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Bangkok Vocational School Shooting Leaves 1 Killed And 2 Injured

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A 24 year old is not a school student. Not unless he is academically challenged and his mother would let him leave school until he actually passed his exams. In that case most Thais would still be in brown pumps and scout uniforms long after their 21st. Or am I wrong in thinking thta the average Thai mother would actually insist her child do something?

Neither was this an attack at the school or witnessed by students leaving the school. Unless of course the rest of the thousand plus students were following 4 to a motorbike. Possible I know. It was an attack on three persons; two of whom one presumes were wearing the Vocational uniform.

If it is rival school shooting then it reflects a failing in the Thai system. We all know of the great red yellow divide. Perhaps that is an inevitable escalation from school days. Hate your neighbours, hate your fellow students, hate your work mates, hate society. At least any version that you don't sign up to. Simply, it's a rich going somewhere and educated versus a thick, going nowhere and ignorant. Can't see that one being resolved anytime soon. Hardly going to sit down and discuss literature. Thais confine their reading to those small comic books and the text on an SMS.

Apparently normal behaviour, by apparently normal people is to follow your enemy and open fire. Thai youth doing what it does rather well; get hold of a gun and go shoot basically anybody. That seems to explain the American way; the right to bear arms. The availability of guns. The same example, if you don't like it - shoot it, that adult society shows them in so many guises; from cars, in airport car parks, on the highway, from the motorbike, at the bus stop.

The huge and ridiculous list posted by Suradit has no bearing on this case. Psychotics in US schools that perpetrate in house, on their own killings aimed at including their teachers can not be connected with or compared to these relatively unplanned, random shootings. Furthermore, these Thai attacks are usually confrontational, gang on gang and away from the instituion.

What should be focussed on is the Thai failure, less than one week on since we last read of another school brawl killing, to stop a similar incident. However, this type of random drive-by settle some grudge [conflict] shooting is virtually impossible to stop. Unless you do believe in Spiderman, Superman or Batman. I don't think anyone believes in the detective and prevention abilities of the Thai Police Force. Anyone aged 5 or above that is.

The psychotics of American society are relatively few as are the ferociously angry nutters in Thai society. However, unlike America which tries effectively to spot, intervene and punish their pariahs, there is no hope of this in Thailand. It is a vengeful, face save, furious society where rage ripples the surface. Hence, all Thais are vulnerable to such an outburst as all Thais are repressed emotionally, inhibited, suffering high stress levels, unfulfilled, morally bereft, shallow and largely amoral. Then there are the negatives, which I won't bother to list.

When there is no hope of detecting and preventing such mindless acts, remember thy can't get folk to obey red or green lights, we should at least take some sliver of solace that they at least target other students and do not wage their wrath on the rest of us. Not yet anyhow.

So much for the Buddhist influence on their lives, or can they square such actions, an eye for an eye, a murder for a you looked at my girlfriend, ate my som tam, got bigger dick, within their religion?

I don't know and little do I care.

I am not posting here to single you out, and I don't know if you are American, I get the impression you are as I am, but let me weigh in here a bit. First, I am pretty much in agreement with your comments. And, I take issue with almost everyone pointing to America all the times for comparisons. Here's a reality check. First, America is the 3rd most populous country in the world and it is the most integrated of all countries. No other single country has so many different races, creeds, colors, religions, social beliefs, financial and educational backgrounds as does America. Therefore, for no other reason, it would be understandable (not acceptable) that there would be more riff between peoples and more opportunities for disagreements and hatreds that lead to killings than most any other country. But despite this, if you compare America, both in size and population, it has one of the most civil societies man has ever known. America does not have the history, even recent history of genocide that both Asia (Cambodia) and Europe (Serbia) has. And don't even think about South America or Africa. Even in recent history you've had Ireland, Spain, Chechnya, and more in Europe. And what about the places like Cambodia, Laos, N. Korea, Burma, and Indonesia. Plus, don't get me started on China and Tibet.

Also, Thailand's murder rate is about 2-2.5 times that of the US. Which to me is ridiculous considering the contrast of Thailand and the diversity of America. here, 95% of the population is Thai, 95% Buddhist, 95% Thai culture, 95% love the same man, 95% think the same way. That is a country that should have a murder rate 1/10th of the US not 2 times.

