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Defiant Thai Activist Veera In Cambodian Jail Alone

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Defiant Veera in jail alone


Four others get bail but activist is seen by Cambodia as threat to public order, govt says

Nationalist activist Veera Somkwamkid was left alone behind bars yesterday after the Cambodian Appeal Court agreed to grant bail for four other Thais detained in Prey Sar prison.

Foreign Ministry secretary Chavanond Intarakomalayasut said the provocative nationalist was seen by the Cambodians as a figure with the potential to hurt public order.

Veera has been charged with illegal entry into Cambodia, unlawfully entering a military zone, and espionage for trespassing and collecting information that could hurt Cambodian security.

"The Cambodian Appeal Court rejected the bail request, to keep him in prison and ensure public security and his own safety," Chavanond said.

However, Veera's aide Ratree Pipatanapaiboon - who faces the same charges- was granted bail yesterday after she gave her word to the court not to flee from Cambodia and to reappear in the court when she summoned.

Looking very serious when leaving the court after the decision yesterday morning, Veera shouted to waiting media: "I alone was not granted bail. I [will] keep fighting until the end."

Veera appeared to not cooperate with the court by refusing to testify through a Cambodian translator arranged by the court. He requested a new one from the Thai embassy.

His lawyers were now working on another appeal to the Cambodian Supreme Court to reverse the decision and have him freed on bail, Chavanond said. But it was unclear whether there would be a chance for a second appeal. The lawyer had 15 days to work out Veera's case, he said.

The Thai Embassy paid the bail for each of the freed accused and took them from Prey Sar prison to stay inside the embassy in Phnom Penh, Chavanond said.

They cannot return to Thailand but must stay until the end of the case, which Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva expected to be settled before the end of the month.

Veera, together with yellow-shirt activists and ruling Democrat Party lawmaker Panich Vikitsreth, were arrested near Sa Kaew province's Ban Nong Chan while inspecting the disputed border area on December 26.

They were charged with illegal entry and unlawfully entering a military zone - two charges that could result in up to 18 months in jail. Veera and Ratree face an additional charge of spying that could see them jailed for up to 10 years if convicted.

Panich and Narumol Chitwara-tana were granted bail last Thursday and are also at the Thai embassy, waiting for the trial.

Ratree told reporters she felt better after getting bail, better than being held in the prison, although she did not know about the future.

Samdin Lertbutr from the Buddhist group Santi Asok said he told the Cambodian court he crossed the border unintentionally and had cooperated with the court during the trial. "I don't know when the verdict will be handed down. I miss my family so much now," he said.

Prime Minister Abhisit said he phoned Samdin in Phnom Penh to ask about the well-being of the group and assured him the government would continue to support their colleague Veera.

Samdin is a member of the Thai Patriots Network, which, backed by Santi Asok, plans to stage a rally against Abhisit's government over the dispute and the detained Thais.

The group wants the government to put more pressure on Phnom Penh to have the seven freed without prosecution. They insist the group was arrested on territory belonging to Thailand. They have called for Abhisit and Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya step down for "failing" to help their "patriotic" fellows.

The government, however, says the group did cross the border.

Abhisit said he would allow the Cambodian court to function and hoped only for a speedy verdict with lenient treatment for the Thais. The Thai government would take action only after the court's decision, he said but declined to say what it would do.

Veera was briefly held once before, when he entered the same disputed border location in August last year.


-- The Nation 2011-01-19


Thai ambassador's account

By The Nation

The Nation's Noppatjak Attanon joined other reporters to interview Thai Ambassador to Cambodia Prasas Prasasvinitchai yesterday about the case in Phnom Penh involving seven Thais.

What are the conditions for bail given to the four Thais yesterday?

They cannot leave Cambodia and have to report as summoned.

Where will the six [including the two who got bail earlier] stay?

The six are happy to stay in the house [within the compound] that the embassy prepared for them. I have told them that they can go outside [the embassy compound] but they insist on staying in. They have even asked others to do their grocery shopping.

What is their mental state?

