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Thai Army Need All The Help They Can Get


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Have you ever tried to show/instruct a Thai the correct way of doing something? I can just imagine it, "No, point the bazooka that way Somchai...No That Way...that way..that-that......THAT WAY!!! ......F$#K! DOWN!!!" Boom!

I fought with Thai troops. You sir?

You mean in Pattaya walking street.

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Why would you ask this question to people whom i'm sure 99% of, are not even Thai ??

Question nothing to do with not being Thai.

Before the Army going to ask foreigners to help, i am out of LOS already.

Sitting with a wine and some chees in south France.

No, for me as well.

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Actually, as recently as the late Ayutthaya period, foreign nationals (of any rank) in Siam were required to assist in the defense of their resident cities- and did so!

You're making it sound like it was last week IJWT as opposed to about 250 years ago. :D

Considering the age and mindset of some TVFers, perhaps he was just trying to give them an example that met their generational needs. :whistling:

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I fought with Thai troops. You sir?

No - I haven't - I was, of course, joking - When did you fight with them? Where? Recently? If not, is that at all relevent?

In combat years ago. Recently involved in exercises, Cobra Gold. What is relevant is you have no knowledge of the Thai military.

You are just making fun of people and an institution that you have no direct knowledge of.

Making fun of people who have and are risking their lives is a despicable thing. Made even more despicable by the fact that you live in Thailand.

I watched a friend polish one boot every day before he went on duty. He was Thai Airborne but he didn't jump out of airplanes any more. He got his other foot blown off. You are not even fit to lace his shoes.

You should apologize. Not to me. But to any Thai who happens to read this forum. It might not be obvious to them you were joking. Your post was not a joke anyway. It was a bigoted thing to say.

If you have Thai children show it to them when they get a little older and see if they think it is funny,

Yawn! You must have been a Rupert!

You have no idea what I am fit to do - you have no idea of my history. What I said was a joke - I even told you it was - it would be bigotted if I actually believed it (and if I did THEN it would not be a joke). You must be all the fun at parties eh?

Also I didn't make fun of any institution, I made fun of a Thai trait (stereotypical I know - that's what jokes are!) - it was you who got all out of his basher about it. What a fun life you must lead.

You mention your military service every chance you get...well when I was in, we took the p!ss out of other regiments, certainly out of other branches and services (Navy/Air Force/etc) and especially other country's forces (both in front of them or behind their back whenever the joke worked) - this matters not if they are friend or foe - and in my experience they all do the same. Its just ribbing, not a p!ssinbg contest - and certainly no bigottry intended.

I also came back a post or so later - saying that I would join them - just to add more weight to the fact I was kidding. So, for levity's sake get off your high horse.

I feel a "You want the TRUTH, you can't handle the TRUTH" coming on.....

Edited by samran
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I will when answering assume we are reaching some specific end-of-day-Scenarios. During any normal curse of action we could not and would not be asked to join.

If there was a full out war with another nation and Thailand was the aggressor/invader, I would not.

If Thailand was invaded by one or several nations and the capital needed to be protected, I would.

If red shirts launched a full out revolution, I would.

If aliens attacked, I would.

Yes, it would have to be something like the Chinese or Malaysia wanting to take Muang Thai, then too right! Being granted citizenship and the ability to buy land goes without saying. Anything short of that than they can bog off. :rolleyes:

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and you do not worry about posting a quote that might not be liked by the next prime minister?

we are so alike, DUDE.

Alike? You take that back! That's a little bit insulting, were I the type to get 'insulted'.

Compare that with your statement. I'm...speechless.

Are you a red shirt?

Scooter won't like that

Sarcasm, old chap, sarcasm.

Obviously not your cup of tea.

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I can't help thinking that we have a retired undertaker or two here. Why they have to make a federal case out of a jest is beyond my understanding. This is the Land of Sanook and the sobersides need to lighten up. Do they get some arcane pleasure in detracting from a very humourous thread?

In my experience few Thais understand a joke so little, if any, harm will be done. If you want to make them laugh you need slapstick, custard pies, a katoey or two and a totally banal plot.

