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Tighter Road Safety Measures In Store For Thailand

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Are they also going to do anything about the rest of the dangerous transport on the roads, public buses death traps, trucks death traps, also spewing out clouds of toxic fumes. Motor bikes that shouldn't be on the roads, how many times do you swerve to miss them at night, coming straight at you with no lights.

Now if they were to have a CRACK DOWN on all of these, the roads would be safe. As there would be very few using them.

That would then create another problem. Where would the BIB turn for their tea money

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Latest booking I'v had is for parking on the wrong side of the road (against the flow of traffic),200 baht but they accepted 100.No bookings for driving on the wrong side of the road,three on a motor cycle,no helmets,must of been wrong day for that law.


"The departmen was also assigned to seriously check the conditions of vehicles used in transporting students from and to school to ensure that they remain in good conditions. "

because they tried making a joke out of it and it didn't help.

Does Thailand even have roadworthiness tests for vehicles??

Absolutely Thailand has a roadworthiness test for vehicles that must be passed every year in order to renew road tax. This rigorous test involves careful inspection of the vehicle's log book which must have an essential purple government issued document inserted in it. Bringing the vehicle itself to the test is not recommended, as that is regarded as inefficient and time consuming at the vehicle licensing centre and will normally result in a failed test.

Testing of drivers is also effected at the same licensing centres with similar rigorous standards applied. The only difference is that drivers are normally expected to show up in person and drive around dirt track for a few minutes, as well as present similar government issued documents to the examiner to avoid failure even in the event of failure to avoid the oil drums in the slalam test.

Government officials have been perfecting the vehicle and driver licensing systems for many years and have virtually eliminated the risk of vehicles or drivers slipping through the net without providing the necessary purple and brown government issued documents that guarantee absolute road safety.

I think a lot of posters here can't see the wood for the trees.They keep on about "examples" or incidents of "bad driving" or breaking of apparent laws - none of this has any real bearing on how to IMPROVE road safety.

You have to create the CONDITIONS and only doing part of it won't work.Thais are no innately or inherently worse at driving than anyone else - so the reasons must be in the environment they drive in. this PRIMARILY is the state of the roads. Education, laws and enforcement all need to follow.

None of this will happen in Thailand unless the authorities have a massive sea-change in the way they approach ALL problems.

At no time do they spend money on research that details the problem NOR do they learn from the experience of others, they merely react in knee-jerk fashion to events as they happen. The resulting solutions are consequently un-thought out and usually don't actually address the problem they just make it look like some "official" is working on it........just FACE in other words - no substance just superficiality.

I really have to disagree with Arkady's view on this. Again, the government keep its stats on those it has in its system. Unfortunately, the system is a member's only club that does not include the greater whole of the population that operates motor vehicles on the roads, and who do not give a dam_n about anything mentioned in this comment. They will drive, and there will be no stopping them. They know they can get out of anything because you can not get blood from a rock, and the laws are designed to get blood, and not deal with the rocks.

I also respectfully and adamantly disagree with the Deeral's suggestion that Thai children, or Thais with the mental development of children "are no innately or inherently worse at driving than anyone else". There is a great leap in self discipline and law enforcement when you go to the next level and examine developed countries, where the population to accident ratio puts Thailand's to shame. Added to that, and I can not repeat nor stress enough, in these countries, CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 16 DO NOT OPERATE MOTOR VEHICLES ON PUBLIC ROADS. Motorbike drivers are also more well-trained and must pass more strict agility and skill tests in order to get a license. Motorbikes in developed countries must also behave in the same manner as vehicles with more than two wheels. There is no cutting and weaving and crowding the way you see here.

And finally, law enforcement in most developed countries is exactly just that; Law Enforcement! In Thailand, there is no law enforcement that meets the standards and definitions of developed countries. Compared to those standards and definitions, the BIB here are nothing more than observers and skimmers who know better than to wade too deep or they'll get sucked under. If they are here to be an example for the citizenry to look up to and follow; to protect, serve, and uphold the precepts of the law, then I am a leprechaun.

Sorry if you think thais are innately worse drivers or child-like then you are a racist and I have absolutely no respect for you in any way at all


Give em' a break. Any new inititive to ' attempt' to improve road saftey gets a big thumbs up from me. It can't possibley do any harm. Can it?;)


Well its about time but so far just talk. Firstly the roads are not international standard that I know, so room for improvement there. Set up driving schools (employment here) dont learn on the job. Adhere to the highway code and enforce it. Crash hemets certainly. As for school traffic drivers I can give you this experience, riding my cycle, school bus overtakes almost. stops and opens the door to discharge pupils, emergency stop at the door. The driver was not at all concerned when I appeared at the door asking him if he looked? Rather than play dodgems, learn to drive, park and consider other road users. I wish the scheme well but not expecting much to change.

