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Abac Poll: Thai People Can Accept Govt Corruption

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ABAC Poll: Thai people can accept govt corruption

BANGKOK, 6 February 2011 (NNT) - According to ABAC Poll, Thai society can accept government corruption if they can also make the country prosperous, people live happily and also receive some benefits.

According to the Poll director, Noppadol Kannikar, the survey was conducted among 3,971 persons in 28 provinces nationwide to determine their perspective whether they could accept corruption in the government.

Results showed that Thais who can accept government corruption still remains high at 64 percent, but the most worrying groups are children and young adults who will be the future of the country which counts for up to 50 percent. Meanwhile adults in nearly all age groups, more than 60 percent accept government corruption.

Mr. Noppadol added that people with higher education tends to disapprove of the government’s corruption. Results showed that 64 percent of people without a bachelor’s degree accept government’s corruption, 62 percent with bachelor’s degree agrees with the idea, where as 50 percent of people who earn more than a bachelor's degree education accept government corruption.

The Poll director said what is more worrying is that this wrong idea has crept into the heads of people, including students.


-- NNT 2011-02-06 footer_n.gif

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BANGKOK, 6 February 2011 (NNT) - According to ABAC Poll, Thai society can accept government corruption if they can also make the country prosperous, people live happily and also receive some benefits.

Corruption 'IS' the reason why there are so many poor and unhappy people here not receiving any help.

Corrupt officials having their cake and eating it.

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BANGKOK, 6 February 2011 (NNT) - According to ABAC Poll, Thai society can accept government corruption if they can also make the country prosperous, people live happily and also receive some benefits.

Corruption 'IS' the reason why there are so many poor and unhappy people here not receiving any help.

Corrupt officials having their cake and eating it.

Agree. Corruption is the reason for peoples suffering. Look at what's happening with all the corrupt governments in the Middle East.

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60+% accept government corruption

60+% would accept money for their vote (another recent poll)

The scary part is that many of the government workers/politicians are involved with corruption, so add them to the public population figures and we have a vast majority with this mindset.

We could probably add in the prison population to put the number in a real perspective and thus move up a notch or two from vast.

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60+% accept government corruption

60+% would accept money for their vote (another recent poll)

The scary part is that many of the government workers/politicians are involved with corruption, so add them to the public population figures and we have a vast majority with this mindset.

We could probably add in the prison population to put the number in a real perspective and thus move up a notch or two from vast.

I guess reading between the lines this implies that if we westerners want to be successful here we need to accept corruption in our business practices and be corruptible in our business practice with Thai. So, if we pay tea money to Thais we should bump up our prices when dealing with Thai and pass the cost on to them. After all they accept it!!

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Sorry to say it, but you will find corruption in any government, anywhere in the World. Only more so in third world country's, where the law isn't enforced fairly and correctly.


Well what you say is true.

But in all fairness it is not that big of a problem to Asians.

Only foreigners lose sleep over it.

Be interested to hear your definition of fairly and correctly.

Some how I think it would not fit the Asian definition. As I said they are a bit more accepting of it than westerners are.

It is my belief that things will be better when Abhist wins the election and no longer has to fight well to do elites and there gangs of paid protesters and terrorists. I could be wrong but I don't think so. :) I see things getting better over a period of time. Not tomorrow as the room temperature IQ protesters seem to think it will be if they win the election.

Edited by jayjay0
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What the poll really says is that people are totally ignorant with regards to the consequences of corruption. A very sad state of affairs.

Succinct, to the point and IMO accurate.

You average about 10 posts per year. If this is an example of the standard you set, please, please post more often.

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Sorry to say it, but you will find corruption in any government, anywhere in the World. Only more so in third world country's, where the law isn't enforced fairly and correctly.


Well what you say is true.

But in all fairness it is not that big of a problem to Asians.

Only foreigners lose sleep over it.

Be interested to hear your definition of fairly and correctly.

Some how I think it would not fit the Asian definition. As I said they are a bit more accepting of it than westerners are.

