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Brit Pensioners Take On Thai 'Killer Bride'


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Pi sek,

You do offer some valid points here, and yes, we all know there are good and bad eggs in every country, however Thailands reputation for expertise in penis re-attachment doesnt give me much confidence.

Also one would have to wonder if the chances of getting brutally murdered by your farang wife in the west,just over MONEY, is as great as the risk here...hmm?

Anyway, in your earlier post regarding the rights and conditions for farangs married here, i would think each case is different and in reality, IMO there's a lot more complexities than possibilities.

in my own case:

A foreigner married to a Thai CAN work.....

Agreed, anyone can work, but the need to find work that a thai person cannot do is limiting, no?

OK, good for you if you are backed by a international company but how many of us have that luxury?

So its pretty much be an english teacher or bust for the rest of us, and in my case i do not hold a degree, so i have no hope!

I've had mates with a degree who work here but often find it hard to convince their employers to arrange a work permit for them, out of pure laziness, so they are more or less forced to work illegally.

CAN buy and own land (in the case of BOI-sponsored 100% foreign companies)

Realistically, how many would have access to this possibility, let alone have the huge funds needed?..again, good for you if you have!

CAN own a permanent structure on said land.

True again, but with many complexities and i'd suggest you are in for a very costly uphill battle to secure these rights and hold onto them, especially if up against a savvy and angry ex-wife. A farang should'nt have to be in for the battle of his life when he approaches his twilight years, especially after supporting these cretins for the last however-many years with his hard earned, only to be discarded like trash because he is not dying fast enough.

CAN get citizenship.

YES, but dont you need to have lived in Thailand for something like 10 years??

And how is that possible for someone like me, under the current visa/immigration rules?

I think (from memory) there are about 2 or 3 individuals that have written on these forums over many years who have got citizenship...as not to many are keen on the rule of having to forfeit your own nationality to become a thai citizen...are you willing to do that?

Yes, you can do all of the above, even when NOT married to a Thai...

Maybe,but how do you stay here long enough to achieve all this?

I'm under retirement age and already have enough disposable cash to live on, but am struggling with the visa. I have been told by many to marry a Thai and have no problems, but reading about this poor guy he has/had one very big problem.


Actually Thailand doesn't require any evidence that a local cannot be found for a job before hiring a foreigner but the UK does and so does Hong Kong and many other countries. The Thai law only requires that the foreigner should be qualified to do the job and there isn't much checking into these qualifications. Most of the problems with work permits come from the Immigration Bureau when the expat applies for a non-imm B visa extension, not the Labour Ministry which is fairly relaxed about WPs. Immigration imposes rules like 4 Thais to one foreign employee etc and the scrutiny is usually more on the company than the expat which is why many Thai companies don't want to apply for WPs. The company needs to be profitable, have B2m paid-up capital and generally meet Immigration's standards. The bottom line is really whether foreigners have the skills that businesses here need.

You are not correct re Thai citizenship. Obtaining it is indeed a lengthy process but foreign men with Thai wives actually have an advantage since they are entitled to apply for citizenship without first getting permanent residence, whereas others need PR for 5 years first. You don't need to be in Thailand for 10 years to apply. If you are married to a Thai woman, you need to have three years' tax receipts from a job in Thailand with a salary of at least B40,000 a month and be assessed at 50 points or more out of 100. There are indeed only a handful of farangs who obtain Thai citizenship but that is partly because hardly any farangs apply for it. About 100-200 naturalizations are granted annually of which about 5-10% are farangs.

There are other visa options other than a marriage extension: retirement; investment of B10 million; ED visa, non-imm B if you have a job.

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Such a shame.

Hua Hin is full of old men who pick women that anybody else wouldn't touch with a barge pole.

I suppose it's just about being streetwise. Old men maybe good at organizing there finances and pension funds but on judging character their not so hot.

If i only had a £ for the number of times i have seen some old guy walk in to a bar with a wife or girlfriend who i wouldn't trust to come back with the change from the 7/11.

