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Western Women Are Happier Blind?


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I don't think the remarks are reserved just for asian women with older western b'f's siamone & I doubt if the remarks are jelousy, like most people, we prefer youth to be with youth, this is nature at it's most basic form (procreation) & personally, as a 30 year old women, I doubt if I could go to bed witn a man considerably older than me, regardless of what he looks like. I have had offers from older men in the past. And yes, I do think that young women with older men are wasting their best years but up to them, what ever their reasons. Whether it's rod stuart or joe average, I just don't get it.

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I don't think the remarks are reserved just for asian women with older western b'f's siamone & I doubt if the remarks are jelousy, like most people, we prefer youth to be with youth, this is nature at it's most basic form (procreation) & personally, as a 30 year old women, I doubt if I could go to bed witn a man considerably older than me, regardless of what he looks like. I have had offers from older men in the past. And yes, I do think that young women with older men are wasting their best years but up to them, what ever their reasons. Whether it's rod stuart or joe average, I just don't get it.

Ya, that is my question boo. Why do you confuse "I" with "we"? What business is it of yours and why would you presume to know anything about someone else's interests?

My GF is 22 and a stunner. I'm 39 and certainly not. Women are constantly telling her that she should spend these years finding a rich guy, and maybe later in life marry again for love. Or telling her she should sleep around with lots of young handsome guys. It's disgusting. Part of my girlfriends beauty is that she values love over an opinion of someone like you.

Whether you could go to bed with an older man has nothing - NOTHING - to do with what another woman feels about her man.

I think the real reason women try to enforce the rules, is that deep down they think that beauty is money, and if a beautiful girl gives it up for cheap (to a man not deemed as expensive, the richest and most handsome possible) then she makes a mess of the whole market system.

And that is exactly the rub, because it points out what is really valued in a man. Older wealthy and famous guys are expected to get a young and beautiful mate, or two. Think about it, and the be explicit about your value system, before you talk about what is natural and why "we prefer youth to be with youth".

Well, there are other variables in the market system. I'm way too smart for her and she is way too low class for me. She doesn't deserve me - I'm way out of her league. And she's way too attractive for me - she's also out of my league. We both make big compromises. But the passion between us is incredible, and the love and mutual care has been so beautiful.

But even if she were completely out of my league in all ways, but had her own reasons to be in love with me, a value system of a person like you would make her reasons invisible and incomprehensible to you. Seeing her with me would grate on your nerves. So few truly believe in love and respect other than the most superficial.

I know that a lot of women don't find older men attractive, and that youth is beauty. At the same time I have known two western women and one Thai who are exlusively attracted to men at least 15 years older. And I've dated plenty of twenty somethings, in the west and the east, not put off by my 34 to 39 years. Some women have a certain kink for a mature protective father figure as their mate. It's not a bad dynamic, really. It works. It doesn't have to work for you in order for it to work for someone else. What bugs me, and rightfully so, is when a woman tries to bring other couples back into "nature at it's most basic form" by making gossipy remarks at the men and women in their happy union. Clueless and tasteless.

Edited by sanmig
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you have posted an absolutley bonkers compendium of copy and pasted mish mash that has dumbfound me and many others. :o


Sorry, I should have been more clear about the two paragraphs that are in quotes. The post is a reply to a stickmanbangkok.com submission and the two quotes are from the original post being replied to. I overestimated both the clarity of it and readers ability to make sense of it. It seemed pretty straightforward to me - I was quoting someone, and refuting their opinion.

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My GF is 22 and a stunner.  I'm 39 and certainly not.  Women are constantly telling her that she should spend these years finding a rich guy, and maybe later in life marry again for love.  Or telling her she should sleep around with lots of young handsome guys.  It's disgusting.  Part of my girlfriends beauty is that she values love over an opinion of someone like you.

Whether you could go to bed with an older man has nothing - NOTHING - to do with what another woman feels about her man.

