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Woman Beaten Unconscious On Phuket Beach

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six men against one women, what a bunch of cowards.

Exactly. How miserable & pathetic those men must be. I only wish we knew the name of the restaurant . Assuming this is all true, I would make sure to NEVER go there!

i think the place will be empty now, the word is sure to get around and if they are beating up girls selling fruit their business cant be doing much anyway.lets hope it closes down.

Quite the opposite.. Its one of the larger ones..

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Thanks for the clarification

. I have always wondered about (brahmburgers) I will use a lot more salt now when I read his posts.

Just goes to show how the truth can be warped to make it seem what it is not. I was a little skeptical about truck loads of goons to tear buildings down. That is out of there line of work it takes machinery.B)

Well there is a little more to it than that.. The bars which got torn down actually had legal leases, it wasnt like the leases ran out and they wouldnt pay, only that he had a buffer leaseholder in between to run away and hide allowing plausible deniability. I actually knew a woman who had her life savings invested in a bar there and lost the lot that day.

There were actually 120 small businesses destroyed that night (starting at 04:00am on Jan 26th 2003). 60 of them were bars, the rest included internet cafes, travel agents, souvenir shops and a laundry. Most, if not all, held legitimate leases. They were all destroyed along with their contents (except for those that were looted by the thugs, as witnessed by residents of a Soi 10 apartment building), because one shell corporation run by Chuwit leased the land to another shell corporation, also run by Chuwit, for redevelopment. Jayjay0 is correct that it required machinery; back-hoe loaders, generators and lighting gantries were brought along to do the job, as well as truck loads of the afore mentioned thugs. Thaksin himself got involved with the fallout, calling for justice and screaming that the mafia responsible would be punished. Chuwit came back by threatening to reveal a list of senior police officials who he was paying off in return for keeping his brothels open. Thaksin spat his dummy even further, promising to personally clean up the police within three months, which dragged on to a year, then spluttering out once it was all forgotten. Yet another broken promise by the man we're told did so much for the country.

Exactly as I understood it.. Tho how you managed to turn Chuwits greed into an Anti Thaksin rant was quite masterful.


This kind of shit sickens me.

Was not ever anyone from the police patrolling the beach or knew about this?

This had to go on for awhile but we all know how much pull poor people have. A very sick situation.


one could actually say,dont go to restaurant bla bla, because the phad thai is terrible and service is lousy? just a thought.

And the sad thing is they were probably actually trying to kill her ..... just so they could sell some more 30 baht phad thai.

Yes, how about the name of the restaurant? Anyone?

As you may know, naming and shaming is not permitted on ThaiVisa. Warnings and suspensions will be given if this occurs.


Yes I agree,may be back home it would never happen 6 men beat a woman but sure can happen a f**cking rape instead...so let's say this mate... scumbag are scumbag in everywhere and they deserve to be treat on the same way!!!

Six, apparently.

I am constantly amazed at people trying to white wash the most evil behaviour using various methods, most common being, it happens everywhere. Im sorry but in Canada we do not have a culture of 6 men beating on a lone woman, we simply do not, you might find one lone crazy that is capable at any one time but 6 men together all sharing the same evil outlook on life and perpetrating in public with no shame whatsoever? Not a common event like it is here. There is a basic sense of right and wrong that is simply completely missing in this country.


six men against one women, what a bunch of cowards. Says it all about the Thai mafia really.

absolutely 100% spot on ... and it seems people are too frightened to come to the young womans rescue?


To the routine annoyance of people within ear-shot, I can normally talk for England,

but this report, assuming it is totally accurate, makes me speechless with gloom and


Anyone else having second/third/fourth....thoughts about living in this cruel land ?

(given the endless stream of bad-news....perhaps just stop reading TV altogether.)

And before anyone jumps up with the usual: Bad things happen everywhere, even

in cuddly England...absolutely right....but I bet you cannot come up with any story of

a gang descending on and beating a lone woman for trying to sell a few items of fruit ?

Behind all the gold decor, posing in pastel shirts, and quaint mannerisms, Cruel LOS ?

Hang on!!! This is an isolated incident on a beach. We agree on one thing and one thing only, and that is that it would be an unwarranted, despicable and cowardly act for even 1 man to attack a defenceless woman, hospitalising her in the process, let alone 5 or 6 thugs pummeling in to her in such a disgraceful manner. I'm sorry however, but I just don't get how this can, in any way, shape, or form, have any bearing on anyones decision whether to expatriate to Thailand for reasons pertaining to safety!!!! Don't you think that there are not enough GUN or KNIFE crimes committed on a Friday or Saturday night occurring inside or outside of pubs or nightclubs every weeekend in England?