It doesn't help matters the way older guys talk to women and the disinterest in the language. Every kurt word and tongue lashing is another bullet loaded in the gun.

If any old guy really thinks that a 30 or 40 something women really wants him then he needs his head examining.

Rent don't buy.

I was talking to my wife last night about this and she told me the story of a family from her old village in Chianat. The family have 3 daughters the oldest 22, 21 and 17. When the oldest was 18 the parents encouraged her to find a farang to marry and assisted her in the search via internet. They eventually found her a 78 yr old from Germany and arranged the marriage the guy passed away a couple of yrs later apparently from natural causes. He was from what I have been told quite financial and left her and her family well off. The girl within 6 months was married to another elderly farang. Her 21 yr old sister is also married to a farang in his 70's and the parents want to marry off the final daughter to a farang also. This to me seems to be a business for them and nothing to do with love. The commodity being elderly farangs in thier twylight years. Apparently other families in the village also want to follow in the footsteps of this family as they can see the wealth they are accumalating.

I am not saying every Thai is like this before people jump on my back accusing me of throwing a blanket across all thais. I am talking about one family out of millions. Oh and my wife is 3 years younger than me before anyone asks and we met in Melbourne when she was doing her masters in accounting and we dated for 3 yrs before getting married.

of course - an immoral business at that. there should be a law against any man over 60 marrying a Thai girl.

Edited by saraburioz
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Case like this, well..an eye for an eye. This kind of crime (and there are many like this) must be stopped immediately and should be dealt with severely. It is completely unconscionable to do such a thing and totally unacceptable. No mercy for the murdering scumbag(s) I am sorry for him and his family. R.I.P and accept my condolences.

Edited by freedom4life
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...Yes there are thai oriented entertainment venues. numerous massage places but the diffence is thai males do not commonly try to establish relationships in those places. It is more akin to a "car wash" There are tons of mainstream women out there if you speak thai and come off fairly presentable., for those of u interested....

So mia noi's with bought and paid for Series 5 Beemers and giks with high-end condo's, all paid for by doting lovers who just happen to be happily married to other women are NOT a Thai fact of life?

Car wash.... ROFLMAO.

There's tons of mainstream women out there doing quite nicely as second wives too.

Yes absolutely what you say is 100% true about mia nois. I did not purposely omit that I just didn't think of it. In actuality I have lived in some of the high end thai(99%) only condos you refer to. My neighbors are not taxi drivers and I have seen and on occasion had friendly neighborly chats with "mia nois" and their significant others.

In my experience and IMO as someone conversational in thai I have yet to see a "mia noi" comparable to the average pattaya/cowboy/nana, etc girl and especially nothing even vaguely remotely resembling the wife/alleged murderer of this man this thread is about. Mia nois I have chatted with have been attractive, intelligent, functional, women IMO educated and/or actual university students( in uni uniforms with emblem), attending bona-fide schools, focused on studies and a goal for the future. I don't know if they owned the condos or simply allowed to live rent free in them. I suspect both cases.

In any case, the women I have seen are a far cry from what many expats end up with supporting. I have also known married thai guys that have little friends on the side though based on mutual attraction, not commerce. Just hang out with wealthy women and worry less about being scammed....

I am glad you appreciated my "car wash" analogy. Think about it, at a car wash the rollers , sponges, water jets, drying jets really do the same thing over and over again, basically what the massage girl does...

Edited by atyclb
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My condolences to the victims family.

I would never invest one cent in Thailand because Thais cannot be trusted with farang money and there is zero recourse if there are any problems. Nice place to visit, perhaps have an extended stay, but all my money and assets will ALWAYS stay in my home country where I am treated like a first class citizen and have full transparency with all of my financial dealings and all dealings for that matter.

Its also important that if you want to come to Thailand, you need a purpose, do something constructive that will contribute to society and keep your mind active. You will be respected for this by the Thais. If you come here late in life and just want to find a wife or engage in the bar scene every night, this is the road to nowhere.

