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Canadian Christopher Paul Neil "Mr. Swirl" Get Reduced Jail Term In Bangkok

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50,000 THB, that is so so cheap, is a child's life worth that much.

Judging by the many reports of accidents, murders and compensation to victims you can read in the news, then 50000 Baht does appear to be the going rate for a Thai life (at least an average life, not a hi-so life).

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And what's the jail term for growing hemp? I think it's 5 years - for growing a highly useful plant which is legal in Canada, China, Australia and many other countries worldwide - and can't get you stoned, no matter how much you smoke.

So what you're trying to say: There shouldn't be jail for people who smoke pot, right?

Moreover people here ( Thais as foreigners ) should tell cops if there's a suspicious person doing weird things with kids.

But most people avoid to contact cops..too many problems, reports and and and....:jap:

Agree on all three counts

I assumed readers here knew the difference between hemp and ganja/marijuana. They're both the same plant family, but ganja has THC, and hemp has such miniscule quantities of THC, it's no more of a drug than a cardboard box.

It might behoove you to do some research on hemp. It has myriad qualities and practical uses: rope, clothing, hurds for furniture, edible & nutritious oils/seeds, paper, fuel, paint base ....the list goes on.

Sorry to get off on a tangent from the OP, but it's useful to know about such things.


I don't see why a pedophile ever gets out of prison, at all.

Because there are other ways of moderating their behaviour? And by your rationale, why keep them in prison wasting taxpayers money? Why not put him up against the wall and shoot him?

Shoot him, Really! That is going too far. On proven guilty beyond all doubt, the convicted paedophile should not go to jail, but immediately castrated and extradited back to his own country where he will be placed on a sexual offenders list and never again allowed a passport again. After all some countries think nothing of executing drug offenders.

Your suggestion seems fitting and I can't argue with your reasoning. If drug offenders can be executed, a surgical castration seems mild by comparison and should be a good deterrent to many. The sickness remains in the hardliners however and he/she could still do a lot of harm. Some may go so far as to silence their victims rather than risk getting caught. At least prison does stop them for a time. Pity technology is not up to science fiction. If it were, they could live out their sick fantasies in a simulation and not hurt anyone. Maybe that plus a good shrink would do the trick.


These predictable "hang 'em high" posts remind me of the 2-minute hate in the book "1984", or the stoning of the devil ceremony during the hajj in mecca.

Seems everyone who wants to let out a little steam and evidence what good-hearted people they are like to compete against each other to issue the strongest condemnation.

Yeah we should draw and quarter him, cut off his balls, burn him in hell, etc.... blah blah blah.

I think what people are upset about is that this guy rapes a 9 year old and gets 5 years whereas if you were caught with an ounce of weed you very well might receive 1 year per gram. Which is a worse offense? Perhaps you sympathize with this scum or are into the same thing.

Wow, the first pedophile apologist I have ever seen :bah:


I wonder if Mr. Neil repeated this gesture to the Appeals Court when they turned down his appeal to set him free:


Defiant gesture by Christopher Paul Neil outside his trial

Sky News - July 01, 2008


Check out this TV programme about American paedophile sex tourists on BBC two tonight at 22:00. http://www.bbc.co.uk...rammes/b00yb5bx How coincidental. It must be hard to swallow for a lot of Farangs on this forum who cannot recognise that the problem is endemic among their fellow beings but thank god, at least the American authorities do.

Hey Moaners, that To Catch A Predator series is compulsive viewing, disturbing as the content matter is it's top quality entertainment. Cheers for the link.

Not sure if paedophilia is 'endemic' amongst foreigners here. I was talking to Tong about this, he's a good Thai friend up here in Issan, he said they rarely get foreign paedophiles but he did say it was very common amongst the general population.

No axe to grind, just reporting what a Thai chap said of it. We both have young daughters and were talking about child safety, something he reinforced as being particularly important here. My sister-in-law said the same thing, said that once Ni turns around 10 she can't just go out all the time and needs supervision. "She comes through those gates from school and stays within the compound, those gates will be locked" or something to that effect, also instructed me to "buy a gun".

My Thai friend there also has a gun and makes sure everyone knows it.

It's no joke up here.


From what I gleened from previous media reports, he was "unswirled" in Canada, or the US. One of the countries will wait for his return, and prosecute him again on home turf. There is a legal agreement between US and Thailand, I can only hope likewise with the other countries, that the laws of the state one comes from is honored by Thai law. Example being, if a man from Minnesota where one is an adult at 16, has sex with a girl 16-18, its legal in Thailand, but a man from California where adult age is 18, has sex with a 16 or 17 yr. old, he is charged with having sex with a minor. In this guys case, it was with a boy, and Canada or US will nail him regardless of the time he does in the Bangkok Hilton.

