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30,000 Thai Red Shirts Rally In Bangkok: Police

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30,000 or 50,000, but according to the pics there were a hell of a lot of redshirts there especially as i read last week that a top Democrat member was 'spruiking' that the redshirts are a spent force.

Surely this show of UDD support must have sent shivers down the spines of Yellow shirt supporters, cant say it had the same effect on the Dem party leaders as i don't think that they have any spine.

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30,000 or 50,000, but according to the pics there were a hell of a lot of redshirts there especially as i read last week that a top Democrat member was 'spruiking' that the redshirts are a spent force.

Surely this show of UDD support must have sent shivers down the spines of Yellow shirt supporters, cant say it had the same effect on the Dem party leaders as i don't think that they have any spine.

Huh? 30k for a single day .. with pay and transport provided just isn't enough to send shivers down anyone's spine. If they nab Jatuporn for violating his bail conditions by participating then it will be worth it, if they deny future events because they set up a stage then it is worth it, and finally if a few more people that claim it isn't about Thaksin see the light then it was worth it :)


30,000 or 50,000, but according to the pics there were a hell of a lot of redshirts there

When you counted them in the pics, what was the total?

Surely this show of UDD support must have sent shivers down the spines of Yellow shirt supporters, cant say it had the same effect on the Dem party leaders as i don't think that they have any spine.

Why would a flop (50% is a failing grade for Professor Thida) cause anyone shivers?

Quite the opposite, as the below-expected turnout would seem to embolden those that the Red Shirts oppose.


I saw the Red Shirts setting up again in Chiang Mai so I immediately sold my business and can take no more. Due to this craziness that is allowed we had a miserable summer and most businesses here are down at least 30% and some up to 50%. The streets are already sparse of tourists due to a bad economy and with this combined it will sink this tourist season. It seems that, as usual, the cause and effect are not considered and it is only a selfish motive with no consideration of the peoples lives it will affect. Many others are considering the same. Not sure why this is being tolerated AGAIN.

Was business better during Thaksin's time, when the world economies were booming (before the global financial crisis) and tourism was great?

People similarly claim that life was better when Thaksin was prime minister, and use this as the reason to get rid of the current government so that Thaksin can return.

So possibly one of the intentions of these protests is to make life difficult for people and then blame the government for it.


30,000 or 50,000, but according to the pics there were a hell of a lot of redshirts there especially as i read last week that a top Democrat member was 'spruiking' that the redshirts are a spent force.

Surely this show of UDD support must have sent shivers down the spines of Yellow shirt supporters, cant say it had the same effect on the Dem party leaders as i don't think that they have any spine.

Why is it that the UDD have to resort to such tactics?? Could it not be that their party is in disarray (and a spent force to boot) and is incapable of providing an opposition in government . Why don't they just wait until the election - don't forget!!! they were offered conciliation and the promise of elections in November but chose to disregard this genuine 'olive branch' designed to calm matters and battle on regardless, with the dire and tragic consequences it brought with it. If they were that confident of electoral success as they surmised they were at the time, then surely this would have been their best option. Instead, after the unnecessary loss of all of those lives in their doomed attempt at forcing the government out they are in a far worse strategic position now as a result. They are clearly panicking now as the Democrats are working their magic with their well thought out populist policies and they are bickering over who should be their leading light.. Doesn't this make these protests of "Shinawatra's poodles" just a tad irrelevant and futile?


Just quick questions for a newbie...

What would happen to Jatuporn if he was voted out of parliment?? Where is he from and how was he voted in? Is it at all possible he may get voted out at the next election??

If he is using Thaksins help I wonder what would happen should they ever have a falling out.

Jatuporn is a party list MP elected based on the percentage of vote the PTP won in the December 2007 election. He is from Surat Thani and would stand no chance to being elected as constituency MP as Suthep's Thaugsuban family controls the province as was shown in the recent by-election in which Suthep won an overwhelming victory.

In addition, Jatuporn while in the TRT cabinet directed the police to use force to break up a farmers protest about him reneging on deal to give them titles to their land. He is not a popular figure in his home province.