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Rees and Williams are to be commended, it;s high time someone STOOD UP and put their money where their mouths are, I congratulate both gentlemen, regardless of the legal outcome you 2 gentlemen are at least attempting to right a terrible wrong, you have my heart felt best wishes for success..

Very good post.

The huge majority of Thais are good people,the same as brits,ozzies etc etc,but this one seems despicable,and bad to the core.Hope the 2 guys and daughter get some closure on this and good luck too,could be dangerous.

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You only have to look at the above headline photo to realise that he may be the next victim. Alot of Brits should never be allowed to enter Thailand. Theyre way out of their depth. Why do they think that a isan girl (usually prostitutes) would want to marry some old goat from another world. he marries her for sex and phoney companionship she marries him for his assets and pension. Why are they getting involved in the Thai justice system????? Theyre way out of their depth. Go home to cold bleak blighty and join a lawn bowls club.

As my wife is from Issan this post should have me up in arms, regrettably though , this is exactly right.

I've lived in Thailand 7 years and I leave in 10 days to return to the UK with my wife and 3 year old daughter for good. There's much I wont miss about Thailand but as I don't want to go off topic I'll keep this post relevant to the subject matter.

Most Brits (and other falangs) who come out to Thailand to find a bride and to live are way out of their depth as stated. A Thai woman is not just a sexy version of a British woman with a nice smile and dark skin - they are a breed apart. All Asians are. My wifes home village had no electricity or water for the first 10 years of her life, at least no running water - they had the village pump. She got her first pair of shoes (second hand) when she was 10. Walking 15 miles to market in the middle of April and back to make 20 baht selling bananas was expected. I could go on but the point I'm making is that these women (from Issan and other poor rural areas) have a steel core that runs through them them makes that harder than a Western man bought up in a semi in pleasant Bilghty could ever be.

I've a mate who lives 5 houses away from me in Thailand.He's about 45. Its clear that after just 2 years his marriage is on the rocks (and he has an 18 month old daughter). I've had to stop seeing him because by 14:00 he's pissed on Mekong clearly drinking because he's unhappy. The last time I saw him about 5 days ago he came round to borrow 300 baht. He had a cut over his right eye that extended down half his face. His wife had hit him with a meat cleaver.

This guy needs to get out of Thailand otherwise he's a dead man. His missus is also from a poor rural village. This means she will know someone or will easily be able to find someone to have her husband rubbed out for 10,000 baht - £250 or so.

Its all too easy. She waits until he's pissed. Calls her boys in. Bag over the head. Bundled in the boot of car. Driven out to the sticks. Shallow grave. The End.

When his family eventually fly out to find out whats happened to him (which could be a couple of months), she tells them that he walked out weeks ago and that she's glad he's not here because he was abusive and an alcoholic, and as he used to buy his Mekong from the local village store, they will confirm that.

Not only that, how interested do you think the local police would be in trying to find him?................easy answer - not in the slightest.

The police (unless bribed) wouldn't give as flying <deleted> about him and why would they? - do you honestly think the Thai police care about solving crimes involving falangs out in NE Thailand - they may show more interest if it was in Phuket or Pattaya where it may affect tourism.

So she'd be left with a nice 2m baht house, baby daughter and no stress.

As Jalansanitwong says - many falangs are way out of their depth taking on a Thai woman - any falangs thinking of coming out to retire to Thailand with a beautiful Thai bride would be well served to have a rethink and stay at home.

There are real dangers out here if you pick the wrong woman.

utter bullshit,you are looking at isolated incidents and blowing them up out of all proprtion.I assume by your post only Issan women are bad?? is that true.The majority of thai/farang marriages are good,a few bad due to the farang,some bad vice versa and the odd one leads to murder,a bigger percentage thai on farang.How is your marriage to your Issan bride good or bad,is she capable of killing u???

