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Hi guys ,

My name is Mike and live in Mahasarakham . Over the last 2 years I have been all over Issan with my bike . Last week spent 5 days in Loei around Thai Li and Chiang Khon area . I am an older man , well old enough to start collecting Social Security.

I have a Honda Phantom (sorry)but has treated me very well . I ain't no Capt. Slash (Gt Rider forum) but have logged over 20,000km in a year and a half and the bike has given me no problems . I hope to leave monday Feb 7th for Phitsanulok from Mahasarskham , I will see a friend there . Hopefully leave next day for Chiang Mai , witch I have been a few times . I want to do the tourist Samoeng loop ,witch I have not been . From there I will go to Chiang Rai .

I want to spend 3,4,5 days there. As never been there before , I would appreciate any info. on where to stay and resturants . Maybe meet up with a couple of you guys for a beer and swap lies .

Thanks Mike

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Take a look at the pinned Google Map For Chiang Rai at the top of the Forum to get an idea of what is available. You could also have a look at My Map for some routes and a different perspective. Of course don’t forget the search function as most of your questions have been address well and often.

For that matter I can’t think of a better place to start than GT Rider. ;)


Hi Mike.

Welcome to the little town.

Lots of beer stops here but I can't vouch for any of them. The town is small enough that you'll discover the popular ones within a few minute's conversation with almost anyone here.

We only have two liars in CR. They will both weigh in shortly on this thread and give you better directions for the beer spots. But they will probably be happy to be your guides and hosts on those runs also.

We have some really good eating places here. Check out the pinned thread section and have a look at the Google map. Most of the restaurants on that are pretty decent and fairly priced for the goods offered. Give me a PM when you arrive and I'll be your guide for that run. I need to get the ol' bike out and take it around town for an hour anyway. I've been neglecting it. I promise NOT to take you to Limbo's favorite pizza place.

Lots to see in the area. You'll enjoy any day rides out of the city that you make.

We have one local celebrity here that you might want to run across. He is a famous Aussie and is known near and far. He is currently looking at upgrading his old abacus and Etch-a Sketch for a real computer. I heard he is shopping for a newer, more comfortable driver's seat before he gets the computer though, because he heard that the new computer has a hard drive. He told me that he didn't even realize that you could drive them. He will probably weigh in here also if he has gotten the computer set up already.

Lots of places to stay also and some are nice as well as cheap. Again, PM me and I'll give you the tour of some of those when you hit the ground here.

Print out the pinned Google map when, or before, you get here and keep it handy. It will make getting around a little bit easier. When we know for sure what days you will be here, we can update you on the current events that you may want to attend.

Don't hang around in Chiang Mai too long. Something in the water there. You'll see what I mean when you get to talking with some of those guys there. Most of them really wish they lived in CR anyway.

Stay safe. Keep us posted on your arrival date.


Hi again, Mike.

There is a Classic and Big Bike Show and Sale near the old jail in CR on the 13th. That is mostly some of the locals that like to get together once a month and generate interest in Biking and big bikes. Kind of a low-key thing but a might be something you would like to see. Should be plenty of bike minded people there to chew the cud with. I can point out that spot in the city if you need me to.

As far as I know, this event is open to everyone, with the exception of skybluestu. In fact, if you see Stu, don't even let him know the event is taking place. We much prefer to keep him in the dark until AFTER the events around here. Once the thing is finished, I'll send him a PM and tell him what he missed and what a grand time we all had without him.

Also, if you meet him, keep an eye on that dog.


Guys, I’m afraid we might be bordering on being a bit too clever and creative for the average out-of-towner. A lot of cross-thread references and inside jokes, here today. We might need to dumb it down a little. ;)


Guys, I’m afraid we might be bordering on being a bit too clever and creative for the average out-of-towner. A lot of cross-thread references and inside jokes, here today. We might need to dumb it down a little. ;)

VF, what do you mean "Guys"? It is only you and me and I know you aren't talking to you.

