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NATION Journalist Held Up At Gunpoint By 'Police'

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No apparent report to the "real" Police, nothing regarding the response from the Officer or Station it was reported too,which would seem to be logical inclusions for a balanced report.

Jumping from a moving vehicle, colliding with another vehicle, and yet no mention of any witnesses or reports from others involved ?......very strange.

Sorry but this seems ficticious to me.


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Muppets...We all are Muppets.

Police lick the Army,and the army allow them to do whatever for the money.Now and then they have a fight ,but a deal is a must,or 0 satang.

War is war.Number 1 is to Survive. The hole world is in war.With who? Who ever that's not indoctrinated as the same way "you are.

Why do people do "these things"? Surviving ,that's why.

Stay Sharp.passifier.gif



they were real policemen, one in uniform, with badges and guns.

why they didn't stop at the journalist's house to check his passport (foreigners are obliged to carry their pass at all time - or at least a cophy of it) is a little strange, probably they decided, that wallets/ring/mobiles would be an easier prise, than entering the house and leaving empty handed.

Anyone can buy a BIB uniform in BKK just getting the size right, there are many shops that openly sell Police uniforms and accessories

In fact if I remember correctly one of them is just up the road opposite Suan Plu Immigration!!!


To be honest, Africans & Indians, also know as Kek by Thai, are not well look upon in Thailand. This is a known fact. Anyone want to dispute this?

No dispute. Thai's are one of, if not the Racist group of people I have encountered thus far. Just look at how you treat your own Thai citizens just because of their skin color. You have made this country so paranoid. You've even gone as far as changing the portrayal of Lord Buddha, I honestly believe he looks like a hairy Indian guy, but you Thais make him out to look like a Chinaman.

I believe the dislike of the Thai for the Indians stem mainly from jealousy and lack of originality on the Thai part. Almost everything Thai came from India, their Buddhist religion, The Thai script which came from the Brahmi, Thai names, culture, etc. If the Indians had not sent over a couple of chapters of the Kama Sutra, all those hundreds of years ago, I rather not think how your skin trade would look like today.

Today, behind Malaysians, Indians make up the second largest tourist to this country. When you had all the riots and your tourism industry was going down, your government and Tourist ministry were pleading with wealthy Indians to come to Thailand. And they did.


However Thai's have no concept of gratitude. You go around with this misconception that every foreigner that lands here owe you money. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. You feel you have the right to show control and abuse people because of their color, creed and ethinicity and think it is justified.

How do you think people look upon Thai's abroad?

Grow up.


To be honest, Africans & Indians, also know as Kek by Thai, are not well look upon in Thailand. This is a known fact. Anyone want to dispute this?

No dispute. Thai's are one of, if not the Racist group of people I have encountered thus far. Just look at how you treat your own Thai citizens just because of their skin color. You have made this country so paranoid. You've even gone as far as changing the portrayal of Lord Buddha, I honestly believe he looks like a hairy Indian guy, but you Thais make him out to look like a Chinaman.

I believe the dislike of the Thai for the Indians stem mainly from jealousy and lack of originality on the Thai part. Almost everything Thai came from India, their Buddhist religion, The Thai script which came from the Brahmi, Thai names, culture, etc. If the Indians had not sent over a couple of chapters of the Kama Sutra, all those hundreds of years ago, I rather not think how your skin trade would look like today.

Today, behind Malaysians, Indians make up the second largest tourist to this country. When you had all the riots and your tourism industry was going down, your government and Tourist ministry were pleading with wealthy Indians to come to Thailand. And they did.


However Thai's have no concept of gratitude. You go around with this misconception that every foreigner that lands here owe you money. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. You feel you have the right to show control and abuse people because of their color, creed and ethinicity and think it is justified.

How do you think people look upon Thai's abroad?

Grow up.

This is what i call Hard Talk.Thumb up RedNIvar.Keep it Coming


To be honest, Africans & Indians, also know as Kek by Thai, are not well look upon in Thailand. This is a known fact. Anyone want to dispute this?

No dispute. Thai's are one of, if not the Racist group of people I have encountered thus far. Just look at how you treat your own Thai citizens just because of their skin color. You have made this country so paranoid. You've even gone as far as changing the portrayal of Lord Buddha, I honestly believe he looks like a hairy Indian guy, but you Thais make him out to look like a Chinaman.

I believe the dislike of the Thai for the Indians stem mainly from jealousy and lack of originality on the Thai part. Almost everything Thai came from India, their Buddhist religion, The Thai script which came from the Brahmi, Thai names, culture, etc. If the Indians had not sent over a couple of chapters of the Kama Sutra, all those hundreds of years ago, I rather not think how your skin trade would look like today.