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...Yes there are thai oriented entertainment venues. numerous massage places but the diffence is thai males do not commonly try to establish relationships in those places. It is more akin to a "car wash" There are tons of mainstream women out there if you speak thai and come off fairly presentable., for those of u interested....

So mia noi's with bought and paid for Series 5 Beemers and giks with high-end condo's, all paid for by doting lovers who just happen to be happily married to other women are NOT a Thai fact of life?

Car wash.... ROFLMAO.

There's tons of mainstream women out there doing quite nicely as second wives too.

Yes absolutely what you say is 100% true about mia nois. I did not purposely omit that I just didn't think of it. In actuality I have lived in some of the high end thai(99%) only condos you refer to. My neighbors are not taxi drivers and I have seen and on occasion had friendly neighborly chats with "mia nois" and their significant others.

In my experience and IMO as someone conversational in thai I have yet to see a "mia noi" comparable to the average pattaya/cowboy/nana, etc girl and especially nothing even vaguely remotely resembling the wife/alleged murderer of this man this thread is about. Mia nois I have chatted with have been attractive, intelligent, functional, women IMO educated and/or actual university students( in uni uniforms with emblem), attending bona-fide schools, focused on studies and a goal for the future. I don't know if they owned the condos or simply allowed to live rent free in them. I suspect both cases.

In any case, the women I have seen are a far cry from what many expats end up with supporting. I have also known married thai guys that have little friends on the side though based on mutual attraction, not commerce. Just hang out with wealthy women and worry less about being scammed....

I am glad you appreciated my "car wash" analogy. Think about it, at a car wash the rollers , sponges, water jets, drying jets really do the same thing over and over again, basically what the massage girl does...

We call em slags in the uk and slappers if they are married and shag around

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Such a shame.

Hua Hin is full of old men who pick women that anybody else wouldn't touch with a barge pole.

I suppose it's just about being streetwise. Old men maybe good at organizing there finances and pension funds but on judging character their not so hot.

If i only had a £ for the number of times i have seen some old guy walk in to a bar with a wife or girlfriend who i wouldn't trust to come back with the change from the 7/11.

It doesn't help matters the way older guys talk to women and the disinterest in the language. Every kurt word and tongue lashing is another bullet loaded in the gun.

If any old guy really thinks that a 30 or 40 something women really wants him then he needs his head examining.

Rent don't buy.

I was talking to my wife last night about this and she told me the story of a family from her old village in Chianat. The family have 3 daughters the oldest 22, 21 and 17. When the oldest was 18 the parents encouraged her to find a farang to marry and assisted her in the search via internet. They eventually found her a 78 yr old from Germany and arranged the marriage the guy passed away a couple of yrs later apparently from natural causes. He was from what I have been told quite financial and left her and her family well off. The girl within 6 months was married to another elderly farang. Her 21 yr old sister is also married to a farang in his 70's and the parents want to marry off the final daughter to a farang also. This to me seems to be a business for them and nothing to do with love. The commodity being elderly farangs in thier twylight years. Apparently other families in the village also want to follow in the footsteps of this family as they can see the wealth they are accumalating.

I am not saying every Thai is like this before people jump on my back accusing me of throwing a blanket across all thais. I am talking about one family out of millions. Oh and my wife is 3 years younger than me before anyone asks and we met in Melbourne when she was doing her masters in accounting and we dated for 3 yrs before getting married.

of course - an immoral business at that. there should be a law against any man over 60 marrying a Thai girl.

There should be a law to stop farangs living with a girl more than 30 years age difference,maybe less

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Evidently all of you missed the part that said she was released ON BAIL. The charges have not been dropped and she will still stand trial for murder, with no further developments.

Yes, she probably bribed the police to get bail and she is probably a high flight risk but the police did not drop the charges so 95% of the crap being spewed in this thread about the police and the justice system is incorrect.

Also interesting to note she is a British citizen.

Probably she has met his exwife and they had a little chinwag on how to gain some money,british women have done it in the past.Thai haters did you know that brit women kill their spouse for money sometimes,incredible aint it

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Such a shame.