They are all in a good condition, especially after they were bailed out. Samdin [Lertbut] has a bit of cold, while Panich [Vikitsreth] has developed an allergy to insects in the Prey Sar prison. Bugs bit him on the head and his body [he is not infested by lice as initially reported]. He has had to shave off his hair, but is under treatment. Narumol [Jitrawarattana] has a thyroid problem and has already been examined. The three others [Tainae Mungmajon, Kitponthorn Chusnasevee and Ratree Pitpattanapaibul] are all healthy.

Is there any chance of the media talking to Panich?

Panich insists that he doesn't want to talk to the media, because he doesn't want the court to set more bail conditions.

What did Panich say for you to tell the media?

He said that firstly, he had no intention of trespassing into Cambodian soil. Secondly, he respects the justice system of every country he visits, including that of Cambodia. And thirdly, he did not mean to have any adverse impact on Thai-Cambodian ties.

What is the court's explanation for not granting bail to Veera [somkwamkid]?

The court said the reason was to prevent possible public unrest and to provide safety for him. I do not question the court. In case of dissatisfaction, an appeal should be filed in accordance with the law.

Will Veera appeal?

An appeal should be filed in 15 days, though I'm not sure if an appeal would be allowed in this case. In some cases, an appeal to the Supreme Court is not allowed during a court trial. The lawyers are looking into the legal provisions.

What happened while the seven were in jail?

Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya instructed us [the Thai embassy] to take care of the seven Thais the best we could. We coordinated for food to be sent to them from outside, which is not allowed normally. Also, visits by relatives are normally not allowed during a court trial.


-- The Nation 2011-01-19


Veera was briefly held once before, when he entered the same disputed border location in August last year.

And at that time he Pledged and Signed a Agreement to not enter Cambodia illegally again. So apparently his word and his promises are worthless.


Lets hope he is sharing a cell with the Cambodian Bubba

" You sure got a pretty mouth Veera. Why don't you say a few words to the faithful using this "microphone"


When you have a problem with a snake, or a flock of unruly animals;

cut off the head or isolate the leader.

Veera is a recidivist, 2nd offender, and a general pain in the ass for Cambodia, no surprise he gets different treatment. And likely no surprise if he does a few months in stir, till a deal gets done, after face is saved. He has pushed the nationalist envelope too far, too many times. And like the proverbial visiter to the zoo pulling the tigers tail in the pen, eventually the tiger will get angry and hungry and you're soon on the menu.


Panich Vikitsreth had to shave off his hair, but is not infested by lice as initially reported - the reason then being?

Panich Vikitsreth said he had no intention of trespassing into Cambodian soil - YouTube VDO doesn't lie, ask Jeff Savage

They can go outside [the embassy compound] but they insist on staying in. They have even asked others to do their grocery shopping - Nice one. A whole embassy to act as fetchers and carriers while the accused sit around the pool no doubt updating their Facebook pages.

We coordinated for food to be sent to them from outside, which is not allowed normally - do the same for the other Thais in Prey Sar prison?

And the reason we know when a Thai is lying is...


Cambodians seem to be showing far more restraint and humanism by just arresting and jailing Thais straying onto their land. This is unlike Thai soldiers who shoot dead Cambodians perceived to be on Thai soil. I wonder how would Thailand react if it was other way around.


I seem to remember that Panich campaigned for his seat in Bangkok's Constituency 6 in last year's by-election on the basis that he knew the problems of Bangkok well, following his stint as assistant BMA governor, and was going to attend to constituency issues, whereas his red shirt opponent bored every one to death by putting out red shirt dogma of no relevance to the constituency from his prison cell. Now the roles are reversed. Panich has apparently done nothing for his constituents and has wasted his time with extreme right wing crackpots instead and may have to do some more jail time. Do his suburban Bangkok constituents, many of whom are quite marginalized, really care whether the Cambodian border is moved a few metres back or forth? Do even the Thais living along the border care? Apparently not, judging by their own demonstrations to keep the so called "Thai Patriot" fascists from demonstrating in their bailiwick.

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