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Naked Pattaya Brit Comes Back From Hell

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The vast majority of PATTAYA BRITS do not squander all of their cash on booze, women an drugs....

Well, I suppose if you adopt the George Best philosophy that wouldn't count as squandering.:drunk:

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Look, this is so simple. When a man is in jail and being chained to the bars in the nude and being fed crackers.

What is that?

You people who defend that - are the ones who need a reality check.

Because he used alcohol & drugs..... yeh sure ....he needs help...... not torture.

That woman is a saint. His Government let him down.

That is my my only point



Not true, - not enough cash. Are you kidding?

Look at the defense budgets.

I understand your point though. If people choose to take drugs and become alcoholics., then it is their own choice.

My point was that if their is blatant cruelty (as there was in this case), - it is in breach of international law, - and our Governments have an obligation to step in and apply pressure.

That is the law. If they do not, then it is a breach. They should be held accountable.

I thought alcoholics had a disease.

What an ignorant thing to say.Do people choose to get cancer too?


As I constantly tell newbie Brits, in Thailand you are on your own, never look to the Embassy for help, unless you are of VIP status, then they will crawl all over you.

Actually, this is not true. Most embassies will help you out for certain reasons, such as Medical.

Last year around August of 2009, I had a very aggressive form of cancer called Hodgkin's Lymphoma which switched from Non-Hodgkin's to Hodgkin's. A Catholic friend of mine in the U.S. contacted her congress representative to then contacted the U.S. Embassy in Thailand. I was instructed me to go there ASAP.

I went to them. I had been on over stay for like 3 years and had lost a lot of weight. They paid for my overstay fine and my plane ticket and voided out my current passport. They got everything cleared up with Thai immigration officials. Within 2 days, I was headed back to my hometown where I underwent 9 months of chemo / radiation.

In conclusion. If the situation is a life threating medical condition. They will help you. Once you arrive back home, your passport has been voided out or holes punched through it. All the money you barrowed has to be paid back in full before you can reapply for a new passport. My new one came back with a 10 year valid period.

I was writing as a Brit talking to Brits about the British Embassy, and the comments from other Brits would seem to agree with what I said. I am well aware that the American Embassy does a far better job as does the Australian. For what it is worth the Brit Embassies in Beijing and Manila are no better. Are you aware that much of the routine work such as passport renewals and visas have now be taken away from the poor overworked staff in Bangkok, it is now sent to Hong Kong? That must be worth a few extra rounds of golf each week :lol:


Look, this is so simple. When a man is in jail and being chained to the bars in the nude and being fed crackers.

What is that?

You people who defend that - are the ones who need a reality check.

Because he used alcohol & drugs..... yeh sure ....he needs help...... not torture.

That woman is a saint. His Government let him down.

That is my my only point



People can't always make the best decisions for themselves. I love this new era apathetic attitude embodied by terms like, "it's up to you mate" and "you're on your own." That logic works perfectly in a 100% sane world full of rational people. Looked around lately?

We also, most of us anyway, know very little about this guy. He may have lived with a mental condition for a long time. People wrongly medicate mental conditions with illegal drugs all the time. Or, perhaps he drank so much and took so many drugs he drove himself overboard. I think it's probably very tough to make the call.

But, look at the poor guy. He's emaciated, chained up, and on death's door. Show a little compassion. I'm glad he's making some sort of recovery in whatever form it exists.


This story lightens my soul, I am so pleased to hear a good news piece, I really hope this man gets on happily with his life and enjoys it to the fullest. Well done Tracey and shame on the British Embassy...... and to you Mr Drummond.....How many times do readers need to remind you of the fact that your story telling is neither humorous or remotely funny?, your quips in this story again show us that your writing skills are dubious at best, I would respectfully suggest you leave the smart arsed comments to others!!!

