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Iran's Chief Negotiator say nuclear talks will advance only through 'common logic'


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Iran's Chief Negotiator say nuclear talks will advance only through 'common logic'

2011-01-23 20:14:03 GMT+7 (ICT)

ISTANBUL (BNO NEWS) -- Negotiations can advance only when they are based on a shared logic, Iran's top negotiator Saeed Jalili said Saturday after meeting with the 5+1 group in Istanbul, the state-run Fars News agency reported.

Iran and the 5+1 group, which include the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, plus Germany, ended talks over disputed Iran's nuclear programme without making any significant progress.

"We had hoped to embark on a discussion of practical ways forward. I'm disappointed to say that this has not been possible," European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who negotiated on behalf of the 5+1 group, said in a press conference, DPA news agency reported.

Jalili stressed that talks can be progressive only when they are based on a common logic. "If you decide to use another instrument instead of common logic, this would result in dictation and not negotiation, and dictation does not deserve a kind of talks based on the nations' cultures," Jalili added.

Ashton added the group proposed an updated nuclear swap deal and ways for Iran to improve transparency in its dealings with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Jalili noted Iran's full cooperation with the IAEA, and reminded that Tehran has had voluntary cooperation with it way beyond its undertakings for years.

Both sides expressed before the talks hopes for a nuclear swap deal, in which Iranian low-enriched uranium would be exchanged in return for foreign-made fuel for a Tehran research reactor.

Jalili said that Iran proposed a nuclear cooperation with the world powers based on the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) which calls for nuclear disarmament.

"A rigid cooperation should be launched among nations to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons," Jalili said. He added that respecting the nations' rights is the basis for negotiations.

During the talks, Iran refused to discuss nuclear rights and uranium enrichment. One of the preconditions for the talks was that the world powers accept Iran's uranium enrichment and abolish United Nations-imposed sanctions.

Iran says its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes, but the 5+1 group and many other countries fear it is aimed at developing nuclear weapons.

No further talks were planned in the meeting.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-01-23

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Common logic. That's funny term coming from one of Iran's government spokesmen. A man representing a regime that denies the Holocaust is bandying around the term 'common logic'? .....hmmmm.

As a great fan of Hans Christian Anderson's story 'The Emperor's New Clothes' I have to say; Iran fits perfectly with that story. It keeps avoiding the obvious - which is a declaration to the world that it wants to have nuclear weapons. Come on, Iran, it's so obvious to anyone with half a brain. Why not just admit it? Ok, there are repercussions, not least the ire of the Saudis. But hey, let's call a duck a duck, and quit all this silly beating around the bush.

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Common logic. That's funny term coming from one of Iran's government spokesmen. A man representing a regime that denies the Holocaust is bandying around the term 'common logic'? .....hmmmm.

As a great fan of Hans Christian Anderson's story 'The Emperor's New Clothes' I have to say; Iran fits perfectly with that story. It keeps avoiding the obvious - which is a declaration to the world that it wants to have nuclear weapons. Come on, Iran, it's so obvious to anyone with half a brain. Why not just admit it? Ok, there are repercussions, not least the ire of the Saudis. But hey, let's call a duck a duck, and quit all this silly beating around the bush.

Not sure what denying the Holocaust has to do with Iran wanting nuclear power. They are at least signatories of the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty and to this date, there is no proof that they are not in compliance with the terms of that treaty. Keeping in mind of course, the best intelligence agencies in the world have collected data on their activities for many decades and have turned up just the stuff we all know to be speculation.

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Not sure what denying the Holocaust has to do with Iran wanting nuclear power.


Not sure, aren't you? Let me break it down for you. Iran is seen as the most serious military threat to Israel. Nuclear technology can easily be transferred to nuclear weaponry. Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people. The same people that Iran denies were subject to genocide during the holocaust. Clear now?

Next ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Not sure what denying the Holocaust has to do with Iran wanting nuclear power. They are at least signatories of the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty and to this date, there is no proof that they are not in compliance with the terms of that treaty. Keeping in mind of course, the best intelligence agencies in the world have collected data on their activities for many decades and have turned up just the stuff we all know to be speculation.

