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Compensation For Deaths, Injuries During Red-Shirt Protest 'Inadequate'


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Mum seeks higher pay-out

By Pravit Rojanaphruk

The Nation


Compensation for deaths, injuries during red-shirt protest 'inadequate'

The government should set up a fund to provide proper and adequate compensation for people killed and injured during red-shirt protest if it's sincere about reconciliation, according to Phayao Akhard, mother of a volunteer medic killed last year.

"If they calculate the value of a human being at Bt400,000 [per person], then let me say, why don't they work until they earn Bt400,000 and then go and die?" she said, referring to politicians running the Abhisit Vejjajiva government.

Phayao said people who became disabled during the clashes or riots received "only Bt100,000" and the sum was not enough to enable them to get by in the long run.

Phayao is one of the most high-profile relatives of the 91 people killed during April and May last year. Yesterday, she went to speak to the Truth and Reconciliation Committee's Truth Seeking subcommittee to offer her account of events which lead to her daughter Kamolkaet's death.

The medic, 25, was shot in front of Pathum Wanaram Temple on the evening that the red shirts were dispersed from Ratchaprasong intersection on May 19.

Phayao told the subpanel, chaired by human rights lawyer Somchai Homlaor, that she has lost faith in the government, especially the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) and forensic expert Khunying Porntip Rojanasunand.

Phayao accused the DSI and Porntip of trying to cover up crimes allegedly committed by soldiers. She believed they had a conflict of interest, as they were also part of the Centre for Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES), which was in charge of the crackdown but has since been disbanded.

"Who would try to get themselves into a legal trial? They're part of CRES. And now Porntip is quiet," she said.

During the two-hour hearing, Phayao accused Porntip of tampering and altering evidence relating her daughter's death, such as forensic records of bullet wounds. She said the bullets had somehow disappeared.

As for the DSI, the head of which was also part of CRES, Phayao accused the organisation of trying to say most deaths were caused by red shirts themselves.

"I can't stay idle - I have to respond."

Asked if she has been threatened over the past seven months, Phayao said yes she had, and often. She claimed someone always followed her and recently a caller asked her if she wanted anything in return for not pursuing the case of her daughter's death further.

"I told her if you can resurrect the 91 dead, then that's what I want," she said, adding that the threats and intimidation only strengthened her resolve.

A reliable source told The Nation recently the military had refused to cooperate or speak to the fact-finding subcommittee. This had made unearthing the truth about deaths and incidents during the protest virtually impossible and seriously hindered any success by the committee.

Somchai, when asked by The Nation, admitted this was true.

"We have yet to receive the [military] cooperation. There's no answer [from the Army]," he said, adding, however, that the subcommittee was now asking the government to help it get Army officers involved in the crackdown to speak to the subcommittee.

Somchai said the hearing was likely to continue until April and some form of report should be released to the public in six months.


-- The Nation 2011-02-04

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While I sympathise with this lady and the plight of her daughter, speaking of the reds in general, you dance with the devil, what you you expect! Most of these people were already paid to be there and to receive any sort of compensation from the gov for their own doing, well...

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I guess then we should all assume the militarys silence as an admission of guilt. I mean what could the all powerful military have to fear by allowing officers to testify at the fact-finding sub committe if it is sure it acted within the limits of the law.

My guess, it knows its' operation didn't go as smoothly as it claimed it did, and is trying to avoid any responsibility / loss of face.

My message to the PM and Deputy PM - show some balls and order the military to provide account. Lets have some Truth and Reconciliation in the country

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I think the issue should be - military was called in after the reds began to attack civilians and launch grenades. They were all warned - for more than a month, they were all told to disburse and then when the soldiers were finally called in to start the clearing process innocents were hit. The 'innocents' should not have been observing anyway - hanging around an area of violence is not the smartest thing to do. That's the way it is. So then everyone is still trying to blame the soldiers? Why are they not using funds from frozen assets of the red shirt leaders and using that as payouts as well as compensation for burned buildings etc? They have traced its sources to you know who! Why does this have to be shouldered against the Govt and the public at large? All else and finger pointing is irrelevant!

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In this case, she was a volunteer medic there helping people, so maybe more compensation is needed. Maybe the red shirts should be giving her additional compensation.

As far as other protesters are concerned, they knew the risks. They were warned that it was dangerous to be there. They knew that their were armed red shirts "protecting them". They are lucky to get anything.

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Maybe the red shirts should be giving her additional compensation.

Already done.

I read Jataporn said they were setting up a fund of 1.5 mill Baht to compensate all those killed and injured.

Thaksin has promised to pay B200,000 to anyone reds killed at the rally

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I guess then we should all assume the militarys silence as an admission of guilt. I mean what could the all powerful military have to fear by allowing officers to testify at the fact-finding sub committe if it is sure it acted within the limits of the law.

My guess, it knows its' operation didn't go as smoothly as it claimed it did, and is trying to avoid any responsibility / loss of face.

My message to the PM and Deputy PM - show some balls and order the military to provide account. Lets have some Truth and Reconciliation in the country

It is all a matter of perspective.

From where I am it looks to me like Thailand is trying for reconciliation.

They are paying money for the dead and injured of the red shirts. While the red shirts continue to spout nonsense and could care less about there own dead and injured. The states did not pay money for the dead and wounded of Germany and Japan and they managed to reconcile there differences.

If you are a red shirt the last thing you want is truth.

If you are not a red shirt you already know the truth.:)

And when you add the fact that the red shirts were given the chance to end it all but refused to negotiate it leaves honest people with only one conclusion.

The red shirts do not want reconciliation and have not done one thing towards getting it. They are like little kids they demand are not willing to give in one iota and take absolutely no responsibility for there actions.

How can one in all honesty back a group that figures it is OK to invade Hospitals under the pretext of

"I thought".

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Maybe the red shirts should be giving her additional compensation.

Already done.

I read Jataporn said they were setting up a fund of 1.5 mill Baht to compensate all those killed and injured.

Thaksin has promised to pay B200,000 to anyone reds killed at the rally

Yes Buch but have any payments from either Jataporn's fund or Thaksin ever been made?

The lady says nothing about either she only refers to a Govt payout.

I also note the reds say they killed no one so that make Thaksin's money safe.

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