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Naked Pattaya Brit Comes Back From Hell

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<br />I suppose the British Embassy are fed up of trying to help people suffering self-inflicted problems via drugs and alcohol. I don't really blame them. They wouldn't have time to do anything else if they helped every down and out Brit in Thailand. It's time that people learnt to take responsibility for their own actions and not expect the Embassy and taxpayer to help them out. <br /><br />It's not just the British Embassy. Even in the UK, down and outs on the street don't get any help. They are left to fend for themselves. There just isn't enough cash to pay to help the vast amount of alcoholics and dug addicts in the UK, and probably also in other countries. <br /><br />Where were family and friends? Shouldn't they be the first line of help? It's easy for people to criticise the British Embassy, but I don't see many stepping forward to offer to help these people. If you think this is so tragic, then why not volunteer your services to help out? Many on here have plenty of time on their hands. Maybe that time would be better spent offering some actual help to people instead of sitting in front of your PCs criticising everyone else.<br />
<br /><br /><br />And I'm sure Brits are fed up paying their taxes that pay for the embassy staff's western wages, private schooling for their children, accomodation, air fair, expenses, parties/events/social engagements, etc -  when they lift barely a finger to help their citizens when we are in desperate need. Why shouild anyone volunteer when they already pay for it? If I pay someone to paint my house, should I then paint it myself when they decide to paint thier own houses instead with my paint?<br />
<br /><br />Convenient.<br /><br />What you are neatly leaving out is that you hired a mentally disturbed painter who may just as well have run all over the neighborhood naked sprinkling your paint up and down the block thinking that it was akin to playing in the rain. But, it's still all his fault, right? In that case I would say to you, you put your money in and you got what you got. It's up to you, mate.<br />
<br /><br /><br />Erm not sure you undertood the analogy. The "painter" was the government employees who are paid and tasked with protecting and looking after the interests of the UK and it's citizens here. Not sure why you think the consular staff would be running around naked playing in the rain - maybe you know them better than I???<br /><br />The point I was making is that if I pay someone to do something, then why should I have to "volunteer" to do it myself? He paid his taxes, his fellow countrym men pay their taxes (in general), and the people that are paid to protect them and their interest abroad from these collected taxes- indeed are even brought here and housed etc for that very task - shirked their responsibility in a most shameful way. Why does it matter that one of the people that paid into the system is having a hard time mentally?<br /><br /><i>"But, it's still all his fault, right?"</i> erm , No - I did, in fact, not even mention <i>him</i> at all in my post at all. <br /><br />As to the rest of you comment<i> "In that case I would say to you, you put your money in and you got what you got. It's up to you, mate."  </i>I am at a complete loss as to what it is supposed to mean. Money? What money did "I" put in? Where did I put it? What did I get? What is up to me? Mating?<br /><br /><br />Have we been drinking perchance?<br />
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What? A painter, a government employee, someone dancing in the rain, and some matey throwing money. I don't understand the meaning of that.


senario...........walking the streets of London you see a no hoper lying on the footpath obviously the worst for wear through booze and drugs, talking to themselves covered in vomit and shit - what would you do

stop and help

throw a few coins

give them a wide birth

a plane ticket home

etc etc

my point here being this guy whether lying on London city street - in a pattaya cell or standing mumbleing to themselves outside their room in a complete drugged up drunken stuper, most of us would just walk on by and there are no authorities back home that would do a lot either.

this was a very unfortunate situation but the blame ls firmly with the individual, 1. for coming to thailand and 2. for getting involved with the wrong crowd drink and drugs

all of you can discuss this until the cows come home but you all gave a wide birth, people that knew him maybe should have helped having possibly known the guy on better times but nobody stepped up


senario...........walking the streets of London you see a no hoper lying on the footpath obviously the worst for wear through booze and drugs, talking to themselves covered in vomit and shit - what would you do

stop and help

throw a few coins

give them a wide birth

a plane ticket home

etc etc

my point here being this guy whether lying on London city street - in a pattaya cell or standing mumbleing to themselves outside their room in a complete drugged up drunken stuper, most of us would just walk on by and there are no authorities back home that would do a lot either.

this was a very unfortunate situation but the blame ls firmly with the individual, 1. for coming to thailand and 2. for getting involved with the wrong crowd drink and drugs

all of you can discuss this until the cows come home but you all gave a wide birth, people that knew him maybe should have helped having possibly known the guy on better times but nobody stepped up

I don't think anyone can argue with you on the point of giving the guy a wide berth. I think almost everyone who keeps control of themselves has done this, because we've all seen messed up people, all of us.

I think though that in this case there was a different opportunity at some stage to try and help this guy a bit. I honestly just don't think this is like walking past the homeless guy or something like that. And, what's more, I think it also brings to light a fairly important point which is that most of us wouldn't know what to do anyway. It's not necessarily that we wouldn't help but, rather, can't drastically alter our own lives in order to do so, fair enough.

Honestly, and maybe we just disagree here, I think that this guy could have been helped in the darkest hour somewhere around the the time of the photo we have of him looking so bad in that jail cell, and thankfully somewhere in that vicinity of time he was helped, but it was kind of miraculous. One of the things that really jumped off the page at me on this story was that this guy was being held in that state on the charge of overstaying his visa. What's more, if you overstayed your visa and got put in jail would you expect a visit from your consul? I certainly wouldn't. So, what it says to me is that the consul only got wind of it when he received the story of how bad this guy got and probably his poor state of health in jail. Now, just how difficult is it to sort someone out on a visa overstay and help them out of jail? I don't know the particulars, but it can't be so hard. Which only leaves the scenario where everyone and anyone who could have helped pretty much took the attitude, "I can't be bothered" and just left this guy. It seems to me that he rotted in that jail cell for awhile on a minor charge b/c he suffered a break with reality.