Today, behind Malaysians, Indians make up the second largest tourist to this country. When you had all the riots and your tourism industry was going down, your government and Tourist ministry were pleading with wealthy Indians to come to Thailand. And they did.


However Thai's have no concept of gratitude. You go around with this misconception that every foreigner that lands here owe you money. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. You feel you have the right to show control and abuse people because of their color, creed and ethinicity and think it is justified.

How do you think people look upon Thai's abroad?

Grow up.

Thank you. These people are, on the whole and in one-on-one situations, truly amazing. However it is every day that I experience some misinformed racist stupidity. I am, on the whole, truly willing to forgive people like this as I believe certain influences gain great benefits from keeping this country dumbed down. However when I meet truly "awake" Thais I meet the most incredible people in my life and I feel able to stay another day. So, what will this country gain from educating the people away from racism? Freedom and greatness. Is that a good reward?

You said "instead of turning into Suan Phlu and Immigration". When did this event take place? Immigration moved from Suan Phlu ages ago.


so there are at least two members who dont know how the things are:

the immigration detention center, where people without valid visa are deported to is in

Immigration Detention Center (IDC)

507 Soi Suan Plu (Sathorn Soi 3)

Sathorn Tai Road

Here is an official link including a map: http://www.immigrati...p?page=location

We can meet there to make u two and the other blank-faced sure.

If i hadnt already had unbelievable incidents with thai police i maybe would not believe this story, too.

Have more reasons to believe this story than not <_<


To be honest, Africans & Indians, also know as Kek by Thai, are not well look upon in Thailand. This is a known fact. Anyone want to dispute this?

Nope we are all aware that racism is thriving in the Thai society.


I think racism against Blacks and Indians in Thaland are coming from the era of emperialism and colonialism where lots of small impoverished nations was being insulted or half enslaved by a bunch of powerful emperialist nations such as France, England etc.

I am sure this created a deep psychological complex and i think now they are taking the revenge of these old hard days from impoverished Blacks and Indians.

The post of REDNIVAR is totally right as well. India is the main origin of Thai culture. So, it is totally hard to understand.


To be honest, Africans & Indians, also know as Kek by Thai, are not well look upon in Thailand. This is a known fact. Anyone want to dispute this?

no as my wife is thai and she tells me they dont like africans and west indians as they class them as bad people and drug dealers as with indians and pakistanies well they take the shopping businness away from thais and as for white europeans there ok as we adapt because we want to be there to spend our hard earned cash on a better life if your haveing one of course


I think racism against Blacks and Indians in Thaland are coming from the era of emperialism and colonialism where lots of small impoverished nations was being insulted or half enslaved by a bunch of powerful emperialist nations such as France, England etc.

I am sure this created a deep psychological complex and i think now they are taking the revenge of these old hard days from impoverished Blacks and Indians.

The post of REDNIVAR is totally right as well. India is the main origin of Thai culture. So, it is totally hard to understand.

And when was Thailand exposed to imperialism and colonization?


To be honest, Africans & Indians, also know as Kek by Thai, are not well look upon in Thailand. This is a known fact. Anyone want to dispute this?

Nope we are all aware that racism is thriving in the Thai society.

I agree !!

What is the biggest selling cream in Thailand ? WHITENING CREAM

Why do Thais need this if they are not racist ?

ALL Thais try to go white GOD KNOWS WHY !!!!!!

White is ugly sick looking

I find farang girls repulsive now with their fat a..... and white skin And the biggest joke is they spend a lot of time trying to go black lol

Hehe I wonder witch Farang cream that sells best back home....biggrin.gif The 1 with or without browning effect ph34r.gif


Did the Nation reporter file a police report (ideally some distance from the crime so that the local station does not try to hush it up)?

I have encountered this Thai racism against Indians before. For the person who made the comment to me, I reminded him that The Lord Buddha was an Indian.

Actually "Gautama is thought to have been born in Lumbini, in modern day Nepal[13] and raised in the small kingdom or principality of Kapilvastu.[14] At the time of his birth, the area was at, or beyond, the boundary of Vedic civilization, the dominant culture of northern India at the time." Source Wikipedia.


To be honest, Africans & Indians, also know as Kek by Thai, are not well look upon in Thailand. This is a known fact. Anyone want to dispute this?

What do you mean by saying anyone want to dispute it?

You are talking like this is normal and it looks like it is OK for you but it is not OK for me.