2003 was 346 road fatalaties. 2010, less than 250. Do a search in Phuket Gazette

Traffic law enforcement, helmet law, daytime bike lights, drivers lisence availability for out of province residents all contributes to lower road tolls.

Well if the numbers are correct then it has not helped a bit. Around 200 fatalities in mid 90s and 250 last year seems for me to say that it’s getting worse. There is no excuse that there are more vehicles. Every country have more vehicles and more traffic now than mid 90s but still most of them make to decrease the traffic fatalities even if it’s only with some procent year for year.

Anyway the numbers are still scarying.


I'm sorry gentlemen of this board , I hereby submit my last plea in this ongoing morass of what appears to be supposition in content and end result , how can you teach or change anyone whos most prolific response is "I KNOW , I KNOW "


Just a load of talk, nothing will change kids will be driving m/bikes 3&4 up at speed, school busses will usualy have more kids on the roof than inside and enforcing the speed limit just means more tea money for the BiB


Yes educating young drivers is the best answer yet another education tool could be a government sponsored public service announcement during commercial breaks on the highly intellectual 24 hours a day Thai comedy television shows. Every week have the same message or driving tips shown over and over..... this is bound to be helpful for a few


I'm sorry gentlemen of this board ,

Hello dumball, Hope 2011 is prosperous for you. :jap:

Who in hells name are you addressing? Gentlemen of this board? :huh:


It should be remembered , it is not speed that kills , it is the mentality and lack of skill that is the basic cause of the majority of accidents which is an oxymoron in itself , an accident is an unavoidable occurance , collisions are an entirely different kettle of fish , many operators of vehicles should be renamed from driver to motivator , that is all many do .

What you talking about DUMBall? We're NOT talking about Le Mans! No 'skill needed' JUST SLOW THE HELL DOWN.

'Driver to motivator'? <deleted>? You pissed?

Probably not, but he's just good at winding up the frothing-at-the-mouth numptys who want Thailand to be like a 2nd Europe. :)

This is hot air and thankfully will pass off as just more dreams that will pass away when the year progresses.


neverdie' timestamp='1295442103' post='4161833']

'dumball' timestamp='1295438516' post='4161720']

I'm sorry gentlemen of this board ,

Hello dumball, Hope 2011 is prosperous for you. :jap:

Who in hells name are you addressing? Gentlemen of this board? :huh:

Thank you for the wishes Neverdie , how would you prefer my answer to your question responded to ?

1/ in a polite manner?

1/ typical thaivisa choice ?

The way the thread has been responded to by far too many who know not of what they speak , I opt for choice 2 .

To all the wanabe people who should not sit behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle with the lack of knowlege in the operation of a motorized vehicle they have displayed in this thread , apologise to those with a good grasp of what it takes for the safety of others , just like the government advisers/planners , you have failed the test in miserable fashion .

The scum of the road of coarse .


!unless the roads themselves are completely revamped any road safety campaign will fall flat on it's face - quite literally in some cases when you look at the pavement in Thailand.

They talk about enforcing speed limits - as there are hardly any speed limit signs how will they do this?????

THe solution lies in traffic engineering - unless Thailand introduces a program of good scientifically placed and designed signage, road junction layouts etc etc there will NEVER be any significant improvement in road safety.

Maybe they could start by improving the standard of driving on the pavement/sidewalk first. This would make life a bit more comfortable.

Rule One - do not exceed 40kph on the pavement

Rule two - never stop on a pedestrian.

Rule three - at all costs you must stay within the strange while guidelines painted all along odd number Sukumvit, even if it means driving your motorcycle straight though a food stall or telephone kiosk.


I have just got out of a taxi (meter) from Phuket airport to Patong. The driver was doing 140 KPH, whenever he could. He was undertaking (inside lane) at 120 KPH and went through an accident blackspot, with large, bright, flashing lights, indicating a maximum speed of 60 KPH, he was doing either side of 100 KPH. I am still in shock!


What about all those songtaws that are seriously overcrowded that transport loads of students?

I don't know that they are dangerous, but will they now be subject to regulation and inspection?

