice beaches etc, and good choice of education.  A bit quiet for many but that's what's good about it.  Some may disagree with what I've said, but make up your own mind after you've done the homework.  Need any info, let me know.


Gotta agree there Dave, if you want a quiet life Adelaide is the place, swimming is a bit dodgy at the moment

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I would definately go back to live in Noosa in a heart beat - 24 degrees "everyday", better beaches, better food, not many fatties and understood at every turn. You can still buy a nice home in Sunshine Beach or Noosa Heads for around 20,000,000 baht. You dont get much in Phuket for that.


Yes, you arn't far off the price for 23,000,000 baht this is on offer:

3 Bedroom House

###### nice place of this world - Noosa!

Edit: to the OP - cleanest beachside town in Thailand I've seen is Hua Hin.

try getting a drink in Noosa after 10.00pm on a weekday!

Like most of Oz, it's shut...

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Ey Khun Jean. Ik kom toevallig ook uit amsterdam. Ben je getrouwt met een Thaise vrouw? Ik zou in Australie blijven totdat je kinderen naar de universiteit gaan. Dan blijven ze achter in Australie maar hebben ze in ieder geval een goed diploma. Maar effe een paar vraagjes

Waarom thailand? Hoe oud ben je? Wat is je connectie met Thailand? Hoezo? Waarom over 2 jaar?

Were these statements too offensive? Does the truth hurt? Now you hear it from a real Thai. Not blinded by money. Not naive or ignorant.

I am best of both worlds. Thai vs Dutch. You don't think I don't know my own people?

In answer to your questions contained in your signature;

I don't know. I couldn't understand your statements as they were written in Dutch on an English/Thai forum. :o

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try getting a drink in Noosa after 10.00pm on a weekday!

Like most of Oz, it's shut...

Yep that could be a "Why I shouldn't Move TO Oz" as the OP might miss the 24 hr Thai service.

Service like the Pakistani pancake man (who doesn't do bannana pancakes <deleted>) down our moobaan at 11pm ringing his little bell. He might also miss the old lady that wheels her trolley of noodles screaming her spiel at 6am.

The negative of all this service is noise (anything from traffic to neighbors coming home late spending an hour cleaning up their work gear or whatever). Unless your on holidays or not working, Mr and Mrs average isn't too interested in a bar scene during the week are they?

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I don't know. I couldn't understand your statements as they were written in Dutch on an English/Thai forum. :o

Here is a translation from babelfish.


Ey Khun Jean. I accidentally also end up Amsterdam. Are you getrouwt with a Thai woman? I would remain in Australie until your children go to the university. Then they lag behind in Australie but has them in any case a good diploma. But effe a couple vraagjes Why thailand? How old are you? What is you connection with thailand? Hoezo? Why over 2 years?


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I think too much i know, i like to plan some things for the future too.

With money earned in my home country it is easy living here. But we have to think about the future.

We have 2 children and still have a few years before they have to go to school. As the school system here is not that great it will force a difficult decision.

Am i going to stay here or do i move on.

My wife is the same as me, she likes to travel and adjust easily. At this moment the children are very young (2 and 3 years old). It will not be a problem for them to move somewhere else. I don't want to make a big move when they are 6 years or older because i think it will not benefit them.

What amazes me is that many people move to Australia and have a great live and at the same time so many Australians move to Thailand. Is it because when you move to another country you have more spirit/energy to make a new live and because of that, it works? I know i have that spirit, but in Thailand a few things (important ones) are just not that good when you are a foreigner.

Why do Australian people want to move to Thailand?

I know/think why i would like Australia, at least the subtropical area around Brisbane and more to the north. (Don't want to have cold weather do we.)

When i research this area it looks so much cleaner and nicer than anything i have ever seen in Thailand. Many good schools, proven by the fact that many students from all over the world go to Australia to study. You can really OWN land and house you buy and don't have to be afraid of mister Somchai building his gasbottle company right next door. When i compare things between Australia and Thailand, Australia always comes out as a winner.

I have tried a few places in Thailand. I like a little western comforts now and then so i end up close to touristic places or where foreigners live.

Sofar i lived in a Bangkok suburb and in Samui.

Samui is nice and terrible at the same time. You have nice beaches, nice houses, but it is infested with bargirls and the guys who like them. Still nice people but not my "style" as i don't like to hang out in bars. Samui has too many bars, too little of everything else. When i look back at the time i lived in Bangkok it was actually much more enjoyable, but after a while i can't stand the foul air and i long to be in a more natural surrounding instead of seeing only concrete. I really love the sea. That is the reason i have tried Samui. I also looked around other coastal places, but why is everything so dirty, it is a real shame! Okay i can go look in the deep south, really nice there but we all know that is not the place to be at this moment.

I did not like the circumstances in my own country (the Netherlands, Amsterdam), while many people from all over the world love it there!

Is it because i know to much about the place, how everything works and bored with it? There are rules for everything, very high taxes, not really "free", always working very very hard without much change of progress. When i read about Australians they say the same things!

I am not a person who cares much about politics, i think it is because i am from a "secure" country. Whatever party wins it is always moderate and actually nothings changes that much. I am not really interested in political reason, but more day to day things about living in Australia.