I think the real reason women try to enforce the rules, is that deep down they think that beauty is money, and if a beautiful girl gives it up for cheap (to a man not deemed as expensive, the richest and most handsome possible) then she makes a mess of the whole market system.

And that is exactly the rub, because it points out what is really valued in a man.  Older wealthy and famous guys are expected to get a young and beautiful mate, or two.  Think about it, and then be explicit about your value system, before you talk about what is natural and why "we prefer youth to be with youth".

Well, there are other variables in the market system.  I'm way too smart for her and she is way too low class for me.  She doesn't deserve me - I'm way out of her league.  And she's way too attractive for me - she's also out of my league.  We both make big compromises.  But the passion between us is incredible, and the love and mutual care has been so beautiful.

But even if she were completely out of my league in all ways, but had her own reasons to be in love with me, a value system of a person like you would make her reasons invisible and incomprehensible to you.  Seeing her with me would grate on your nerves.  So few truly believe in love and respect other than the most superficial.

You make some very good points here indeed, apologies for my previous post...i knew i had read the quotes on Stickman.

Good for you, and good luck

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I don't think the remarks are reserved just for asian women with older western b'f's siamone & I doubt if the remarks are jelousy, like most people, we prefer youth to be with youth, this is nature at it's most basic form (procreation) & personally, as a 30 year old women, I doubt if I could go to bed witn a man considerably older than me, regardless of what he looks like. I have had offers from older men in the past. And yes, I do think that young women with older men are wasting their best years but up to them, what ever their reasons. Whether it's rod stuart or joe average, I just don't get it.

That's fine for you Boo, and I am fine with my hubbie, a fantastic man.

As for nature, procreation for men is possible into their 80's, so no problem there!

My best years are with him; as I said, I have had younger b/fs before, and they were a waste of time.

As Sanmig says, it is up to the individual, and other people can think what they like. It is a bit like someone saying "why you drink beer, it tastes horrible?", on a simple level.

Maybe the remarks are not jealousy then, just a matter of taste.

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sanmig, as I said, I couldn't give a crap what you do or your g/f for that matter, I didn't say it was wrong just that I don't agree with you. I don't gossip about it (I have a life) & you seem to have the problem, so you need to look at why any comments bother you so much as yours don't make a bit of difference to my life.

I will beleive what I beleive & nothing you say or do will change it. Accept that, get on with your life & deal with it & quit whinging.

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Sionone, I wasn't aiming an insult to you just giving you a reason as to why people may not understand your relationship with your husband & my own personal preference. And I think you'll find that sanmig only beleives that it is up to the inidivual if they agree with him but when someone doesn't (like me) he goes on the attack. :o

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I am with Boo on this one. In general I don't understand it either. On the other hand I don't rule out the possibility that young/old, fat/skinny, ugly/pretty people really love each other. Just like the buffalo can actually BE sick sometimes too, you know...

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I underestimated how much people would dislike the misogyny.

If I ever write my postmodern graphic novel about living in Thailand, you may have titled it with this line.


Brilliant. And the picture of Britney. F-in brilliant.

The way I describe my girlfriend's dancing is by contrasting it with Britney's dancing. My GF is sex. Britney emulates it. So many young girls emulate Britney. You know what is sexy? Sex. Sex is sexy. My gf is sex. Just standing still.

I like your communication style - way beyond me. I have to resort to pontificating.

Great blog, too, Lychee. You are a true friend I haven't met yet, even if you happen to never like me. I like you.

Edited by sanmig
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Sionone, I wasn't aiming an insult to you just giving you a reason as to why people may not understand your relationship with your husband & my own personal preference. And I think you'll find that sanmig only beleives that it is up to the inidivual if they agree with him but when someone doesn't (like me) he goes on the attack. :o

Don't worry Boo, I was not insulted at all. I can see your point of view, it was mine too when I was younger....but things change, I met a man who overcame any possible doubts.