No Yellow shirt is popular in Suratthani, Suthep's family are in control. My other half is a Suratthani girl and papa is a party member so i just "shut up" lololol

I think you mean no RED shirt is popular in Surat Thani - a slip of the keyboard perhaps!!!!!!!


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Let's not forget Thaksin bankrupted many hospitals with his 30bt medical care so he could buy them on the cheap.

He's in Dubai and guest of a "business partner" of high standing, but I still think he could be got at. Would be the best thing anyone could do for Thailand, double tapping that murderous, thieving bastard.

His policy killed the efficiency of many hospitals in provinces where he had no voters.


I find the totally anti red shirt bias of most of commentators in this forum quite entertaining, they go to ludicrous lengths to rubbish any possibly good observations about their activities. One thing is for sure, they don't live amongst or have contact with poor Thais, the nearest they might come is a taxi driver, restaurant waiter or perhaps their maid. Most of whom will say what they think a Farang wants to here.

I can understand why they write as they do, most Farangs will automatically consort with the upper classes and adopt their values and attitudes towards the poor and countryfolk.

The reds have no economic policy programme whatsoever apart from generalisations about the poor etc.

Why? Because Thaksin is not about to headline any policy which might threaten the North Eastern landowning class and bring down his regional alliance.

The red deal is this: Thaksin is pardoned and whoever is provisionally PM moves aside to let Thaksin resume his looting of the Thai state. say 10% for distribution to the supporters and everybody on that side is happy. Did I hear land reform? No way. The continued pathetic peddling of the reds as an instrument of class warfare is quite delusional.


Undeniable fact is that the reds are a major political force in Thailand and they are here to stay - whatever insulting comments some people here are making against them it will not change the facts better get used to it .

I challenge you on that

Members of the red skirt movement even intimidated me and my 5 year old daughter, including calling me and my daughter Kwai - buffaly on the 6th or April 2010, and intimidated me at several other times when I went to work at Ratchaprasong...

The red skirts is not a political force at all, it's a violent movement, nothing to do with democracy


So you have personally met umpteen million people have you? Have another case of Chang. ;)

I actually met a yellow shirt supporter here the other day - and I must say that is very rare - the most yellow supporters I have ever met are on here posting on TV!

edit: spl

That is because Thai yellow supporters have been intimidated into not daring to show colours even if they wanted to by a violent red movement

I don't call that democracy, do you?


"thaksin will call in at 7.30pm" from various news reports.

And only two days ago thaksin told reporters that he had absolutely no connection whatever with the red shirts.

Manipulation, manipulation, and more manipulation, and lies!

You wouldn't be suggesting that the current military dictatorship and the lackey they installed as Prime Minister is bereft of manipulation and lies, would you?

No, I would simply argue that since there is a legally elected government in place now (yes, even Sean B. the redshirt English language spokesman stated that to be true) that you are knowingly making false statements.


So you have personally met umpteen million people have you? Have another case of Chang. ;)

I actually met a yellow shirt supporter here the other day - and I must say that is very rare - the most yellow supporters I have ever met are on here posting on TV!

edit: spl

That is because Thai yellow supporters have been intimidated into not daring to show colours even if they wanted to by a violent red movement

I don't call that democracy, do you?

haha this made me giggle... those pesky red shirts on every street corner just a-huntin out those yellows - haha - hey cum on out! - we know you're there! and all the time those yellows are a-cowering in their peaceful homes (sorry expensive peaceful homes) trying to work out which school to send their lovely little 'darlings' to and fearing those reds might surprise them at the local 7/11 - dam_n the life of a yellow sure is tough!


Pi Sek:

You evidentially are quite informed and

correctly informed, if I might add.

Welcome to the educated bunch....? ohmy.gif

The above poster says Thaksin carried every province but Pattani!???????


Not true on at least one count... Suratthani province did not vote Thaksin in in 2001, I know that for a fact without having to check. I doubt it was the only one!

In my personal experience of "the provinces", I can probably provide some insight to the divisions...

