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Cant Stop Looking At The Ladies!


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Im a newcomer to thailand and this is only my second time here,i have a gf here and im happy with her,she's a lovely girl and attractive too.Theres just 1 problem,i cant stop looking at other girls and lusting after them,im not like this back home,probably because there are not as many beautiful girls with beautiful bodies,i feel like michael douglas.My gf works through the day so i do my own thing,go into town,gym,a beer,walk round the shopping mall,learn thai but wherever i am there is always a beautiful girl and i have to look at her.Even when my gf is with me i cant concentrate on what she is saying sometimes and then she gets angry and it causes an argument.

My question is to every guy in thailand,is this normal? Are you like this? for the guys that have been here along time,were you the same? Are you still the same now? And is it possible to stay with one girl and be 100% loyal?

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A couple of recommendations to help you with your affliction:

1) Give yourself a helping hand in the morning

2) Imagine everyone is looking at your GF the same way

3) Imagine all those beauties talking

4) Take cold showers

5) 500,000 to 1 million baht: common dowry asking prices

6) Most have bf's already

7) Make sure your fly is not down or you have a big piece of snot hanging out when they look at you and smile

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One other consideration: a lot of those hot looking ladies are "working girls" and I don't mean in an accounting or marketing office in some high-rise...you wanna be a short time or long time customer with one of those??? Go ahead and look; eye candy is non-fattening so long as you don't bite into it and discipline yourself not to do it around your GF, that is if you think it's really going somewhere...this is only your 2nd trip here; take it slow.

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when your with your better half,it is not polite to look at other women.If you don't care for your significant other then go for it.But don't be surprised one day that she has had enough and decided to move on.

Maybe ya shouldn't have A girlfriend ,wife etc.May you should just be free to do whatever.

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Funny topic. I'm not sure WHEN in life a man is supposed to stop admiring the ladies, but I'm still doing it and I'm 71. :lol:

However, it's not polite to stare, and yet there are subtle ways of getting around that. Of course, It's not polite to look elsewhere when someone is talking to you either... unless of course, the person is very boring and you'd rather be anywhere else than where you are. At that point I just make some excuse and leave.

I have to admit that there are certainly a lot of slim, attractive ladies in Thailand. Some have the greatest legs anywhere. Of course, a lot depends on where you are living. A place like Pattaya is full of lovely young women who have come there intentionally looking for "jobs". It's not so prevalent in other cities.

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Funny topic. I'm not sure WHEN in life a man is supposed to stop admiring the ladies, but I'm still doing it and I'm 71. :lol:

However, it's not polite to stare, and yet there are subtle ways of getting around that. Of course, It's not polite to look elsewhere when someone is talking to you either... unless of course, the person is very boring and you'd rather be anywhere else than where you are. At that point I just make some excuse and leave.

I have to admit that there are certainly a lot of slim, attractive ladies in Thailand. Some have the greatest legs anywhere. Of course, a lot depends on where you are living. A place like Pattaya is full of lovely young women who have come there intentionally looking for "jobs". It's not so prevalent in other cities.

I am a bit younger than you (at 66) and I have known my wife for 17 years and we have been married for 10 of them.

She tells me that I AM allowed to look and talk but NOT to touch.

I live out in the sticks and the number of beautiful girls out here are not so many, however when I sit outside in the mornings or when I walk around the markets the girls legs and long hair attract me the most.

There are some very nice looking ones and most of the time I get a smile back.

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Only normal to look isn't it? I'd say there was something wrong with you if you didn't. :D

It is normal to do this if it is based on general pleasure, but the OP's activities seem to indicate an obsession with this, which is not normal, it is of course a personal matter and he can only analyse and correct the causes himself.

Looking at nice figured young females with moving hips is indeed a pleasure, but that is nothing new, since those females exist across the globe, (not just here) but in any event no matter where, it should never become an obsession, since obsessions result always into serious personal problems, pleasure viewing is fine, but obsession in this matter must be avoided.

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I would suggest a hand shandy in the morning, bash the bishop at lunch time and spank the monkey just before she gets home. THEN have a good evening/night and do the same tomorrow. :D

Evenings are very nice on the islands to fly your kite. :whistling:

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OK so why not look at the situation from the reverse: How would you like to be one of those delectable young Thai females and not be able to make it to the end of the block without a bunch of guys gawking at you and in some cases actually propositioning you? That is why so many of these modern dee-sirables have come to the conclusion that "Men Suck" and go off looking in another direction.

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