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Greetings gang,

Am not computer savvy at all so be gentle with me.

I can send and receive emails, but when I try to email

a photograph, I keep getting

The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [sMTP] server.

For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending

e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider.

The rejected e-mail address was 'XXXXXXXX'. Subject 'Emailing: 010', Account: 'Will', Server: 'mail.iinet.net.au', Protocol: SMTP,

Server Response: '530 Authentication required', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 530, Error Number: 0x800CCC78

I have tried the troubleshooting things but I still cannot get it to work.

Any basic advice would be appreciated.




Do emails without photo attachments go OK to the same address?

How big (kB, MB) is the photo file? Many providers limit the size of files you can send you may need to re-size the images before sending.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


As said, try sending an email without the picture and if that goes OK then check the size of the picture being sent. It may be too big for your sender. They limit the size of attachments. There are lots of free software for reducing pictures about.


Are you using an online account with a browser or from an application on your desktop?

If from your desktop make sure you only have a single smpt server selected - if two or more got selected as happened to me by accident this is exactly what happened. I have five accounts set up and one had selected a smpt server different from the rest and it did this. A 500k photo would upload 99% then fail but text emails worked fine.

I think if you send a vary small photo it may work. It gets done by the first smtp server seen before the other which then has time to screw things up. Same as text they just go out fast.

look into the smpt server settings.


As said photos can easily exceed limits if sent as saved from a camera without further reduction in size.

Picasa3 indeed does make it easy as serves as storage container, editor, printing source and direct email of photos. I would go the next step and use Google mail as find it excellent in the three years I have used it. You can still use your old emails but have everything online in Google with or without storage on your own computer. I keep a tab open to Google Mail on my browser so always have easy access.


Thanks for the tips fella's.

I think RKASA is on the money. It seems to be

related to the email servers not the size of the


I will keep trying.




Sending large photos is not very polite as it can fill someone's Inbox

and mean other mail is rejected.

Do check out the Picassa option.


Sending large photos is not very polite as it can fill someone's Inbox

and mean other mail is rejected.

Do check out the Picassa option.

With all due respect mate, you don't know

what I'm sending and who to. The size of

the photo is not the problem.

I will have a look at Picassa though.



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