Songtaews drive awful slow. When's the last time you heard of one gathering enough speed to crash? It's the SPEED THAT KILLS.

wow! Think again! It IS NOT speed that kills. IT IS THE INEPT DRVER THAT KILLS. Becaus he does not have any common sense.:whistling::annoyed::D


Undertaking on the left, overtaking on bends and hillcrests, overtaking an already overtaking car on a single lane highway, tailgating, threading in and out of fast moving traffic, driving on the wrong side of the road to save a u-turn 500m further up the road, not indicating, jumping red lights, pre-empting green lights, cutting up, impatience, lack of respect for others, double parking (and leaving the handbrake on!) not giving way to the right when turning across traffic or entering a roundabout, not wearing a seatbelt, totally unaware of safe braking distances, insufficient use of the mirrors (except when prising a particularly stubborn piece of moo bing from the front teeth with a toothpick, or checking your hair whilst talking on the mobile) , overtaking then immediately turning off left at the next soi 10m further on.......

I'm very pleased to inform you that you've passed your driving test Mr. Suriwong.:whistling:

quite right

It reminds me of the waky races out there sometimes,its every man for themselves.

My gf was telling me they are that selfish they wont even let an ambulance through,i have not seen it myself but i can believe it.The transport ministry need to change the mentality of the drivers in this country,i say find the country which is as busy and who on average has the lowest accident rate and learn from them.

mutley doooooooo somethiiiiiiiiiiiiiing !!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK then Katabeachbum, tell me this. You say that road accidents are way down ?

How is it then that comparatively recently, the Head policeman on Phuket said that more accidents were happening and it is all caused by farang visitors because they do not know how to drive . :blink:


I have read many good ideas and criticisms here on this subject. But the fact is, we are only 'preaching' to ourselves. I doubt if any Thai would be bothered to read, understand and digest it.

From Deeral

Sorry if you think thais are innately worse drivers or child-like then you are a racist and I have absolutely no respect for you in any way at all

Well, then what good are you at suggesting any solutions, if describing stupidity or underdeveloped minds makes one a racist? Answer; worthless!

The average intelligence quotient of your average Thai, on a world IQ rating is on the low end (in the 80's - whereas the norm is 100). So, Thai children rate one of the lowest, and they grow up into adults, and nothing changes!

How does saying "Thai adults are underdeveloped from childhood onwards (due to lack of iodine in their diet according to government and independent polls) and react like a 9 year old" make me out to be a racist? I am using data that is recognized around the world and also by the Thai government as a scale for measuring the educational growth of a demographic of people? http://www.gnxp.com/...us-about-iq.php

I am not a racist, Deeral. I just say what people like you are thinking, but do not have the balls to say. It is simply that you are way too politically correct, and over embellish your comments because you are afraid to get right down to the point and simply admit that some people are flat out stupid, regardless of the reasons. You describe the reasons, and I describe the end result.

What do you call a man who pulls out in front of speeding traffic, and he has a truck load of 25 kids crammed in the back of his song-taew so that his front wheels are barely making contact with the road surface? I do not know about you, but I call him stupid! And the children on the motorbikes...! I do not even need to go there. Stupid!

And the politicians give lip-service, and the parents do not know where their children are, and there is no problem or crisis in Thailand until it happens. And then it is dealt with; with more lip-service.

You may not respect me, but I guarantee you will not pull out in front of me when you see me coming. Why? Because you are not stupid!

From Deeral

Sorry if you think thais are innately worse drivers or child-like then you are a racist and I have absolutely no respect for you in any way at all

Well, then what good are you at suggesting any solutions, if describing stupidity or underdeveloped minds makes one a racist? Answer; worthless!

The average intelligence quotient of your average Thai, on a world IQ rating is on the low end (in the 80's - whereas the norm is 100). So, Thai children rate one of the lowest, and they grow up into adults, and nothing changes!

How does saying "Thai adults are underdeveloped from childhood onwards (due to lack of iodine in their diet according to government and independent polls) and react like a 9 year old" make me out to be a racist? I am using data that is recognized around the world and also by the Thai government as a scale for measuring the educational growth of a demographic of people? http://www.gnxp.com/...us-about-iq.php

I am not a racist, Deeral. I just say what people like you are thinking, but do not have the balls to say. It is simply that you are way too politically correct, and over embellish your comments because you are afraid to get right down to the point and simply admit that some people are flat out stupid, regardless of the reasons. You describe the reasons, and I describe the end result.