Maybe you could not beleive this story but i heard worse that that. It looks like the pressure on Blacks and Indians are getting harder these days.

I can dispute any racist behaviour even i am not a so called "Kek" and i cannot understand a Thai citizen calling someone "Kek" due to a black complexion after using tons of whiting cream to become white.

My understanding, and I have just checked this with 3 Thais from 3 different parts of Isaan, is that Khon Kak refers to Indians and would also include Nepalese Sri Lankans and Pakistanis, and also to Malaysians, but emphatically not persons of African origin, or Arabs. Despite how it sounds to westerners, this is NOT a term of insult, and originally derived from their dietary habits (no pork, etc) and requirement of Halal butchery.


A troll post and numerous replies to it have been removed. The person who made the post is on an extended holiday.

5555555555555555555555 good one


To be honest, Africans & Indians, also know as Kek by Thai, are not well look upon in Thailand. This is a known fact. Anyone want to dispute this?

What do you mean by saying anyone want to dispute it?

You are talking like this is normal and it looks like it is OK for you but it is not OK for me.

Maybe you could not beleive this story but i heard worse that that. It looks like the pressure on Blacks and Indians are getting harder these days.

I can dispute any racist behaviour even i am not a so called "Kek" and i cannot understand a Thai citizen calling someone "Kek" due to a black complexion after using tons of whiting cream to become white.

My understanding, and I have just checked this with 3 Thais from 3 different parts of Isaan, is that Khon Kak refers to Indians and would also include Nepalese Sri Lankans and Pakistanis, and also to Malaysians, but emphatically not persons of African origin, or Arabs. Despite how it sounds to westerners, this is NOT a term of insult, and originally derived from their dietary habits (no pork, etc) and requirement of Halal butchery.

I was under the impression the term "khek" means visitor or customer, so how does it refer to their dietary habits? Also, I'm pretty sure it does include arabs.


I know that crowd ( the cops ) in this story, there cant be no other group. They target Blacks, Indians, Burmese and occasionally the goofy looking Caucasian.

The once took $5000 off a black guy that was looking for a bargain in Pratunam, Made a report at the Phayathai cop shop. they said they cant be real police, so i asked them if they can give me a note of authority to bring them in myself. That made them take the victim's statement, with the copy I went to the Tourist police, where everyone was mao mao at 2am. Got the captain in charge around 3am, he also took a statement.

Then the next morning I took the guy back to Phayathai cop shop, where i was asked to contact some Thai man that works with so many of the bargain hunters in Pratunam in shipping their cargo outbound, When we got there, the guy gave us the $5000 equivalent in Thai Baht and asked me to forget everything that happened.

I still see that group sometimes in different locations in Bangkok.

They often catch criminals and visa overstayers and drug dealers, they mostly turn in the ones that cant pay bribes, or if there was a huge commotion in the arrest process.

It is this group that busted the Africans with 4 kgs of cocaine last December around Udomsuk, and they are all substance abusers. They always catch criminals while they are at breaking every law in the book.

If you need to find them, Easy, PM me .


I think racism against Blacks and Indians in Thaland are coming from the era of emperialism and colonialism where lots of small impoverished nations was being insulted or half enslaved by a bunch of powerful emperialist nations such as France, England etc.

I am sure this created a deep psychological complex and i think now they are taking the revenge of these old hard days from impoverished Blacks and Indians.

The post of REDNIVAR is totally right as well. India is the main origin of Thai culture. So, it is totally hard to understand.

And when was Thailand exposed to imperialism and colonization?

with the arrival of Portuguese.

And it is still being exposed. njh


Khek means guest.

The word as I described it is kack, it rhymes with black, but yes, I could see that these people were considered to be guests in this country. I would try to get the thai spelling, but my investigation has brought 3 women into my house currently discussing something in machine-gun Thai, and I havn't got a prayer of getting a word in until they finish.:lol:

By the way, the word used for turbaned, bearded type Indians is abung - or so I am told.


To be honest, Africans & Indians, also know as Kek by Thai, are not well look upon in Thailand. This is a known fact. Anyone want to dispute this?

What do you mean by saying anyone want to dispute it?

You are talking like this is normal and it looks like it is OK for you but it is not OK for me.

Maybe you could not beleive this story but i heard worse that that. It looks like the pressure on Blacks and Indians are getting harder these days.

I can dispute any racist behaviour even i am not a so called "Kek" and i cannot understand a Thai citizen calling someone "Kek" due to a black complexion after using tons of whiting cream to become white.