Nope, credit goes to Germany. Specialists from Germany's federal criminal police department, the Bundeskriminalamt, cracked the swirl and get credit.. Working in conjunction with the Canadian task force they spent months on it. Interpol managed the international case. Most of the intelligence leg work is done via Australia, Canada & the USA with EU partners supporting the heavy duty code breaking and internet tracking. The cooperation between several countries is amazing at times and puts the intelligence agencies supposedly combating international terrorism to shame. The investigators don't have the same egos or obsession with protecting turf. Interestingly enough, the BBC has a nice profile on the efforts of Australia, Canada & the USA in Cambodia.


Interesting items highlighted are;

- If a US citizen is caught abusing children abroad, American agents are now on hand with the specific aim of getting the suspect on a plane to stand trial back in the US.

- America was the first country to be positively pro-active about arresting and returning their child abusers to face justice. It has been joined in the past 12 months by Australia and Canada. (Note: Notice that Europe governments are not a participant, although European NGOs are.)

- In the seven years since the Protect Act was passed, America has brought back 85 child sex tourists to face justice in the US.

- Action Pour Les Enfants (Action For Children, APLE) acts as the eyes and the ears of ICE in keeping surveillance on suspect Americans.

The takeaway lesson? You will get caught sooner or later.


Check out this TV programme about American paedophile sex tourists on BBC two tonight at 22:00. http://www.bbc.co.uk...rammes/b00yb5bx How coincidental. It must be hard to swallow for a lot of Farangs on this forum who cannot recognise that the problem is endemic among their fellow beings but thank god, at least the American authorities do.

Hey Moaners, that To Catch A Predator series is compulsive viewing, disturbing as the content matter is it's top quality entertainment. Cheers for the link.

Not sure if paedophilia is 'endemic' amongst foreigners here. I was talking to Tong about this, he's a good Thai friend up here in Issan, he said they rarely get foreign paedophiles but he did say it was very common amongst the general population.

No axe to grind, just reporting what a Thai chap said of it. We both have young daughters and were talking about child safety, something he reinforced as being particularly important here. My sister-in-law said the same thing, said that once Ni turns around 10 she can't just go out all the time and needs supervision. "She comes through those gates from school and stays within the compound, those gates will be locked" or something to that effect, also instructed me to "buy a gun".

My Thai friend there also has a gun and makes sure everyone knows it.

It's no joke up here.

Again how coincidental! I thought this over protection of kids usually takes place in the west where male - and some female - adults are deemed potential child molesters. In some western countries, parents are even banned from attending their children's school sports day owing to a fear of perverts. Parents banned from sports day over paedophile fears Then again I would not be so desperate to call "a heresy or a belief" a fact. Personally, I don't find a TV programme about sexual crime against minors top quality entertainment. To be honest, I think it is rather distasteful, but I am sure for those who have a perverted interest in this kind of thing, the show could be quite captivating and appealing. It must be hard for a lot of Farangs to accept the fact that a large number of their fellow countrymen are sexually sick-minded as a lot of Farangs tend to think that they have the moral high ground in comparison with the locals. It is understandable why some Farangs are up in arms about this as people from the same ilk will always protect one another.


Pedophilia is extremely common within Thai society and this kind of thing was thought of as very normal here less than a 100 years ago for both sexes (sorry for the 3 sexes).

I have heard of a 13 yo getting married to a Thai man of 40! in the northeast "recently" why is that perfectly legal for them?

Why don't we see the Thais being paraded in the press?

are they trying to hide something that is very common in society?

are they trying to cover something up?

are they just parading the foreigners because it might look good to overseas critics?

do they think its ok for Thais but not for anyone else?



Pedophilia is extremely common within Thai society and this kind of thing was thought of as very normal here less than a 100 years ago for both sexes (sorry for the 3 sexes).

I have heard of a 13 yo getting married to a Thai man of 40! in the northeast "recently" why is that perfectly legal for them?

Why don't we see the Thais being paraded in the press?

are they trying to hide something that is very common in society?

are they trying to cover something up?

are they just parading the foreigners because it might look good to overseas critics?

do they think its ok for Thais but not for anyone else?


In the next village there's a battle for money going on over the sale of a 13 year old girl to a bloke around late teens to early twenties. The family want 160,000 Baht, he doesn't have it, may settle at 50,000.

Me and the other falang here are watching all this wondering why he hasn't be arrested. But this is the creepy bit of Thailand.


Check out this TV programme about American paedophile sex tourists on BBC two tonight at 22:00. http://www.bbc.co.uk...rammes/b00yb5bx How coincidental. It must be hard to swallow for a lot of Farangs on this forum who cannot recognise that the problem is endemic among their fellow beings but thank god, at least the American authorities do.

