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New Year's suicide bomb plot in Moscow failed because of spam text message


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New Year's suicide bomb plot in Moscow failed because of spam text message

2011-01-28 12:09:27 GMT+7 (ICT)

MOSCOW, RUSSIA (BNO NEWS) -- A New Year's Eve "Black Widow" suicide bombing attack in the Russian capital of Moscow failed because an unexpected text message which ignited the explosive earlier than planned, the Telegraph reported on Friday.

According to Russian security sources, as cited by the newspaper, the bomb could have killed hundreds of people as the planned explosion targeted Moscow's busy Red Square, but a 'Happy New Year's' message from the bomber's operator detonated the explosive belt, killing her and no one else.

The unnamed woman is believed to be a member of the same group that recently attacked Moscow's Domodedovo airport last Monday that killed 35 people and injured 202 others.

Russian terrorists commonly use cheap cell phones as detonators. When the suicide bomber is set in place, an accomplice sends a text message to trigger the explosive. The phones are usually turned off until the suicide bomber approaches the target, but Russian security sources believe they were careless.

After the explosion, which was detonated at the terrorists' safe house, two of her accomplices were seen fleeing the area.

Monday's blast at Domodedovo International Airport, which has been highly blamed on security breaches, happened in the international arrivals hall at 4.32 p.m. local time in a general area where persons who are not passengers have free access.

The explosion came less than 12 months after the Moscow metro blasts which killed dozens and was perpetrated by two female suicide bombers from the North Caucasus region.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-01-28

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Oh the irony of it. The thing that gets me is how come these Imams that tell these idiots they are to go straight to paradise with all those virgins are never that keen to head off their themselves ? :blink: They never seem too keen on martyrdom at all unless it is somebody else doing it ;)

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Oh the irony of it. The thing that gets me is how come these Imams that tell these idiots they are to go straight to paradise with all those virgins are never that keen to head off their themselves ? :blink: They never seem too keen on martyrdom at all unless it is somebody else doing it ;)

That's the same question I asked my Muslim friend and he wasn't able to give me a straight answer.

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It is a strange belief system. They are happy when we die, they are happy when they die, but they don't like it if we kill them.

Who is that 'we' in your sentence? You kill people? Widows?

That belief system your are talking about is pretty much just your own ignorance and prejudice.

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That's the same question I asked my Muslim friend and he wasn't able to give me a straight answer.

You will also never see Obama riding a drone bomb ...

Probably because 'his' imam don't send your Muslim friends on suicide missions.on the other hand. i am sure that more than a few Americans(US) will have no problem to give a 'straight' answer why it is okay to kill Muslims.

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It is a strange belief system. They are happy when we die, they are happy when they die, but they don't like it if we kill them.

Who is that 'we' in your sentence? You kill people? Widows?

That belief system your are talking about is pretty much just your own ignorance and prejudice.

The 'we' would be anyone who finds suicide bombing to be abhorrent and indefensible; a refuge of cowards and weak minded zealots.

It is a pretty big group really.

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Perhaps cell phone operators should send 'Happy New Year' messages more often, yikes.

Can they target those text messages? Take it to the next level; send an electronic signal emitting vehicle or undercover agent roaming in neighborhoods known to harbor weirdos, and send out all types of signals which might trigger bombs. Wham, Boom, ....every so often, a bomb goes off, and some bomb makers and/or their mules get blown to that lovely garden in Muslim heaven, where dozens of doe-eyed virgins attend to a martyr's every desire. Wait a moment, who tends to female martyrs - like the hapless, gullible gal who got snuffed out in Moscow? If she's a tom boy, then perhaps dozens of female virgins will ring her bells, but maybe not.... Jeezo, trying to figure out the intricacies of Muslim dogma is a tough row to hoe. Oh well, I guess we'll just let sleeping dogmas lie.

Edited by cdnvic
removed text formatting for readability
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That belief system your are talking about is pretty much just your own ignorance and prejudice.

Should he spend his time making up excuses for suicide bombers who target innocent people instead?

How about not killing 'them' in the first place. That is kinda an actio et reactio scenario. I am pretty sure that these 'we' would have also a soft spot for these poor Chechnyan people, targeted and killed by theRussian army as long it is a chance to rant about these evil ruskies.

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That belief system your are talking about is pretty much just your own ignorance and prejudice.

Should he spend his time making up excuses for suicide bombers who target innocent people instead?

How about not killing 'them' in the first place. That is kinda an actio et reactio scenario. I am pretty sure that these 'we' would have also a soft spot for these poor Chechnyan people, targeted and killed by theRussian army as long it is a chance to rant about these evil ruskies.

Another suicide bomber " apologist "

Maybe you can tell me just how targeting innocent MUSLIM men, women and children at prayer in a mosque to the same God they idolise is some how OK then ? or poor hungry fellow Muslims queuing up for food aid? You can somehow twist it to justify attacks on the army etc but fellow Muslims at prayer ?

The world really is a twisted place now.

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Another hater full of stereotypes, prejudice and ignorance who cannot differentiate between some radical islamist terrorist and islam as religion.

Read the Koran. Don't hang on the earlier sections referencing peace, but stick to the later sections. Yes, there are conflicting passages. Westerners that approach the book with a western perspective just do not seem to grasp the concept of abrogation that characterizes the text. Therefore, it is nmost likely you that is full of stereotypes, prejudice and ignorance.

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Another hater full of stereotypes, prejudice and ignorance who cannot differentiate between some radical islamist terrorist and islam as religion.

Read the Koran. Don't hang on the earlier sections referencing peace, but stick to the later sections. Yes, there are conflicting passages. Westerners that approach the book with a western perspective just do not seem to grasp the concept of abrogation that characterizes the text. Therefore, it is nmost likely you that is full of stereotypes, prejudice and ignorance.

I am not a westerner.

Why dont meet some Muslims in person, talk with them face to face. They are not all suicide bombers.

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No one is accusing all Muslims of anything. We are specifically discussing terrorist suicide bombers.

The Qur'an expert geriatrickid (in combat dress) seems to fail to spot the difference between Muslims and terrorist suicide bombers and a few other too, who speak vague of 'they and them', beliefs, Imams and Muslims and not explicit of terrorists.

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Another hater full of stereotypes, prejudice and ignorance who cannot differentiate between some radical islamist terrorist and islam as religion.

Read the Koran. Don't hang on the earlier sections referencing peace, but stick to the later sections. Yes, there are conflicting passages. Westerners that approach the book with a western perspective just do not seem to grasp the concept of abrogation that characterizes the text. Therefore, it is nmost likely you that is full of stereotypes, prejudice and ignorance.

I am not a westerner.

Why dont meet some Muslims in person, talk with them face to face. They are not all suicide bombers.

On a long weekend visit to Trat and Koh Chang my wife's cousin was invited along with one of her coworkers. Upon returning to Bangkok I mentioned to my wife how polite and pleasant her cousin's friend was and her almost flawless command of English. I was curious why this young lady never ate much of anything until the evening meal. Come to find out she was fasting because of Ramadan. I recall visiting several temples and this Muslim joined the other Buddhists in paying their respects.

The point is, this Muslim made a good impression and probably did not approve of the extreme elements of Islam. Then again she might behave differently under different circumstances. Since the subject of religion never came up I really don't know what her personal views of her religion are. Incidentally, I don't recall her practicing any of the daily rituals that devout Muslims usually do.

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