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How Do Ugly Guys Pull?

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How do guys do it?

I am from England, I have ginger hair all over my damm body, my arms, legs, back, neck everywhere its all ginger, I hate the sight of the damm thing. I think I may be half man half bear sometimes. I have bad breath some have said, many people have called me ugly, the wife included when we have problems. I have a very small you know, thing. I have terrible body odor, crocked yanked messed up teeth, but I have pulled. I am a married man, and before I was married I have had over 1000 girls from Thailand.

Am I special or what?

How can I do this, I love Thailand so much!

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How do guys do it?

I am from England, I have ginger hair all over my damm body, my arms, legs, back, neck everywhere its all ginger, I hate the sight of the damm thing. I think I may be half man half bear sometimes. I have bad breath some have said, many people have called me ugly, the wife included when we have problems. I have a very small you know, thing. I have terrible body odor, crocked yanked messed up teeth, but I have pulled. I am a married man, and before I was married I have had over 1000 girls from Thailand.

Am I special or what?

How can I do this, I love Thailand so much!


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How do guys do it?

I am from England, I have ginger hair all over my damm body, my arms, legs, back, neck everywhere its all ginger, I hate the sight of the damm thing. I think I may be half man half bear sometimes. I have bad breath some have said, many people have called me ugly, the wife included when we have problems. I have a very small you know, thing. I have terrible body odor, crocked yanked messed up teeth, but I have pulled. I am a married man, and before I was married I have had over 1000 girls from Thailand.

Am I special or what?

How can I do this, I love Thailand so much!

As I said in an earlier posting money for sure, and I would gather the 2 people below had that....... I remember on separate occasions seeing the fattest man ever in my life. Over 500 plus lbs (226 kg). I would guess, walking with a beautiful Thai girl. The other was a midget, no more then 4 foot (122 cm) He had two in his room at the hotel where I was staying..............DJM

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To Be A Teacher You Need To Be Handsome, I have proved that a lie :o

teacherinthailand  Today, 2005-08-29 04:03:13 Post #1 

How many of you teachers are handsome? I am a teacher and I am not  I think I am very ugly in fact  My wife sometimes tells me that when we have problems, and that makes me cry but I think most schools want a nice young blonde haired blue eyed English man.

But I have ginger hair, all over my damm body its ginger (Arms, legs, back, neck, hands) I have a big ginger beard, and sometimes people tell me I have food in it, which I remove at once.

My breath smells people say, I have crocked teeth, I suffer from sever body odor, and sometimes..... Well actually many times I do farts in class and in bed with the wife, and I have been told many times I am a horrible man for doing these.

How am I able to teach if Thai schools only want the cream of the crop, should I be unemployed or am I lucky?

If I Had A Degree!

teacherinthailand Posted on: Today, 2005-08-29 03:55:19

I would hate to be in UK or USA now, there is so many problems. Here in LOS I am king. I have ginger hair but I have a wife that loves me to bits. I have a small penis but I am still lord of our 1 bed room in Bangkok!

If I Had A Degree!

teacherinthailand Posted on: Yesterday, 2005-08-28 21:10:39

  Don't worry I teach English in Thailand and I am not attractive, I have ginger hair all over my hairy body but I am employed, and have a wife!  I love Thai people!

How To Teach Here And What I Need

teacherinthailand Posted on: Yesterday, 2005-08-28 20:46:10

  I am a teacher in Thailand, I am not attractive, I have the gingeriest hair you have ever seen, I have hairy arms, legs and a back that’s ginger, I have a big mountain man beard that’s ginger, my wife and friends have said my breath sometimes smells of what a dog does, and I have many other problems with myself, but I am here teaching.

I forgot and I do farts sometimes!

What a below average troll you are.... Try to be more imaginative.... and definitely if do try further, do so on a different forum...

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How do guys do it? 

I am from England, I have ginger hair all over my damm body, my arms, legs, back, neck everywhere its all ginger, I hate the sight of the damm thing.  I think I may be half man half bear sometimes.  I have bad breath some have said, many people have called me ugly, the wife included when we have problems.  I have a very small you know, thing.  I have terrible body odor, crocked yanked messed up teeth, but I have pulled.  I am a married man, and before I was married I have had over 1000 girls from Thailand.

Am I special or what?

How can I do this, I love Thailand so much!

Me rove you rong time

you alll hansome

I will go shower will you?


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oh Ginger, I think you are confusing Thai girls and bar-girls!!

it is not difficult to get a bargirl, as all above have said....money, it is their work. Never mind you are ugly ginger, and have a small thing, and even spotty botty, as long as you have money

no money, no honey!!

1000 girls, you like to spend a lot on girls, don't you; does it make you think you are a real man, or what?? get real, you are just buying them, like you buy services of any worker.

have you ever met a real Thai girl, just an ordinary one? maybe you would get lucky even if ugly, if you are a really nice guy hahahahahaha :D:D:o

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