You have misrepresented key facts. Iran has not cooperated with the inspection of its facilities as per the terms of the treaty you reference. Subsequent to much pressure, Iran allowed the inspection of one facility in October 2009. The UN response is summed up as per the Washington Post article of Nov 17, 2009;

After its three-day inspection of the underground site, the International Atomic Energy Agency has pressed Iran to declare in writing that it has no other hidden nuclear facilities, according to a copy of the report made public Monday by a nonprofit group. The U.N. nuclear watchdog also asked Iranian officials for original blueprints for the processing facility, as well as access to engineers to verify claims that it was intended to be part of a peaceful nuclear energy program.

Iran did not comply.

A new inspection was attempted in August 2010. The NYT on Sept. 6, 2010 reported;

The report on Monday from the International Atomic Energy Agency indicates that so far they have failed to force Iran to comply with longstanding requests. The agency protested that Iran had barred two of its most experienced inspectors from the country. They were barred only days after the Security Council passed its latest sanctions, part of a longstanding pattern of reducing access in retaliation for United Nations action. The report also reiterated that for two years, since August 2008, Iran has refused to answer questions "about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed nuclear-related activities involving military-related organizations, including activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile." The report said it was "essential that Iran engage with the agency on these issues" because evidence can degrade with "the passage of time."

Iran has refused to provide access to UN inspectors. It has refused to answer reasonable inquiries.

I also note that one of Iran's key supporters, China also acknowledged the findings of the IAEA report as per the China Daily Report of Spetember 8, 2010

China called on Iran to fully cooperate with the IAEA to assure the international community that the country's nuclear program was peaceful in nature."China has taken notice of the IAEA report," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu said in a news conference on Tuesday.

You reference western intelligence agencies. Well, all of them believe that Iran has facilities capable of constructing nuclear weapons. You call it speculation. Ok. That's your opinion. However, both China and Russia have confirmed that "speculation" as well. If you want to deny and continue your game, go for it. I find it irational that anyone would deny that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. I don't know what motivates you here, whether it is a political view that cannot accept the truth, the satisfaction derived from adopting a position sure to draw a response or just plain blind hatred for some people. Whatever it is, I suggest you get a grip on reality. Living in denial will not make the Iranian nuclear issue go away. Iran has refused to cooperate with the United Nations, an organization that to date has bent over backwards to accomodate Iran's protests and concerns.

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India has not signed the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty but has nuclear weapons and continues to produce them. Is anybody treating them with the same contempt as the world does Iran.Especially considering the fact that the Indian / Pakistan border has the potentual to be the next big flash point in global hostilities considering the current security situation in Pakistan. Where as Iran has no such issues with its neighbours. In fact the last war they were involved in ,if I remember correctly, was the Iran/ Iraq war [ 1980- 1988] where the Iraqis,backed by the US were the instigators and invaded Iran. Iran merely defended itself, quite gallantly I might say, without the use of Nuclear weapons. In the end pushing the US backed Iraqi military back into the desert were they had come from. Maybe if we all got off Irans back for 5 minutes we may see Iran in a different light.' If you kick a dog continuously it will not play with you anymore or indeed it may turn and bite'.

IMO the holocaust is indeed in the history books and therefore definatley occurred. Being in such books means it is indeed history. So why do people continue to bring it back up when it comes to Iran? From memory it wasn't Iranian policy, but Nazi policy the instigated and carried out those atrocities. Nobody brings that up against Germany when they announce their foriegn policies with others that don't quite agree with them.

Let the barrage begin.............:bah:

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India does not threaten to wipe out any nation. Nor does India deny that Pakistan has a right to exist. India doesn't fund terrorist organizations. Nor do members of the Indian government engage in psychotic speeches about divine right and the need to impose their political views on other nations. india has at times had differing views with the USA and other western nations to the point of hostility. Despite those differing political views not once did any of these nations threaten the other with armed force, or call for the destruction of the other as Iran has done.