I'm sure, with a handle of br549, our Junior Samples friend knows some of this isn't meant for him and he has a sense of humor. He's confident enough to give himself that moniker, so I'll trust his judgement.

But, Mike, if you're having trouble with any of this, I type these next words REAL SLOW:




































































Thanks Guys ,

Kandahar, we must be about the same age or at least from the same country. Anybody that knows what "BR549" is about

is ok in my book . When you speak about BIG BIKES a phantom s kinda streching it a bit .

In my original post I live in Mahasarakham and love it here for over 3 years . I spent 1 year in Udon Thani then 2 years in Khon Kaen were I met my now wife from Salakham .I enjoy the country and it's Issan style of slow living. Most people have never heard or have any idea where Salakham is but the truth is that it is the exact center geographicaly of Issan and the hufd of higher learning (university)

I'm guessing , but think the ride from Phitsanulok to Chiang mai will be about 5 to 6 hours . I AM NOT A 130-160 Kmph rider (as if a phantom would even dream of doing ) I enjoy the ride and want to smell the roses . In my younger years I would go from point A to point B as quickly as possile , but after a C1 C2 fracture , fractured skull and a fractrued hip and ribs all in separate accidents I've mellowed out. I will keep you posted on my progress and look forward to be be in the little village of Chiang Rai .



For day to day updates on air quality check this site out http://www.pcd.go.th/AirQuality/Regional/Default.cfm

Its better so far this year than its been the last few years.....many move away this time of year including me...

Internet is good here if you have a line put in where you stay....Depends how you qualify good but I can download a film from the net at a rate of 500 kps at times...i use skype on my laptop and get a fair video conversation...takes a while to find yourself here as in getting around and slotting in as. But we have everything everywhere else has just have to look harder sometimes..Oh yes and soon to have a central Plaza which will be nice....Nice place for a week or two or a life time ...

Best of luck Dave


For day to day updates on air quality check this site out http://www.pcd.go.th/AirQuality/Regional/Default.cfm

Its better so far this year than its been the last few years.....many move away this time of year including me...

Internet is good here if you have a line put in where you stay....Depends how you qualify good but I can download a film from the net at a rate of 500 kps at times...i use skype on my laptop and get a fair video conversation...takes a while to find yourself here as in getting around and slotting in as. But we have everything everywhere else has just have to look harder sometimes..Oh yes and soon to have a central Plaza which will be nice....Nice place for a week or two or a life time ...

Best of luck Dave

Dave go back to bed.


I'm guessing , but think the ride from Phitsanulok to Chiang mai will be about 5 to 6 hours . I AM NOT A 130-160 Kmph rider (as if a phantom would even dream of doing ) I enjoy the ride and want to smell the roses . In my younger years I would go from point A to point B as quickly as possile , but after a C1 C2 fracture , fractured skull and a fractrued hip and ribs all in separate accidents I've mellowed out. I will keep you posted on my progress and look forward to be be in the little village of Chiang Rai .


Just recently did the drive from Phitsanoluk to Chiang Mai by car, however being a bikey from my younger days I was appalled at the state of the main road between these two places, especially if one was riding a motorbike. There are huge troughs (for want of a better word) mostly on the inside lane of the duel carriageway where large trucks have plied their way backwards and forwards.

Certainly the car had great difficulty on some parts of the road so be especially careful if you are riding your bike. Hopefully all goes well for you.


Hi Mike.

Welcome to the little town.

Lots of beer stops here but I can't vouch for any of them. The town is small enough that you'll discover the popular ones within a few minute's conversation with almost anyone here.

We only have two liars in CR. They will both weigh in shortly on this thread and give you better directions for the beer spots. But they will probably be happy to be your guides and hosts on those runs also.

We have some really good eating places here. Check out the pinned thread section and have a look at the Google map. Most of the restaurants on that are pretty decent and fairly priced for the goods offered. Give me a PM when you arrive and I'll be your guide for that run. I need to get the ol' bike out and take it around town for an hour anyway. I've been neglecting it. I promise NOT to take you to Limbo's favorite pizza place.

