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A Thai Christmas With My Family


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Although a farang woman, I am seprarated from my family for employment reasons. So this time of year makes it even harder. We have been so used to spending a couple of months together and strengthening the bonds between us, but we don't really keep Christmas. This year will be harder, as I'm away from my family and having to work over this period won't even be able to share a meal with them, just a long distance call.

Is anyone else facing these issues?

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Guest IT Manager

We are facing a xmas away from my wife, our sons adoptive mother. I will be with our sons. We don't celebrate xmas as such, but more a time for us as a family to be together.

Ours adopted sons are the source of huge joy for us. Our oldest boys birthday, which is celebrated on the day he came to live with us, is the most important day of the year.

The day after he came to live with us, was when he was diagnosed HIV positive. So now, we are waiting to celebrate his 7th year of survival. On that day he will be the longest surviving child with AIDS in Asia.

I will be missing you my darling.

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IT you really are an exceptional and inspiring person and wish you and your family a merry xmas and all the best in the new year. :o

leonah this time of the year can be hard for many. An orphans xmas can be very comforting - we used to do them all the time when I lived in london (but it wasn't too bad for me as had family in europe who I'd fly over and visit). This will be my first xmas away from any family, however xmas in my family isn't the norm - have an eastern european background so celebrate xmas on the 25th dec but also on the 7th jan (orthodox xmas). Will most likely spend it with fellow orphans - it's amazing how friends become your closest family at these times :D . Wish you all the best and a very merry xmas - think happy positive thoughts, they'll help you through this quite lonely time B)

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Guest IT Manager

For the record Nat, Leonah is my wife, of whom I am very proud and with whom I have the privilege and pleasure of sharing my life.


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We are facing a xmas away from my wife, our sons adoptive mother. I will be with our sons. We don't celebrate xmas as such, but more a time for us as a family to be together.

Ours adopted sons are the source of huge joy for us. Our oldest boys birthday, which is celebrated on the day he came to live with us, is the most important day of the year.

The day after he came to live with us, was when he was diagnosed HIV positive. So now, we are waiting to celebrate his 7th year of survival. On that day he will be the longest surviving child with AIDS in Asia.

I will be missing you my darling.

Good Luck IT and best wishes to your son and family, you are a credit to him! :o

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Hi Guys,

Christmas away from home is hard, this christmas will be even harder for me as we are expecting our first baby in the next few days. Infact she will have to be delivered by c section so I have the comfort of knowing when it will happen. I just won't be there.

Phone calls are very expensive from where I am so I only spend minimal time talking to my wife, we are both doing our best to be strong but with the baby coming...

My wife is a wonderful person, and I worry so much for her going in to hospital on wednesday morning, she is due to go under the knife at 9am wednesday morning.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the board, it is a great help for me as just reading and discussing topics from home make me feel a little less lonely, i just wish my wife could join in too, But thanks to IT we will have an internet connection in the beginning of next year and therefore a means of talking that will help us out no end.

George may end up having to start a new Forum topic called tukyleith and his wife, as i am hoping she will join us on this board.

We wish you all a merry christmas and a very lucky new year.

Tuky Leith

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Hi tukyleith

I wish you all the best and congratulate you and your wife in advance :o Do you know the gender? This is very girly but it's going to be a sagitarious regardless :D.

This time of the year is very hard on many people and wish that you all get to spend next xmas as a happy family, opening xmas pesents B) . Seriously thing those with families are some of the luckiest people in the world B)

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tuky, merry christmas to you and your wife. I wish a lot of strength and good luck for her and the unborn in these difficult days, I'm sure she misses you a lot now and needs your support more than ever, keep up the phone bill!!

merry christmas to all the nice people on the board, especially the ones who have to spend this time without their beloved.

miss home and Mum the most at this time of year, unfortunately couldn't make it this time to fly home :D

but some old friends of mine will come tomorrow to comfort me a bit, but then, they want to get away from it all...

anyway, I will have my home-brewn christmas punch and cookies with candlelights, come what may! :o

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Nat, the doc is 90% sure the baby will be a girl :D

so we have decided to call her Kittycha or Kitty for short. this name I think will fit in with my Australian roots and my wife tells me it is not an uncommon name in Thailand too.

But...I will have confirmation of the sex this time tomorrow B)

I am a capricorn, and yes your right she will be a Sag. I do not know what this means for her but I am sure what ever star sign she was she would still be the most wonderful little thing I have ever seen...

HEHE tomorrow I am going to be a DAD!!! :o

Thanks Elfe, as soon as I get a photo of her I will post it in the album page of this forum. I don't know why, but just try and stop me B)


proud dad to be.

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Just an update to the ladies, IT and the Gentleman of this thread,

My brave wife had a 3.3kg girl this morning at 9am, my wife is sleeping now so I haven't had a chance to talk with her, I really do not know how to feel. I work in the oil and gas industry in construction, yet here I am doing my best not to start crying. Whether because I am not with my wife right now and I am so sad because I cannot hold her hand and tell her I love her or because I am so thrilled about our new family member (our first baby), I do not know.

