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Anyone Having Trouble Finding A Relationship Here?


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In the West it is always rumored that it is easy to pickup women in Thailand. This may be the case in the bar and prostitution scene which makes up about 2 % of the countries women. However the normal women are quite hard to get a relationship with as I have experienced in the last 7 years I have been living in LOS. However many Farangs are quite sucessful and happy with their Thai girlfriends / wives. I wonder how they do that.

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It is quite a simple process that has been mastered here by many of this forums members.

You find yourself a BG then pay for her to leave the bar for good and take her home and clean her up. You then take her out and by her ridiculously looking clothes that look odd, out of place and uncomfortable but in your mind make her look hiso. You then clue her up what to say to your friends and family where you met.

I meet you in restaurant OK?

You went to university OK?

Your family rich and half Chinese OK?

Once you have brain washed her and deluded yourself come back and join in the threads where "countless others" will claim their misses is not a BG but a gift from god that only us less mortals could dream about. ;)

Edited by 92302
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Or find one of those ones from the websites that sit with their new boyfriends with a face like thunder at the farang chosen eatery. Easy to spot, they are the ones whose faces only light up when the can make or take a phone call to someone they actually have some interest in.

Never have I seen so many women used as ornaments as here. I'm watching one now. She's a twentysomething and (in farang eyes) an 8 or 9 out of ten to look at, by a thirtysomething year old man's eye. But she is with a 60+ year old who is a 4-5 to look at. She seems as enthralled at the prospect of eating with him as she would be eating with hanibal lecter. before she even sat down she grabbed some magazines to read. A match made in heaven, clearly. When he tried to talk to her, I can't but think she'd be more comfortable in the dentist's chair with no injection having a root canal! :huh:

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Just as in the west - you catch fish that are indiginous to the pools you fish in. If you work in an office here, then you will meet office girls. If you spned all you time going from bar to bar, then you will most likely meet bar girls. What did you do in those 7 years here? As HappyRobert asks, "do you speak Thai?" - would you exect to pick up a local office girl in a bar at home if you could not speak her language?

The other thing is - are your sights aimed too high? You may see many old farts with 20 something babes, but how many do you think are your (co-called) "normal" girls? (some are I assure you, but I suggest not many) Most married people in the west married a partener within 7 years of their own age - it is a very large percentage, out side of the bars or "purchasing" a farmer's daughter, its is the same here - unless you have sometyhing else that makes you more attractive (like a great job/money) - or her less (like age/children/distrust of Thai men - etc).

Some posters will tell you that all people that say they are not married to ex-bar girls are liars - it is more likely in my experience that as they rarely get out of the bar scene, that its all they know so tar everyone with their own brush. Expats that leads a norma (working perhaps) life here, will meet :"normal" people in the course of that life - including people they couild have relationships with. No magic here - no mystery - same, same, everywhere - you usually get what you are worth (or less) - full stop.

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Decent Thai women are remarkably easy to meet. Learn to speak polite Thai, dress nicely, be clean cut and not overweight and you will have many local women interested. So long as she is not too much younger than you, many women will say yes to an invitation for a coffee.

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It is actually quite easy to meet real Thai women. If you are polite, dress nice, are not fat and have some personality you should do fine. I meet all kinds of women through work. Get out and expand your life and you should have no problem. I have not found not speaking a lot of Thai to be a problem. Many educated Thai women speak enough English to at least get started on a relationship.

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Depends on your definition of "normal women?"

Do you speak Thai? Makes all the difference in the world. Or at least in Thailand.

normal women are the 98 percent who are not prositutes, who work in offices, department stores, nurses etc...

Okay, but do you speak Thai?

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Just as in the west - you catch fish that are indigenous to the pools you fish in.

Expats that leads a normal (working perhaps) life here, will meet :"normal" people in the course of that life - including people they could have relationships with. No magic here - no mystery - same, same, everywhere -

In a nutshell.

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It is quite a simple process that has been mastered here by many of this forums members.

You find yourself a BG then pay for her to leave the bar for good and take her home and clean her up. You then take her out and by her ridiculously looking clothes that look odd, out of place and uncomfortable but in your mind make her look hiso. You then clue her up what to say to your friends and family where you met.

I meet you in restaurant OK?

You went to university OK?

Your family rich and half Chinese OK?

Once you have brain washed her and deluded yourself come back and join in the threads where "countless others" will claim their misses is not a BG but a gift from god that only us less mortals could dream about. ;)

So that's what you did is it?blink.gif

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7 years here?

And still find it difficult to meet and establish a decent relationship?

Wow, I understand why OP must ask for dating advice from strangers.

First night my brother visited me here (a few years ago), he returned home to my appartment with 20 telephone numbers in his pocket.

Just for the record, before someone makes a funny remark, no it was not in a go go bar, or frelancer outlets.

My son (25 years old) arrives for the first time, and the same happened to him.

