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Israeli report says Gaza flotilla assault was legal


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Israeli report says Gaza flotilla assault was legal

2011-01-24 12:56:32 GMT+7 (ICT)

JERUSALEM (BNO NEWS) -- The Turkel Commission, which investigated the flotilla incident, has concluded that Israel was entitled under international law to board the Mavi Marmara, according to a document released before the commission's report.

The document revealed that Israel has the right under international law to stop ships which intend to evade the blockade, and that there were "numerous efforts to avoid employing force."

"Israel had no choice but to board the vessel...The naval commandos were instructed to avoid lethal force unless necessary for self-defense," the Commission added.

However, a Turkish probe into the incident, which also released its preliminary findings on Sunday, ruled that Israeli troops used "disproportionate" force in boarding the aid ships to prevent them from reaching Gaza, the Ma'an News Agency reported.

In addition, a United Nations Human Rights Council mission ruled in September that Israel used "totally unnecessary violence" and an "unacceptable level of brutality." Israel has refused to cooperate with that mission as it accuses the council of being strongly biased against it.

The Turkel Commission concluded that there were approximately 40 to 50 "hardcore extremists," including some affiliated members of the Turkish Islamic organization IHH, which Western countries have described as a supporter of Hamas.

They were equipped with commando knives, daggers, tear gas, gas masks, night vision goggles, and ballistic vests, the commision added. Claims that soldiers summarily executed activists, or that they were shot from the air, were denied.

The Public Commission, headed by judge Jacob Turkel, heard the testimony of 27 witnesses over the course of 15 days of open proceedings and the testimony of 12 witnesses behind close doors.

Northern Irish Nobel Peace Prize laureate Lord David Trimble and Canadian former judge advocate general Kenneth W. Watkin were the two foreign observers on the panel.

The deadly May 2010 raid on the Gaza flotilla killed nine Turkish activists, causing global outrage for what some said was unnecessary violence.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-01-24

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Of course it was legal. Are Israel supposed to allow Hamas more rockets and other weapons? :blink:


Ohh. Sorry. I must brush up on my English reading skills.In this news report i was of the understanding/ misunderstanding that they stated that the IDF Commandos that stormed the Flotilla by airborne assault, found things like, and quote, "commando knives, daggers, tear gas, gas masks, night vision goggles, and ballistic vests. No mention od rockets or other weapons. Actually they found no one offensive weapon. Yet there was alot of Turkish blood shen on the boat.

It was a food and medicine aid ship sent as a symbol of empathy on support from the people of Turkey to the besieged Palastinians. A truly disgraceful act IMO.

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If it was a peace mission they should have responded to the action peacefully. It would have been powerful in a Gandhi kind of way. Israel would let in the humanitarian aid; they have policies to block things that can be used to build weaponry. Some of the things on the Israeli no go list are over the top though and wrong, no doubt about that. There have been revisions since then but I doubt the list is perfect now. This isn't a great situation for Gaza or Israel, of course. The political purpose of the mission was clearly to add fuel to the fire of the delegitimization of Israel. They knew the Israeli policy, they knew they could have sailed to the Israeli port for screening first and there would have been no boarding. Legal or not is kind of a technicality given the sailors knew perfectly well the existing policy. Are rocket attacks legal?

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If it was a peace mission they should have responded to the action peacefully. It would have been powerful in a Gandhi kind of way. Israel would let in the humanitarian aid; they have policies to block things that can be used to build weaponry. Some of the things on the Israeli no go list are over the top though and wrong, no doubt about that. There have been revisions since then but I doubt the list is perfect now. This isn't a great situation for Gaza or Israel, of course. The political purpose of the mission was clearly to add fuel to the fire of the delegitimization of Israel. They knew the Israeli policy, they knew they could have sailed to the Israeli port for screening first and there would have been no boarding. Legal or not is kind of a technicality given the sailors knew perfectly well the existing policy. Are rocket attacks legal?

is approving New Settlement Buildings legal ? :whistling:

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Of course it was legal. Are Israel supposed to allow Hamas more rockets and other weapons? :blink:


Ohh. Sorry. I must brush up on my English reading skills.

Yes. Turkish mercenaries - and some activist dupes - were attempting to run a defensive blockade, refused to stop and attacked soldiers when they were boarded. Israel was entitled under international law to board the Mavi Marmara.

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I don't have a strong opinion about the legality of the boarding, but I am pretty sure naval blockades are a typical strategy in wartime, and the sailors can't claim ignorance that they didn't know the blockade was in effect. Again, it is quite obvious they were baiting the attack and they were prepared to resist violently. That's a peace mission? More like a propaganda mission. Mission accomplished.

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It's just laughable that even with the UN condeming it the apologisers still just don't get it.