I am not suggesting that "America is Great", I sometimes am ashamed of my country, but I have a right to be and I get pissed off at non-Americans making their crap headed opinions when they tend to forget the recent history of Europe or Asia. There's never been a Khmer Rouge in America, there's never been a war between the Catholics and Protestants, there's never been mass genocide of another race or religion (unless you consider the completely hyped and over blown history of the American Indian, and even then, the US Gov't offered many solutions - non ideal, but non the less solutions, to the problem), etc. And I'm not even going back to things like Hitler, all the Kings of England and France, and the mercenary Dutch and Portuguese. I'm just speaking of very recent history.

So give me a break with all the America this, America that crap. Especially if you are American. "Don't believe the hype".

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Most Thais are followers and incapable of independent thinking

So they copy ( something Thais are very good at )

Who are their role models ?

No names or colours but which groups think they are above the law when it comes to killing fellow Thais and trying to Burn down buildings in Thailand

Fine role models these people are It is no wonder Young Thais think it is ok to attack people just because they think differently

BUT this is not just a Thai problem it is happening worldwide

America with it's lax gun laws must be the worst


I think you should take of your rose tinted glasses !!

You forgot to mention the war on blacks and slavery in the USA

And of course one of the most evil organisations the world has ever known " The Klu Klux Clan !! Didn't they want to wipe out the blacks in America ?

A 24 year old is not a school student. Not unless he is academically challenged and his mother would let him leave school until he actually passed his exams. In that case most Thais would still be in brown pumps and scout uniforms long after their 21st. Or am I wrong in thinking thta the average Thai mother would actually insist her child do something?

Neither was this an attack at the school or witnessed by students leaving the school. Unless of course the rest of the thousand plus students were following 4 to a motorbike. Possible I know. It was an attack on three persons; two of whom one presumes were wearing the Vocational uniform.

If it is rival school shooting then it reflects a failing in the Thai system. We all know of the great red yellow divide. Perhaps that is an inevitable escalation from school days. Hate your neighbours, hate your fellow students, hate your work mates, hate society. At least any version that you don't sign up to. Simply, it's a rich going somewhere and educated versus a thick, going nowhere and ignorant. Can't see that one being resolved anytime soon. Hardly going to sit down and discuss literature. Thais confine their reading to those small comic books and the text on an SMS.

Apparently normal behaviour, by apparently normal people is to follow your enemy and open fire. Thai youth doing what it does rather well; get hold of a gun and go shoot basically anybody. That seems to explain the American way; the right to bear arms. The availability of guns. The same example, if you don't like it - shoot it, that adult society shows them in so many guises; from cars, in airport car parks, on the highway, from the motorbike, at the bus stop.

The huge and ridiculous list posted by Suradit has no bearing on this case. Psychotics in US schools that perpetrate in house, on their own killings aimed at including their teachers can not be connected with or compared to these relatively unplanned, random shootings. Furthermore, these Thai attacks are usually confrontational, gang on gang and away from the instituion.

What should be focussed on is the Thai failure, less than one week on since we last read of another school brawl killing, to stop a similar incident. However, this type of random drive-by settle some grudge [conflict] shooting is virtually impossible to stop. Unless you do believe in Spiderman, Superman or Batman. I don't think anyone believes in the detective and prevention abilities of the Thai Police Force. Anyone aged 5 or above that is.

The psychotics of American society are relatively few as are the ferociously angry nutters in Thai society. However, unlike America which tries effectively to spot, intervene and punish their pariahs, there is no hope of this in Thailand. It is a vengeful, face save, furious society where rage ripples the surface. Hence, all Thais are vulnerable to such an outburst as all Thais are repressed emotionally, inhibited, suffering high stress levels, unfulfilled, morally bereft, shallow and largely amoral. Then there are the negatives, which I won't bother to list.

When there is no hope of detecting and preventing such mindless acts, remember thy can't get folk to obey red or green lights, we should at least take some sliver of solace that they at least target other students and do not wage their wrath on the rest of us. Not yet anyhow.

So much for the Buddhist influence on their lives, or can they square such actions, an eye for an eye, a murder for a you looked at my girlfriend, ate my som tam, got bigger dick, within their religion?