Udon Thani

I know for a fact that, in Ku Kaew district in Udon Thani, pro-Thaksin & UDD (they don't make a difference) support has swung from 90% pro-Thaksin to about 50-50 in the space of the last two years. And it is split absolutely: some love him, some hate him. Also, anti-Reds don't voice their opinions for fear of repercussions. Friends of mine in other Udon and Khon Kaen villages tell me the same... but in the cities there is pretty convincing Red Shirt support.


I know for a fact that, in Non Din Daeng district in Buriram, pro-Newin support has not changed from 100% Bhum Jai Thai for years, no matter whom they are allied to. They recognise that Newin and his faction are very corrupt and probably very unpleasant people, but they also recognise that a vote for BJT is the most likely way to get funding reallocated to Buriram. A loud minority (20%?) support the Reds, who are tolerated and accepted as a valid political voice, albeit a trouble-causing one.


Phuket's Red Shirt movement is the strongest you'll find in the South, where the Red Shirt organisation has about 750 people. The PAD are still able to walk around with yellow shirts with PAD written on them. They're not popular but they are accepted.

Suratthani & Nakhon Sri Thammarat

The Red Shirts are absolutely despised, especially in Surat, and wearing a red "I love Thaksin" T-shirt might earn you a trip to the hospital - it will certainly earn you a lot of verbal abuse from most people who see you. Jatuporn is considered as a traitor to his country and especially to his home province - his own mother has publicly given him a dressing down and he is not welcome in his own village. Having said that, my accountant is from Surat and she is pro-Thaksin, anti-Red Shirt - whatever that means (I've heard the opposite, mostly from farangs, but never this way around).

The above conclusions are purely the results of speaking with local people.

As for Bangkok, many Bangkok people that I know do not like the Red Shirts, some hate them (for obvious reasons!), and some are indifferent. A lot however say they sympathise with their cause but don't like their methods, and a lot think the Reds are too ignorant/uneducated/stupid to understand what they're protesting about. Many Bangkokians don't mind it when the Reds rally because it's an excuse for a party.

I believe that the Red support is very strong in the North (Chiang Mai/Chiang Rai) but I don't have enough experience of the area to comment informatively.


That is because Thai yellow supporters have been intimidated into not daring to show colours even if they wanted to by a violent red movement

I don't call that democracy, do you?

haha this made me giggle... those pesky red shirts on every street corner just a-huntin out those yellows - haha - hey cum on out! - we know you're there! and all the time those yellows are a-cowering in their peaceful homes (sorry expensive peaceful homes) trying to work out which school to send their lovely little 'darlings' to and fearing those reds might surprise them at the local 7/11 - dam_n the life of a yellow sure is tough!

Hmmm I seem to remember a redshirtted home invasion not too long ago in Chiang Mai. Do people fear the reds? Some certainly do, and with good reason. Could it be the grenade attacks here in Chiang Mai? The violence and threats of violence here in Chiang Mai? The footage of that man tossing the flags into the Ping? The fires?

Again, your anecdotal evidence of strong redshirt support faulters when you suggest that most redshirts don't go to rallies or announce their allegiances publicly but fail to think that the same can't be said about the Anti-Thaksin people in Thailand. (The PAD --- thus the "yellows" are imho a spent force. The reds are quickly moving that way. That you don't know any "yellows" or as they more rightly should be called these days, anti-Thaksin/anti-UDD people really says more about you than it says about them. The way you so openly lean might also have something to do with it as well.

I am known for being strongly Anti-Thaksin and think that any foreigner that cries about the horrendous results of the redshirtted insurrection in BKK in May that left 90+ dead, yet doesn't cray far louder for the people slaughtered in Thaksin's "war on drugs", his heavy-handed dealings with the South, and his distruction of the checks and balances required by a democracy to function, are very simply missing the picture. It seems apparent that there are MANY Thaksin supporters in Chiang Mai. I know for a fact that there are many here that lean heavily the other way. I readily admit that 90% of my Thai friends have university degrees, many of them are the first in their family to ever finish high school though. They aren't Hi-So ----- their families aren't rich. They don't fail to give an opinion when asked 1:1, and for the most part they wouldn't state an opinion to match mine just to avoid conflict etc. So, again my anecdotal evidence clearly contradicts yours. That I can speak Thai(passably), read Thai(again only passably) and have spent the last 8 years living in Thailand (all over -- from the working class suburbs of BKK to the south to the north and in-between might carry a bit more weight than someone that has been here a couple of years and lived in one city ;) Then again, it may not.