Therefore, if you want to point fingers at India, then perhaps you should recognize the difference with Iran. India can adopt its own policies that are opposed to other's policies and yet do so in a peaceful manner.

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Not sure what denying the Holocaust has to do with Iran wanting nuclear power. They are at least signatories of the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty and to this date, there is no proof that they are not in compliance with the terms of that treaty. Keeping in mind of course, the best intelligence agencies in the world have collected data on their activities for many decades and have turned up just the stuff we all know to be speculation.

You have misrepresented key facts. Iran has not cooperated with the inspection of its facilities as per the terms of the treaty you reference. Subsequent to much pressure, Iran allowed the inspection of one facility in October 2009. The UN response is summed up as per the Washington Post article of Nov 17, 2009;

After its three-day inspection of the underground site, the International Atomic Energy Agency has pressed Iran to declare in writing that it has no other hidden nuclear facilities, according to a copy of the report made public Monday by a nonprofit group. The U.N. nuclear watchdog also asked Iranian officials for original blueprints for the processing facility, as well as access to engineers to verify claims that it was intended to be part of a peaceful nuclear energy program.

Iran did not comply.

A new inspection was attempted in August 2010. The NYT on Sept. 6, 2010 reported;

The report on Monday from the International Atomic Energy Agency indicates that so far they have failed to force Iran to comply with longstanding requests. The agency protested that Iran had barred two of its most experienced inspectors from the country. They were barred only days after the Security Council passed its latest sanctions, part of a longstanding pattern of reducing access in retaliation for United Nations action. The report also reiterated that for two years, since August 2008, Iran has refused to answer questions "about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed nuclear-related activities involving military-related organizations, including activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile." The report said it was "essential that Iran engage with the agency on these issues" because evidence can degrade with "the passage of time."

Iran has refused to provide access to UN inspectors. It has refused to answer reasonable inquiries.

I also note that one of Iran's key supporters, China also acknowledged the findings of the IAEA report as per the China Daily Report of Spetember 8, 2010

China called on Iran to fully cooperate with the IAEA to assure the international community that the country's nuclear program was peaceful in nature."China has taken notice of the IAEA report," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu said in a news conference on Tuesday.

You reference western intelligence agencies. Well, all of them believe that Iran has facilities capable of constructing nuclear weapons. You call it speculation. Ok. That's your opinion. However, both China and Russia have confirmed that "speculation" as well. If you want to deny and continue your game, go for it. I find it irational that anyone would deny that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. I don't know what motivates you here, whether it is a political view that cannot accept the truth, the satisfaction derived from adopting a position sure to draw a response or just plain blind hatred for some people. Whatever it is, I suggest you get a grip on reality. Living in denial will not make the Iranian nuclear issue go away. Iran has refused to cooperate with the United Nations, an organization that to date has bent over backwards to accomodate Iran's protests and concerns.

Purely academic with me. You seem to need to make it personal.

As I said, there is no hard proof. If there was hard proof action would have been taken to stop them. Not neighborly to take action based solely on speculation.

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Not sure what denying the Holocaust has to do with Iran wanting nuclear power. They are at least signatories of the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty and to this date, there is no proof that they are not in compliance with the terms of that treaty. Keeping in mind of course, the best intelligence agencies in the world have collected data on their activities for many decades and have turned up just the stuff we all know to be speculation.

You have misrepresented key facts. Iran has not cooperated with the inspection of its facilities as per the terms of the treaty you reference. Subsequent to much pressure, Iran allowed the inspection of one facility in October 2009. The UN response is summed up as per the Washington Post article of Nov 17, 2009;

After its three-day inspection of the underground site, the International Atomic Energy Agency has pressed Iran to declare in writing that it has no other hidden nuclear facilities, according to a copy of the report made public Monday by a nonprofit group. The U.N. nuclear watchdog also asked Iranian officials for original blueprints for the processing facility, as well as access to engineers to verify claims that it was intended to be part of a peaceful nuclear energy program.

Iran did not comply.