Call it cuddly if you like, but I certainly don't regret leaving my motherland for the LOS. It is quite ludicrous (in the extreme) to imply this in such a way as you have opined without any basis for justification in your posting. Lets put things into perspective, you don't often see fruit vendors selling their wares in front of a beachside restaurant down Southend-on-sea or Cleethorpes, do you!!!!! meaning that this kind of incident is hardly going to happen so it will not make the grubby "News of the World headlines, will it!!!

Apart from drugs related crimes (which occur universally everywhere throughout the world) how often do you see a stabbing in Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket by a Thai man (or even farangs come to that) that is fuelled by the wanton over-indulgence of alcohol - never (or rarely at most). Can you honestly say the same thing about "dear old England"???? Don't get me wrong, I love my old country and am merely putting things into true context. I will defend Thailand to the hilt when someone quite casually besmirches my new homeland with cheap throwaway words. Put it this way I'm not rushing to book my airline ticket back to England on account of this single unfortunate incident.

Lastly, please don't call Thailand cruel - nearby undemocratic Burma I can accept , but Thailand -NEVER!!!!!


Exactly as I understood it.. Tho how you managed to turn Chuwits greed into an Anti Thaksin rant was quite masterful.

How do you think Chuwit got away with it, apart from a meagre compensation payment? It's actually a valid point in a thread that is arguing that the rich are able to get away with anything. Compare a PM who came out full of bluster, promising to see justice done and clean up the mafia, who ultimately did nothing other than actually contribute to the problem (as did many of his associates, such as the Yubamrung clan), with the case here; where the Phuket authorities promise to see justice done and clean up the mafia. What will ultimately happen?


I am a trained fighter, so what do i do?in the last incident at my bussines, it was seven so called maffia goons,against two,sure we could have fought and won, on the night,what would have happened after that? there is no one you can call to help you,1155 what a joke,called ten times and rang out, do we take the law into our own hands?, if i was there when that girl was being beaten and got involved, i would be dead,that's it, never get involved in Thai affairs or Thai ways unless you are ready for the consequences, so we gotta shut up and carry on,what a shame.


I read the article and found no mention of a Thai mafia.

It's a fixture of this forum. If two or more Thais are involved, people scream "mafia". :rolleyes:


unsure.gif Its a good job it was,nt a baby boy under the age of 5 he would probably have sent all 6 running for their lives. They were very very BRAVE weren't they.

Maybe it was the BIB


And the sad thing is they were probably actually trying to kill her ..... just so they could sell some more 30 baht phad thai.

Yes, how about the name of the restaurant? Anyone?

Things like these are common on Phuket and it make me sick. We all know how the outcome will be finally! No one will go to jail, the restaurants owner will even deny to know these guys etc etc....

I understand that the owner of the restaurant is a little bit pissed about the other vendors. He have to pay rent, he have to build toilets and taking care for the garbage, while the other vendors have no costs at all and (may be) pay just a little bit teamoney to the orbortor of the area or some bib.

Phuket is dominated by Mafia since years. Tuk Tuk, Taxi and Minibus and even the hardware stores where the prices are much higher as in any other location 300km near Phuket

Hope she recovers soon and we will not learn of some killings in the next few days :annoyed: :jap:


And the sad thing is they were probably actually trying to kill her ..... just so they could sell some more 30 baht phad thai.

Yes, how about the name of the restaurant? Anyone?

As you may know, naming and shaming is not permitted on ThaiVisa. Warnings and suspensions will be given if this occurs.

Very true and i totaly back Thai visa forun Disions, roughly where is the restaraunt in phuket then ,


Having lived here a while and lived in the west a while i have to say Phuket can be pretty scary. It seems people are going crazy for the chance to come to Phuket from all over Thailand and make money from the rich farrangs.

Phuket is a tiny island, surely the crime rate for similar cases is quite high per capita here?

Thais are generally nice, friendly, considerate and easy going people. However alot of them seem to through some transformation when they work in tourist areas. They seems to loose all their morals and values and well become obsessed with money and greed and will do anything to make money. I can't really put my finger on it, other than to say this is one of the reasons I have always avoided living in tourist areas. I guess I don't want to become a victim? You can always visit on holiday?


Yes, incidents like this can happen in any country, but only in countries like Thailand do the perpetrators go unpunished and the police sit on their hands until prodded. What beats me is the often sense of resignation, in England if the police did nothing the beach vendors would retaliate, turn the restaurant into a heap of ashes.


And the sad thing is they were probably actually trying to kill her ..... just so they could sell some more 30 baht phad thai.

Yes, how about the name of the restaurant? Anyone?

As you may know, naming and shaming is not permitted on ThaiVisa. Warnings and suspensions will be given if this occurs.

Very true and i totaly back Thai visa forun Disions, roughly where is the restaraunt in phuket then ,

Just boycott all of them and be sure to tell all your friends.