Expecting the UN to be fair to Israel is a lot more laughable. :whistling:

Oh, nonsense!" said Riddell, who could never stand being apologised to, and always felt more uncomfortable at such times than the apologiser. The Willoughby Captains

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Not really sure why the anti-Israel crowd would be making a big deal about this now. Is this gloating? The whole business was a huge PR win for those who wish Israel ill. Personally I would have respected the activists more if they had acted like Gandhi, but they succeeded in their concerted effort to paint Israel as villains and as a pariah state. So they won the battle that day. That said, do you really believe the boarding soldiers would have acted violently if those on the ship passively surrendered? I suppose it's possible, but very unlikely.

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Jingthing you are correct, it is old news and I have no intention of making it like a gloat I don't wish ill on Israel. I don't wish ill on anyone (pedophiles, murderers, rapists etc excluded). I just wish they would find a way........

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Did someone mention international waters?

It's just laughable that even with the UN condeming it the apologisers still just don't get it.

Correction: A group of UN members condemned the incident. The UN is still investigating the event, and the Israeli investigation will form part of the Israeli response to the investigation.

I note the presence of two distinguished neutral observers to the Israeli investigation that signed off on its integrity. This is significantly different than the Turkish "investigation" .

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Jingthing you are correct, it is old news and I have no intention of making it like a gloat I don't wish ill on Israel. I don't wish ill on anyone (pedophiles, murderers, rapists etc excluded). I just wish they would find a way........

My goodness. You aren't as discreet as you usually are in expressing your hatred for Israel.

How do you expect you views to be taken seriously when you demonstrate such hate? That is not a healthy attitude.

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It's just laughable that even with the UN condeming it the apologisers still just don't get it.

Correction: A group of UN members condemned the incident. The UN is still investigating the event, and the Israeli investigation will form part of the Israeli response to the investigation.

I note the presence of two distinguished neutral observers to the Israeli investigation that signed off on its integrity. This is significantly different than the Turkish "investigation" .

Now THOSE are facts.

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Jingthing you are correct, it is old news and I have no intention of making it like a gloat I don't wish ill on Israel. I don't wish ill on anyone (pedophiles, murderers, rapists etc excluded). I just wish they would find a way........

My goodness. You aren't as discreet as you usually are in expressing your hatred for Israel.

You are not buying the crocodile tears? :whistling:

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The world isn't waiting for any body's official report. Like I said, a big anti-Israel PR victory was won that day. They took casualties but they achieved their goal.


Israel's deadly raid on the Turkish-flagged ship Mavi Maramara in May last year increased anti-Semitic attacks against European Jews during 2010, the Coordinating Forum for Countering anti-Semitism concluded in a study released on Sunday.

"The most prominent event this year has been the Turkish flotilla affair, highlighting the relationship between anti-Semitism and delegitimization," the report stated.

Perception trumps reality ... every time.

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Jingthing you are correct, it is old news and I have no intention of making it like a gloat I don't wish ill on Israel. I don't wish ill on anyone (pedophiles, murderers, rapists etc excluded). I just wish they would find a way........

My goodness. You aren't as discreet as you usually are in expressing your hatred for Israel.

How do you expect you views to be taken seriously when you demonstrate such hate? That is not a healthy attitude.

Would you please point out any posts i have made expressing hatred of Israel? Because I don't agree with what they are doing do you think that makes me an Israel hater? Does that make a growing number of countries that admonish Israel as haters of Israel?

I have never said I am pro palestinian either. In fact I have stated in previous posts that I don't agree with the way palestine does things either. I suppose you would rather gloss over that because it doesn't suit your agenda.

I certainly don't expect my views to be greeted with some posters on here with applause because to them, regardless of the growing condemnation from other govts, the Israeli govt seems to be beyond reproach.

Those posters are more guilty of blind hatred that I could ever be considered by a rational person.

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Reading this thread one gets the opinion that a common chain of thought is that the Israeli Government and its Military are absolute angels and have never done anything wrong or Illegal to the Palestinians. Not once ? Not ever? Please think about it.

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Reading this thread one gets the opinion that a common chain of thought is that the Israeli Government and its Military are absolute angels and have never done anything wrong or Illegal to the Palestinians. Not once ? Not ever? Please think about it.

Speaking for myself only, I don't think that at all. But it is also true that there are sins on BOTH sides.

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Reading this thread one gets the opinion that a common chain of thought is that the Israeli Government and its Military are absolute angels and have never done anything wrong or Illegal to the Palestinians. Not once ? Not ever? Please think about it.

Speaking for myself only, I don't think that at all. But it is also true that there are sins on BOTH sides.

You can speak for me too with your post.

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Reading this thread one gets the opinion that a common chain of thought is that the Israeli Government and its Military are absolute angels and have never done anything wrong or Illegal to the Palestinians. Not once ? Not ever? Please think about it.

Of course there are the posters who pretty much claim the exact opposite on a regular basis and have no problem with that. Pot, kettle black. :rolleyes:

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