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Chefs Xp


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Tried ordering from ChefsXP 3 or 4 times in the last 2 months and every time I get a phone call saying something along the lines of "we are sorry, but we dont have ........... in stock today". I wouldn't mind if I was ordering a bottle of 1929 Bordeaux, but I was ordering pizza, ice cream and a bottle of soda!

Has anyone else had this problem with them. Needless to say, I have ended up ordering through foodbyphone and paying more as I am hungry!

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questionable? why does it sound questionable? I have had 3 bad experiences with them:

1) Ordered food from an Indian only to be phoned back about 20 minutes later saying they were closed. Asked why they didn't call back sooner or post the fact the place was closed on their site to be told 'sorry'

2) Ordered a pizza and asked for some extra chilli. Phoned almost straight away saying they could not do that? I asked it I could pay - no.

3) This eve, ordered another pizza, soft drink and ice cream. "Sorry don't have ice cream". I chose another flavour.... "sorry don't have". 3 and 4th choice the same. eventually asked what they did have to be given a selection of 5 flavours out of the list of 15 or so...

I have no interest in making this up, just wondered if their service had deteriorated recently or have I just been unlucky with my orders.

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I have no interest in making this up, just wondered if their service had deteriorated recently or have I just been unlucky with my orders.

Actually, it's not their service. It's the service of the restaurants they deliver for.

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I don't find your complaint so odd - I've had the same problem myself. Particularly one place that never seems to have the steaks listed on their menu! But, only that one restaurant.

Their on-line service, though, had really deteriorated. Their server is slow! Now, it refused to recognize my password. When I tried the lost password button, it said that a new password had been sent to my e-mail - but, it hadn't. This happened twice! Since then, I can't login to place an order but have to call in each time. Their on-line support doesn't seem interested in solving the problem but just suggests that I call!

I still order from them because I like their prices and selection but the tech support stinks!

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Agree with you, but then they should disassociate themselves from restaurants that cannot provide what they say they can.

Chefs XP is cheaper than Food by phone because they take a percentage (15-20%) of the value of the meal from the restaurant NOT the customer. By disassociating from those restaurants they lose money! Thats why Food by phone wont allow restaurants to be included in its catalogue until at least 6months from opening, so it can guage whether A.) it will still be around in 6 months and B.) so it can assess the performance of the restaurant.

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Chefs XP is cheaper than Food by phone because they take a percentage (15-20%) of the value of the meal from the restaurant NOT the customer. By disassociating from those restaurants they lose money! Thats why Food by phone wont allow restaurants to be included in its catalogue until at least 6months from opening, so it can guage whether A.) it will still be around in 6 months and B.) so it can assess the performance of the restaurant.

Do foodbyphone also get a discount from the listed menu prices ?

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- all RESTAURANT delivery companies around the world get a discount of up to 35-40% from the price of restaurant food. It's normal. Rarely is the discount 5-10% (think: credit card companies receive a commission on every credit card sales, and they also give 5-10-15% off the meals at the restaurant, at the expense of the restaurant!)

- Restaurant provide delivery as a value added service for their customers. Most restaurant owners recognize this but sometimes it's not the same for the restaurant staff (as sometimes the staff feel it's a burden)

- rarely, very very rarely, do restaurant delivery companies charge a MARKUP. this is true for UK, USA. In many cases, food takeaway or delivery is cheaper than having the food at the restaurant

ChefsXP realizes the many many problems associated with the delivery business as we have been doing this for a long long time. Hence, we do not charge a markup.

We shall continue and improve our business for everyone to enjoy meals at home without being overcharged !!

Thank you for all those that understand and appreciate our service and sorry (again) to all those who are dissatisfied with us.

Thank you also to all the great restaurants that love us for our NO MARKUP!

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I'd also like to add that our staff do not react well to customers using foul language as part of every sentences.

Thais, in general, are polite and welcoming. It's our culture and it's 'sabai sabai'

(I have yet to meet anyone who enjoys being treated as an idiot and inferior)

99.99% of the time that I have candidly eavesdrop on my staff taking calls, they are polite and accommodating. They love the 99.99% of the customers that treat them as humans.

As for the 00.01% of the calls (and customers), I truly feel sorry for because not even I care to take the call..

Would anyone like to speak to someone using profanity as a way of communication??