I knew I would feel some emotions but I wasn't expecting this...

I will keep you updated as the news comes up, and as I get a photo I will include it in an album in this forum.


I do not know what to say, excet I do not know if I have ever felt so lonely, and yet so happy at the same time :o

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Tuk, Congratulations! Glad to hear all went well, that your wife and baby are well. And go ahead and cry if you want! This is, after all, completely normal and no one here will hold it against you.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your wife, enjoy your lovely gift.

IT, Leonah and Tuk, just remember, altho you are missing this occasion togther your life will be filled with other ones just as happy and just as significant. Altho you may feel the loss today, look forward to the future when you can be together again.

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Congratulations tukyleith!

If you feel the need to cry than go for it - this is probably one of the happiest days of your life. I'm not a parent, but all my friends that are have also said they felt emotions they never expected. Enjoy it!

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Tuk, Wife & new Daughter, Happy Christmas & New Year, I hope your family will be reunited again soon.

Leonah, Welcome to the girlie section, As the new admin for this section I have been talking with IT on a couple of occasions & boy, does he brag about you & your boys, B) whewey girl, he's got it bad. :D

As for Christmassing alone away from family, I think you just have to make the most of a bad situation & think of the future & seeing them all again. Merry Christmas everyone. Turkey on the beach for me again this year, sure does taste gritty :o

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Guest IT Manager

I have a better grip on Tuky's avatar now.

Dancing for Joy.

Hope everyone has a good festive season,whatever you call it, and wherever you are. we are going to try to put a web cam together so the family can be sort of together.

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Tukyleith and FAMILY:Congratulations :DB)B)

and to everybody in this forum a very merry Christmas.

Leonah and ITM, nothing I can add but all the luck to you.

For Christmas alone, I feel with you, I brought my wife to the airport this morning. She will see her family after 3 years, again. First time in years, we will not spend Christmas with our son who stays on the other end of the world. He will go to see my mother, who kept asking me for weeks, if any change and we might be coming....

Myself? Business visitors on 22nd (OK, customer is king, they come to celebrate on Phuket and thought it's a good idea to meet up with me) Gives another meeting on 24th afternoon. I thought, Europeans think more of Christmas. :o

I will make the best of it, stay in, for sure I do not want to go to some of the pubs or restaurants where families celebrate on 24-24th. Guess I can catch up with some sleep and reading.


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:o Hi again, and congratulations to tukyleith and family.

Although alone, I wasn't lonely for christmas. I spent 3 wonderful hours in an internet cafe talking with my Husband and sons. Isn't technology wonderful. To see the happy smiling faces of the ones you love and chatter as though they were right there with you. I felt the love and warmth, although there were thousands of mile between us.

I'm looking forward to coming home, and glad to be a part of this wonderful forum.

Thank you all.

Have a wonderful new year too.

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Anyonghaseyo Leonah, cumsahumnida!!!

With a huge thanks to the IT Man. I too will be able to enjoy the togetherness that technology can bring, it will make life so much more enjoyable I am sure.

However did people survive before email, voip and web cams?

I am leaving tomorrow for home, will see my wife at Don Muang midday Sunday and two hours later will be cuddling and kissing my little Kitty. hehe seems unreal still.

Gentleman, I am on a 6 and 2 rotation, even worse. But do-able.

I just keep reminding myself of the future I am providing for the little one.

IT, well done old chap!!!

Munchkin, Axel, Boo, Nat, SBK, and anyone else that I have forgotten, thanks for all the well wishes, and for being a part of my happiness, without you guys I am sure the last week or so would have been a lot lonelier. Last count my album on the photo page had about 130 hits, 128 of them were me :o

Now lets look forward to successful new year!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...


I am sure you are aware that I met the sometimes infamous other half just this weekend.

We had a great chat about the many things you guys do for people sometimes not as fortunate as we are...

all I can say is I take my hat off to you two.

Thank you for letting him out of the house :o

BTW, I spent a fair amount of time working in Koje-do at the Samsung shipyard, fell in love with the people and the culture. I am envious.

enjoy some bulgolgi for me but lay off the soju...


PS I have a few new pics of Kitty and even one of myself here

be sure to check page 2

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Guest IT Manager

By the way, Tukyleith forgot to announce that ###### is also very capable of going all gooey over a 3 week old baby.. and that he was the first from the forum to hold her (carefully).

She is quite beautiful. Looks nothing like her father which is some sort of blessing, though she does have his nose (but mothers nostrils).

Thanks for sharing the time Tukyleith. It was a blast. Also thanks for the birthday wishes.


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Hi Tuky,

Wonderful to see all those pics... even got a call from my "softy" husband after holding your little treasure. Congratulations!!! :o

Have been trying all sorts of Korean food, but still dart off to the Thai Orchid in Itaewon for something more familiar, from time to time. I'm in Gwacheon, about 30 min south of Seoul on the subway (If it's not peak hour), but am touring around from time to time getting into what culture I can while I'm here. It's been fun but I will be very glad to go home.

Happy New Year to you and your family.

Edited by IT Manager
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