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Thai Policeman Gets 25 Years For Pai Murder

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Thailand's finest...the police chief refuses to appear and give testimony in a murder case. You can't make this stuff up!

He kills a Thai and is sentenced within weeks. He kills a Canadian and two years later still hasn't gone to trial.:annoyed:

Amazing Thailand.

Best to toss animals like this in a cage for the rest of its life.

Cage?? No way that cost the tax payer money AND with him being from the police he likely will get an easy time in the "cage". With no element of doubt as to his guilt surely execution is the ONLY sentence he should get for this crime and even more so for the disgusting STILL UNTRIED murder of the Canadian guy. It is blatantly shameful that the Canadian murder has still not been tried due to the immoral actions of that police chief, who should be dragged screaming and shouting to the courts and stripped immediately of his position. I thought Thailand do not like to lose face, well this is a huge loss of face in the World's eyes. Time Abhist (who I believe is a decent man) took some firm much needed action on this case and importantly on some of the more wicked police corruptions like this which are making Thailand a joke to the rest of the world. Sure you get Police and Government corruption at some level in every country at times, but nothing like at the level seen here which equates to what you see and expect in the despot ruled banana states which Thailand tries hard not to be as they truly want and should have respect in the world as a civilised country. So surely it is now time they put an end to all this unwelcome crap corruption (hmm is that a pig I see above me in the sky ? :whistling: ). Governments everywhere (and all of us too really) should put the people's well being well before money and greed.

I love this country and chose to retire here so it saddens me to see what is unnecessarily happening with the selfish greedy corruption and bully boy tactics degrading this country's international standing and hugely losing it face in the World. The police here should realise that as with all countries they are there as the public's servants to keep law and order for the benefit of us all, not the public's lord and master which they never in a millions years will be here or anywhere in my eyes.

Both of these murders are to me equally terrible. A Thai life or ANY life is all equally valuable for sure, we are ALL human beings after all, no matter what race, creed or religion we are and high time everyone who has a modicum of decency started to realise and accept that.

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Isn't it just amazing ? Criminal justice is a joke, is there not one person in the Govt who sees this as a national embarassment?

Probably like most Thais, they probably haven't heard about it. Showed the pics to my wife and told her the story, asked she has ever heard about any of it before... nope, never.

Why would the national media want to embarrass the royal thai police?

<br />Funny... he kills a Thai and is sentenced within weeks. He kills a Canadian and two years later still hasn't gone to trial.

So the failure of the justice system is responsible for the 18 yr old girl's death. Shame. Failing to lock up a murderer because he only killed a foreigner, then he goes out and kills one of their own. Then he gets charged and sentenced. Guess it highlights what they really think of us.

Here we go again another one tarring all Thais with the same brush, "Guess it highlights what they really think of us!" It has nothing to do with Thai people not liking us it's a corrupt justice system trying to save it's own ass like you'll find in so many countries. He hasn't plead guilty to the murder and attempted murder of the Canadians and a lot of evidence has probably been tampered with either on purpose or due to awful crime scene management by the police as they're not trained properly. Everyone seems to have forgotten that he plead guilty to the murder of the girl hence quick trial and sentencing.


NO. The accused pleaded guilty in the murder of the wife. The accused has pleaded not guilty in the death of the foreigner. In one case there has been a trial. In the other case, no trial. In murder trials there are often lengthy delays as some defense strategies will try and drag out the procedures as long as possible. The longer the delay, the less reliable the testimony as memories wane and the less likely witnesses are to show up. What part do you not understand?

The part that's difficult for me to understand is why a person accused of murder wasn't arrested and taken into custody while awaiting trial, especially given that the alleged's gun was used to commit the crime, and there was at least one witness who claims to have seen the suspect shoot the victim without any justiification.

Maybe it's me and my warped Western perspective, or maybe it's that Thailand is a banana republic 3rd-world country that refuses to police its police, even when its own forensics experts give evidence that they're a bunch of assassins.


and how many other people have been attacked or even killed by this guy?

ironically this might be the best thing to happen to his 10 year old daughter. now she has a chance to be raised by other family and stay away from this guy

<br />Funny... he kills a Thai and is sentenced within weeks. He kills a Canadian and two years later still hasn't gone to trial.

So the failure of the justice system is responsible for the 18 yr old girl's death. Shame. Failing to lock up a murderer because he only killed a foreigner, then he goes out and kills one of their own. Then he gets charged and sentenced. Guess it highlights what they really think of us.