A new inspection was attempted in August 2010. The NYT on Sept. 6, 2010 reported;

The report on Monday from the International Atomic Energy Agency indicates that so far they have failed to force Iran to comply with longstanding requests. The agency protested that Iran had barred two of its most experienced inspectors from the country. They were barred only days after the Security Council passed its latest sanctions, part of a longstanding pattern of reducing access in retaliation for United Nations action. The report also reiterated that for two years, since August 2008, Iran has refused to answer questions "about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed nuclear-related activities involving military-related organizations, including activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile." The report said it was "essential that Iran engage with the agency on these issues" because evidence can degrade with "the passage of time."

Iran has refused to provide access to UN inspectors. It has refused to answer reasonable inquiries.

I also note that one of Iran's key supporters, China also acknowledged the findings of the IAEA report as per the China Daily Report of Spetember 8, 2010

China called on Iran to fully cooperate with the IAEA to assure the international community that the country's nuclear program was peaceful in nature."China has taken notice of the IAEA report," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu said in a news conference on Tuesday.

You reference western intelligence agencies. Well, all of them believe that Iran has facilities capable of constructing nuclear weapons. You call it speculation. Ok. That's your opinion. However, both China and Russia have confirmed that "speculation" as well. If you want to deny and continue your game, go for it. I find it irational that anyone would deny that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. I don't know what motivates you here, whether it is a political view that cannot accept the truth, the satisfaction derived from adopting a position sure to draw a response or just plain blind hatred for some people. Whatever it is, I suggest you get a grip on reality. Living in denial will not make the Iranian nuclear issue go away. Iran has refused to cooperate with the United Nations, an organization that to date has bent over backwards to accomodate Iran's protests and concerns.

Purely academic with me. You seem to need to make it personal.

As I said, there is no hard proof. If there was hard proof action would have been taken to stop them. Not neighborly to take action based solely on speculation.

Pakboong. No need to concern yourself too much. This poster is a notorious cut and past addict. Look at all the posters post and you will see a definate pattern. It goes something like this. Cut and paste, cut and paste,cut and paste. Force feeding us all with long, over the top rhetoric that attempts to preach to all others rather than posting just a personal opinion or objection in a way that seem interesting to all readers. Reading this sort of over the top content is much like eating a dry biscuit. Very hard to swallow.

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Once again any discussion about Iran's nuclear program instead turns into a discussion about the merits of zionism; so here we see that by sanctioning Iran instead of all these other countries that have nuclear weapons the world is actually doing israel's bidding.. I don't exactly see pakistan recognizing israel's right to exist either, just they are not as vocal about their rejection of zionism in speeches, or maybe they are that vocal as I don't see various pakistani speeches being translated and reported all over the place..

and as we noted in other threads about Israel.. It's a racist aphartied state; it doesn't recognize "Palestine's right to exist" and if it does it simply means calling apartheid-confining millions of palestinians to bantustans and denying them equal rights- a "state" .. so the notion that "israel doesn't have a right to exist" is this super radical idea that only a crazy person would think is challenged.

When Ahmadinijad calls for israel to be "wiped out" he clearly mentioned the israeli "regime" and it's questionable whether the farsi translation is to "wipe out" or to "abolish", he also compared the israeli regime to the one of the Soviet Union and aphartied era south africa.. The western sources/governments who report his speeches in bit parts with commentary have an agenda of convincing us that what he really meant was blowing israel up with a nuclear weapon..

..the notion that Iran is the only country that funds 'terrorist' organizations is ridiculous, what is it when israeli assassins murder an iranian physicist? i don't see Iran sending assasins to israel to murder researchers. Iran accuses nato/israel of supporting Sunni separatists inside iran and other separatists/terrorists, of funneling funds to groups that want to abolish the Iranian regime.

India does not threaten to wipe out any nation. Nor does India deny that Pakistan has a right to exist. India doesn't fund terrorist organizations. Nor do members of the Indian government engage in psychotic speeches about divine right and the need to impose their political views on other nations. india has at times had differing views with the USA and other western nations to the point of hostility. Despite those differing political views not once did any of these nations threaten the other with armed force, or call for the destruction of the other as Iran has done.