Hua Hin is full of old men who pick women that anybody else wouldn't touch with a barge pole.

I suppose it's just about being streetwise. Old men maybe good at organizing there finances and pension funds but on judging character their not so hot.

If i only had a £ for the number of times i have seen some old guy walk in to a bar with a wife or girlfriend who i wouldn't trust to come back with the change from the 7/11.

It doesn't help matters the way older guys talk to women and the disinterest in the language. Every kurt word and tongue lashing is another bullet loaded in the gun.

If any old guy really thinks that a 30 or 40 something women really wants him then he needs his head examining.

Rent don't buy.

And i thought it was only Issan women are bad,i rest my case as some old biddies may have come from Bangkok after retiring from the game

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We call em slags in the uk and slappers if they are married and shag around

And which one of the above brings you out of the woodwork then? Or is she truly different?

There should be a law to stop farangs living with a girl more than 30 years age difference,maybe less

While we are in the mood for legislation, there should be a law against narrow-minded busy-bodies too. I bet you have lace curtains as well.

But totally agree that this is being blown way, way out of proportion by most of the "less than 100 posts club".

To those with inflamed opinions on Thai womanhood, poor farang judgement, inadequate policing and poor legal procedures, go ahead and read the 3 or 4 threads that covered the demise of Dale Henry in Rayong in early 2008 (the parallels to this are striking), and the eventual successful prosecution of his evil wife and associates in 2009.

Edited by NanLaew
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So mia noi's with bought and paid for Series 5 Beemers and giks with high-end condo's, all paid for by doting lovers who just happen to be happily married to other women are NOT a Thai fact of life?

Unfortunately you don't know what the term "Gik" means. Do more research.

I did what you asked and I stand corrected... thanks.

(now I know what to call her....)

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We call em slags in the uk and slappers if they are married and shag around

And which one of the above brings you out of the woodwork then? Or is she truly different?

There should be a law to stop farangs living with a girl more than 30 years age difference,maybe less

While we are in the mood for legislation, there should be a law against narrow-minded busy-bodies too. I bet you have lace curtains as well.

But totally agree that this is being blown way, way out of proportion by most of the "less than 100 posts club".

To those with inflamed opinions on Thai womanhood, poor farang judgement, inadequate policing and poor legal procedures, go ahead and read the 3 or 4 threads that covered the demise of Dale Henry in Rayong in early 2008 (the parallels to this are striking), and the eventual successful prosecution of his evil wife and associates in 2009.

That's spooky. :blink:


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Such a shame.

Hua Hin is full of old men who pick women that anybody else wouldn't touch with a barge pole.

I suppose it's just about being streetwise. Old men maybe good at organizing there finances and pension funds but on judging character their not so hot.

If i only had a £ for the number of times i have seen some old guy walk in to a bar with a wife or girlfriend who i wouldn't trust to come back with the change from the 7/11.

It doesn't help matters the way older guys talk to women and the disinterest in the language. Every kurt word and tongue lashing is another bullet loaded in the gun.

If any old guy really thinks that a 30 or 40 something women really wants him then he needs his head examining.

Rent don't buy.

I was talking to my wife last night about this and she told me the story of a family from her old village in Chianat. The family have 3 daughters the oldest 22, 21 and 17. When the oldest was 18 the parents encouraged her to find a farang to marry and assisted her in the search via internet. They eventually found her a 78 yr old from Germany and arranged the marriage the guy passed away a couple of yrs later apparently from natural causes. He was from what I have been told quite financial and left her and her family well off. The girl within 6 months was married to another elderly farang. Her 21 yr old sister is also married to a farang in his 70's and the parents want to marry off the final daughter to a farang also. This to me seems to be a business for them and nothing to do with love. The commodity being elderly farangs in thier twylight years. Apparently other families in the village also want to follow in the footsteps of this family as they can see the wealth they are accumalating.