Hey Moaners, that To Catch A Predator series is compulsive viewing, disturbing as the content matter is it's top quality entertainment. Cheers for the link.

Not sure if paedophilia is 'endemic' amongst foreigners here. I was talking to Tong about this, he's a good Thai friend up here in Issan, he said they rarely get foreign paedophiles but he did say it was very common amongst the general population.

No axe to grind, just reporting what a Thai chap said of it. We both have young daughters and were talking about child safety, something he reinforced as being particularly important here. My sister-in-law said the same thing, said that once Ni turns around 10 she can't just go out all the time and needs supervision. "She comes through those gates from school and stays within the compound, those gates will be locked" or something to that effect, also instructed me to "buy a gun".

My Thai friend there also has a gun and makes sure everyone knows it.

It's no joke up here.

Again how coincidental! I thought this over protection of kids usually takes place in the west where male - and some female - adults are deemed potential child molesters. In some western countries, parents are even banned from attending their children's school sports day owing to a fear of perverts. Parents banned from sports day over paedophile fears Then again I would not be so desperate to call "a heresy or a belief" a fact. Personally, I don't find a TV programme about sexual crime against minors top quality entertainment. To be honest, I think it is rather distasteful, but I am sure for those who have a perverted interest in this kind of thing, the show could be quite captivating and appealing. It must be hard for a lot of Farangs to accept the fact that a large number of their fellow countrymen are sexually sick-minded as a lot of Farangs tend to think that they have the moral high ground in comparison with the locals. It is understandable why some Farangs are up in arms about this as people from the same ilk will always protect one another.

Catching those paedos is still top quality entertainment, albeit admittedly on a shallow level. Still, it gets them to deal with their mental issues and is good for prevention, raises awareness amongst parents.

  • 1 year later...

I wonder if Mr. Neil repeated this gesture to the Appeals Court when they turned down his appeal to set him free:


Defiant gesture by Christopher Paul Neil outside his trial

Sky News - July 01, 2008

Canadian teacher jailed for sex crimes in Asia arrested at Vancouver Airport

Link to Photo:


Thai prison guards escort Canadian Christopher Paul Neil, center, at criminal court in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2008.

Associated Press

A former British Columbian teacher convicted of sex offences in Thailand was arrested at Vancouver International Airport on Friday, according to Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Police say Christopher Paul Neil, 37, was returning from Thailand, where he spent five years in prison for sexually abusing two boys.

The RCMP's Integrated Child Exploitation unit obtained a warrant for Neil's arrest under a rarely used section of the Criminal Code that allows arrest if someone's action causes fear of sexual offences to anyone under the age of 16.

"Considering the severity of the offences that he's faced overseas, we felt that at the very least if we could get a .... condition imposed, that perhaps it would be in the interest of the public to have him appear in front of the court, whether or not it was justified, to have some measures of control or public safety with regards to his living here in Canada," said RCMP Cpl. Mathias Van Laer. Neil has no criminal record in Canada.



CBC - Sept. 29, 2012



Pedophile, homeward bound after Thai prison term, arrested at Vancouver airport

A convicted pedophile who was once the subject of an international manhunt for allegedly posting his sexual assaults of children online after hiding his face behind a digital swirl has been arrested at Vancouver’s airport.

Christopher Neil was returning home to British Columbia after serving a prison sentence in Thailand for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy. He was greeted on his return to Canada by members of the RCMP’s Integrated Child Exploitation Unit as he stepped off a plane Friday night.

Neil had a bail hearing on Saturday morning and will appear before a judge on Monday, when a judge will assess his release or impose any conditions, said Corporal Mat Van Laer of the child exploitation unit. Van Laer said police obtained a warrant for Neil’s arrest prior to his arrival at the airport because of fear for the public’s safety, even though there’s no evidence of any offence being committed in Canada.



The Canadian Press - Sept. 29, 2012



... adding to that, keep in mind that sexual abuse has been around for a long time, passed down. He very well may have been an innocent victim to similar circumstances when he was a child. We are only recently beginning to bring these ongoing issues to light. Rehabilitation is the real goal, punishment is simply fulfilling our personal angers. I see only efforts based on punishment being used and until this changes, incarcerations no matter how long will not be very effective.

No punishment is the key. Doing something illegal that harms others, you get punished. Every criminal either didn't do it or has an excuse. Lots if sad stories out there, but the kegal system has a duty to protect the public at large and not rehabilitate most of which cannot be rehabilitated.

Molestation of a child is as bad as it gets crime wise. Rehabilitation of perverts going after 9 year olds . . . Yeah, right. That'll work well.