There is only one quip in the story and that is at the expense of Chris Henderson who himself eventually had a drug problem in Pattaya. As he has made money out of his thuggery in the past I have no feeling of remorse for having a joke at his expense . As for saying , 'well not yet at least' referring to Richard squandering his cash on women, drink and drugs' it is actually a statement of fact. We are all hoping that Richard now sticks to his guns and practices abstinence because he will be in Thailand for another 26 days at least.

I am glad that I lightened your sole by bringing you this piece. but at the same time sorry you sound such a sad lad with such sad handle :-) Now where are the other jokes?


So we have to thank the tireless efforts of the British Honorary Consul, Pattaya, Mr Howard Miller on his behalf, for this?

Are you still mad over him forcing you to pay that bargirl you ran away from? This have to be the only reason you seem to be stalking him, linking to videos of undercover filming of them sitting on the walking street etc.

Get a life.


Look, this is so simple. When a man is in jail and being chained to the bars in the nude and being fed crackers.

What is that?

You people who defend that - are the ones who need a reality check.

Because he used alcohol & drugs..... yeh sure ....he needs help...... not torture.

That woman is a saint. His Government let him down.

That is my my only point

Brill-Preman, You only have to look at the prison photo.........likened to prisoner of war horror, No matter what he did, has nothing to do with his state in jail--it's discusting, inhuman, in fact the lack of feelings from the police-or-the embassy is embarrassing to say the least. I can understand some comments about peoples lifestyles, but..... some of your posts seem a bit heartless, or maybe you didn't see the pics ????


Read what is said in the British Passport.

Her Majesty will protect her citizens........ Correct?

Perhaps against foreign threats.. but I doubt the words mean Her Majesty will protect her citizens from themselves.

This guy drank and drugged HIMSELF into a state of insanity. He did it to himself... Correct?

Why should the British Government be limitlessly responsible for British citizens that drink and dose themselves into psychosis (no matter what country they happen to be in at the time)?

Of course, I'm playing devil's advocate here, but it's an easy role to play; I have a lot of trouble generating sympathy and compassion for folks that receive a nice inheritance, and then (due to no self control) proceed to wreck their own lives with alcohol and/or drug abuse to the point of a psychotic break (ie: trying to flood his and everyone else's flat, etc).

In the big picture, I guess I'm really just saying that I don't think the role of Government should be to protect you from yourself, but from the failures, shortsightedness, stupidity or malice of others.

Don't get me wrong, I dont have a problem with private citizens or organizations reaching out to help these people, I just don't see that it's a Government's role, to do it.

As a final thought, the real problem with this whole story isn't what the British Embassy didn't do, but with what the Thai Police DID do, which was to pick him up and dump him in a jailcell to rot, instead of putting him in a hospital, as any sick person should be (no matter by what route he'd arrived at his mental disorder).


"For Richard Hewitt is not a Pattaya Brit who has squandered all his cash on booze, women, and drugs… Well, at least not yet."

Well Mr. Drummond, you have lost a few friends here in Pattaya with this paragraph above.

The vast majority of PATTAYA BRITS do not squander all of their cash on booze, women an drugs....

... and you have also insulted Mr. Hewitt with this little line...

Well, at least not yet.

And you are supposed to be a reporter, or an opinionated columnist?

Cheers to the Good Brits in Pattaya. I did not say all Pattaya Brits squandered their cash on women, drugs and booze. Tracy is a 'Pattaya Brit'.

. I am slightly concerned because Richard does not have a court date until Feb 28 so I hope he sticks to the straight and narrow. I believe he will, This is not a newspaper story btw.

Valid point Mr Drummond you never said all Brits and this isn't a newspaper. So the fact you star sentences with "And" doen't matter a hoot. Guess you missed primary school :lol:

What I can't understand, is you in your job, know that there are all sorts of criminals, X and current, in Pattaya.

Despite this you publish this unfortunates address after telling the world he 's got millions.

Either you're dumb or your attempts at making out you actually care about this guy are totally fake.