Lots to see in the area. You'll enjoy any day rides out of the city that you make.

We have one local celebrity here that you might want to run across. He is a famous Aussie and is known near and far. He is currently looking at upgrading his old abacus and Etch-a Sketch for a real computer. I heard he is shopping for a newer, more comfortable driver's seat before he gets the computer though, because he heard that the new computer has a hard drive. He told me that he didn't even realize that you could drive them. He will probably weigh in here also if he has gotten the computer set up already.

Lots of places to stay also and some are nice as well as cheap. Again, PM me and I'll give you the tour of some of those when you hit the ground here.

Print out the pinned Google map when, or before, you get here and keep it handy. It will make getting around a little bit easier. When we know for sure what days you will be here, we can update you on the current events that you may want to attend.

Don't hang around in Chiang Mai too long. Something in the water there. You'll see what I mean when you get to talking with some of those guys there. Most of them really wish they lived in CR anyway.

Stay safe. Keep us posted on your arrival date.

Hi guys , Kandahar you may be right , I have no reason to go to Chiang Mai. I'm thinking of changing routes from Phitsanulok by taking rt. 11 to somewhere around Chumphu to Rt.1 and direct to Chiang Rai . What do you think ?

Philnz , Thanks for the advice . The worse road I've traveled was 60km from Thai Li following the Mekong to Chiang Khon . Huge pot holes when there was tarmack and the rest was dirt.

Jubby, I am little confused. What does Shotgun Buggy have anything to do with Junior Samples and BR549?

You Guys are starting to scare me .



Hi Mike.

I haven't a clue about the routes you may take. I don't get out much. The others have much better input about that. I just know the CM crowd is always dreaming about moving to CR. I don't blame them. Anyway, if you skip CM, that gives you an extra day or so to spend time cruising the back roads here. There are lots pf places to see in this area, within a day's, or half-day's, ride. I haven't seen or been to any of them but I hear a lot about them.

I too, couldn't figure the connection with jubby's youtube thing. I think he just kind of posts them at random in different topics to keep our resident awesome Aussie happy. However, he may have some input about the beautiful routes into the little town. And the awesome Aussie probably can help with the route thing. He's not a biker but he travels more than some. VF nominated a route for you already and he is probably as well-traveled (but not as well-worn) as most of the guys here.

If you need it, PM me and I'll send my phone number for ease of contact when you arrive. Otherwise, you can just show up here at the house. We're on the pinned Google map.



BR5-49 is the name of a country music group in the USA. That's news to me. jubby must have Googled it and found the video. Little does he know............biggrin.gif



BR5-49 is the name of a country music group in the USA. That's news to me. jubby must have Googled it and found the video. Little does he know............biggrin.gif

OK Kd. Little do I know indeed ;-)


Have to watch the video until the end. All will be revealed.

And no he's not a scotsman. No testicles will be revealed in this sketch


Hi again, Mike.

There is a Classic and Big Bike Show and Sale near the old jail in CR on the 13th. That is mostly some of the locals that like to get together once a month and generate interest in Biking and big bikes. Kind of a low-key thing but a might be something you would like to see. Should be plenty of bike minded people there to chew the cud with. I can point out that spot in the city if you need me to.

As far as I know, this event is open to everyone, with the exception of skybluestu. In fact, if you see Stu, don't even let him know the event is taking place. We much prefer to keep him in the dark until AFTER the events around here. Once the thing is finished, I'll send him a PM and tell him what he missed and what a grand time we all had without him.

Also, if you meet him, keep an eye on that dog.

<deleted> (where not what) is the Old Jail?


Hi again, Mike.

There is a Classic and Big Bike Show and Sale near the old jail in CR on the 13th. That is mostly some of the locals that like to get together once a month and generate interest in Biking and big bikes. Kind of a low-key thing but a might be something you would like to see. Should be plenty of bike minded people there to chew the cud with. I can point out that spot in the city if you need me to.