I would suggest that the people saying that MOST Thais hate the PAD and UDD equally (or care less about them equally) are pretty much spot on.


So you have personally met umpteen million people have you? Have another case of Chang. ;)

I actually met a yellow shirt supporter here the other day - and I must say that is very rare - the most yellow supporters I have ever met are on here posting on TV!

edit: spl

That is because Thai yellow supporters have been intimidated into not daring to show colours even if they wanted to by a violent red movement

I don't call that democracy, do you?

haha this made me giggle... those pesky red shirts on every street corner just a-huntin out those yellows - haha - hey cum on out! - we know you're there! and all the time those yellows are a-cowering in their peaceful homes (sorry expensive peaceful homes) trying to work out which school to send their lovely little 'darlings' to and fearing those reds might surprise them at the local 7/11 - dam_n the life of a yellow sure is tough!

CMF, given the conviction of Rak Chiang Mai 51 members in the murder of the father of the owner of a yellow shirt radio station, an old man who was pulled out of his truck and beaten to death, I suggest you rethink your position. It smacks of inflammatory trolling.


If you believe in Democracy then the Reds have every right to hold a rally. Even if you do not agree with their politics, or hate their leaders, you should agree with a democratic process and that does not include jail without trial or violence against the protesters.


If you believe in Democracy then the Reds have every right to hold a rally. Even if you do not agree with their politics, or hate their leaders, you should agree with a democratic process and that does not include jail without trial or violence against the protesters.

Every country sets conditions for political rallies to be lawful. The one on the 9th in BKK was not. It violated their permit. Jail without trial? Wait ... do you mean the detention of the leaders on charges of terrorism? Yeah, that kinda sucks, but is within the law in Thailand. I would much prefer that the charges be made formal, that no bail be offered (it IS terrorism after all) and that the trial be speedy (and if found guilty, that the appeals be axhausted quickly and the needle be inserted. Also, that if they not be found guilty that they be set free. Violence started with the protestors, they were warned to leave continuously, they only surrendered when the courageous redshirt leaders sitting in the safety of the Rachprasong intersection saw the troops headed their way. That there were HEAVILY armed people inside the red moveent can't be denied. The violence was inevitable.

The real shocker for the red-shirt leadership and for Thaksin must be that unlike any governent in history that has killed citizens in BKK like this, this one survived. The other governments all were ousted. Perhaps people should ask themselves why? Could it be that unlike opening up on students at Thammasat, that this time the force was used to clear not a political rally, but instead an insurrectionist movement.



See you all on

Tuesday, January 25, 2011;

in front of the govt house....!!

Remember to wear yellow too....

and if you have one, bring your digital counter along, so you won't miss, alright?

I'll venture to say that the upcoming gathering of the yellowshirts (will outnumber the 30,000 reds) on the aforementioned date to influence the Apisit govt to:

1--Denounce the MOU and any and all subsequent documentations dealing with agreement to redefine Thailand territory.

2--Withdraw from participation in JBC (Joint Border Committee to redefine Thailand territory in favor of Cambodia, perhap?)

3--I'll invoke the privilege of being senile to have completely forgotten what the third issue involvedd..... LOL

(Perhaps, it has to do with forcing the Cambodians to leave all Thailand territory which they have occupied since 1980 or so, when the United Nations and International Red Cross begged Thailand to allow the Cambodian refugee to TEMPORARILY settle on Thai territory on humanitarian ground. The Camb appears to have overstayed their welcome, since the current kidnapping of the 7 from Thai territory.

Personally, I think they should also urge the deputy minister, minister of foreign affairs and minister of defense, all of whom publicly accused the 7 of actually illegally crossing over into Cambodian territory and therefore the 7 deserved everything Cambodian would ditch out.