The British Embassy are as much use as a chocolate spoon ,which they admirably displayed when the sunami occured and the redshirts were in BKK.waste of space ,paper shufflers third grade one and all.


"For Richard Hewitt is not a Pattaya Brit who has squandered all his cash on booze, women, and drugs… Well, at least not yet."

Well Mr. Drummond, you have lost a few friends here in Pattaya with this paragraph above.

The vast majority of PATTAYA BRITS do not squander all of their cash on booze, women an drugs....

... and you have also insulted Mr. Hewitt with this little line...

Well, at least not yet.

And you are supposed to be a reporter, or an opinionated columnist?

Cheers to the Good Brits in Pattaya. I did not say all Pattaya Brits squandered their cash on women, drugs and booze. Tracy is a 'Pattaya Brit'.

. I am slightly concerned because Richard does not have a court date until Feb 28 so I hope he sticks to the straight and narrow. I believe he will, This is not a newspaper story btw.

Valid point Mr Drummons you never said all Brits and this isn't a newspaper so the fact you star sentences with And doen't matter a hoot

What I can't understand, is you in your job, know there are all sorts of criminals, X and current in Pattaya.

Despite this you publish this unfortunates address after telling the world he 's got millions.

Either you're dumb or your attempts at making out you actually care about this guy are totally fake.

Don't be such a twit. Richard left that address a long time ago, has his belongings, and will not be going back. He's in Bangkok.. Are you sure you want to be correcting me on spelling and grammar? I seem to have upset Pattaya already by suggesting some Brits there may be squandering their cash on women, drugs and drink. There are criminals there too?

The vast majority of PATTAYA BRITS do not squander all of their cash on booze, women an drugs....

... and you have also insulted Mr. Hewitt with this little line...

Well, at least not yet.

And you are supposed to be a reporter, or an opinionated columnist?

Just wondering what takes the vast majority of Brits and other nationalities to Pattaya? :unsure:

When I decided to move here, Pattaya (or vicinity) was my first choice - Bangkok was not on the list.

However what draws many, is the cheap cost of living, excellent food, great snorkeling, boating and other recreation - excluding women and booze. I even hunted up a very comfortable room on Soi 13 for 3000 Baht a month. I should also mention massage, other than soapies, because many older folks have leg and back problems and cannot afford a good massage at home.


And I hope he repays Tracey in full and then some.

Im pretty sure that Tracey wouldnt expect anything in return. She sounds like a gem of a Good Samaritan who wanted to help another human being in need. Hats off to you Tracey. Many would never have done what you did.

You beat me to this!!! I fully concur with what you write as I'm sure that her pride in what she has done has made herself feel very good about herself, and deservedly so after the disgraceful handling of a potentially disastrous situation thanks to the abysmal handling of this case by the embassy staff in question. Take a bow Tracey and hang your heads in shame you pathetic embassy officials for not performing your jobs and doing your duty on this in a responsible manner!!! You are not worthy of your title.

I personally know of two cases here in Chiang Mai where the British consulate has turned there back on there citizens.

In both cases it was out side charities that helped them.

I know in one the charity worker happened to be in the building when the fellow came in. took him under his wing and got him home after the British refused to help.


OMG what a remarkable story! I Remember reading the first story when it broke. Glad to see he's made a recovery (however limited or partial)

And good on Tracey too! Cheers


three cheers for the thai landlord as well. we all jump on the "i've been ripped off by a thai" bandwagon quickly, but we are too slow to acknowledge the good samaritans out there.


quite interesting in the original story a journalist from the Observer describes Pattaya as 'Sodom and Gomorrah'

yet in London and other major cities throughout England on can with the wonderful power of the internet enjoy

participating in Gang bangs/swingers clubs'/dogging every day of the week if you wished, also of course the services of 000's of escorts, and prostitutes offering virtually any sexual service one could imagine

and of course one can easily obtain any kind of drug one wished, heroin, crack cocaine no problem, also adding to the vices

Gambling on an industrial scale, in fact i would t hink many journalists will be enjoying such pleasures here in the Uk regularly,

what hypocritical bastards.


