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How Do You Guys Make A Living?


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This is my first post here, so be gentle with me :-)

I'm planning on making the move to CR later this year. I'll have a decent bank balance when I arrive so I'm not under any initial pressure to earn (at least not for a year or two), however I'm in my early forties and have a young family (so have education/healthcare etc. to pay for) and I'm certainly not ready (or in a position) to retire. Having no firm plan as to how I'll make a living myself, I was curious as to how you guys do?

All the best,


BTW ... this place is a mine of terrific advice/information .. thanks :-)

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Not wise to try to depend on any work if available to you in Thailand where working is pretty much forbidden.

You could give money to your family to start some type of business. It is up to you to decide if you "Trust" your Thai family to do this.

It is Risky, but not everyone is bad, nor is everyone as good as they seem.

Most here in the Rai are either on pensions or come here for part time from their home countries where they earn a living.

A few are Qualified Teachers with credentials and work permits, or English Teachers with work permits.

Teaching without a work permit is a violation or Immigration laws and can get you deported.

The best you could do is to have the family start a business.

Farming, Importing foreign goods, Retail, and Service businesses. All have to be done by Thai Nationals.

Edited by TacoBoy
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you should have made this a Poll.

I suspect 60% are on some sort of retirement/ investment Income. and the other 40% earn money overseas.

We have a few teachers; Some will be supporting a family business on the side lines, and I'm sure some entreprenueurs but the system is stacked against them.

Oh, I forgot about the missionaries, NGO's etc.....

Edited by jubby
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I'm a web developer, with clients primarily in the US.

Friends who actually earn money in Thailand are few and far between, though I know a restaurant owner, a few teachers, and a guy who bought land/built houses and rents them (in Chiang Mai).

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If you want answers other than the same old rendition of what's legal, then I would wait until you get here and ask people as you get to know them - that way you may get a few alternatives that are in the grey area that people do not want to draw attention to - if you know what I mean.

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Funny, every time I go back home to the US to visit....folks ask me with this very earnest and concerned look on their face: "But what do you DO?".

When I give them the truth in my reply, which is "Absolutely nothing", I watch the eyes in their heads roll back like the cherries on a Las Vegas slot machine.

Gives me no end of satisfaction......:coffee1:

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I've got a mate who comes and stays with me at least once a year, he's a burnt out high pressure business man, for a week he just veges out.. "it's heaven, it's paradise..."

Then one day he says "so what else do you do here?", and I know he's off soon.

Next time I'll send him to the Hash. B)

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you should have made this a Poll.

I suspect 60% are on some sort of retirement/ investment Income. and the other 40% earn money overseas.

We have a few teachers; Some will be supporting a family business on the side lines, and I'm sure some entreprenueurs but the system is stacked against them.

Oh, I forgot about the missionaries, NGO's etc.....

I suspect your guestimate on percentages is way off the mark. I know many expats who earn their living in Thailand, and I don't mean bar owners or restuarant owners, but high tier managers working for Thai companys myself included. As one individual who knows eleven expats working and living in Thailand then I guess there must be another few hundred who also know expats working and living in Thailand outside of the entertainment industry.

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you should have made this a Poll.

I suspect 60% are on some sort of retirement/ investment Income. and the other 40% earn money overseas.

We have a few teachers; Some will be supporting a family business on the side lines, and I'm sure some entreprenueurs but the system is stacked against them.

Oh, I forgot about the missionaries, NGO's etc.....

I suspect your guestimate on percentages is way off the mark. I know many expats who earn their living in Thailand, and I don't mean bar owners or restuarant owners, but high tier managers working for Thai companys myself included. As one individual who knows eleven expats working and living in Thailand then I guess there must be another few hundred who also know expats working and living in Thailand outside of the entertainment industry.

I think it was a Chiang Rai estimate rather than country-wide, I may be wrong but I don't think there are that many Thai companies up in the north that have foreign high-tier managers. :wai:

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Very few Thai companies and even foreign firms hire expats. We are too expensive, The Thai managerial wages are are around 60,000 THB per month, or about 2,000 Dollars or 1,250 GBP.