I am not saying every Thai is like this before people jump on my back accusing me of throwing a blanket across all thais. I am talking about one family out of millions. Oh and my wife is 3 years younger than me before anyone asks and we met in Melbourne when she was doing her masters in accounting and we dated for 3 yrs before getting married.

of course - an immoral business at that. there should be a law against any man over 60 marrying a Thai girl.

There should be a law to stop farangs living with a girl more than 30 years age difference,maybe less

I normally just read thai visa but felt I will respond to this. You say there should be a law to stop farangs living with a girl more than 30 years age difference. Why should it be? I know of one young thai lady (early 30's) very attractive and has a heart of gold. Her family are the same. She has been married three(3) times to much older men 40 to 50+ years. still married to the 3rd who is in his 80's and very frail. (others passed away) She gets great support from her family and her brother has even decided to live with them to help her. She tells me that Budha will reward her in a later life for helping older farang men who are alone and have no one to love them. She says she has loved and still loves them all with all her heart. Yes there re some sincre loving thai people who will support and look after the elderly farangs.

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Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

I am the only westerner living in this strange alternate Thailand where I'm either treated with basic courtesy, mild friendliness, slight interest or complete indifference by 99.99% of Thais I encounter?

Your 1 in a thousand, "do you live in a temple"---It is far far cheaper to choose a different lovely lass twice a week, and not have any family -visa-gold-heartache.your not buying drink and food-for her and her family -day in day out-she will be happy for having a customer-you will go back to your room alone. Most farrangs are opting for the massage-with extras--or short time room provided--you auto stop theft from you place-and also break ins-cause she has relatives who will want what she has seen in your place. the 4 Fs--find them F.F.and forget.........and the 3 Ws..whipitinwhipitoutwipeit

Sorry I'm reading your post as if in a Dalek's voice. Those antibiotics the doc gave me for my tonsillitis are well strong! I'll decipher your post later.


It is easy to make this sad thing into a Thai against western man thing but is it?

Do Thia women kill their Thai old men for money? Likely some do.

Does it happen more often here than in other nations? I do not know.

If it does though, it is likely due to the poor funding avilable for law enforcement and not corruption. I seriously doubt that the Police would side with a money grubing murdering woman over ANY MAN.

About the woman?

Did she do it or did her boyfriend?

And--there is no way to know if she knew about the crime ahead of time.

Of course I am very suspicious of her in this case likely are the police. Justice in Thailand can take a long time but it will most likely get done.

About old men and younger women?

It happens all over the planet and that is nothing new. It works if the woman loves you and does not keep working unless she keeps on loving you. it is not a Thai thing but instead just a man woman thing.

I do have this thought for all men.

Women know this.

It is just as easy to fall in love with a rich woman as to fall in love with a poor woman.

So sorry for family and friends of the poor gent. He certainly was wronged and the act needs punishing.

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I normally just read thai visa but felt I will respond to this. You say there should be a law to stop farangs living with a girl more than 30 years age difference. Why should it be? I know of one young thai lady (early 30's) very attractive and has a heart of gold. Her family are the same. She has been married three(3) times to much older men 40 to 50+ years. still married to the 3rd who is in his 80's and very frail. (others passed away) She gets great support from her family and her brother has even decided to live with them to help her. She tells me that Budha will reward her in a later life for helping older farang men who are alone and have no one to love them. She says she has loved and still loves them all with all her heart. Yes there re some sincre loving thai people who will support and look after the elderly farangs.

:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: Stop it, please! your killing me (excuse the pun)

Ah, that old chestnut...........

.............and another one

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living with a girl more than 30 years age difference. Why should it be? I know of one young thai lady (early 30's) very attractive and has a heart of gold. Her family are the same. She has been married three(3) times to much older men 40 to 50+ years. still married to the 3rd who is in his 80's and very frail. (others passed away) She gets great support from her family and her brother has even decided to live with them to help her. She tells me that Budha will reward her in a later life for helping older farang men who are alone and have no one to love them. She says she has loved and still loves them all with all her heart. Yes there re some sincre loving thai people who will support and look after the elderly farangs.