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Have you ever tried to show/instruct a Thai the correct way of doing something? I can just imagine it, "No, point the bazooka that way Somchai...No That Way...that way..that-that......THAT WAY!!! ......F$#K! DOWN!!!" Boom!

I fought with Thai troops. You sir?

Why? Did they steal your Som Tam?

The short story is the CIA trained elite Thai units first at Lopuri and later Hua Hin shortly after the end of WWII to prepare for a suspected Chinese invasion. Then the North Vietnamese invaded Laos and began to attack border areas of Thailand on a regular basis. These CIA trained Thai troops defended the border areas and trained Laotian troops in Jungle fighting at Hua Hin and were ferried into Laos and supplied by Air America from the Air America complex at Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base (see photo).

Today, knowledge of the elite units that began in the 1950's and were active in the defense of Thailand with Americans during the 1960's and 1970's will give you a unique insight into the actions in Bangkok during the last crisis. (but I am not going there).

They (see photo) do know which end of the bazooka to point at the enemy and are air mobile and can get to any point in Thailand combat ready in 120 minutes and have been able to do so since the Vietnam conflict.

Thailands Army has an interesting history. A lot of combat experience after WWII. It is not only the Thai people who are ignorant of Thai history but also most posters on Thai Visa.

The Thai Army was not weakened after WW II. Sir Josiah Cosby who had been the British Minister in Bangkok prior to the war recommended that the country be treated as an enemy state and liable for punishment. He wanted the Army weakened and treated like the armed forces of Germany and Japan. The Americans viewed this as an attempt by Britain to reassert itself as a colonial power. America won and gave the Thai military $111 million dollars between 1946 and 1954.

You can read about it in Thailand: the politics of despotic paternalism by Thak Chaloemtiarana. Indeed you should because you really can't understand what is going on in Thailand today without a knowledge of how Thailand got to where it currently is.

Since WWII a lot of foreigners have worked with and financed the Thai military. Thousands are still living in Thailand. Most of them are old guys like me who wax poetic about days gone by and adventures lost and won when we were young. But not all. If you don't think there is a significant foreign presence in the Thai Army today you are not well informed.



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Have you ever tried to show/instruct a Thai the correct way of doing something? I can just imagine it, "No, point the bazooka that way Somchai...No That Way...that way..that-that......THAT WAY!!! ......F$#K! DOWN!!!" Boom!

I fought with Thai troops. You sir?

Why? Did they steal your Som Tam?

The short story is the CIA trained elite Thai units first at Lopuri and later Hua Hin shortly after the end of WWII to prepare for a suspected Chinese invasion.

Do they have jokes on your planet?

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I live in a town with Army, Air Force, Marine and Navy bases. Most people in the town are in the military or work for the military. I watch Thai jet fighters land and take off in formation some days for recreation.

When I get on a crowded Baht bus in the rain Thai military personal stand up and offer me their seat because I am an old guy.

Two years ago a Thai military doctor saved my life in a Thai military hospital.

Sorry, for my rather stuffy reply. I'll try and loosen up a bit.

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Are you a red shirt?

Scooter won't like that

Sarcasm, old chap, sarcasm.

Obviously not your cup of tea.

Actually, the lowest form of wit is my preferred tea. Perhaps I've been in Thailand too long though, I'm losing my ability to detect it.

I realise also that your coup comment was tongue-in-cheek as well. But it's a pity your not on the right side...

...you have a great deal more courage than I.

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I would join the Navy but not the Army. Navy keeps houses of ill repute on base. I don't think the Army does. Army seems a bit uptight to me. Navy has more fun and good beaches plus they get to go pirate hunting. The Navy speaks better English too, even though they employ Aussie English teachers. Most of the Naval officers can say very distinctly, "put some shrimp on the barbie and get me a beer." And that is an important phrase to know in any military unit.

I always had you picked as a 'Navy man' wink.gif

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Do I get my own tank?

No. You get to peel rice.

Rakers would be good a peeling rice, he apparently is good at working his hands into a frenzy over small miniscule items. laugh.gif

It gets bigger

Yeah, so does rice when you cook it laugh.gifcheesy.gif

edit to say, the only difference really is you don't heat the rice by rubbing it biggrin.gif

Edited by neverdie
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