As far as I know, this event is open to everyone, with the exception of skybluestu. In fact, if you see Stu, don't even let him know the event is taking place. We much prefer to keep him in the dark until AFTER the events around here. Once the thing is finished, I'll send him a PM and tell him what he missed and what a grand time we all had without him.

Also, if you meet him, keep an eye on that dog.

<deleted> (where not what) is the Old Jail?

Its just off the new walking street.


Hi again, Mike.

There is a Classic and Big Bike Show and Sale near the old jail in CR on the 13th. That is mostly some of the locals that like to get together once a month and generate interest in Biking and big bikes. Kind of a low-key thing but a might be something you would like to see. Should be plenty of bike minded people there to chew the cud with. I can point out that spot in the city if you need me to.

As far as I know, this event is open to everyone, with the exception of skybluestu. In fact, if you see Stu, don't even let him know the event is taking place. We much prefer to keep him in the dark until AFTER the events around here. Once the thing is finished, I'll send him a PM and tell him what he missed and what a grand time we all had without him.

Also, if you meet him, keep an eye on that dog.

<deleted> (where not what) is the Old Jail?

Its just off the new walking street.

Hi Jubby - Thx for replying so quickly

I assume this could be what VF was saying about being too clever etc. but:-

New walking street? Not sure if I know where the old one is never mind the new one but barring unforseen

circumstances I was going to try for the Bike SHow


Not being Clever at all mate. I'm just no good with thai street names.

You've been here donkeys years right !? ... You must have seen the road which they close every saturday evening to provide a pedestrian 'walking street' , Its been here about a year, hence the NEW walking street.

well the old Jail is just off that street. its a big area. has some sort of museam of hill tribe clothing in the restored old Jail building. Theres a childrens play area in there. Its opposite the big school.

ofcourse I could have just imagined it.

come on , help me out here. ...... you know what I mean.

Friend of VF's are you ?


This is the funniest exchange I have read for some time. Made my morning.

See the website http://www.chiangraitourist.com/ and click on the event you want to check out. A little map opens up with the general location and a small spiel concerning the event is printed at the top of the map.

Sorry. I thought everyone except Stu knew where the old jail is.

Check that website often. It has updates added as they come in. New events that are discovered are added and date and time changes are edited into it for events that have already been posted. The dude does a good job of keeping it current but it can only be as current as the info he receives. If you folks know of other events or schedule changes, contact him via the website and let him know. Also, let him know of any phone number contact for the organizer of said event. He posts the phone numbers for contact info alongside the event info, which is pretty handy when you have specific questions that you need to ask of the organizer. You'll notice that the Boomerang park thing is on the calendar for yesterday and today. Good place to check out with the kids this weekend. But it isn't at the old jail.sad.gif


Not being Clever at all mate. I'm just no good with thai street names.

You've been here donkeys years right !? ... You must have seen the road which they close every saturday evening to provide a pedestrian 'walking street' , Its been here about a year, hence the NEW walking street.

well the old Jail is just off that street. its a big area. has some sort of museam of hill tribe clothing in the restored old Jail building. Theres a childrens play area in there. Its opposite the big school.

ofcourse I could have just imagined it.

come on , help me out here. ...... you know what I mean.

Friend of VF's are you ?

Thanks. Was not inferring anything it is just I dont get into the big smoke much and especially "After Dark" as I am from Phusang

and turm into a troll when it gets late.

Do you go to many of these Bike events?

VF? Hmmmmm.Implications and inferences here.


This is the funniest exchange I have read for some time. Made my morning.

See the website http://www.chiangraitourist.com/ and click on the event you want to check out. A little map opens up with the general location and a small spiel concerning the event is printed at the top of the map.

Sorry. I thought everyone except Stu knew where the old jail is.

Check that website often. It has updates added as they come in. New events that are discovered are added and date and time changes are edited into it for events that have already been posted. The dude does a good job of keeping it current but it can only be as current as the info he receives. If you folks know of other events or schedule changes, contact him via the website and let him know. Also, let him know of any phone number contact for the organizer of said event. He posts the phone numbers for contact info alongside the event info, which is pretty handy when you have specific questions that you need to ask of the organizer. You'll notice that the Boomerang park thing is on the calendar for yesterday and today. Good place to check out with the kids this weekend. But it isn't at the old jail.sad.gif

Happy to make you happy K.