Subsequently, the latest map shows the 7 were not yet reaching Land Marker #46 which shows that the 7 when they were arrested by the Camb soldiers, the 7 were still walking on Thai territory searching for that illusive Land Marker #46.

Worse of all, the Camb prosecutors now are using these three ministers' own statement as an acknowledgement that the 7 are guilty by their own ministers public proclamation and confession that the 7 were indeed encroaching on Camb territory when they were arrested by the Camb soldiers.

Well, all my farang friends privately think that these three ministers are traitors at least.

What you do think is really your own biz. However, we know we are only long term staying guests of Thailand, therefore we'll govern ourselves according in public, agree? jap.gif

I think 30.000 people gathering is a very considerable number especially if you take into account that most of them had to make a trip of several hundred kilometers for a one day demonstration and tomorrow have to go collect garbage in their hometowns again.

Perhaps Thida was one of those professors that graded on a huge curve... whereby 50% is considered a passing grade.

This is not aboutthe predictions that were made but about the people who actually showed up.As I said before 30.000 is a very impressive number which I doubt the yellows,green,blue or maybe brown would never be able to reach in these conditions.And as another poster already said,the 30.000 announced is only a fraction of what realy showed up.I haven't counted them...............did you?


This "Urban Elite" term really gets me. I have lived in Bangkok and hoards of people in the streets and living beneath bridges and overpasses, people everywhere selling grilled chicken parts, plastic Chinese trinkets, used shoes, broken wristwatches and used phone chargers do not impress me as folks who would be considered elite.


NEWSFLASH: Thailand's average IQ should increase marginally in the next year!

Please do watch what you say, friend.

Try not to implicate other several thousands of Thai who earn advanced degrees from U.S., England, Euro, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, to name a few.

I am sure Psy 101 already taught you that human intelligence and intelligence quotient do fluctuate and vary, and very much dependent on measuring instruments as well....

I am also certain that you are not related in any way with Wm Buckley of southern cal., B univ, are you? smile.gif


Farangs that live in Bangkok are the same as Thais that are from Bangkok. Ignorant about the rest of Thailand. I have been all over Thailand and I can a sure you that I have only met handful of people outside of Bangkok that don't like the Red side of the political problem here in Thailand.The Red side is the bigger side, whether they are the better side is not for me to say, because like most farangs that love to post their opinions and feelings on here about this topic, I don't hold a Thai Passport, therefore I don't have a say. The only thing I can say is. If they were to hold free and fair elections the red side would win and anyone who says different obviously hasn't been far outside of Bangkok.

Red would get a majority? Most people outside Bangkok is Red?

Are we to guess you live in Issarn or so and have never been to the deep east, west or south?


...Oh, maybe education will stop them but that has and continues to be addressed despite they fact I've never heard a Red mention they want better education for their kids..

'never heard a red mention they want better education'? now I've heard it all - what a load of rubbish

CMF is a typical socialist hypocrite and for whateverreason a total Thaksin apologist whototally ignores the harm done by the red shirts to the cause of the poor. Likeall hypocrital socialists he states he stands for the poor but almost certainlyis well healed and also most certainly does his best to avoid paying his duesin taxes (when of course legally allowable). He hides behind so called superiorintellect probably bought by a privileged life and almost certainly one wherewhatever he has done is done as some form of government civil servant probablyin a high position with all perks and privileges given to those who pamper tothe system while in their private dinner parties pretend to care for the poor.I know this type of person very well and know they have usually never doneanything useful in the real world or have any real experience of the realworld. I have read his posts and believe I know him exactly for what he iswhich is a typical socialistic hypocrite who will fit well in the politburo ofany state while explaining to the uneducated and lesser being why he knows bestfor all for them.

The sad thing about people like him is they reallybelieve what they are saying. Perhaps he would like to see the mass graves ofso called drug traders shot without trial by his hero Mr Taksin or the murderof muslims in the south and all the time the shinawatis (Taksins drug clan) taketheir cut which would not be so bad except they wanted it all (I saw then manyyears ago sickening).

People like CMF make me sick. He is almost certainlyprotected and can probably simply run back to his home country while the likesof the Reds burn Thailand.