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- all RESTAURANT delivery companies around the world get a discount of up to 35-40% from the price of restaurant food. It's normal. Rarely is the discount 5-10% (think: credit card companies receive a commission on every credit card sales, and they also give 5-10-15% off the meals at the restaurant, at the expense of the restaurant!)

- Restaurant provide delivery as a value added service for their customers. Most restaurant owners recognize this but sometimes it's not the same for the restaurant staff (as sometimes the staff feel it's a burden)

- rarely, very very rarely, do restaurant delivery companies charge a MARKUP. this is true for UK, USA. In many cases, food takeaway or delivery is cheaper than having the food at the restaurant

ChefsXP realizes the many many problems associated with the delivery business as we have been doing this for a long long time. Hence, we do not charge a markup.

We shall continue and improve our business for everyone to enjoy meals at home without being overcharged !!

Thank you for all those that understand and appreciate our service and sorry (again) to all those who are dissatisfied with us.

Thank you also to all the great restaurants that love us for our NO MARKUP!

let’s be honest here you just ban dissatisfied customers.

Always covering up your own companies mistakes through false apologies and, where that fails , bannings.

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Dear eMzyme,

Everyone makes mistakes, companies also.

Among the 99.99% we serve are also mistakes that happen.

It's statistics. It's given. It's Murphy's law.

Making a mistake, apologizing for the mistake sometimes (however) is never good enough for the few.

There is nothing to be ashamed of when one makes a mistake as I posted earlier, we have been in this business long enough to know the problems that faces this industry

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Chefs XP is cheaper than Food by phone because they take a percentage (15-20%) of the value of the meal from the restaurant NOT the customer. By disassociating from those restaurants they lose money! Thats why Food by phone wont allow restaurants to be included in its catalogue until at least 6months from opening, so it can guage whether A.) it will still be around in 6 months and B.) so it can assess the performance of the restaurant.

Do foodbyphone also get a discount from the listed menu prices ?

No they dont, thats why they charge mark up.

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Chefs XP is cheaper than Food by phone because they take a percentage (15-20%) of the value of the meal from the restaurant NOT the customer. By disassociating from those restaurants they lose money! Thats why Food by phone wont allow restaurants to be included in its catalogue until at least 6months from opening, so it can guage whether A.) it will still be around in 6 months and B.) so it can assess the performance of the restaurant.

Do foodbyphone also get a discount from the listed menu prices ?

No they dont, thats why they charge mark up.

Its also why they 'weed out' the unreliable restaurants who constantly let them down by not having the items they state they have on their menus. Chef XP should adopt this method too.

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Dear eMzyme,

Everyone makes mistakes, companies also.

Among the 99.99% we serve are also mistakes that happen.

It's statistics. It's given. It's Murphy's law.

Making a mistake, apologizing for the mistake sometimes (however) is never good enough for the few.

There is nothing to be ashamed of when one makes a mistake as I posted earlier, we have been in this business long enough to know the problems that faces this industry

I have no problem in the world with people making mistakes - I understand that they happen and have never responded in an abusive manner. However, because of the number of mistakes made by chefs XP (which resulted in me having to point them out numerous times in order to receive my correct order) I was informed that I was banned as I'd "complained" (aka pointing out errors) too many times! I had spent thousands of baht through chefs XP, mistakes made were not mine, and I find it very unfair that, in trying to rectify my orders, I get banned...Mistakes happen and some get angry sure - but I'm not one of them.

Mistakes do happen but i'm sure that you can appreciate that customers have no option to complain/point out errors when they only received half of their ordered meal.

in short

spent thousands + complained about receiving half a meal numerous times =banning.

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- all RESTAURANT delivery companies around the world get a discount of up to 35-40% from the price of restaurant food. It's normal. Rarely is the discount 5-10% (think: credit card companies receive a commission on every credit card sales, and they also give 5-10-15% off the meals at the restaurant, at the expense of the restaurant!)

- Restaurant provide delivery as a value added service for their customers. Most restaurant owners recognize this but sometimes it's not the same for the restaurant staff (as sometimes the staff feel it's a burden)

- rarely, very very rarely, do restaurant delivery companies charge a MARKUP. this is true for UK, USA. In many cases, food takeaway or delivery is cheaper than having the food at the restaurant

ChefsXP realizes the many many problems associated with the delivery business as we have been doing this for a long long time. Hence, we do not charge a markup.

We shall continue and improve our business for everyone to enjoy meals at home without being overcharged !!

Thank you for all those that understand and appreciate our service and sorry (again) to all those who are dissatisfied with us.

