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Gprs On 12call (ais)


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I have done this before but recently fresh install on Laptop and new cellphone means I need to reconfigure...

Does anyone know the number you call on 12Call that you set your phone model and it sends you an SMS with all the phone settings for GPRS ?? Or what those settings should be to manually set it up ??

Also theres an odd dialstring to get dial up networking via GPRS.. Anyone have it ???

GPRS should still be set up on my account so its just these 2 things..

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To acticate gprs on one2call you dial *138 and the computer voice tells you the options. (I chose 20 hours gprs for 100 Baht)

You'll get a sms message a bit later that you can use gprs. In my case (nokia phone) all settings are automatically set through the ais network. No manual configuration needed!

To check how many minutes gprs you have remaining you can dial *139

To connect to gprs from a laptop you just make a dial up connection with your mobile as a modem and the number to dial is *99***1#

Username / password can be both ais, but I think it even works without a username password filled in...

Alternatively, you can dial 1175, try to get an operator on the line and they can send the settings directly to you for most phone models...

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well, it certainly isn't brilliant, but if it's the only way into getting internet it'll work :o

Sometimes I'm online for 30 minutes before the connection freezes, and this is always solved by disconnecting and connecting again.

I've been on line with both d-tac and ais and they are mostly comparable...

I love it on my ipaq 6365, I can get my Thaivisa wherever I happen to be (yes, even on the toilet, it's that bad with me :D )

And if you can't stand to risk 100 Baht on a connection which might not be perfect, you'd better not move to Tokyo either, where livincosts tend to be a tad higher then here :D

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Thanks guys.. Its mostly just for mobile email..

I thought I agreed to 1 baht per min of connection last time.. No 'account' as such just billed from my pre pay cards..

And there is an automatic voicemail type system where you tell it phone maker, then model, etc and it then send you an sms.. Will call the operator if I have to..

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yeah, monty ("its not the first time Ive been left with the couch" - unless you're british and a fan of richard e grant, that probably wont make much sense!) is absolutely right...was just having a particularly bad moment (again) with my gprs at the tme of posting...all you gotta do is reconnect and as there are no charges for doing so, it aint much of a drama...

kinda like adsl and dialup though..when you get to adsl there's just no going back to dialup...have just been overseas and the gprs internet was sweet as...back in bangers just reminds you of how it should be..

out of interest, anyone know why the service here is so poor? too much traffic? not good enuff support technology? surely with the level of technology here (i know its not amazing, but it'll do), surely reliable gprs internet shouldn't be too much of a stretch??just curious...

anyhows...happy mobiling LivinLOS - hope it worx out for ya


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We demand the finest connections available to mankind.. We want them here.. and we want them now..

That wont make much sense to the others either..

As a boy I used to weep in butchers shops... Flowers are merely prostitutes for the bees..

We have gone on holiday by mistake..

So many great lines :o

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I got new Dtac gprs/edge aircard last week and so far it hasn't disconnected once. I've downloaded about 1Gb of stuff (music, audiobooks, cartoons for the kids) already. Google Earth works fine - I found shortcuts to my school I never knew before. Even outside Edge coverage area surfing Internet is ok.

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hey Jockstar

to get going you need a "smartphone"..still not sure what that means and apparently I have one!?? you need one basically that has a proper internet browser - i got a nokia 6260 and inet through Netfront browser, but you can use Opera as well...the "smarter" the phone (O2 mini, pda/phone etc etc), the better and more realistic your inet experience will be..if you just need it for emails and the like a phone like the nokia above would be grand for ya...definitely dont need to spend more than 11/12 grand..mate of mine just got a sony for 9,000 that does the same as my 12 grand nokia

if your phone does the biz, then just bell AIS, get yourself a gprs account and away you go...emailing from your phone will be easy..you got a little pocket internet, so your web experience is pretty much the same as from a normal computer..similar anyway..

if I totally misunderstood what u wanted to know, sorry for the useless info...Im real good at tangents! :o

yeuch...(spitting), thats the only solid matter to have passed my lips in the last 60 hours! I must be unwell!!

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what phone are you using Pls+??apparently these things make all the difference..something to do with the gprs class and how many ports that class level allows to connect to the internet...somefink like that anyway :o

maybe half the reason Im having so many problems is becos my nokia is only class 4 or 6 or something low like that...could well be worth shelling out the extra coins if it makes a real tangible difference what gprs class your phone is...