At this time there is an oppertunity to apply for a visa as Australia is looking for more immigrants. I am really interested and will visit Australia end of this year to have a look around.

Now that i am interested in Australia i want to know more about it, also the bad things. I want to make a good judgement. I am not afraid to make the jump but am more curious if i will not go to a country which is very similar to the one i just left! That would be a bummer wouldn't it.

I can imagine you moved to Thailand when you live in a big city like Sydney or Melbourne, live would be hectic, same like in any big city.

I am not interested in reason like cold weather or more beautiful women in Thailand, i understand those reason very good myself. :o

So tell me. What reasons do you have to leave Australia?

Khun Jean, From my experience of Aussies in the past was that they just love to travel, there are tens of thousand of 'em in London at any one time. I have never heard any of them say that they left because they dont like it back home. most are just exploring the world and are looking forward to getting back home at some stage

As a Brit, this is not a sentiment I share and the next phase of my life will propbably see me going to Oz... if Thailand becomes tiresome.

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try getting a drink in Noosa after 10.00pm on a weekday!

Like most of Oz, it's shut...

Yep that could be a "Why I shouldn't Move TO Oz" as the OP might miss the 24 hr Thai service.

Service like the Pakistani pancake man (who doesn't do bannana pancakes <deleted>) down our moobaan at 11pm ringing his little bell. He might also miss the old lady that wheels her trolley of noodles screaming her spiel at 6am.

The negative of all this service is noise (anything from traffic to neighbors coming home late spending an hour cleaning up their work gear or whatever). Unless your on holidays or not working, Mr and Mrs average isn't too interested in a bar scene during the week are they?

Ok - try buying anything in a shop in Brisbane after 4.00pm on a Saturday!

Try getting a snack or a drink on a beach anywhere in Qld

Try eating healthy

Try getting anything done after 5.30!

Try being black...

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Khun Jean, From my experience of Aussies in the past was that they just love to travel, there are tens of thousand of 'em in London at any one time. I have never heard any of them say that they left because they dont like it back home. most are just exploring the world and are looking forward to getting back home at some stage

As a Brit, this is not a sentiment I share and the next phase of my life will propbably see me going to Oz... if Thailand becomes tiresome.


Yes. In my case I CAN NOT say "I don't like my life here in Sydney". Although, it is me who would like to live in Thailand and my Thai wife would prefer to stay put in Sydney or head north one day (Noosa?).

Why would I like to live in Thailand - well why not! ...a change of life style? ...a chance to spend time with the relo's? ...a nice place to stay which doesn't cost the earth? ...different culture? ...friendly Thai people?

Note that when my wife came to Sydney many years ago, first thing she noticed was that there didn't seem like there were many people around, everyone doesn't come out in the street and doors are shut. Unlike say a moobaaan in a Bangkok suburb where people come out and neighbors just walk into your house etc!

Basically we have come to an agreement of living in Oz but spending 3-6 months at a time in Thai.

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Khun Jean

If you do look at moving to OZ, don't forget to check out the city of Adelaide (south Australia).  Lived there most of my life and it's not a bad place at all.  Most people will talk up Sydney, Melbourne etc, and yes they are nice places, but do take a look.  It's cheaper than most other places around Oz for housing, great coastline and close to some really nice beaches etc, and good choice of education.  A bit quiet for many but that's what's good about it.  Some may disagree with what I've said, but make up your own mind after you've done the homework.  Need any info, let me know.


Gotta agree there Dave, if you want a quiet life Adelaide is the place, swimming is a bit dodgy at the moment

I'm a Melbourne boy, so I am biased, but Adelaide is too quiet, and I like quiet! It feels like big country town rather than a city and shops close too early making life that little bit too inconvinent. And last I was there, they still didn't have decent sunday trading.

I was sent to Adelaide for work at one stage for 9 months with weekend flights back to Melbourne every weekend. I had the option of cashing in the $400 airfare back to Melbourne if I wanted to stay in Adelaide and keeping the money to myself. Even though it would have been very lucrative for me to keep the cash, I stayed in Adelaide maybe 2 weekends that whole time. That says a lot!!!!!

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try getting a drink in Noosa after 10.00pm on a weekday!

Like most of Oz, it's shut...

Yep that could be a "Why I shouldn't Move TO Oz" as the OP might miss the 24 hr Thai service.

Service like the Pakistani pancake man (who doesn't do bannana pancakes <deleted>) down our moobaan at 11pm ringing his little bell. He might also miss the old lady that wheels her trolley of noodles screaming her spiel at 6am.

The negative of all this service is noise (anything from traffic to neighbors coming home late spending an hour cleaning up their work gear or whatever). Unless your on holidays or not working, Mr and Mrs average isn't too interested in a bar scene during the week are they?

Ok - try buying anything in a shop in Brisbane after 4.00pm on a Saturday!

Try getting a snack or a drink on a beach anywhere in Qld

Try eating healthy

Try getting anything done after 5.30!

Try being black...

When was the last time you went shopping in Brisbane?!

Walk across the road to any store for a snack and a drink on a beach in Qld!

Eating healthy is a lot easier in Oz than it is in Thailand... depends on your diet!

Try getting anything done after after 5.30! Well I won't argue with that one!!!

Try being black... Goes for anywher in the world!!!


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