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Cant Stop Looking At The Ladies!


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OK so why not look at the situation from the reverse: How would you like to be one of those delectable young Thai females and not be able to make it to the end of the block without a bunch of guys gawking at you and in some cases actually propositioning you? That is why so many of these modern dee-sirables have come to the conclusion that "Men Suck" and go off looking in another direction.

That might be true in some cases, jazzbo, but most attractive women that I've met ENJOY being looked at. However, it is WHO they want to notice them where the problem arises. They want to be noticed by guys like Brad Pitt or Johnny Deppe. They just don't want to be oggled by creepy old guys like me. Unfortunately, they don't have a choice in the matter. It's all or nothing.

And, I can't recall a pretty woman who didn't enjoy an honest compliment on their beauty... providing the guy wasn't hitting on them.

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And, I can't recall a pretty woman who didn't enjoy an honest compliment on their beauty... providing the guy wasn't hitting on them.

I hit on them all the time, I don't look anything like Brad Pitt (maybe his granddad), none have objected so far.

They either smile and politely refuse, usually with a cute little giggle, or give me their phone number.

(It does help if you can do it in Thai though)

Although the last time it happened, for me, was in a bank, the usher (cute girl about 22) helped me fill in a deposit form (200kbht), snuck a look at my balance (far more), then insisted taking me everywhere, chatting while the various business transactions were done. She was hitting on me so strongly, I had to run out before she demanded my phone number!

Amazing effect a couple of hundred thousand baht in folding has on a young, respectable, and educated Thai girl.

Edited by pjclark1
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Operative conditional: that I've met

True, but then I can't comment on women I HAVEN'T met. The few thousand that I have met never complained. A nod and a smile is usually returned by a similar smile. Of course, there IS a difference between a smile and a leer. I always let the women make the first serious move. I just show I'm interested.

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I was describing a particular type of Thai Girl -- and I have only met a few and those by chance ... and those ones would respond to you (in Thai as they do not speak English): 'Look you boring jerk: I've been hearing those words and dealing with those gawks since I was 12 years old. I'm tired of it and you know where you can stick it.'

There is no point in just show(ing) I'm interested... in their experience almost EVERY guy is interested

Edited by jazzbo
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I was describing a particular type of Thai Girl -- and I have only met a few and those by chance ... and those ones would respond to you (in Thai as they do not speak English): 'Look you boring jerk: I've been hearing those words and dealing with those gawks since I was 12 years old. I'm tired of it and you know where you can stick it.'

There is no point in just show(ing) I'm interested... in their experience almost EVERY guy is interested

That is EXACTLY the point. They know most men are interested. They only want to interest the men that THEY are interested in. That is why they dress and act in a sexy manner. Women don't wear low cut blouses and push up bras so men won't oggle them. They aren't interested in us creepy old farts. And, if we have any smarts at all then we know which gals are which. It's not rocket science. I don't recall them ever showing distain for a man like Carey Grant who you once mentioned as having class.

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They only want to interest the men that THEY are interested in... Jeez you would think anyone who has met a few thousand women would pick up on this faster ... They are no longer interested in men at all ... that's why so many of the TG knock-outs have become DEE lesbians... and let's not go there about Gary Grant... I doubt with your Euell Gibbons routine and hanging out in farang oriented establishments you would get to meet many of them anyway ...

BTW The sitcom star (Charlie Sheen) lands on Maxim magazine's Top 10 "Living Sex Legends" list having allegedly done the deed with 5,000 women... so you've still got some catching up to do.

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I was describing a particular type of Thai Girl -- and I have only met a few and those by chance ... and those ones would respond to you (in Thai as they do not speak English): 'Look you boring jerk: I've been hearing those words and dealing with those gawks since I was 12 years old. I'm tired of it and you know where you can stick it.'

There is no point in just show(ing) I'm interested... in their experience almost EVERY guy is interested

That is EXACTLY the point. They know most men are interested. They only want to interest the men that THEY are interested in. That is why they dress and act in a sexy manner. Women don't wear low cut blouses and push up bras so men won't oggle them. They aren't interested in us creepy old farts. And, if we have any smarts at all then we know which gals are which. It's not rocket science. I don't recall them ever showing distain for a man like Carey Grant who you once mentioned as having class.

This is too simplistic Ian, There is a lot of reasons women dress they way they do, a huge factor is how they are perceived by other women as well. A lot of emphasis is on being, not only fashionable, but dressing for relevant situations and also their own particular mood. I am sure there are times when man catching comes in to play, but unless that is their profession or a particular obsession, I would think that this doesn't occur that often. I would say the reason women wear the things they do is usually a sum of these four things: Does it make them look good, Is it right for the occasion, Does it say the right thing about them, what kind of attention will it draw. It is the fourth one you are talking about.

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Its not your fault, its nature,enjoy it, remember man is a hunter, women are the gatherers, and believe me before your relationship is over, your GF will have gathered all your wealth. :whistling: Then you will have a different perspective on what your looking at.:shock1:

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They only want to interest the men that THEY are interested in... Jeez you would think anyone who has met a few thousand women would pick up on this faster ... They are no longer interested in men at all ... that's why so many of the TG knock-outs have become DEE lesbians... and let's not go there about Gary Grant... I doubt with your Euell Gibbons routine and hanging out in farang oriented establishments you would get to meet many of them anyway ...

BTW The sitcom star (Charlie Sheen) lands on Maxim magazine's Top 10 "Living Sex Legends" list having allegedly done the deed with 5,000 women... so you've still got some catching up to do.

