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Mole Removal?


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I've had a number of moles removed by laser, several times. The latest was Oct '10, cost Tb 3736 for the removal of 3. No complications. Had it done at Chiang Mai Ram Hospita (private & expensive)l. If you're not coming to Chiang Mai, I believe there are some very good hospitals in BKK & Pattaya.

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Yanhee Hospital is a well known hospital for costmetic surgery. Not necessarily the cheapest in Thailand, however they do speak many internation languages. But something like this can be done almost anywhere at a fraction of the cost compared to the U.S. The best thing of Yanhee is getting cared for by so many pretty nurses in roller skates. :)

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If removal is for cosmetic reasons only you may be able to get some or all of them removed at any one or a number of private clinics. I had a couple removed by laser for about 150 baht each including the anaesthetic. Now beat that!

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I've had several removed in Pattaya:

In Central Festival shopping mall, level 4, there is a whole herd of beauty clinics. On the south side, there's one that seems to identify itself only in Thai script and the words "Beauty Clinic". There is a list in English of what they do on the plate glass window. The list includes laser mole removal. I had an annoying protruding mole zapped there in December 2009. They smeared on a so-called anaesthetic cream first. The cream had no effect and the laser hurt like hell. But, 12 months later, there is no sign at all of the mole. The skin where it was is completely unblemished. So I went back January 3 this year, to get one taken off my nose. This was a large bulbous white mole. I whimpered to the doctor about how much it hurt last time and she giggled and said that they now use an anaesthetic needle. She did. And it was painless. Seventeen days later, the wound has healed to a barely noticeable pinpoint of red and continues to improve. Mole removal here costs 1100 baht per mole. No appointment necessary.

Also, on the Pattaya beach, a guy comes along now and again, offering mole removal using a black liquid. He paints it on the mole using a toothpick and then covers it with a bit of tape. This is some sort of corrosive liquid. I've heard theories that it is anything from battery acid to walnut skin. I had a couple done on my body back in September last year. There is no pain at all. The ex-moles are now small pink blemishes that continue to shrink and fade slowly. (That is why I chose the "Beauty Clinic" for my nose job). Apparently you can find this service in local markets too. Cost 300 baht per mole. No appointment necessary.

I have a few more moles which I intend to get zapped on future visits to Pattaya. I will be using the Central Festival "Beauty Clinic" again.

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Actually I have always had the choice of needle or cream. If you use cream you have to wait 45 minutes for it to take effect. It does work but in one two hour session (over 100 wart removals from back) it did start to hurt a bit before finished as the cream was wearing off. But for just a few should work fine. But shots are fine for a few as only a needle prick. Believe my total bill was 16k in private hospital.

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Sorry for the slow reply.

The clinic was on the ground floor of MBK Center. Sorry, I don't remember the name. It was about about 3 or 4 years ago but the clinic may still be there.

Treatment consisted of a quick discussion (in Thai) with the doctor or nurse. They wiped the moles with antiseptic and then injected the anaesthetic. Everything was clean and used new needles/syringes, etc. They then used a laser tool which seemed to push/melt the moles away and they were covered with a dressing. I was then sent on my way, being told that if the moles came back they could treat them again.

Healing was quick and I didn't have to go back. I was pleased with the treatment and exceptionally satisfied with the price. The same treatment was available across the road (at Siam Square) for about 5 - 10 times the price. In place of the moles I now have white scar tissue that I'd say looks better than the moles originally there.

Cat5, for interests sake where did you get that done for 150 Baht? what clinic/doctor was it?

and your results were good?

everything went smooth with no scarring or the likes?

thanks =)

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