My understanding, and I have just checked this with 3 Thais from 3 different parts of Isaan, is that Khon Kak refers to Indians and would also include Nepalese Sri Lankans and Pakistanis, and also to Malaysians, but emphatically not persons of African origin, or Arabs. Despite how it sounds to westerners, this is NOT a term of insult, and originally derived from their dietary habits (no pork, etc) and requirement of Halal butchery.

c'mon man. i am living in Thailand well enough to know that it is the same insulting word like 'farang' but just directed to Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalis, sometimes Africans and all Middle East. On top of that, there is another word called 'kek kao' which means a 'kek' who has a white complexion instead of dark such as Iranians.


To be honest, Africans & Indians, also know as Kek by Thai, are not well look upon in Thailand. This is a known fact. Anyone want to dispute this?

I think you could probably say the same about a few of the posters on this thread.


Khek means guest.

The word as I described it is kack, it rhymes with black, but yes, I could see that these people were considered to be guests in this country. I would try to get the thai spelling, but my investigation has brought 3 women into my house currently discussing something in machine-gun Thai, and I havn't got a prayer of getting a word in until they finish.:lol:

By the way, the word used for turbaned, bearded type Indians is abung - or so I am told.

Ok let me rephrase that.

You know the fried banana thing on the street, the one they dip in flour before frying? It is called known as kruay khek. Meaning its how the guests (from the indian subcontinent) fry it. The Indians are called guests because the long historical, cultural and religious ties, brought them to town , for things like religious rites, teachings and other things andas the indian looking types nationalities vary, they are collectively known as guests (khek), and as customers.

So when you visit a thai family at their home they wont call you farang, they can call out your buddy telling him/her, that khek ma leaw.


To be honest, Africans & Indians, also know as Kek by Thai, are not well look upon in Thailand. This is a known fact. Anyone want to dispute this?

What do you mean by saying anyone want to dispute it?

You are talking like this is normal and it looks like it is OK for you but it is not OK for me.

Maybe you could not beleive this story but i heard worse that that. It looks like the pressure on Blacks and Indians are getting harder these days.

I can dispute any racist behaviour even i am not a so called "Kek" and i cannot understand a Thai citizen calling someone "Kek" due to a black complexion after using tons of whiting cream to become white.

My understanding, and I have just checked this with 3 Thais from 3 different parts of Isaan, is that Khon Kak refers to Indians and would also include Nepalese Sri Lankans and Pakistanis, and also to Malaysians, but emphatically not persons of African origin, or Arabs. Despite how it sounds to westerners, this is NOT a term of insult, and originally derived from their dietary habits (no pork, etc) and requirement of Halal butchery.

c'mon man. i am living in Thailand well enough to know that it is the same insulting word like 'farang' but just directed to Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalis, sometimes Africans and all Middle East. On top of that, there is another word called 'kek kao' which means a 'kek' who has a white complexion instead of dark such as Iranians.

Do you think you speak better thai than my Isaan friends? They are emphatic that is does not apply to Arabs or Africans. And why do you find farang insulting - it means foreigner - and is a useful way of describing expats for me?


Do you think you speak better thai than my Isaan friends? They are emphatic that is does not apply to Arabs or Africans. And why do you find farang insulting - it means foreigner - and is a useful way of describing expats for me?

He might. I've always understood that word to include Arabs as well. It is insulting as is farang. In a polite situation, no "polite" Thai would use either word.

Farang means guava or WHITE foreigner. Khon dang chart would be the polite word for foreigner.


Do you think you speak better thai than my Isaan friends? They are emphatic that is does not apply to Arabs or Africans. And why do you find farang insulting - it means foreigner - and is a useful way of describing expats for me?

He might. I've always understood that word to include Arabs as well. It is insulting as is farang. In a polite situation, no "polite" would use either word.

Farang means guava or WHITE foreigner. Khon dang chart would be the polite word for foreigner.

I live in a community of expats, we call each other farangs, nobody gets insulted. Labels can only hurt you if you allow them to do so. In Australia, Italian and Greek migrants were called &lt;deleted&gt;, and it was insulting, now you would be hard pressed to find someone to take offence, especially after the popular TV series "&lt;deleted&gt; out of Work".

Then again, many are looking for a reason to take umbrage - they will use a name to describe themselves, but take offence if someone from a different racial group uses it. Up to you.


Do you think you speak better thai than my Isaan friends? They are emphatic that is does not apply to Arabs or Africans. And why do you find farang insulting - it means foreigner - and is a useful way of describing expats for me?

He might. I've always understood that word to include Arabs as well. It is insulting as is farang. In a polite situation, no "polite" would use either word.

Farang means guava or WHITE foreigner. Khon dang chart would be the polite word for foreigner.