Richard's cool here in Bangkok staying by the pool in a 3* hotel. . As it wasmy story that prompted Tracy into action he does not feel insulted. I can understand the poster's paranoia though and that of a poster calling himself soihok, or rather soi 6, Pattaya's notorious short time street.

Well excuse me.

I am not paranoid, you obviously haven't been reading my posts have you Andrew.

I am very happy that our friend is now safe and well, saved by the gracious actions of one individiual, I wish him well.

I am also happy to have read your report of his well being.

I am aware that we are not able to fall back on our ( British ) government to look after us where ever we may end up in world and in what ever condition we may be in. we are on our own, if that's too big a task, well, best stay at home and lock the door.

It seems that you, Andrew, are willing to judge a book by its cover. How many soi 6's are in Thailand????

Up to now I did have some respect for you , but that now is down the drain..

I take your silly comparison as me to a brothel as huge insult.



The trouble is Thais don't regard mental health issues as medical conditions, otherwise he would have ended up in a Thai hospital for treatment rather than locked up in a police cell. Then if he was in hospital consular assistance should kick in.

There are a lot of older foreigners who probably feel quite isolated; a combination of being in a different culture cut off from family and people from their culture. What I am surprised about is why there isn't more societies and groups that bring these people together. Like the British Legion, etc? I have even thought of setting up a group myself; I mean with a common interest.



Please explain to the world where in my posts on this forum, do I appear "paranoid" ?

You have lost a great deal of respect from me with your personnel comments in your last post. Up to this point I quite enjoyed your reports.

I am waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"For Richard Hewitt is not a Pattaya Brit who has squandered all his cash on booze, women, and drugs… Well, at least not yet."

Well Mr. Drummond, you have lost a few friends here in Pattaya with this paragraph above.

The vast majority of PATTAYA BRITS do not squander all of their cash on booze, women an drugs....

... and you have also insulted Mr. Hewitt with this little line...

Well, at least not yet.

And you are supposed to be a reporter, or an opinionated columnist?

I think we can substitute multiple numerous nationalities for "Brit" and Drummonds sentence is not intended to demean British.

Is it not reality that many squander money on vice in Pattaya??


Welcome back to the world.Think twice when you're sober now before you buy some booze......:jap:

That may present a problem. If the man is diagnosed with a mental illness, he may be incapable of "thinking twice" unless he has a caregiver to watch over him and ensure he iis managed. Ms. Cosgrove would have most likely been unable to intervene had this case occurred in the UK. A court order is required when a form of curatorship is imposed, and quite rightly so, no matter how tragic the circumstances may be.

Read what is said in the British Passport.

Her Majesty will protect her citizens........ Correct?

The citizens have legal rights. The UK government is precluded from swooping down and placing the mentally ill under forced care unless the mentally ill demonstrate a real and present danger to either themselves or the public. For every case with a happy ending such as this, there are many more where allegedly well intentioned people intervene on behalf of the elderly or mentally disabled and exploit the people, robbing them or abusing them. A foreign government cannot easily place one of its citizens under "curatorship" because of various laws and the logistics of such an action. Governments are often accused of imposing a nanny state. Unfortunately, when governments pull back, people fall through the cracks in the system. In this specific case, please do not lose sight of the fact that the government cannot impose therapy or medication on the subject. Should Mr. Hewitt choose to go back to his old ways, there is nothing the government can do about it until he is jammed up again.

In health care there is a cost benefit equation. It would cost hundreds of millions of pounds to maintain a system to care for people like this man, assuming one could find the qualified staff. It is more cost effective to use those funds to provide basic health care than to provide standby mental health services. What is needed is a system of volunteers that advocate and assist the mentally ill and the organizations that provide such services are always short staffed since most people want nothing to do with the mentally ill. The few organizations that provide such services are often faith based such as the Salvation Army. As kind hearted as the Sally Ann is, many people are opposed to faith based social services.