I'm not really interested in arguing. You've mentioned the DEE lesbians before. I couldn't care less about any of them. I just appreciate good looking women whether they are DEE, lesbian or heterosexual. Many of the really beautiful women are duds in bed anyway. I don't want to get involved with them. I don't NEED any more women in my life than the ones I already have. I've never been one to make a list of conquests. The ones you buy or rent don't really count anyway. It has been the women themselves who taught me the most about women. Why would I NOT hang out in farang establishments? I am a farang. Frankly, I'd rather be on some lovely trout stream than hanging in a bar. But, the trout season is still 4 months away in Canada, and staying in New Zealand for the winter is more expensive than Thailand. Simple as that.

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I've never been one to make a list of conquests.Then why do you preface so many of your comments with how many women you know or have met? ... do you think that quantity adds to your gravitas ... Based upon your numerous posts it sounds like you understand the fish much better ... Hanging out in a restaurant where no one speaks English and most have never even met a farang before gives you an insight someone who is a part-timer tourist drop-in will never encounter ...

And the point of my mentioning the dees is that culture is an outgrowth of dealing with so many mostly Thai men but certainly some number of farangs who think that they DO have a heightened understanding of women.

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I'd rather be on some lovely trout stream than hanging in a bar

They had fresh trout in Makro on Samui last month.

Farmed somewhere in Chiang mai-Chiang rai.

Enjoyed it sooo much.

My favourite fish from northern Finland.

Haven't had one since I moved here over five years ago.

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They only want to interest the men that THEY are interested in... Jeez you would think anyone who has met a few thousand women would pick up on this faster ... They are no longer interested in men at all ... that's why so many of the TG knock-outs have become DEE lesbians... and let's not go there about Gary Grant... I doubt with your Euell Gibbons routine and hanging out in farang oriented establishments you would get to meet many of them anyway ...

BTW The sitcom star (Charlie Sheen) lands on Maxim magazine's Top 10 "Living Sex Legends" list having allegedly done the deed with 5,000 women... so you've still got some catching up to do.

5,000 girls is 1 every day for 13.7 years with no days off for good or bad behaviour.

Give me strength and 5 gross of those little blue pills

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Charlie Sheen has been in starring roles for about 25 years so who knows -- he had that great line at one of his trials when the judged asked him why someone like himself has to pay for sex. He replied: I do not pay for sex... I pay them to leave after sex.

BTW as pointed out above: Many of the really beautiful women are duds in bed anyway ... Maybe so... but the OP's post #1 did not describe his problem looking at and lusting after un-attractive women.

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OK so why not look at the situation from the reverse: How would you like to be one of those delectable young Thai females and not be able to make it to the end of the block without a bunch of guys gawking at you and in some cases actually propositioning you? That is why so many of these modern dee-sirables have come to the conclusion that "Men Suck" and go off looking in another direction.

hang on a minute!!! I dont go round gawking and propositioning the ladies,"im just looking,im not buying".if a girl notices me looking at her,i either smile at her or quickly look away but to be honest in alot of cases the girls are looking at me first.Im not saying im brad pitt its probably because im tall and im falang so im very noticable and when i notice the girls looking at me they do exactly the same as me,either look away or give me a beautiful smile,this is one of the reasons i like looking at them because i havnt seen anything better than a thai ladies smile and i dont get this attention in england.Ladies rarely smile at you in england and if you smile at them they either think there is something wrong with you or wrong with them.

And how can a man who looks at maxim be banging on about gawking at the ladies,hypocracy at its finest.

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To the OP -- Your look may be innocent enough ... just that at a certain point some Thai women just tire of the looks especially if it happens to be the 27th they have received that day. As for Maxim, I do not and have never looked at Maxim; I just looked at Google for 'Charlie Sheen'

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Funny topic. I'm not sure WHEN in life a man is supposed to stop admiring the ladies, but I'm still doing it and I'm 71. :lol:

However, it's not polite to stare, and yet there are subtle ways of getting around that. Of course, It's not polite to look elsewhere when someone is talking to you either... unless of course, the person is very boring and you'd rather be anywhere else than where you are. At that point I just make some excuse and leave.

I have to admit that there are certainly a lot of slim, attractive ladies in Thailand. Some have the greatest legs anywhere. Of course, a lot depends on where you are living. A place like Pattaya is full of lovely young women who have come there intentionally looking for "jobs". It's not so prevalent in other cities.

Thats because all the pretty girls leave 'going nowhere towns' to find their fortunes... Or can I put it more bluntly; Bangkok and the tourist towns is where the 'customers' are. So going nowhere towns are devoid of beauties. Exception to this is at Songkran when they all go home!

I think its perfectly normal to look at all the pretty girls. Thats why we are here?

Edited by MaiChai
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to save yourself from aggro from your gf cultivate a wall eye or boss eye, that way when she accuses you of eyeing up the birds you can claim to be looking at her. might make you more interesting too, you know, become the wonky eye guy or something ;):blink:

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To the OP -- Your look may be innocent enough ... just that at a certain point some Thai women just tire of the looks especially if it happens to be the 27th they have received that day. As for Maxim, I do not and have never looked at Maxim; I just looked at Google for 'Charlie Sheen'


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B*LLOCKS!!! OK ... Then let's go back to post #1: I have a gf here and I'm happy with her,she's a lovely girl and attractive too... and if she is all that then as with some TGFs she should be wearing you out to the point you are just TOO TIRED to look at other women... problem solved.

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