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7-Month-Old Thai Boy Swallows Injection Needle

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Boy swallows needle

By The Nation

For 30 hours, the suspense was excruciating after a seven-month-old boy accidentally swallowed a needle when a nurse was about to give him an injection.

The one-inch-long needle slipped into the wideopen mouth of Naruebet Boonmark when he wriggled to avoid the jab for a urinarytract infection.

After the long wait, the baby passed the needle without any perforations or lodgement at Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital yesterday.

"But we will keep him under close medical supervision to make sure the needle really had no impact on his health," hospital director Kitti Kositrangsakul said.

Xrays showed that the needle travelled down his throat to his stomach, then to his large intestine.

"It's possible for human bodies to excrete such items," Kitti said.

The nurse should take the blame for the mishap, he said. When the baby clearly tried to resist and struggled hard, she should have called one or two more coworkers to help restrain him instead of letting the mother handle him alone.

The hospital has provided some remedial assistance for Naruebet's family.

The baby's mother and grandmother were under great stress when they realised that the needle had entered his body.

The nurse was shocked too.

After the needle came out, the family said they had no plan to sue the nurse, as they understood that it was unintentional.


-- The Nation 2011-02-02


"After the needle came out, the family said they had no plan to sue the nurse, as they understood that it was unintentional."

While it was unintentional it was negligent and any properly trained nurse would not have such an accident.

Good to see Thai family is so forgiving and understanding(sarcasm), i only hope next time baby in her care does not swallow something else and dies or ends up being disabled for the rest of his/her life.

PS. Just because the needle came out, it does not mean no damage was done.Lets hope hospital is not charging and if anything has offered free treatment for a least few years.


"After the needle came out, the family said they had no plan to sue the nurse, as they understood that it was unintentional."

While it was unintentional it was negligent and any properly trained nurse would not have such an accident.

Good to see Thai family is so forgiving and understanding(sarcasm), i only hope next time baby in her care does not swallow something else and dies or ends up being disabled for the rest of his/her life.

PS. Just because the needle came out, it does not mean no damage was done.Lets hope hospital is not charging and if anything has offered free treatment for a least few years.

I have been in Thailand for 10 years now and being diabetic I have seen the kind of needles you can but. The ones they use in the hospitals are the worst. They are like horses tranqualiser needles and the tips of them are set on the syringe body very loose and not nice. Its easy for these to come apart so I would not blame the nurse, I would blame the hospital for purchasing the lowes grade and the cheapest needles they can get. Thailand needs to come out of the dark ages and use good syringes. In the north I can even buy the short type of needles I use for my insulin and because I don't have an ounce of fat on my body and I'm very skinny these needles hurt me.

Don't hange the poor nurse, hang the Thai Medical Standards System. Imagine how this poor nurse must have felt.


"After the needle came out, the family said they had no plan to sue the nurse, as they understood that it was unintentional."

While it was unintentional it was negligent and any properly trained nurse would not have such an accident.

Good to see Thai family is so forgiving and understanding(sarcasm), i only hope next time baby in her care does not swallow something else and dies or ends up being disabled for the rest of his/her life.

PS. Just because the needle came out, it does not mean no damage was done.Lets hope hospital is not charging and if anything has offered free treatment for a least few years.

If you have ever been to Nakhon hospital you will understand why - dirty, and nurses not the least bit interested. It was a bad experience of mine with one of my kids and I removed her to a clinic who diagnosed the complete opposite of the hospital - which was proven correct and the hospital at fault.


"After the needle came out, the family said they had no plan to sue the nurse, as they understood that it was unintentional."

While it was unintentional it was negligent and any properly trained nurse would not have such an accident.

Good to see Thai family is so forgiving and understanding(sarcasm), i only hope next time baby in her care does not swallow something else and dies or ends up being disabled for the rest of his/her life.

PS. Just because the needle came out, it does not mean no damage was done.Lets hope hospital is not charging and if anything has offered free treatment for a least few years.

If you have ever been to Nakhon hospital you will understand why - dirty, and nurses not the least bit interested. It was a bad experience of mine with one of my kids and I removed her to a clinic who diagnosed the complete opposite of the hospital - which was proven correct and the hospital at fault.

oh no need to go to Nakhon.

I had a surgery at Bangkok Hospital which cost me 500 000 baht. After the surgery i got worse rather then better. Surgeon admitted that he did something wrong, but to redo wanted another 500 000.

Then in that same hospital, at physiotherapy,1 moron pulled my arm so hard that i almost hit the ceiling, mind you it was 4th day after 8 hour surgery(i had shoulder surgery)

To complain was useless as no one wanted to listen.

Then had a bike accident in Pattaya, went to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, the examining doctor was asking me where i was damaged. How the heck would i know when i am lying there covered in blood and can hardly move(Did not even cross her mind to Xray my ribs, funny enough 5 ribs were broken)

Then went to Pattaya Memorial for the daily bandage change.

Asked doctor there for some medication for the pain in ribs. did tell him 7 times that i had high blood pressure and allergy. Moron gave me medicine which did exactly that-raised blood pressure and had a huge warning for people suffering from allergy.

All of my experiences is with doctors, i do not even want to think of the nurses.

PS. One of my employees now use to be a nurse at Bumrungrad, and let me tell you, she has no idea about basic things. I know more about medicine then she does.


Where was she injecting him?

Must have been an ugly kid to confuse the ends.

She 'should 'be .............................. [TIT] she is responsible as is the hospital and the family SHOULD sue the pants off them.

But as we know they won't. May be if the baby had died they'd go so far as demanding an apology!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupid is as stupid does.


Where was she injecting him?

Must have been an ugly kid to confuse the ends.

She 'should 'be .............................. [TIT] she is responsible as is the hospital and the family SHOULD sue the pants off them.

But as we know they won't. May be if the baby had died they'd go so far as demanding an apology!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupid is as stupid does.

For a Thai to start a law suit they need 200,000 baht to pay the courts and that does not even gurrantee them a trial. Lawyers here don;t even front the cash even if is an open and closed case so that is why most Thais do not sue

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