Few if any expats would work a highly demanding position for that small amount.

I know of a few expats that work high managerial positions or for their government or are highly sought after professionals for limited time placements in fast track assignments.

forget trying to work here. Either invest in a foreign type entraprenurial venture or investments, or risk it with your local family to make things work.

Don't come to Thailand and expect to just make it because you have skills and money in the bank.

That is not enough. You need a plan to make money with your money. Here or abroad, doesn't matter, but have a plan and do not depend on any work in Thailand to see you thruough.

This is the misconception of far to may expats and also back packers looking to stay here on limited funds :blink:

Edited by TacoBoy
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When you've been around Thailand and similar countries for while you meet a few expats who seem to have started a successful business amidst the wreckage of the multitudes who failed.

How many people come here with the remains of a divorce settlement, usually half the sale of a house and a few thousand in savings and pension fund remnants and try to start a business?

I know a guy who keeps trying to tell me about this wonderful bar for sale in Chiang Mai.

What can you tell him?

So what are the other options for people with some money but not enough to live on?

Guest house? Restaurant? Buy/Sell? (Local products, antiques, jewellery etc).

You need to be very hard working with a good knowledge of the market with the right contacts.

And remember, all of this has been done before.

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you should have made this a Poll.

I suspect 60% are on some sort of retirement/ investment Income. and the other 40% earn money overseas.

We have a few teachers; Some will be supporting a family business on the side lines, and I'm sure some entreprenueurs but the system is stacked against them.

Oh, I forgot about the missionaries, NGO's etc.....

I suspect your guestimate on percentages is way off the mark. I know many expats who earn their living in Thailand, and I don't mean bar owners or restuarant owners, but high tier managers working for Thai companys myself included. As one individual who knows eleven expats working and living in Thailand then I guess there must be another few hundred who also know expats working and living in Thailand outside of the entertainment industry.

Just a Guestimate fella. And the question was in the CR forum, So I thought it was CR specific. We are not exactly overwelmed by Job opportunities with the Big Multinationals here in the Rai. So where do you live ? Bangkok ? Rayong ?

Hey, lets keep it CR focused or the Mods will be all over us :D

Edited by jubby
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you should have made this a Poll.

I suspect 60% are on some sort of retirement/ investment Income. and the other 40% earn money overseas.

We have a few teachers; Some will be supporting a family business on the side lines, and I'm sure some entreprenueurs but the system is stacked against them.

Oh, I forgot about the missionaries, NGO's etc.....

I suspect your guestimate on percentages is way off the mark. I know many expats who earn their living in Thailand, and I don't mean bar owners or restuarant owners, but high tier managers working for Thai companys myself included. As one individual who knows eleven expats working and living in Thailand then I guess there must be another few hundred who also know expats working and living in Thailand outside of the entertainment industry.

Just a Guestimate fella. And the question was in the CR forum, So I thought it was CR specific. We are not exactly overwelmed by Job opportunities with the Big Multinationals here in the Rai. So where do you live ? Bangkok ? Rayong ?

Hey, lets keep it CR focused or the Mods will be all over us :D

Point taken. ;)

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Funny, every time I go back home to the US to visit....folks ask me with this very earnest and concerned look on their face: "But what do you DO?".

When I give them the truth in my reply, which is "Absolutely nothing", I watch the eyes in their heads roll back like the cherries on a Las Vegas slot machine.

Gives me no end of satisfaction......:coffee1:

Oh dearies....

In the foreseeable future, I can see it now....

I'll just have to relocate deeper into the forest....

There surely will be more and more Farang moving to Thailand to enjoy the scenery and

the wonderful opportunity of just.... doing nothing but nothing really....

Perhaps, I could also set up a colony high up the peak together with HuSan and his clans....

a sort of cooperative.... selling time share to Farang who are interested to just doing nothing but nothing...., and

also perhaps a brokerage enterprise to trade futures on crude and gold among Forex friends.... :D:burp::drunk:

A true utopia.... even much better than Walden Pond.... B)

Edited by mkawish
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Funny, every time I go back home to the US to visit....folks ask me with this very earnest and concerned look on their face: "But what do you DO?".