"V/Gov Weerawat ordered Thalang District Chief Naruenart Supattaraprateep and Cherng Talay Police Superintendant Col Witun Kongsudjai to investigate the claims.

The men responsible for attacking Ms Maiwadee will be prosecuted, V/Gov Weerawat said."

Now that the these two characters have been involved we can all heave a sigh of relief knowing that justice will certainly be done. LOL.


Disgraceful behaviour! I hope those responsible are brought to justice. The beach vendors are a great Thai feature and a picturesque way of Thai life.Let's hope the police do their job and rem ove this vicious, vile grouip of thugs!


The men responsible for attacking Ms Maiwadee will be prosecuted, V/Gov Weerawat said.

Like hell they will.

It appears these thugs have a free hand otherwise they would all be in jail awaiting trial right now.

The police are not really interested because the victim is not a person of wealth and considered of little significance. The police stand to gain nothing by enforcing the law for this poor kid and as usual they would prefer that this matter is forgotten and if left alone it will go away.

Who says that there will be no follow-ups to this story in the media? Place your bets here please.

I am now placing my bet. The police and other authorities will do absolutely nothing to the culprits. The reason is quite simple. Money number one. Punishing the culprits does not put money into the hands of the authorities....therefore they are uninterested. Ever see one person get pulled over for blowing through a red light? Or for driving the wrong way against the flow of traffic. NEVER, and I've been living here for over five years now. The cowards who beat this woman up knew with absolute certainty that they could get away with it and that's why they did it in full daylight. She has no money---therefore she's worthless according to the Golden Rule here..."Money Number One"


Lastly, please don't call Thailand cruel - nearby undemocratic Burma I can accept , but Thailand -NEVER!!!!!

Such a blind statement. You either need to get out more or perhaps just wake up. Surely you don't use Burma as a mark for everything?

Cruel, well thats just one of the words you could use to describe this place, its all a matter of opinion, theres certainly no shortage of cruel stuff going on all around the world & certainly no shortage of it here in Thailand.

Your statement, Thailand - Never!!!!!! makes me laugh :lol: , please remove eye shades/blinkers, re-assess & re-post ;)

edit to say: PS: What a discusting act of cowardness on behalf of these gutless individuals. :annoyed:


I'm wondering about the nationality of the restaurant people. It feels to me that they are not Thai - or not real Thais.

I wonder if they might be Middle Eastern or Indian type nationalities.

The reason I feel this is because there is a HUGE influx of these type nationalities setting up businesses - particularly restaurants - in South Thailand.

Awful behaviour. I wish that some "Mafia" with better morals would take her side and "assist" her in dealing with these nasty rodent scum.

What is the name of the restaurant?


Get real and open your eyes. Phuket has a very nasty, cruel and seedy underbelly to it. You better wake up and smell the coffee or you will become the next statistic or victim.


Get real and open your eyes. Phuket has a very nasty, cruel and seedy underbelly to it. You better wake up and smell the coffee or you will become the next statistic or victim.

To the routine annoyance of people within ear-shot, I can normally talk for England,

but this report, assuming it is totally accurate, makes me speechless with gloom and


Anyone else having second/third/fourth....thoughts about living in this cruel land ?

(given the endless stream of bad-news....perhaps just stop reading TV altogether.)

And before anyone jumps up with the usual: Bad things happen everywhere, even

in cuddly England...absolutely right....but I bet you cannot come up with any story of

a gang descending on and beating a lone woman for trying to sell a few items of fruit ?

Behind all the gold decor, posing in pastel shirts, and quaint mannerisms, Cruel LOS ?

It is sad for the lady, and I hope that she recovers soon. But.....................................

You are right - there will not be a case of people beating up others over selling fruit, on a beach in England.

1 they cannot afford the fruit

2 the local council would not let them sell it on the beach

3 the health and safety people would demand that they wear protective clothing 'in case it was tainted'

4 it's too cold on the beach

In all of my time of living in Thailand, this is the first time that I have heard of this. What does an isolated incident have to do with 'cruel LOS'?

In the UK yesterday there was a case of 'sexual grooming by two Asians on white girls'. (Not the first case.) Cruel LOS ?- I almost choked on my BBQ sweetcorn.


six men against one women, what a bunch of cowards. Says it all about the Thai mafia really.

I think that your comments need to be clarified.



these guys are not mafia,, mafia do not do things like that, these are just idiots getting off on beating a defensive woman,, calling these guys mafia will only give a boost to there egos.

six men against one women, what a bunch of cowards. Says it all about the Thai mafia really.


this incident is typical (although extreme) of how business ppl tend to think they own the areas around their business. ever been told you can't park in front of a shop? or don't loiter in front of their business? thai business owners apparently believe they have rights to a buffer around their shops (and maybe with BIB or mafia tea money, probably do...)

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