Loads of telephone numbers when he goes home.

After my first relationship ended, same happened with me.

Just make sure one go to the decent venues.

Oh, and once again, make friends with Thai males as well.

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Sorry to tell you this but if you have a hard time meeting women in Thailand the problem is you.

I'm not trying to be a jerk but you seem to have some self-confidence issues if you can't seem to meet "normal" Thai women in Thailand. Just walk up to one and start talking to them. That's the whole secret. Bam! Mystery solved.

While speaking Thai will certainly increase the number of women you can speak with there are enough Thais who speak passable English that you should be able meet a normal girl quite easily.

Here's a tip: Compliment them on something and ask them where they bought it because you were thinking of getting your mom, sister, ?? something for their birthday. For example, "I'm sorry, but that's a really beautiful bracelet. Can I ask where you bought that? My sister has a birthday coming up and I think she would love it."

After that just use whatever game you have to figure out how to conclude the conversation by asking for her phone number. It's not that difficult.

Proven to work on Thai women, farang women, and just about any woman of any race. Why? Because the first step in meeting someone is having the balls to initiate a conversation. If she blows you off or tells you she has a boyfriend or whatever, no big deal. You'll be talking to someone else and asking for another girl's phone number 10 minutes from now anyway. It's a numbers (no pun intended) game. You talk to enough women you're going to get a certain percentage that give up the digits and out of those there are a certain percentage that agree to meet you for coffee or whatever.

One of my friends is just a natural at talking to people. He can be in any sort of venue and be laughing and joking with complete strangers within 5 minutes. He's not a great looking guy (not ugly, but back home he would be considered quite normal looking) and this guy has to beat women off with a stick. He just starts chatting them up because that's his nature and pretty soon they're flirting and/or passing him their phone numbers.

Edited by digibum
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It is quite a simple process that has been mastered here by many of this forums members.

You find yourself a BG then pay for her to leave the bar for good and take her home and clean her up. You then take her out and by her ridiculously looking clothes that look odd, out of place and uncomfortable but in your mind make her look hiso. You then clue her up what to say to your friends and family where you met.

I meet you in restaurant OK?

You went to university OK?

Your family rich and half Chinese OK?

Once you have brain washed her and deluded yourself come back and join in the threads where "countless others" will claim their misses is not a BG but a gift from god that only us less mortals could dream about. ;)

Strange. I live in Thailand. I don't drink/do drugs & never go out onto that sort of scene that you are suggesting, mostly avoid tourist areas at all cost & I have met literally hundreds of women from numerous working backgrounds, anything from Dental assistance, Office workers, Sheilas at the Electricity commission, Coffee shops, Nurses, Teachers, factory workers, food stall ladies, bank tellers, tesco/lotus, hairdressing salons & the list goes on, all of which have asked me about meeting 'farang men'. Now after having observed a number of these ladies over a number of years I am dam_n sure the ones that originally came to mind have NEVER worked on the scene you are referring to. I actually know quite a few Thai ladies that would probably take to you with a kitchen knife for suggesting such a thing, yet most of those ladies would only be too happy to settle down with a decent farang man.

I'm not a overly friendly person but virtually anywhere I have been theres always been one or two birds that are happy to initiate a chat of some sort, again, I'm not talking tourist areas. Of course being able to exchange basic conversation in Thai is always going to help but for a single man this place is a schmorgas board of pootang AND I'm not talking about putting my hand in my pocket to get it (Although eventually anything the fly's, floats, or #ucks will end up costing you a fortune) :lol:

Anyway, its sad that you think that many on this forum have done what you suggest, perhaps it has something to do with the company you keep :whistling: .

As for the OP, perhaps he is a quite & reserved type of person who doesnt come accross as being approachable. Perhaps he's too busy looking for something yet failing to notice whats actually going on around him. Maybe he doesnt speak thai or has his sights set on ladies that are out of his league, I dunno, perhaps he should join a club or take up a hobby or go and chat to the local ladies in the pharmacy.

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"However many Farangs are quite successful and happy with their Thai girlfriends / wives. I wonder how they do that."

They go to a bar, pick a girl out, hire her more than 3 times, marry her, give her a monthly allowance.

Then lie about where they met her.

Only kidding (I think) :)

I'm sure some guys don't do it like that.

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Go to those eye care shops.. umm opticians They are great places to meet lovely girls.

Avoid bars that are frequented by Isaan girls.

Smile and speak Thai.


Avoid bars frequented by Isaan girls?


It's a light-hearted comment referring to Pattaya ... :whistling: And no, I don't live there. And never have.

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Go to those eye care shops.. umm opticians They are great places to meet lovely girls.

Avoid bars that are frequented by Isaan girls.

Smile and speak Thai.


Avoid bars frequented by Isaan girls?


It's a light-hearted comment referring to Pattaya ... :whistling: And no, I don't live there. And never have.



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