When I give them the truth in my reply, which is "Absolutely nothing", I watch the eyes in their heads roll back like the cherries on a Las Vegas slot machine.

Gives me no end of satisfaction......:coffee1:

Oh dearies....

In the foreseeable future, I can see it now....

I'll just have to relocate deeper into the forest....

There surely will be more and more Farang moving to Thailand to enjoy the scenery and

the wonderful opportunity of just.... doing nothing but nothing really....

Perhaps, I could also set up a colony high up the peak together with HuSan and his clans....

a sort of cooperative.... selling time share to Farang who are interested to just doing nothing but nothing...., and

also perhaps a brokerage enterprise to trade futures on crude and gold among Forex friends.... :D:burp::drunk:

A true utopia.... even much better than Walden Pond.... B)

You might be a little late to the game. Walden Pond already exists for many of us, here in the Rai. ;)

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Thanks for the replies guys.

I wasn't planning to turn up potless. If I live frugally on say $50k pa (which may or may not be realistic), I could survive a couple of decades before cash ran short, but that's not the point. I was rather hoping (through my wife/family) to make a success of a business, but from the replies here that seems rarely to happen. Surely someone has a success story?

Cheers smile.gif

Edited by tangaroa67
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Thanks for the replies guys.

I wasn't planning to turn up potless. If I live frugally on say $50k pa (which may or may not be realistic), I could survive a couple of decades before cash ran short, but that's not the point. I was rather hoping (through my wife/family) to make a success of a business, but from the replies here that seems rarely to happen. Surely someone has a success story?

Cheers smile.gif

The successful guys and gals do not want to post on this forum because they will, in all probability, get flamed.

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Thanks for the replies guys.

I wasn't planning to turn up potless. If I live frugally on say $50k pa (which may or may not be realistic), I could survive a couple of decades before cash ran short, but that's not the point. I was rather hoping (through my wife/family) to make a success of a business, but from the replies here that seems rarely to happen. Surely someone has a success story?

Cheers smile.gif

The successful guys and gals do not want to post on this forum because they will, in all probability, get flamed.

Highly doubtful here in the Rai unless they were perceived as being full of it. Would make interesting reading. Can not speak for other forums.

Edited by scorpio1945
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Thanks for the replies guys.

I wasn't planning to turn up potless. If I live frugally on say $50k pa (which may or may not be realistic), I could survive a couple of decades before cash ran short, but that's not the point. I was rather hoping (through my wife/family) to make a success of a business, but from the replies here that seems rarely to happen. Surely someone has a success story?

Cheers smile.gif


If you have the right idea and the right finances, things can be successful.

But remember business is allways a risk.

No one here can tell you the right idea for your own families business.

Just do it.

Welcome to the neighborhood :D

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Thanks for the replies guys.

I wasn't planning to turn up potless. If I live frugally on say $50k pa (which may or may not be realistic), I could survive a couple of decades before cash ran short, but that's not the point. I was rather hoping (through my wife/family) to make a success of a business, but from the replies here that seems rarely to happen. Surely someone has a success story?

Cheers smile.gif

In my opinion, for what it's worth, if you turn up with some money behind you and take your time. I mean really take your time, get yourself settled, politely refuse all the initial offers of 'great ideas' which involve buying relatives trucks, tractors, shops, land, whatever (these will more than likely be 'solutions' to problems that have been going on for a while before you showed up) and begin to see what the real possibilities are, then you will have more of a chance.

You'll always be seen as the rich guy who's now going to fund every crack-pot idea that's been floating around someone's head for years but can't get funded by anyone else, mainly because it hasn't really got a chance of working. Once that has all passed and people understand you for what you are, and vice-versa, then you can see what will work and what won't.

I also think that if you, or the people you're investing with, have never run a business before, chances are that it won't be successful. Even if you have, it's still going to be hard work and no guarantee of success. This applies to anywhere in the world really.

Good luck :)

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