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This is a warning to anyone who accidentally clicks on your blog link like I did. There is a picture of VF on there so don't eat before you click!

Next time just the wife and dog please. ;)


This is a warning to anyone who accidentally clicks on your blog link like I did. There is a picture of VF on there so don't eat before you click!

Next time just the wife and dog please. ;)

Don’t be silly. That is my wife with the two dogs. ;)


VF, I'll join ya on me Moped :D

Horsepower is a wee better for climbin them thar hills than leg power :P

Us ol' folks need to conserve our energy for more enjoyable sports adventures B)

Breast Stroke........ Butterfly :lol:


VF, I'll join ya on me Moped :D

Horsepower is a wee better for climbin them thar hills than leg power :P

Us ol' folks need to conserve our energy for more enjoyable sports adventures B)

Breast Stroke........ Butterfly :lol:

They have batteries for that stuff. In the hills it is leg power, only. ;)


Has VF been watching 007 recently? I'm pretty sure that the start of your blog comes from the theme tune for Live & Let Die.


Has VF been watching 007 recently? I'm pretty sure that the start of your blog comes from the theme tune for Live & Let Die.

Aren’t you the clever one. :) I often paraphrase something that might be recognizable. In this case I couldn’t for the life of me remember where that line came from. It just seemed to fit, however. Anyway, thanks for being on the ball and giving credit where it is due. I hope you did make it past the first line, though. ;)


Yes, definitely appropriate opening to your blog. And, yes, I did get past the first line. :lol:

Thanks, you improved my page view statistics by about 100% by getting that far. :D


That Payamengrai place looks like a Hiden Gem.

I'll have to check it out some time. I wonder if it'll make a good place for a Hash. Probably too far maybe :(


That Payamengrai place looks like a Hiden Gem.

I'll have to check it out some time. I wonder if it'll make a good place for a Hash. Probably too far maybe :(

Don’t you remember, Jubby? You have been up that hill before. It has had some major work done on it since then but basically it is the same trail with a makeover on the steep part.


That Payamengrai place looks like a Hiden Gem.

I'll have to check it out some time. I wonder if it'll make a good place for a Hash. Probably too far maybe :(

Don’t you remember, Jubby? You have been up that hill before. It has had some major work done on it since then but basically it is the same trail with a makeover on the steep part.

VF , Your Spoiling it :D .. I'm fishing B)


That Payamengrai place looks like a Hiden Gem.

I'll have to check it out some time. I wonder if it'll make a good place for a Hash. Probably too far maybe :(

Don’t you remember, Jubby? You have been up that hill before. It has had some major work done on it since then but basically it is the same trail with a makeover on the steep part.

VF , Your Spoiling it :D .. I'm fishing B)

If you are thinking of getting the Hashers out here, forget it. They don’t mind us driving 80 kilometers to get to a Hash and then having to drive home in the dark, through police checkpoints, after having beer poured over ones head. You will never get them to do it, however.


That Payamengrai place looks like a Hiden Gem.

I'll have to check it out some time. I wonder if it'll make a good place for a Hash. Probably too far maybe :(

Don’t you remember, Jubby? You have been up that hill before. It has had some major work done on it since then but basically it is the same trail with a makeover on the steep part.

VF , Your Spoiling it :D .. I'm fishing B)

If you are thinking of getting the Hashers out here, forget it. They don’t mind us driving 80 kilometers to get to a Hash and then having to drive home in the dark, through police checkpoints, after having beer poured over ones head. You will never get them to do it, however.

You must take the Scenic route home VF. its only 50k for me, and no checkpoints .

I'll be expected to organise one at some point and one in or close to town would be a logistical nightmare for me :(


You must take the Scenic route home VF. its only 50k for me, and no checkpoints .

I'll be expected to organise one at some point and one in or close to town would be a logistical nightmare for me :(

A touch of artistic license there but it was close to 80k to Bruce’s place near Mae Kon Waterfall, that one time. I think they limit themselves to 20k from the city center, so good luck.


having to drive home in the dark, through police checkpoints, after having beer poured over ones head.

I must be psychic, I knew some thing like that was going to happen if I stuck around.

Then I'd have got the blame when the dog bit someone. :lol:


I feel its getting a bit hot for Mountain biking. Does anyone else feel the weathers changing or is it just that I'm dazed and confused !?


I feel its getting a bit hot for Mountain biking. Does anyone else feel the weathers changing or is it just that I'm dazed and confused !?

Aye, definitely warming up a tad, these next few months should be blue skies and sunshine but all we're gonna get is smoke, smoke and more smoke :bah:


I feel its getting a bit hot for Mountain biking. Does anyone else feel the weathers changing or is it just that I'm dazed and confused !?

Aye, definitely warming up a tad, these next few months should be blue skies and sunshine but all we're gonna get is smoke, smoke and more smoke :bah:

Most likely I guess, Although Most of our local rice fields have already been burn't. No more Jungle left to burn either, Its already been cleared for Rubber. Maybe this year will be different :unsure:

Anyone interested in a ride?

If I not was at the other end of Thailand I would love to go with. How would it be to run on this trails?

Great pictures VF and I envy all of you living so near to nature and the Thai countryside life.

Hopefully it will one day be possible for my TW and me to do the move. :)


You must be very fit to consider running these trails. A few years back I was able to do the 7k route up to our reservoir and back, but sadly no longer.

Don’t forget that part of the year it is either too hot or polluted to make for a healthy run. Glad you liked the pictures.

  • 1 year later...

Nice looking bike. Is that a new one? Seems completely different to the one in your original photos.

BTW. What is the cycling like up that way in Feb / March? I have been reading that there is a lot of air pollution due to stubble burning in the rice paddies.


Nice looking bike. Is that a new one? Seems completely different to the one in your original photos.

BTW. What is the cycling like up that way in Feb / March? I have been reading that there is a lot of air pollution due to stubble burning in the rice paddies.

Thanks and you are correct in a way. Through a series of upgrades, it is in essence a new bike. There is very little left that hasn’t been upgraded. The latest addition was the frame. The original one was a Trek 4500. This is their slightly higher end 8500 series.

There is usually a three month period where I do not exercise outdoors as it does more harm than good. Part of Feb and definitely March fall in that time frame.

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