I don't know and little do I care.

I am not posting here to single you out, and I don't know if you are American, I get the impression you are as I am, but let me weigh in here a bit. First, I am pretty much in agreement with your comments. And, I take issue with almost everyone pointing to America all the times for comparisons. Here's a reality check. First, America is the 3rd most populous country in the world and it is the most integrated of all countries. No other single country has so many different races, creeds, colors, religions, social beliefs, financial and educational backgrounds as does America. Therefore, for no other reason, it would be understandable (not acceptable) that there would be more riff between peoples and more opportunities for disagreements and hatreds that lead to killings than most any other country. But despite this, if you compare America, both in size and population, it has one of the most civil societies man has ever known. America does not have the history, even recent history of genocide that both Asia (Cambodia) and Europe (Serbia) has. And don't even think about South America or Africa. Even in recent history you've had Ireland, Spain, Chechnya, and more in Europe. And what about the places like Cambodia, Laos, N. Korea, Burma, and Indonesia. Plus, don't get me started on China and Tibet.

Also, Thailand's murder rate is about 2-2.5 times that of the US. Which to me is ridiculous considering the contrast of Thailand and the diversity of America. here, 95% of the population is Thai, 95% Buddhist, 95% Thai culture, 95% love the same man, 95% think the same way. That is a country that should have a murder rate 1/10th of the US not 2 times.

I am not suggesting that "America is Great", I sometimes am ashamed of my country, but I have a right to be and I get pissed off at non-Americans making their crap headed opinions when they tend to forget the recent history of Europe or Asia. There's never been a Khmer Rouge in America, there's never been a war between the Catholics and Protestants, there's never been mass genocide of another race or religion (unless you consider the completely hyped and over blown history of the American Indian, and even then, the US Gov't offered many solutions - non ideal, but non the less solutions, to the problem), etc. And I'm not even going back to things like Hitler, all the Kings of England and France, and the mercenary Dutch and Portuguese. I'm just speaking of very recent history.

So give me a break with all the America this, America that crap. Especially if you are American. "Don't believe the hype".


Most Thais are followers and incapable of independent thinking

So they copy ( something Thais are very good at )

Who are their role models ?

No names or colours but which groups think they are above the law when it comes to killing fellow Thais and trying to Burn down buildings in Thailand

Fine role models these people are It is no wonder Young Thais think it is ok to attack people just because they think differently

BUT this is not just a Thai problem it is happening worldwide

America with it's lax gun laws must be the worst


Rank Countries opacity.gifAmount down.gif

# 1 South Africa: 0.719782 per 1,000 people

# 2 Colombia: 0.509801 per 1,000 people

# 3 Thailand: 0.312093 per 1,000 people

# 4 Zimbabwe: 0.0491736 per 1,000 people

# 5 Mexico: 0.0337938 per 1,000 people

# 6 Belarus: 0.0321359 per 1,000 people

# 7 Costa Rica: 0.0313745 per 1,000 people

# 8 United States: 0.0279271 per 1,000 people

Care to re-state that last comment?


Statistically speaking???

Well i think that's a shining example on how statistics are just about as transparent as global warming isnt.

Thailand is and has always been one of the most safest countries in the world.

I find it very safe to walk about even at 2-3am in quiet dark areas, that in a country like the UK or USA i would never dream of.

Yet statistically speaking Thailand ranks no3 in the world for highest murder rate

UK is no 32?

LOL - a shining example on how statistics will never show a truthful interpretation.

Yet s africa and colombia rank no 1 and no2

well ok then... that i can believe...

did someone just dream up Thailand and stick it in because of its 3rd world status?

And where is BRAZIL on that list?


Let the Thai people handle these matters,

it is NOT our business.

It's ok to read aboud the fact,but dont comment on it.

Look at your own garden ,you will never be a Thai and Thai never

listen to a farang,why should they?

Why on earth shouldn't we comment on it. We have some knowledge of it as it happens at schools in most countries but not always with guns depending on the country (usually knives in the UK). It's not only schools either. Anything that people can associate with in groups will do. Religions, football and other sports or just certain areas of cities.

As for not listening to farangs I think you'll find that's how they ended up with cars, motorcycles, computers, internet, 7-11s ect.

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