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Sony-Ericsson G83 GPRS/EDGE aircard - plugs in a notebook. I got a separate sim card and pay 1200 Baht a month for unlimited downloads.

Newer phones all have GPRS class 10, few models support EDGE as well ( EDGE is GPRS add-on that increases the speed to 254kbps). It's available only in Central Bangkok. There's a map somewhere on Dtac's website.

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  • 1 year later...

Just to add to the debate on how to connect to AIS GPRS using a laptop and a GPRS phone:

- I bought a Nokia 6070 phone (about 4300 bt, cheapest you can get which works with a PC) and a CA-42 connectivity cable (1500 bt) from a Nokia shop (most phone shops don't seem to stock these)

- bought a GPRS SIM ( for 300 bt - different from normal ones, it seems) and took it to a Telewiz (AIS) shop, where they selected my data package (I chose 60 hours for 200 bt/mo)

- downloaded from the Nokia site the latest software - you need 2 types, one for the cable and then something called Nokia PC Suite

- using the PC Suite icon to connect to the internet, I used the access number (*99***1#) and username/passwords suggested above (AIS) with no success

- I called 1175 and was told to leave the username/password blank, but to use the suggested dialup code

Having done all this, I connected first time and got a 115k connection!

Happy to answer any more detailed queries people have.

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- I bought a Nokia 6070 phone (about 4300 bt, cheapest you can get which works with a PC) and a CA-42 connectivity cable (1500 bt) from a Nokia shop (most phone shops don't seem to stock these)

Happy to answer any more detailed queries people have.

I have a similar set-up but use IR. The 6070 is one of the least expensive Class 10 Nokia phones, and you are correct, using PC Suite is "sweet". (I just chose "AIS" from the pull-down menu, and then clicked "connect", so did not configuraiton, so special numbers or usernames/passwords.) However, I cannot get my CA-42 cable connection to get recognized by Nokia PC Suite. Any special tips for setting up the CA-42 option? (I have de-installed and re-installed the driver and PC Suite multiple times, but have not swept the registry. I just upgraded PC Suite to rel.

I just added GPRS to my existing 1-2-Call pre-paid SIM. I chose 25 hours for 107 baht (100 baht plus 7 baht VAT) which is a recurring monthly charge. The 6070 has a GPRS packet and connection time counter so it is easy to keep track of usage.

My speedtests at www dot adslthailand dot com (localtest) show consistent download speeds of ~ 75 kbps (nearly 10 kB/s), so I am clearly getting EDGE services, at least in Bangkok. It's a great service for ADSL back-up (although my ADSL line hasn't gone down in months) , and remote access.

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  • 5 months later...

The Sierra wireless cards are pretty good, but haven't heard much good about the Sony's...

It's quite funny with the speedtest.net servers (they actually use adslthailand's server) since I get faster results on Thaivisa's servers which are not in Thailand (Singapore).

Both on Dtac and AIS!

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On this subject connecting to 12Call with my laptop proved a problem to me a long time ago so I gave up. However following this latest thread I tried again, but still with the same problems.

Still subcribe to GPRS and connects to AIS network very quickly using my mobile phone over a bluetooth link and still indicates a connection speed of 115.2.

However same as always I can not receive any emails and can not connect to any websites including AIS. Running Wn XP so checked under the windows firwall, advanced settings, that the services are all checked, which they are.

Anybody have any advise as to my problem pls ? By the way my mobile is a Motorola V3i ( do not have or know of any additional dialing string for use with this ) and I never have problems with ADSL broadband or any other dial-up via modem.

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OK folks ignore my last post. After 18 months finally found out my problem by chance. Apparently the phones default network setting is for medium data flow. Changing it to continuous allows just that, continuous data flow. Now no problem connecting to internet or send/receive emails

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OK folks ignore my last post. After 18 months finally found out my problem by chance. Apparently the phones default network setting is for medium data flow. ....

Having useless default setting seems to be standard for Moto :o

One thing to all you EDGE junkies - if you connect to your phone with bluetooth, you can set the connection speed from 112k - the default - to 921kb

Go to -> Network Connections-> Bluetooth->Right click properties -> connect using.. click on "Configure" for the connection you are using -> Set max speed to 921kbs.