Here we go again another one tarring all Thais with the same brush, "Guess it highlights what they really think of us!" It has nothing to do with Thai people not liking us it's a corrupt justice system trying to save it's own ass like you'll find in so many countries. He hasn't plead guilty to the murder and attempted murder of the Canadians and a lot of evidence has probably been tampered with either on purpose or due to awful crime scene management by the police as they're not trained properly. Everyone seems to have forgotten that he plead guilty to the murder of the girl hence quick trial and sentencing.

Read it again. 'They' refers to the 'justice system' as noted in the very first sentence. Angryboy.

It has nothing to do with Thai people not liking us

True. It has to do with these Thai people not valuing the life of a non-Thai. And certainly not punishing a Thai (with some power) for killing one.

<br />Funny... he kills a Thai and is sentenced within weeks. He kills a Canadian and two years later still hasn't gone to trial.

So the failure of the justice system is responsible for the 18 yr old girl's death. Shame. Failing to lock up a murderer because he only killed a foreigner, then he goes out and kills one of their own. Then he gets charged and sentenced. Guess it highlights what they really think of us.

Yep - you got that right...


What kind of background checks, psych evaluations do these guys have to go through before getting a badge? All we need to do is look at this guys photo to understand that there is a brain inside that can't be much bigger than a pea. It's obvious now that he has some issues that would have been uncovered by the evaluation process or any 'real' countries police force.

Send this scrawny little dirt bag to Calgary and let the boys there play a little hockey with his head.


What kind of background checks, psych evaluations do these guys have to go through before getting a badge?

One that comes attached to a load of these.


Well known that positions are bought, as a means of moving into and up the mafia ladder.

Protection and proceeds guaranteed.


And the sad part is that his young wife would most likely be alive had justice been served in the first instance. That is really sad.

My first thoughts also. The farang girl who was seriously wounded (the cop tried to kill her), will not return to Thailand to testify, and nobody can blame her, as she surely has psychological wounds as well. Plus, the Thai authorities will say she was a floozy (as they already have), and she'd likely be in danger if she returned to testify.

It's the Thai witnesses who are chickening out - knowing any truthful testimony would gain them the ire of the cop, his family and friends - many of whom carry guns.

He'll be quietly let out in a few years. ....to go an kill again.

I believe it is in fact the no shows by the commander of Pai police station, who originally came up with a cock and bull story to blame the two Canadians and support his psychopath serial klller sergeant, that have caused the main delays to the trial. His support of the accused's bail request also cost the accused's young wife her life in brutal fashion. Anything that other police do seems to be regarded as OK by police and the commander must be proud of his behaviour. Carly Resig has already testified to the court, as far as I know.


The Chief of Police in Pai Colonel Sombat Panya should be imprisoned alongside his friend .for contempt of court and of course lose all pension rights because of his gross incompetence

<br />Funny... he kills a Thai and is sentenced within weeks. He kills a Canadian and two years later still hasn't gone to trial.

So the failure of the justice system is responsible for the 18 yr old girl's death. Shame. Failing to lock up a murderer because he only killed a foreigner, then he goes out and kills one of their own. Then he gets charged and sentenced. Guess it highlights what they really think of us.

You all know what they think of us. Their women are great and educated too. However I like to know if any of us ever made a friend here outside the wife family?

I can make them all over Asia except here.

Yes. Several good ones and I would go to the "post" for all of them, as I am sure they would for me. Will admit too, that I find it is a bit harder work here, compared to back home, to make good friends because of cultural differences both in thought and action. Plus there are many preconceptions - on both sides - which can take time to disprove. I must admit though, that in regard to this case, the many Thais I have asked, while all saying positively it was wrong for this cop to shoot these 2 people, can all understand the witnesses attitude in not appearing in court. When I asked about this, a few said it would have been dangerous for the witnesses(which I can well believe if the local cops tried to do a cover up as reported) and bad face for the police chief(as the perp may have blown the whistle on a few "good things") which shows a common attitude between us and the Thais towards police ethics, the only difference being that they accept it and we don't. Some said it was hard to explain and wandered off, some just changed the subject. When I asked about the cop killing his wife, a few said (quite seriously) they had thought about doing the same to theirs "but hadn't yet", but that if she was a good wife it was inexcusable! We must all keep in mind that the common attitude towards gunmen for most people here, is that they are tolerated as a part of society and many gain a lot of respect. That attitude generally only applies to those doing a/their job though, not for a "crazy or casual killer" etc. I personally agree with the comment that the wife of this policeman, would still be alive today if he had been convicted earlier. The trial taking such a long time to take place should also not be a surprise, with the sheer number of cases waiting to be heard. Many taking up to 5 years plus another 3 to 5 years for appeals. For most big cases, it is 1 to 2 years for the first court and from 1 to 2 for the first appeal. They can still get a quick trial done though, when it is "political" to do so. The abortion clinic case comes to mind...but more significantly to me, the speed of the trial for killing his wife ( which lets face it is a common crime here, if you watch and understand the Thai news at all), to me says more about the attitude towards this guy, than it does the attitude towards us. I think we should consider this as well as many other things, before we condem this country. It is still a good place for many of us to live.