I hope you did not mean that your ideas will never change (in your other post), stay flexible in your approach to life, be open to other ways. You may not change your mind in this respect...but hey!, you may.

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Sanmig, why the attack on Boo for expressing an opinion about a topic YOU brought up in the first place? YOU mentioned it first, you were explicitly rude and denigrating and then when someone responds to your post you are immediately on the offensive. If you don't want to hear other people's opinions why ask in the first darn place??

Personally, I don't think you and your gf have that big of an age difference. My sister is 12 years younger than her husband. So what. No one in the US makes comments to them or about them because nobody really cares. Maybe you get comments because you are so obnoxiously pushy about YOUR rights as a farang man to have a younger woman?

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Sanmig, why the attack on Boo for expressing an opinion about a topic YOU brought up in the first place? YOU mentioned it first, you were explicitly rude and denigrating and then when someone responds to your post you are immediately on the offensive. If you don't want to hear other people's opinions why ask in the first darn place??


The reply to Boo was mostly based on her using the word "we" instead of the word "I". As I mentioned, some girls give advice based upon a very limited understanding of the world, and this advice harms others. I brought up the topic to educate ignorant people like boo, who might otherwise harm others.

Women tend to be far too communal, and can hardly think as an individual. Got to break that circuit. I'm not a mysogynist, really - most of my heros are women as are most of my friends. But truly, there are general differences, and women have their share of growing up to do. Critical thinking as an individual willing to stand up and make a personal separate stand is a good next step for any human, especially a female one.

We. I. The nature of the natural world and the human condition shares the exact same emotions as this undifferentiated we/i? I wish I had a sense of humor. (That is bone dry ironic humor, in case I have to point it out.) Some people think that their personal emotions came from God. God hates gays; god hates niggers married to proper white folks; god hates terrorists; god hates what i hate. God loves my country, more than godless countries.

Where I live, there are comments constantly about the age and attractiveness difference. It's an issue that I swim in. Yeah, I can ignore it, but why should I? Why not speak?

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as I said, your problem. Small minded is compartmentalising people into groups such as your "why can't western women blah blah blah" Is that ALL western women? I don't think so, as I gave u an opinion, which was; do what you like, I don't care & I don't gossip about people like you & your choices as I have a life. but you can't accept the fact that I have an opinion which disagrees with yours, but again, tough, I do & I will express it & I hardly think it will harm people, so again, quit whinging & get on with your life.

Your opinions are neither asked for or needed by me to live my life & as for your theories on women, try getting to know some before making sweeping statements about them or me. I neither need or want an education from you & if you consider me ignorant then I wonder what you class yourself as.

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Women can hardly think as an individual. Don't you mean A Woman? And sorry but it should be heroines instead of heros if you are talking about women. But then I can't really think for myself so I must be wrong.

Women as Borg, a new concept in misogyny. You should write a book.

Oh Sorry, you already have

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Women can hardly think as an individual. Don't you mean A Woman? And sorry but it should be heroines instead of heros if you are talking about women. But then I can't really think for myself so I must be wrong.

Women as Borg, a new concept in misogyny. You should write a book.

Oh Sorry, you already have

Did you say something? Thanks for correcting my grammar. Anything else?

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Again, it's up to the idividual, a concept you claim to support. Where is your argument coming from? I never said once that someone should choose money & looks, just that I wouldn't want to <deleted> a guy old enough to be my dad or granddad, there is nothing wrong with that & I also gave my reasons. My life, my choice. nothing to do with you is it?

I am happily married to a man who is neither exceptionally good looking or rich, I don't need a mans money, I got my own thanks.

If your ego got dented by that, then tough :o

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Sanmig, you come across as somebody who thinks he, as a male, is superior to women. The fact that you have women as friends doesn't mean sh1t. My dog is my friend too and I love him. But I do think I am higher on the food chain. So for you women must be somewhere between chimps and male humans?

If you didn't mean it that way, then next time choose your words more carefully.

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