Why not look after elderly Thai men? heart of gold my a**

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living with a girl more than 30 years age difference. Why should it be? I know of one young thai lady (early 30's) very attractive and has a heart of gold. Her family are the same. She has been married three(3) times to much older men 40 to 50+ years. still married to the 3rd who is in his 80's and very frail. (others passed away) She gets great support from her family and her brother has even decided to live with them to help her. She tells me that Budha will reward her in a later life for helping older farang men who are alone and have no one to love them. She says she has loved and still loves them all with all her heart. Yes there re some sincre loving thai people who will support and look after the elderly farangs.

Why not look after elderly Thai men? heart of gold my a**


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I normally just read thai visa but felt I will respond to this. You say there should be a law to stop farangs living with a girl more than 30 years age difference. Why should it be? I know of one young thai lady (early 30's) very attractive and has a heart of gold. Her family are the same. She has been married three(3) times to much older men 40 to 50+ years. still married to the 3rd who is in his 80's and very frail. (others passed away) She gets great support from her family and her brother has even decided to live with them to help her. She tells me that Budha will reward her in a later life for helping older farang men who are alone and have no one to love them. She says she has loved and still loves them all with all her heart. Yes there re some sincre loving thai people who will support and look after the elderly farangs.

Sounds like a lovely person and her brother :whistling: These people dedicate thier lives for the support of lonely old farangs and for no return apart from good karma. I am sure the brother is not driving around in a top of the range motor vehicle and has all the lastest phones and gadgets. I don't mean to be cynical but it is hard not to be as it is a large pill to swallow. I think you are being niave not every pretty face and smile has the best intentions. I would truely hate for you to become another statistic. I wonder why these people only dedicate thier lives to farangs for good karma. Won't budha reward them in the same way if the turn thier attentions to elderly thais? Thier are a lot more thais that need thier assistance than farangs.:rolleyes:

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living with a girl more than 30 years age difference. Why should it be? I know of one young thai lady (early 30's) very attractive and has a heart of gold. Her family are the same. She has been married three(3) times to much older men 40 to 50+ years. still married to the 3rd who is in his 80's and very frail. (others passed away) She gets great support from her family and her brother has even decided to live with them to help her. She tells me that Budha will reward her in a later life for helping older farang men who are alone and have no one to love them. She says she has loved and still loves them all with all her heart. Yes there re some sincre loving thai people who will support and look after the elderly farangs.

Why not look after elderly Thai men? heart of gold my a**


Perhaps elderly Thai men would give them no respect and treat them like servants?

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If the evidence is to be believed, rather than the abrupt conclusions of an interminably corrupt Royal Thai Police, this Thai woman probably murdered her foreign husband. The turn of events by the Royal Thai Police not to prosecute is no surprise in this Nation of Criminals.

30-something Royal Thai Police cops signed in a petition to defend her actions (a clear message is being sent). Come on, who does this sort of stuff in Thailand, unless they are each lined-up to collect a bag of money.

Is there any question in anyone's mind that these two Brits are a direct threat to the criminal Thais who sadly run this country? God bless them, but they are stepping into dark and deep water in Thailand, where their Embassy can be no help to them.

This might have been said elsewhere in the string, but these guys will either: (1) drop their noble quest; (2) be murdered; (3) or, be unceremoniously kicked-out of the country.

I hope the reporter, Drummond, follows this story ... my bet is that it is not nearly over.


(... an interesting side note ... look how many reader hits this subject has attracted ... other subjects in the forum collecting such attention all relate to the Thai culture of corruption ... only a matter of time before the true nature of Thai inferior cultural values overcomes the misleading image of Thailand portrayed by tourist advertisements ... peaceful, gentle, friendly, spiritual ... "Land of Smiles"! ... sa-weet Jesus!)