Thailand's finest...the police chief refuses to appear and give testimony in a murder case. You can't make this stuff up!

He kills a Thai and is sentenced within weeks. He kills a Canadian and two years later still hasn't gone to trial.:annoyed:

Amazing Thailand.

Best to toss animals like this in a cage for the rest of its life.

If it's in a cage full of hungry tigers then that won't be long!!!!!!


AS has being noted in this thread this case is not even newsworthy in the Thai media. The only thing that would get it into Thai newspapers is if the Canadian embassy did something (such as a press conference) that looked like it could embarrass Thailand internationally.


Thailand's finest...the police chief refuses to appear and give testimony in a murder case. You can't make this stuff up!

Do people need more proof that this is one very sick society ?

It has issues, yes. Shame isn't it? Tale of two countries really, on one hand you have the makings of a very well balanced economy, self-sufficient in most human needs, no western style government and trade deficits and on the other a shower of greedy utter $%&!'s in there ripping the aR$3 out of it.

Again. Boils my pi$$.

One day this will be a great nation, it can do it.


She must have really pissed him off.

It would not need much to do that either, I reckon.

I agree.

From what I've read he has homicidal tendencies.


She must have really pissed him off.

It would not need much to do that either, I reckon.

A sad state of affairs in this case. Being a Farang in Thailand and trying to get justice against a Thai is similar to what it was like for Black men trying to get justice against a white man Mississippi in the 1950s. It is hopeless. There are Thais who do try to help but they cannot get past the blocks,

I notice a lot of the people here are commenting on living here as a foreigner from the west. We all know most who come here leave in the first year. Most of my friends who got married also left. You cannot own a house here. You cannot get justice unless you have powerful Thais supporting you. All of this is true.

You cannot even get the equivalent of a green card here. We are all visitors while in Thailand.

The best thing any westerner can do if married and starting a family is to go some place else. Go home to you nation or go to another nation but do not stay in Thailand.

I have never met any farang that regret leaving. Have you?

You get paid like you work at a fast food restaurant. Why stay?


Do you really have any question now as to why she would want to return to see what justice done. The poor girl is lucky to be alive and probably never wants to see Thailand again or eat in a Thai restaurant in her own country

And under those circumstances,it would not take too much telling "not to turn up as a witness" either.


The best thing any westerner can do if married and starting a family is to go some place else. Go home to you nation or go to another nation but do not stay in Thailand.

Not if you are 95 years old and your tilac is only 18. Some selfish creep will snatch her for sure.


Do you really have any question now as to why she would want to return to see what justice done. The poor girl is lucky to be alive and probably never wants to see Thailand again or eat in a Thai restaurant in her own country

And under those circumstances,it would not take too much telling "not to turn up as a witness" either.

After a police officer tried to murder her she is not exactly going to come back and place her life in the hands of other Thai police.

There are other possible ways she maybe able to do things if the Thai juducial system would allow it and that is by the way of adfidavits and video conferencing in court but I don't know how the system works here.


The best thing any westerner can do if married and starting a family is to go some place else. Go home to you nation or go to another nation but do not stay in Thailand.

Not if you are 95 years old and your tilac is only 18. Some selfish creep will snatch her for sure.

Well done Ulysses you really robbed the cradle there old chap :D just kidding


She must have really pissed him off.

It would not need much to do that either, I reckon.

I agree.

From what I've read he has homicidal tendencies.

Isn't this the guy who won police officer of the year 2 years in a row.


Yet again some blithering idiots see this as an "anti'farang" thing and once again they fail to view the situation logically.

What is happening is not anti farang it is PRO-POLICE.

Do you seriously think that rank and file Thai people would have any more success against the police in a situation like this than a foreigner - in fact they would probably have LESS of a chance as they have no money and live here - so are totally at the mercy of an institution that quite obviously will stop at nothing to protect their own.

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