Thank you also to all the great restaurants that love us for our NO MARKUP!

Would it be possible to get a workable password to my account, then? I may have been somewhat harsh it dealing with your staff but never used profanity. When I order by phone, now, I simply place my order without comment about the problems with the web site. Nevertheless, I would prefer to order on-line but can't. I'd like to correct this.

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Thais, in general, are polite and welcoming. It's our culture and it's 'sabai sabai'

Whilst I find this to be true, I have also found that no matter what, Thais also hate to admit that they are wrong/have made a mistake. Maybe profanities come from the customer in desperation. This was the case last week with a pizza company order (not ordered through xp).

After receiving my order the food arrived on time. However, even though the receipt stated i had ordered a pepperoni pizza I received a seafood pizza. (i hate seafood). I rang them back to explain their mistake, only to be told that was impossible! I explained that even the receipt listed pepperoni on it but was told that was impossible too. After 30 minutes of pure frustration i got the manager on the line who promised to send round the right pizza. Even then they didnt want to accept it was their fault even though i was holding a receipt proving that i had indeed ordered pepperoni.

So whilst Thai's maybe polite and welcoming, Westerners hate being called liars.

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Do foodbyphone also get a discount from the listed menu prices ?

No they dont, thats why they charge mark up.

I find this hard to believe. In fact I don't believe it at all.

Phone them and ask then!

Food by phone is more expensive than XP because they dont get a discount (well didnt from me), they add on their own charges and twice a month send a cheque to the restaurant paying IN FULL for the food they have taken out of that restaurant.

XP negotiate with the particular restaurant on what percentage the restaurant will give them. (i.e if its 25 % and your listed menu price for ,lets say a steak is 400bht) YOU pay 400bht the restaurant gets 300bht and XP gets 100bht.

Check it out!

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Dear eMzyme,

Everyone makes mistakes, companies also.

Among the 99.99% we serve are also mistakes that happen.

It's statistics. It's given. It's Murphy's law.

Making a mistake, apologizing for the mistake sometimes (however) is never good enough for the few.

There is nothing to be ashamed of when one makes a mistake as I posted earlier, we have been in this business long enough to know the problems that faces this industry

People accept mistakes are made, but when nothing is done after to rectify the mistake such as removing items from menus that are no longer available or 'out of stock,' that is when people get annoyed. When I politely asked your operator if they would update their menu listing, all he said was 'sorry'!

Considering this is not the 1st time I have cancelled an order because of this, any company with GOOD customer service would have made a note of this and offered their customer something to keep their business.....

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WhistleBlower: lol

'They don't get discount'

Good claim but totally false and most people know it

Try a more believable fairytale

This could go round in circles all day! Whatever the reason, i have always found XP to be considerably cheaper than any other gig in town. However, that was not what the thread was started about. I think customer service was the the point in question, and as ive said most (if not all Thais) find it hard to admit wrongdoing so this MAYBE the reason for the complaints.

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Please keep the {discussion/constructive criticism/answers/suggestions etc.} civil thanx.

Any rants, defamatory comments, or useless circular debate will cause either the posts to be removed from public view, or, the topic to be locked.

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Obviously WhistleBlower, you wouldn't back your claim cos of possible vested interest.

My name is Sorot Chamlongsupalak and I AM the MD and sole owner of ChefsXP. I obviously care about my company and what people say about it.

For the original post, yes it's possible that restaurants are out of stock and haven't told us. It's also possible that you've had a few bad experiences with my company (as with any other company). Albeit, it's clear to see that you have no intention of letting THE COMPANY know about your dissatisfaction before posting such remarks. I have cc all emails to ChefsXP and have not seen a single email from you.

As I have already mentioned, we try to be accommodating to all our customers except those that use profanity- we do so with a service mind. Customers that chose to use profanity are banned and ChefsXP chose such actions.

For all those who are reading this topic, thank you for contributing and thank you 'soundman' for trying to keep order.

ChefsXP is and will always be positioned as THE NO MARKUP restaurant delivery company and I believe we service more satisfied customers than not.

Thais, in general, will always be polite and 'sabai sabai' rather than not.

It goes without saying that there are exceptions to every rule but I also believe that I am in a position to know that every food delivery company gets a discount from every restaurant. This website is all about informing expats about the topics they post and contribute- I feel it's my duty (if not obligation) to refute any mis-leading facts (about my company)

What's true is true, so let's all enjoy!

Please- no posers!

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