Therefore, if you want to point fingers at India, then perhaps you should recognize the difference with Iran. India can adopt its own policies that are opposed to other's policies and yet do so in a peaceful manner.

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Pakboong. No need to concern yourself too much. This poster is a notorious cut and past addict. Look at all the posters post and you will see a definate pattern. It goes something like this. Cut and paste, cut and paste,cut and paste. Force feeding us all with long, over the top rhetoric that attempts to preach to all others rather than posting just a personal opinion or objection in a way that seem interesting to all readers. Reading this sort of over the top content is much like eating a dry biscuit. Very hard to swallow.

I do not cut and paste. When I make a statement, I provide a reference. In the case that you reference, I highlighted 3 sources. If you find it hard to swallow, please do not let me interfere with your choking. I do not understand how you can call the Washington Post, New York Times and the China Daily examples of over the top rhetoric.

If you have found it difficult to bully some of us, perhaps you should take the hint. Some of us have had to confront the people you laud. Some of us have seen first hand what happens when bullies have their way. The misery of the Darfur, the bloodshed in Liberia and the genocide in Rwanda all came about because naive westerners bleated oh, the poor people are being pushed around by westerners. The failure to intervene in a timely manner gave us the aforementioned horrors. This time around perhaps Iran will be prevented from repeating history. After today's terror attack in Moscow, I think that you will find that Russia will soon do an about face on the Iranian file as will China if its own muslim insurgency continues to fester.

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Pakboong. No need to concern yourself too much. This poster is a notorious cut and past addict. Look at all the posters post and you will see a definate pattern. It goes something like this. Cut and paste, cut and paste,cut and paste.

Didn't you just claim that you do not "preach to others" in another thread? Yet, here you are openly preaching and not being very honest about it.

Geriatrickid is one of the most knowledgeable, articulate posters on Thai Visa and he does very little "cut and paste". I do not always agree with his opinions, but he is always informative and interesting.

Trying to dismiss his well-written posts as "cut and paste" casts a lot of suspicions on one's judgment and sincerity. :blink:

I am not an arguing type of person. Just have a point of view on our world and where it is heading. And post are merely those thoughts and opinions and I definatley don't preach to others.

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Pakboong. No need to concern yourself too much. This poster is a notorious cut and past addict. Look at all the posters post and you will see a definate pattern. It goes something like this. Cut and paste, cut and paste,cut and paste. Force feeding us all with long, over the top rhetoric that attempts to preach to all others rather than posting just a personal opinion or objection in a way that seem interesting to all readers. Reading this sort of over the top content is much like eating a dry biscuit. Very hard to swallow.

I do not cut and paste. When I make a statement, I provide a reference. In the case that you reference, I highlighted 3 sources. If you find it hard to swallow, please do not let me interfere with your choking. I do not understand how you can call the Washington Post, New York Times and the China Daily examples of over the top rhetoric.

If you have found it difficult to bully some of us, perhaps you should take the hint. Some of us have had to confront the people you laud. Some of us have seen first hand what happens when bullies have their way. The misery of the Darfur, the bloodshed in Liberia and the genocide in Rwanda all came about because naive westerners bleated oh, the poor people are being pushed around by westerners. The failure to intervene in a timely manner gave us the aforementioned horrors. This time around perhaps Iran will be prevented from repeating history. After today's terror attack in Moscow, I think that you will find that Russia will soon do an about face on the Iranian file as will China if its own muslim insurgency continues to fester.

Very interesting indeed. One should not believe they are the only one in the world that has had to "Confront the people you [me] laud". I haven't come to my thoughts and opinions from watching the stituation on CNN or BBC and the like.

Your point on Russia and China has merit and I am sure we both will be watching this very eagerly.

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"He stated that Iran is not working on the production of nuclear weapons, but added that the Islamic Republic could produce bombs within years — an allegation that Tehran has always denied."

This is a statement made by Brigadier General Aviv Kochavi head of Israel's military intelligence operation this past

Tuesday. They are not making nuclear weapons but of course, they could start if they want to.