My take on this is that he's fit and well again thanks to charity. The Cosgrave Charity. Rather than the Howerd Miller 'Put you in the Grave Charity' that acting on behalf of the British Embassy by way of being the new Pattaya Consul, Miller abandoned Hewitt to his fate after visiting him.

Which means he'd most likely do the same for us. And no, before you ask, he wasn't voted in.

Must be fair: Miller left him with a bottle of water and a bag of crisps. So technically he could claim having provided provisions. Looking at fat boy Miller he knows all about feeding time.

It seems then that this being a happy story - at least the ending is - that Miller is not involved. You see, it doesn't make good TV. At least the kind that is dregged up to fill the 3 kms of Pattaya's air waves. Hence, man in cell and suffering gets aired as Miler is unable to smell the coffee, wake up or do the right thing, but man recovers after being shafted and left to rot by Pattaya Consul never gets aired.

Maybe Miller will learn a lesson from this. I think he will. But it will be to check the bank accounts before leaving the scene as he could have doubled up here. Firstly, leaving Hewitt naked, chained and without hope. Secondly, robbing him of every penny.

Thank god the scum that floats around Pattaya Bay hasn't got brains. It could be dangerous.

Miller light. Of brains that is.


Welcome back to the world.Think twice when you're sober now before you buy some booze......:jap:

That may present a problem. If the man is diagnosed with a mental illness, he may be incapable of "thinking twice" unless he has a caregiver to watch over him and ensure he iis managed. Ms. Cosgrove would have most likely been unable to intervene had this case occurred in the UK. A court order is required when a form of curatorship is imposed, and quite rightly so, no matter how tragic the circumstances may be.

Read what is said in the British Passport.

Her Majesty will protect her citizens........ Correct?

The citizens have legal rights. The UK government is precluded from swooping down and placing the mentally ill under forced care unless the mentally ill demonstrate a real and present danger to either themselves or the public. For every case with a happy ending such as this, there are many more where allegedly well intentioned people intervene on behalf of the elderly or mentally disabled and exploit the people, robbing them or abusing them. A foreign government cannot easily place one of its citizens under "curatorship" because of various laws and the logistics of such an action. Governments are often accused of imposing a nanny state. Unfortunately, when governments pull back, people fall through the cracks in the system. In this specific case, please do not lose sight of the fact that the government cannot impose therapy or medication on the subject. Should Mr. Hewitt choose to go back to his old ways, there is nothing the government can do about it until he is jammed up again.

In health care there is a cost benefit equation. It would cost hundreds of millions of pounds to maintain a system to care for people like this man, assuming one could find the qualified staff. It is more cost effective to use those funds to provide basic health care than to provide standby mental health services. What is needed is a system of volunteers that advocate and assist the mentally ill and the organizations that provide such services are always short staffed since most people want nothing to do with the mentally ill. The few organizations that provide such services are often faith based such as the Salvation Army. As kind hearted as the Sally Ann is, many people are opposed to faith based social services.

Having waded through this lot perhaps I can point out that Richard Hewitt was under arrest and Tracy Cosgrave merely forced the issue that he should be hospitalised where he could get medical attention. (He was sick)- She also initially paid the bill.


What Tracey did was an unselfish act that we should all applaude,as if you remember in the original report the thai police did not have a clue what to do with him ..or what was actually occurring with his psychosis episodes !This could have just faded into another grim statistic of a foreigner in a prison cell who everyone just assumed was a loser tourist who had blown his money and hit the drugs....What Tracey did is a lesson to all of us you'd have to agree and just maybe for once the forum should find out the charity she works for as I for one would contribute to it in return for what she has shown to all of us...Thank you Tracey...I really mean it!!!

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