Edited by swillowbee
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I normally just read thai visa but felt I will respond to this. You say there should be a law to stop farangs living with a girl more than 30 years age difference. Why should it be? I know of one young thai lady (early 30's) very attractive and has a heart of gold. Her family are the same. She has been married three(3) times to much older men 40 to 50+ years. still married to the 3rd who is in his 80's and very frail. (others passed away) She gets great support from her family and her brother has even decided to live with them to help her. She tells me that Budha will reward her in a later life for helping older farang men who are alone and have no one to love them. She says she has loved and still loves them all with all her heart. Yes there re some sincre loving thai people who will support and look after the elderly farangs.

I know this is a serious thread on a tragic subject but thanks for adding a bit of light relief with this hilarious post. For a second I was taken in.

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i live in hua hin and yes she is still walking round here as brazen as hell, i hope she gets what she deserves,but i very much doubt it,perhaps she will get mugged walking home one night,if anyone knows the way she goes home,you never now it might just happen. R I P my friend ron

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I feel for this guy, however this has to be said. With all his money couldn't he at least pick someone young and beautiful? I mean rich Thais do the same thing but at least they pick good looking ones not painfully obvious cheap retired whores. There are farang with good taste who marry beautiful educated Chinese-Thai women, but so many of us find these tree swinging low life distusting women to be attractive. Not to mention every other word out of there mouths are profane. It's really embarrasing. Do me a favor and go to the massage palors where the well-to-do Thais and other Asians go. Tell me if the women are not 10 times better looking and more polite than the dumpsters most of you pick through. Sure most of them still just want money but at least they are worth it.

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living with a girl more than 30 years age difference. Why should it be? I know of one young thai lady (early 30's) very attractive and has a heart of gold. Her family are the same. She has been married three(3) times to much older men 40 to 50+ years. still married to the 3rd who is in his 80's and very frail. (others passed away) She gets great support from her family and her brother has even decided to live with them to help her. She tells me that Budha will reward her in a later life for helping older farang men who are alone and have no one to love them. She says she has loved and still loves them all with all her heart. Yes there re some sincre loving thai people who will support and look after the elderly farangs.

Why not look after elderly Thai men? heart of gold my a**


Perhaps elderly Thai men would give them no respect and treat them like servants?

I do not know if elderly thai men would treat them as servants or with disrespect, but it is slightly(LOL) less likely elderly thai men would support them and their families to the extent some of the deluded shining knights in white armour do. Thai granddaughters certainly do take care/ share in taking care of their grandfathers, without getting paid.

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I feel for this guy, however this has to be said. With all his money couldn't he at least pick someone young and beautiful? I mean rich Thais do the same thing but at least they pick good looking ones not painfully obvious cheap retired whores. There are farang with good taste who marry beautiful educated Chinese-Thai women, but so many of us find these tree swinging low life distusting women to be attractive. Not to mention every other word out of there mouths are profane. It's really embarrasing. Do me a favor and go to the massage palors where the well-to-do Thais and other Asians go. Tell me if the women are not 10 times better looking and more polite than the dumpsters most of you pick through. Sure most of them still just want money but at least they are worth it.

I must congratulate you and say "BRAVO" on your very first post

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Swillowbee, I agree with much of what you have written except:

30-something Royal Thai Police cops signed in a petition to defend her actions (a clear message is being sent). Come on, who does this sort of stuff in Thailand, unless they are each lined-up to collect a bag of money.

No they didn't, quite the opposite...

The release came despite the fact that a deposition objecting to bail was signed by signed by thirty four Thai policemen, including two colonels, one Major, a Captain, two Lieutenants, 29 Sergeants, and one corporal.

I'm a bit confused though - I initially read that the RTP failed to establish a legal case, and now she's out on bail (so there is a pending case).

What's more, thirty four Thai policemen, including two colonels, one Major, a Captain, two Lieutenants, 29 Sergeants, and one corporal makes thirty six policemen, unless two of them are holding two ranks and have been double counted... honestly, the standard of reporting in this country, and this source is usually one of the better ones!

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