This admission was made in a presentation to the Israeli Parliament foreign affairs and defense committee.

This seems to be straight from the horses mouth and no reason. at least for me, to believe it is not true.


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Your anti-Israeli blog seems to have left out some rather pertinent quotes from the head of Israel's military intelligence operation. What is new?

From the horse's mouth indeed. :whistling:

"The sanctions have had an impact on the Iranian economy, but they have had no impact on Iran's nuclear program," Kochavi said in his first briefing to an Israeli parliamentary defense panel, according to its spokesman.

"The question is not when Iran will have a bomb but rather how much time until the Supreme Leader decides to escalate" uranium enrichment, Kochavi said, referring to a currently low-purity project that Iran says is for peaceful energy needs.

"Based on their infrastructure and the technical know-how and uranium they have, within a year or two after he makes that decision, they will have nuclear weapons."


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Your anti-Israeli blog seems to have left out some rather pertinent quotes from the head of Israel's military intelligence operation. What is new?

From the horse's mouth indeed. :whistling:

"The sanctions have had an impact on the Iranian economy, but they have had no impact on Iran's nuclear program," Kochavi said in his first briefing to an Israeli parliamentary defense panel, according to its spokesman.

"The question is not when Iran will have a bomb but rather how much time until the Supreme Leader decides to escalate" uranium enrichment, Kochavi said, referring to a currently low-purity project that Iran says is for peaceful energy needs.

"Based on their infrastructure and the technical know-how and uranium they have, within a year or two after he makes that decision, they will have nuclear weapons."



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Once again any discussion about Iran's nuclear program instead turns into a discussion about the merits of zionism; so here we see that by sanctioning Iran instead of all these other countries that have nuclear weapons the world is actually doing israel's bidding.. I don't exactly see pakistan recognizing israel's right to exist either, just they are not as vocal about their rejection of zionism in speeches, or maybe they are that vocal as I don't see various pakistani speeches being translated and reported all over the place..

and as we noted in other threads about Israel.. It's a racist aphartied state; it doesn't recognize "Palestine's right to exist" and if it does it simply means calling apartheid-confining millions of palestinians to bantustans and denying them equal rights- a "state" .. so the notion that "israel doesn't have a right to exist" is this super radical idea that only a crazy person would think is challenged.

When Ahmadinijad calls for israel to be "wiped out" he clearly mentioned the israeli "regime" and it's questionable whether the farsi translation is to "wipe out" or to "abolish", he also compared the israeli regime to the one of the Soviet Union and aphartied era south africa.. The western sources/governments who report his speeches in bit parts with commentary have an agenda of convincing us that what he really meant was blowing israel up with a nuclear weapon..

..the notion that Iran is the only country that funds 'terrorist' organizations is ridiculous, what is it when israeli assassins murder an iranian physicist? i don't see Iran sending assasins to israel to murder researchers. Iran accuses nato/israel of supporting Sunni separatists inside iran and other separatists/terrorists, of funneling funds to groups that want to abolish the Iranian regime.

India does not threaten to wipe out any nation. Nor does India deny that Pakistan has a right to exist. India doesn't fund terrorist organizations. Nor do members of the Indian government engage in psychotic speeches about divine right and the need to impose their political views on other nations. india has at times had differing views with the USA and other western nations to the point of hostility. Despite those differing political views not once did any of these nations threaten the other with armed force, or call for the destruction of the other as Iran has done.

Therefore, if you want to point fingers at India, then perhaps you should recognize the difference with Iran. India can adopt its own policies that are opposed to other's policies and yet do so in a peaceful manner.

Nice to see a balanced view on the world news section and not the usual blathering political rhetoric. The point about terrorists is one that everyone needs to learn. Thank you

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After today's terror attack in Moscow, I think that you will find that Russia will soon do an about face on the Iranian file as will China if its own muslim insurgency continues to fester.

I disagree. China and Russia put more value on tying up the USA than they do the lives of a few of their own people (like either country ever cared about their own people). This is not even close to being the first or deadliest terror attack on Russia over the past decade and yet Russia still backs Iran.

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