The reason is EDGE can do over 200 kbs but if you set the serial connection to 112 your computer might limit it to 112. Not that EDGE seriously ever gets over 160kbs for me anyway...

As for DTAC vs AIS - DTAC has pretty much zero EDGE coverage in the north whereas AIS is pretty good.

PS: This can be set for other serial connections too - don't know what the default speeds for those are though, I would imagine at least USB has a decent default setting. IR on the other hand... ugh.

PPS: I found Nokia PC Suite buggy and useless. But then maybe thats just for my phone a N73. It works well as long as you are connected via USB with the cable, but bluetooth doesn't work well at all.

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I am on for hours at a time (AIS) don't have disconnect problems, it says 115kbps but really downloading at about 32, OK as long as no large files or pictures.

This will eternally confuse Windows users - Windows shows the connection speed from the computer to the device - e.g. your phone. It's relatively useless information for the most part (except - see my post above). Because what you really want to know is how fast your internet connection is.

Here's a diagram:

Computer <------- (A) ---------> Phone <-------(B)---------> Internet

Windows will show you the connection speed of connection (A) - speed from the computer to the network. If you are connected to wireless, it will claim you are connected with 54Mbps 'cause that's the max. speed of the wireless network.

Your internet connection speed on (B), you can only measure indirectly, with speed test websites and such.

In the case of EDGE, it will dynamically change the speed of (B) every fraction of a second, depending on network availability. If somebody makes a phone call nearby - going over the same cell - your speed drops. Thats why EDGE will be slow in crowded places like shopping malls etc...

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OK folks ignore my last post. After 18 months finally found out my problem by chance. Apparently the phones default network setting is for medium data flow. ....

Having useless default setting seems to be standard for Moto :o

One thing to all you EDGE junkies - if you connect to your phone with bluetooth, you can set the connection speed from 112k - the default - to 921kb

Go to -> Network Connections-> Bluetooth->Right click properties -> connect using.. click on "Configure" for the connection you are using -> Set max speed to 921kbs.

The reason is EDGE can do over 200 kbs but if you set the serial connection to 112 your computer might limit it to 112. Not that EDGE seriously ever gets over 160kbs for me anyway...

As for DTAC vs AIS - DTAC has pretty much zero EDGE coverage in the north whereas AIS is pretty good.

PS: This can be set for other serial connections too - don't know what the default speeds for those are though, I would imagine at least USB has a decent default setting. IR on the other hand... ugh.

PPS: I found Nokia PC Suite buggy and useless. But then maybe thats just for my phone a N73. It works well as long as you are connected via USB with the cable, but bluetooth doesn't work well at all.

New version of PC_Suite came out two days ago on Nokia Europe site.

Also works on Vista now. Ver. 6 83 141


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OK folks ignore my last post. After 18 months finally found out my problem by chance. Apparently the phones default network setting is for medium data flow. ....

Having useless default setting seems to be standard for Moto :o

One thing to all you EDGE junkies - if you connect to your phone with bluetooth, you can set the connection speed from 112k - the default - to 921kb

Go to -> Network Connections-> Bluetooth->Right click properties -> connect using.. click on "Configure" for the connection you are using -> Set max speed to 921kbs.

The reason is EDGE can do over 200 kbs but if you set the serial connection to 112 your computer might limit it to 112. Not that EDGE seriously ever gets over 160kbs for me anyway...

As for DTAC vs AIS - DTAC has pretty much zero EDGE coverage in the north whereas AIS is pretty good.

PS: This can be set for other serial connections too - don't know what the default speeds for those are though, I would imagine at least USB has a decent default setting. IR on the other hand... ugh.

PPS: I found Nokia PC Suite buggy and useless. But then maybe thats just for my phone a N73. It works well as long as you are connected via USB with the cable, but bluetooth doesn't work well at all.

New version of PC_Suite came out two days ago on Nokia Europe site.

Also works on Vista now. Ver. 6 83 141


I agree that the older Nokia Suite versions were all but useless. The latest version works fine. I use it to update the software in my N-80. Bluetooth works fine EXCEPT for the phone software updates. I have to use the cable. ??

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