I enjoyed your previous posts for Mike and hope he gets something out of it. Especially want to check out super Aussie. Various comments intrigue.

Thx for the URL I have saved it.


Not being Clever at all mate. I'm just no good with thai street names.

You've been here donkeys years right !? ... You must have seen the road which they close every saturday evening to provide a pedestrian 'walking street' , Its been here about a year, hence the NEW walking street.

well the old Jail is just off that street. its a big area. has some sort of museam of hill tribe clothing in the restored old Jail building. Theres a childrens play area in there. Its opposite the big school.

ofcourse I could have just imagined it.

come on , help me out here. ...... you know what I mean.

Friend of VF's are you ?

Thanks. Was not inferring anything it is just I dont get into the big smoke much and especially "After Dark" as I am from Phusang

and turm into a troll when it gets late.

Do you go to many of these Bike events?

VF? Hmmmmm.Implications and inferences here.

Maybe :D ..... nah, just being a bit mischevous its all a bit off fun.

VF would be able to tell the street names, and take you there , So would limbo. who may be 'back of the bus' at the moment .

Never been to the bike thing, dont have a big Bike, what are you riding Raylo. Phusang, thats mountain country ain't it.


Not being Clever at all mate. I'm just no good with thai street names.

You've been here donkeys years right !? ... You must have seen the road which they close every saturday evening to provide a pedestrian 'walking street' , Its been here about a year, hence the NEW walking street.

well the old Jail is just off that street. its a big area. has some sort of museam of hill tribe clothing in the restored old Jail building. Theres a childrens play area in there. Its opposite the big school.

ofcourse I could have just imagined it.

come on , help me out here. ...... you know what I mean.

Friend of VF's are you ?

Thanks. Was not inferring anything it is just I dont get into the big smoke much and especially "After Dark" as I am from Phusang

and turm into a troll when it gets late.

Do you go to many of these Bike events?

VF? Hmmmmm.Implications and inferences here.

Maybe :D ..... nah, just being a bit mischevous its all a bit off fun.

VF would be able to tell the street names, and take you there , So would limbo. who may be 'back of the bus' at the moment .

Never been to the bike thing, dont have a big Bike, what are you riding Raylo. Phusang, thats mountain country ain't it.

I aint much chop with English or any other street names either. Just once I know the area I am usually sweet.

The bike thing is just an excuse for me to motivate myself to do the 100km each way. Never taken the bike that far in that direction.

Last trip of any magnitude was CM on the Harley and caught up with VF & his fellow sport bike cohorts.

Phusang is mainly flat with a few hilly sections. Mountains on the border.


Shouldn't need any motivation to do 100klicks on a Harley. ;)

I suspect you'll find fellow harley enthusiasts there for sure. Give it a go, and do report back


Didn’t you notice that the back of the bus guy was kicking up too much sand in the sandbox and got himself deleted…again. He is quite good at that.

Lets not get Raylo started on his BIG bike. He will put us all to shame. A real beauty.


Now don't you guys go getting all worked up about a BIG bike show. It ain't Sturgis. It truly is just a few of the locals getting together, trying to build up some more interest, locally. But for a few nice guys from out of town, the show, plus a day of hanging round the city, will round out a nice trip. And you all may make a few new friends.

raylo, concerning the awesome Aussie, you're much more likely to be captured by his lens than actually meeting him. He's camera shy but stealthily seems to make sure everyone else ends up on his memory card. However, if you do end up meeting him, it will be a good thing.


The bike thing is just an excuse for me to motivate myself to do the 100km each way. Never taken the bike that far in that direction.

Last trip of any magnitude was CM on the Harley and caught up with VF & his fellow sport bike cohorts.

For those of you who don't read the Blog, here is a little eye-candy.


Here is the waterfall as well.


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