I just can't exercise apathy here and claim that he shouldn't have ever come to Thailand, or he shouldn't have fallen in with the wrong crowd. Where I can exercise apathy is to say that it's hard to stop people from killing themselves, and it's often times best to leave them be. It's very hard. But, this guy could have been helped before nearly dying in jail on the charge of a visa overstay. That's it.


for all we know maybe they where waiting for him to ex[ire with an eye on hus safe etc........who knows, I'm sure the condo owner was aware he could pay for support if it was arranged, as usual in Thailand synister motives can be found if you look deep enough and all of it is possible, we are also unaware of this guys mental history........who knows


Too may bloody droogs I think....:whistling:

Well I think for all the posters that are harping on about this guy re. Drugs ,drink -it's his own fault, and other shizen comments, I said before,Look at his photo again in the (cell) no not a cell, it was worse than a pig pen. No matter how he got in the situation, he should never be in the condition-as per photo. He was clearly on deaths door, having chains on-attatched to the cell bars, when he could never even get the energy to sit up, naked-starving to death-the world outcry of people in p.o.w. camps in similar situations. It made me feel sick. I couldn't care less attitude of posters ugh !!! This is Thailand, but, the chief of police wants the sack, and other people in government positions the same, ( who knew about this) Not even a cover or second hand clothes.This day and age-this is a no go. Super publicity for the land of smiles. He got hiself into it-we know, but no one should accept this. Sick police ?????


I don't think it's the British Embassies remit (unofficial or not) to describe a British citizen as a "nutter" They are supposed to be our guardians in times of trouble and need. Rather than brand someone in this way they should have spent some time investigating his case and getting to the bottom of his problems as he was clearly in turmoil and unable to fend for himself. Why didn't they do something about it as it's their job to do so, after all, instead of abandoning him in his obvious plight and leaving him to what could have been certain death if others such as this charity hadn't come to his rescue!!! I hope that this kind charitable act raises the profile of the charity responsible for "giving him his life back" and they can garner some well deserved donations as a reward for their selfless and commendable courage in trying to assist this desolate and abandoned man in terrible living conditions.

Another thing, what on earth is wrong with the Thai authorities who (were'nt) looking after him? Surely they should have known who to contact to come and save him from this undignified and dangerous situation regarding his health. I hope this gets investigated by a reputable organisation with those responsible either being severely disciplined or sacked. However, Knowing how things work in Thailand - this will probably "get brushed under the carpet" as if it never happened. Very sad state of affairs, really!!!

British embassy is here to promote UK buisness and pretty much nothing else. They have no interest in looking after the welfare of UK subjects. In point of fact they actively discourage UK passport holders from visiting the embassy with complaints or problems. I have been living here for 32 years and can tell you many horror stories of legitimate people asking the embassy for help and being shown the door. Bottom line is if you are asking the embassy for help you are generally on your own.


I don't think it's the British Embassies remit (unofficial or not) to describe a British citizen as a "nutter" They are supposed to be our guardians in times of trouble and need. Rather than brand someone in this way they should have spent some time investigating his case and getting to the bottom of his problems as he was clearly in turmoil and unable to fend for himself. Why didn't they do something about it as it's their job to do so, after all, instead of abandoning him in his obvious plight and leaving him to what could have been certain death if others such as this charity hadn't come to his rescue!!! I hope that this kind charitable act raises the profile of the charity responsible for "giving him his life back" and they can garner some well deserved donations as a reward for their selfless and commendable courage in trying to assist this desolate and abandoned man in terrible living conditions.

Another thing, what on earth is wrong with the Thai authorities who (were'nt) looking after him? Surely they should have known who to contact to come and save him from this undignified and dangerous situation regarding his health. I hope this gets investigated by a reputable organisation with those responsible either being severely disciplined or sacked. However, Knowing how things work in Thailand - this will probably "get brushed under the carpet" as if it never happened. Very sad state of affairs, really!!!

British embassy is here to promote UK buisness and pretty much nothing else. They have no interest in looking after the welfare of UK subjects. In point of fact they actively discourage UK passport holders from visiting the embassy with complaints or problems. I have been living here for 32 years and can tell you many horror stories of legitimate people asking the embassy for help and being shown the door. Bottom line is if you are asking the embassy for help you are generally on your own.

That really sucks, I'd be a pissed off citizen.


One post bordering on defamation of a public official has been removed from view also a quoted reply.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I've never understood peoples perception that if you have a problem abroad then it is the duty of the embassy to help.

For people here on holiday yes as they contribute to there country on a weekly basis but for people who live here permantly no.

I left the UK 5 years ago to come and live here, in that 5 years i have contributed absolutley nothing in the way of taxes or national insurance to my country so i would not expect them to assist me in any way if i were sick or in trouble here.

If you decide to leave your country of birth and stop contibuting to the tax/national insurance system how can you expect the goverment to pay/assist you in times of trouble? You are no longer living in your home country so in my view should expect no help from them.

This is not a go at the poor guy who this story is about i geniunley feel sorry for him and hope his recovery continues.

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