What do you call a man who pulls out in front of speeding traffic, and he has a truck load of 25 kids crammed in the back of his song-taew so that his front wheels are barely making contact with the road surface? I do not know about you, but I call him stupid! And the children on the motorbikes...! I do not even need to go there. Stupid!

And the politicians give lip-service, and the parents do not know where their children are, and there is no problem or crisis in Thailand until it happens. And then it is dealt with; with more lip-service.

You may not respect me, but I guarantee you will not pull out in front of me when you see me coming. Why? Because you are not stupid!

your post is so massively ill-infrmed and a wonderful example of someone who really hasn't the ability to understand even the most basic statements or arguments.

I won't go into it in detail because it simply is too laughable to engage seriously, but for example someone who think s that IQ is a realistic measure of ANYTHING has to be really is clueless themselves.

I have to say that your posts are some of the most asinine on Thai visa nad worth reading if only for that reason, but please don't expect answer when your questions reveal that you don't understand the post in the first place.


Sopon said his ministry will strictly control the maximum speed limit for vehicles on highways and regulate school vehicles nationwide, focusing on their overall conditions.

It's not just the highways. Many drivers, farang and Thais alike, drive like bats out of hell down tiny narrow sois. I believe this speeding issue to be far more responsible for accidents/deaths than any alcohol driven driving.

I once asked a policeman here on Phuket why they simply didn't put up speed cameras (same down town Bangkok) and he said 'too expensive'. On Phuket?! Possibly the scariest place to ride a bicycle, let alone a car/truck anywhere in Thailand.

From Deeral

Sorry if you think thais are innately worse drivers or child-like then you are a racist and I have absolutely no respect for you in any way at all

Well, then what good are you at suggesting any solutions, if describing stupidity or underdeveloped minds makes one a racist? Answer; worthless!

The average intelligence quotient of your average Thai, on a world IQ rating is on the low end (in the 80's - whereas the norm is 100). So, Thai children rate one of the lowest, and they grow up into adults, and nothing changes!

How does saying "Thai adults are underdeveloped from childhood onwards (due to lack of iodine in their diet according to government and independent polls) and react like a 9 year old" make me out to be a racist? I am using data that is recognized around the world and also by the Thai government as a scale for measuring the educational growth of a demographic of people? http://www.gnxp.com/...us-about-iq.php

I am not a racist, Deeral. I just say what people like you are thinking, but do not have the balls to say. It is simply that you are way too politically correct, and over embellish your comments because you are afraid to get right down to the point and simply admit that some people are flat out stupid, regardless of the reasons. You describe the reasons, and I describe the end result.

What do you call a man who pulls out in front of speeding traffic, and he has a truck load of 25 kids crammed in the back of his song-taew so that his front wheels are barely making contact with the road surface? I do not know about you, but I call him stupid! And the children on the motorbikes...! I do not even need to go there. Stupid!

And the politicians give lip-service, and the parents do not know where their children are, and there is no problem or crisis in Thailand until it happens. And then it is dealt with; with more lip-service.

You may not respect me, but I guarantee you will not pull out in front of me when you see me coming. Why? Because you are not stupid!

your post is so massively ill-infrmed and a wonderful example of someone who really hasn't the ability to understand even the most basic statements or arguments.

I won't go into it in detail because it simply is too laughable to engage seriously, but for example someone who think s that IQ is a realistic measure of ANYTHING has to be really is clueless themselves.

I have to say that your posts are some of the most asinine on Thai visa nad worth reading if only for that reason, but please don't expect answer when your questions reveal that you don't understand the post in the first place.

You are correct in that I do not understand you, and probably never will! So, let's move on peaceably, and leave be personal attacks.


There is one and only one cause for road incidents. (please notice that I didn't say 'accidents', that would imply that nobody is to blame).

<-- with apologies to The Doors -->

"The killer on the road" is stupidity... plain and simple...

  1. Driving at an inappropriate speed for the existing conditions is stupid.
  2. Overtaking on a crest or blind bend is stupid.
  3. Running red lights and jumping the green is stupid.
  4. Allowing 4 x 12 year olds to go on a motorbike is stupid.
  5. Not wearing a helmet on a motorbike is stupid.
  6. Not maintaining a vehicle is stupid.
  7. Not training drivers/riders properly is stupid.
  8. Not enforcing the existing road rules is stupid.

A good start to road safety would be an effective police force.

Edit to add: same goes for every country I have ever lived in or visited.

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