Will probably beat it on a Human Rights technicality and be back TEFLing/Teaching English in Asia in no time. sad.png

I wont let my mind go there, I am so dam_n happy Canada nabbed him and can put conditions - meaning take away his passport.


a rarely used section of the Criminal Code that allows arrest if someone's action causes fear of sexual offences to anyone under the age of 16.

Wow so now you can be arrested if someone thinks you might commit a certain type of crime. Argue all you want that this particular individual deserves specific legal strongarming, but I think this also has implications for us NORMAL people that don't commit these offenses. I have dozens of Cam/TL/VN/Lao stamps in my passport, does that mean I should be "detained" at an international airport when I go back home? I have a pair of panties from my small 27 year old girlfriend that I keep in my suitcase as a reminder of her until I can see her again, is immigration or customs going to arrest me for it as they could be perceived as "something of concern"? See where this is going?


a rarely used section of the Criminal Code that allows arrest if someone's action causes fear of sexual offences to anyone under the age of 16.

Wow so now you can be arrested if someone thinks you might commit a certain type of crime. Argue all you want that this particular individual deserves specific legal strongarming, but I think this also has implications for us NORMAL people that don't commit these offenses. I have dozens of Cam/TL/VN/Lao stamps in my passport, does that mean I should be "detained" at an international airport when I go back home? I have a pair of panties from my small 27 year old girlfriend that I keep in my suitcase as a reminder of her until I can see her again, is immigration or customs going to arrest me for it as they could be perceived as "something of concern"? See where this is going?

Pair of knickers v convicted paedophile who shares his vile habit with like minded perverts for their gratification sparing no thought whatsoever for their victims lives.

No, I see no correlation at all.


a rarely used section of the Criminal Code that allows arrest if someone's action causes fear of sexual offences to anyone under the age of 16.

Wow so now you can be arrested if someone thinks you might commit a certain type of crime. Argue all you want that this particular individual deserves specific legal strongarming, but I think this also has implications for us NORMAL people that don't commit these offenses. I have dozens of Cam/TL/VN/Lao stamps in my passport, does that mean I should be "detained" at an international airport when I go back home? I have a pair of panties from my small 27 year old girlfriend that I keep in my suitcase as a reminder of her until I can see her again, is immigration or customs going to arrest me for it as they could be perceived as "something of concern"? See where this is going?

Panties ? I use Skype.

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a rarely used section of the Criminal Code that allows arrest if someone's action causes fear of sexual offences to anyone under the age of 16.

Wow so now you can be arrested if someone thinks you might commit a certain type of crime. Argue all you want that this particular individual deserves specific legal strongarming, but I think this also has implications for us NORMAL people that don't commit these offenses. I have dozens of Cam/TL/VN/Lao stamps in my passport, does that mean I should be "detained" at an international airport when I go back home? I have a pair of panties from my small 27 year old girlfriend that I keep in my suitcase as a reminder of her until I can see her again, is immigration or customs going to arrest me for it as they could be perceived as "something of concern"? See where this is going?

No I don't follow you, if you have images on your computer they will arrest you, panties should be kept in a drawer not a suitcase.

Canada doesn't feel the time served was enough and this guy is a threat not only to Canadian kids but also the world so they acted-Good on Canada and if it sends a message to other weirdos bonus points.


a rarely used section of the Criminal Code that allows arrest if someone's action causes fear of sexual offences to anyone under the age of 16.

Wow so now you can be arrested if someone thinks you might commit a certain type of crime. Argue all you want that this particular individual deserves specific legal strongarming, but I think this also has implications for us NORMAL people that don't commit these offenses. I have dozens of Cam/TL/VN/Lao stamps in my passport, does that mean I should be "detained" at an international airport when I go back home? I have a pair of panties from my small 27 year old girlfriend that I keep in my suitcase as a reminder of her until I can see her again, is immigration or customs going to arrest me for it as they could be perceived as "something of concern"? See where this is going?

Panties ? I use Skype.

Cannot sniff Skype. Dude stop carrying panties around. How about just a nice photo.


I think the newspapers have been very stupid in publishing his picture middle-fingering the Court. The scum must have been very satisfied by that. He should have be been punished again for that offense.

Anyway, the scum cannot be prosecuted again In Canada, due to the principle of double jeopardy. He could have been, only if the other country didn't.


I think the newspapers have been very stupid in publishing his picture middle-fingering the Court. The scum must have been very satisfied by that. He should have be been punished again for that offense.

Anyway, the scum cannot be prosecuted again In Canada, due to the principle of double jeopardy. He could have been, only if the other country didn't.

I am certainly not trying to defend this man but in all fairness we don't know who he was making that gesture at, based on the date it was in Thailand, it could have been the press, a heckler, photographer, guard or court official.

I'm glad the press prints his pictures no matter how offensive to people know his face.

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