I live in a community of expats, we call each other farangs, nobody gets insulted. Labels can only hurt you if you allow them to do so. In Australia, Italian and Greek migrants were called &lt;deleted&gt;, and it was insulting, now you would be hard pressed to find someone to take offence, especially after the popular TV series "&lt;deleted&gt; out of Work".

Then again, many are looking for a reason to take umbrage - they will use a name to describe themselves, but take offence if someone from a different racial group uses it. Up to you.

My friends and myself call each other farang too. I don't take offense to it, but we weren't talking about how an individual feels about the word. And let me add, I have asked a hundred Thais about these two words and you'll get several responses--often at complete odds with each other. I bet I'm not the only one to experience this phenomenon.

I could also be wrong, that why I shared what I had been taught (been here 8 years, read and write Thai--still ain't sure!)

As for how to deal with someone trying to insult you, You're right on the money! I agree with that 100%.


Hi, I am an Indian who has been residing in Thailand for about 16 years now and simply love it. Most of my best friends here are Thai. Coming to the issue as to whether Thais are racialistic......well they are basically racialistic to everyone including their own kind ie Isaan versus The Northerners versus the Southerners etc....let along the different ethnic foreigners. They are racialistic towards their own neighbours ie The Burmese, Cambodians, Laos, Vietnamese, etc. It all originates from their own insecurity and ignorance. Once you understand that, simply play it cool and do not take things to hard. Racialism exists everywhere....The US, in Singapore, In UK, everywhere.

I have never had any problems in my 16 years in this country and sometimes it boils down to the individual.....how you conduct and potray yourself.

Having said that, you can also rest assured.....one of the reasons that I love this country is that everything has a price and the locals here.....even if u are black, indian or an old, ugly looking and dirty farang, will lick your private parts without any hesitation, if you pay the right price!

Some of those who claim to be educated and speak English are also the same. Some of those ladies who are married to farangs and pretend to be hi-sos and make also say things like their kind hates blacks and farangs.....are most of the time also discriminated by their own fellow thais who normally label them as .......you know what.

About the issues of hating Indians.....ya .....me myself sometimes hate some of the Indians u see here..........they are such miserly and crude business people....worst than the Thai Chinese......but unlike the Thai Chinese......they keep a low profile......most of the hotels, service apt businesses, diamond trading, colourstone trading, garment manufacturing, land businesses, plastic and chemical businesses are all controlled by Indians here. who never give anything back to society.

Any yes, on the lower end ...u have those pathetic Indian Money Lenders, Peanut Sellers who really need a wash!

Again, Thais cannot differentiate between Indiand and Pakistanis. (The latter known for various criminal activities here in Thailand and often creating a bad name for the Indians who assume they are Indians. According to the Indian Embassy......there are only about less than 5 Indians languishing in the various in Thailand. Now compare that to the number of British Citizens, Taiwanese, Chinese, Malaysian, etc.......

About the Lord Buddha....whether he is Indian or a Nepalese (Thais still hate Nepales and still lump them up as Kek.)why the Thais are praying to a "smelly kek" , i will never know. In fact they also pray to a lot of other "smelly" Indian Gods ie Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva, Goddess Lakshmi, etc.......Guess it tell a lot about them.

But then again....as I said ealier on.....just relax and chill out......its a great place if you know how to play it....when people are stupid and ignorant......use it to ur advantage and always pretend to be nice to them......there is a thousand and one things to get revenge in a sweet way.And remember, always be financially above them....as money is actually their God here and you can do anything with money here....its fun!

Anyway.....coming back to the main thing.....I do not thing that the crime was perprated towards the OP,just because he was an Indian......I think that those lower life forms would have targetted anyone that they could take advantage of.

What I am curious is to wait and see waht else the OP has done about the legal issues ie police reports etc. And perharps he should also use his capability in the papers to have releases sent to other foreign papers so that people would be more careful about coming to Thailand.


The poor high season is creating a smaller pool of victims for the sharks to feed off, they are becoming more desperate going to greater lengths to feed their bank accounts. Tea money is getting harder to get, it harder to scam an organised tour group than individual tourists. The BKK BIB travel to Pattaya and shake down bars, the Pattaya BIB set up jetski scams and now it seem travelling to BKK to hunt money. It all stinks of desperation, soon, with a bit of luck, the sharks will be eating each other.

Pattaya is infamous for rogue cops. When one of the rogue cops(or gang) creates too much heat they get reigned in or even shot. The more money they get the more outrageous and dangerous they get. Keep a low profile to avoid becoming a target.

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