He will never grow up or understand and will stay inhis privileged tower and will never accept the harm he and others do much assupporters of Stalin or even Hitler or apologist for failed communist ventureever accepted for their small part in helping evil prevail.

He will not accept this because he is to proud and tocertain he is right but if her ever gets what he wants and lives long enough hewill before his death seek forgiveness. I for one would never forgive him forhis stupidity same as I would never forgive his likes who well educated,misguided and believing they were right supported Stalin, Hitler, idi Armin,pol pot and rest of dictators who if he had the chance Taksin would grandlyemulate

Shame on you CMF and all like you or perhaps I shouldfollow my god and say forgive then they know not what they do but im sure you CMFare far to obsessed with yourself andyour well being and prosperity to care about faith

Don’t botherto reply I only hold the likes of you in total contempt and have only postedbecause your ridiculous postings inflame even a passive person like me


NEWSFLASH: Thailand's average IQ should increase marginally in the next year!

Please do watch what you say, friend.

Try not to implicate other several thousands of Thai who earn advanced degrees from U.S., England, Euro, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, to name a few.

I am sure Psy 101 already taught you that human intelligence and intelligence quotient do fluctuate and vary, and very much dependent on measuring instruments as well....

I am also certain that you are not related in any way with Wm Buckley of southern cal., B univ, are you? smile.gif

Please go back to the post, read the post it was a reply to, and perhaps comprehend that it was not meant as a slur on the people of this country. :blink:


the Thais in my village love the X PM Thaksin so I guess it who you talk to & what financial scale they are on most poor & uneducated support Taksin that does not mean they are stupid they vote there pocket books which most people do I also see a connection with the thai baht & the poor while thai bankers are making wind fall profits the poor are going hungry small business are hurting expats are even pulling there belt strap tighter I know I am & no one in high places want to do any thing about it so who at fault I remember when yellow shirts shut down the airport no one was shot or jailed but when red shirts demonstrated shots were fired & red shirts went to jail. speaking for my self I know I am looking to leave I no longer want to live here I hope to be gone before 2012 rings in & if my wish should come true I will never return to the LOS & I am willing to bet many more expats will leave & I suspect that what the Government want that why they let baht get strong while they profit from it correction while they inflate the baht I don;t believe the baht is strong that is my opinion & I stand by it you all can believe what you want

You guys who live in Thailand have got it wrong. I'm sitting here in cold Blighty watching the telly and going about my life then when it's time and i am run down and ready i will get on an emirates plane and spend 2-3 weeks eating fantastic food and drinking lager and gin ( not in the same glass) and anything else that comes up. It's the best way to do it. If you eat cake all the time you'll end up hating cake. And why their corrupt goverments machinations are of anyones business is beyond me. :lol:


Quite poignant commentary, letitbe.


Give it a break - personal attacks are not allowed on TV and everyone is entitled to their view and to debate - this is the problem you attack anyone who disagrees typical elitist tactics 'we know best'


Quite poignant commentary, letitbe.


Give it a break - personal attacks are not allowed on TV and everyone is entitled to their view and to debate - this is the problem you attack anyone who disagrees typical elitist tactics 'we know best'

I found the post observant, didn't you?


So you have personally met umpteen million people have you? Have another case of Chang. ;)

I actually met a yellow shirt supporter here the other day - and I must say that is very rare - the most yellow supporters I have ever met are on here posting on TV!

edit: spl

That is because Thai yellow supporters have been intimidated into not daring to show colours even if they wanted to by a violent red movement

I don't call that democracy, do you?

haha this made me giggle... those pesky red shirts on every street corner just a-huntin out those yellows - haha - hey cum on out! - we know you're there! and all the time those yellows are a-cowering in their peaceful homes (sorry expensive peaceful homes) trying to work out which school to send their lovely little 'darlings' to and fearing those reds might surprise them at the local 7/11 - dam_n the life of a yellow sure is tough!

ChiangMaiFun, are you aware of that the red skirts lost the local elections a couple of months ago with a BIG margin, even former red strong holds reached no more than 50%

Google to check the facts, then laught again if you want to laught at those facts...

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