It is my belief that things will be better when Abhist wins the election and no longer has to fight well to do elites and there gangs of paid protesters and terrorists. I could be wrong but I don't think so. :) I see things getting better over a period of time. Not tomorrow as the room temperature IQ protesters seem to think it will be if they win the election.

My definition of fairly and correctly. Without wanting to open a massive can of worms. Corruption up to the highest level. Investigate it and where necessary prosecute. Also look at all levels of bribary and extortion within the police and prosecute. I agree that certainly in Thailand this seems to be accepted as the norm. Doesn't stop me thinking it is a great shame. Mai-bpen-rai comes to mind


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60+% accept government corruption

60+% would accept money for their vote (another recent poll)

The scary part is that many of the government workers/politicians are involved with corruption, so add them to the public population figures and we have a vast majority with this mindset.

We could probably add in the prison population to put the number in a real perspective and thus move up a notch or two from vast.

Its called institutionalized masses. It is where sayings like Mai Pen Ria come from It don't matter. and as history has shown so far - they are right.

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The people probably do not know exactly the cost of corruption. The copyright scams, jet ski stuff, venues open past official hours, the various police shakedowns etc.


I believe zakk99 nailed it. The Thais ARE ignorant of the effects on their lives - bad roads/schools/access to DECENT health care ad infinitum.

The Thais do not ALL live in Pattaya and Phuket. Duh.

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Game, set match for Thailand. If this is true then reform is not possible. The heart of a democracy is a government that serves the will of the people and those who serve are guardians of the public trust. If corruption is permitted and tolerated then all chances at democracy are lost. You get the government you deserve!

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Sorry to say it, but you will find corruption in any government, anywhere in the World. Only more so in third world country's, where the law isn't enforced fairly and correctly.


What you say is true, but the issue is whether there is public tolerance for it. We have it in the US but it is not tolerated by the public and actively prosecuted when found. Tolerance of such corruption by the public is truly third world and is a big reason the Western world doesn't take Thailand seriously and sees it only as a country for cheap, easy sex. This is what the tourists take away from their visits and export back to their own country. Ask anyone in the US about Thailand and child prostitution and ladyboys are what most frequently comes up. What a legacy!

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Game, set match for Thailand. If this is true then reform is not possible. The heart of a democracy is a government that serves the will of the people and those who serve are guardians of the public trust. If corruption is permitted and tolerated then all chances at democracy are lost. You get the government you deserve!

Bill, I agree with you. While certainly not everyone in Thailand is corrupt (= dishonest), it is -- at many levels -- endemic.

The tuk tuk driver who tries to charge you a ridiculous fare because he assumes you're a farang who doesn't know better. Not so common with taxi drivers anymore due to meters, yet we also know that some meters have been "adjusted".

How many times if you are doing your own little walking tour of the Wat Phra Keo area of the city will you be approached by scammers?

You visit a temple and a scammer tries to sell you admission.

You go into a department store to buy a DVD player and ask if that one plays American (region 1) DVDs, the salesman assures you that it does, and then you pull out your own American DVD and it won't play. The salesman has the gaul to say, "Your English (language skills) bad."

The cop who fines you for littering, even when you weren't.

The open selling of porn and rip-off software at Pantip.

If you spend a day walking around Bangkok, can you not be scammed or cheated?

And therein lies the problem. The government is doing nothing different than is done on the streets by ordinary people every day. It is a way of life that is accepted.

Again, I want to state that there are many honest Thais who are delightful to know and to associate with. But it isn't just the government that is corrupt.


Edited by phetaroi
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Sorry to say it, but you will find corruption in any government, anywhere in the World. Only more so in third world country's, where the law isn't enforced fairly and correctly.


Well what you say is true.

But in all fairness it is not that big of a problem to Asians.

Only foreigners lose sleep over it.

Be interested to hear your definition of fairly and correctly.

Some how I think it would not fit the Asian definition. As I said they are a bit more accepting of it than westerners are.

It is my belief that things will be better when Abhist wins the election and no longer has to fight well to do elites and there gangs of paid protesters and terrorists. I could be wrong but I don't think so. :) I see things getting better over a period of time. Not tomorrow as the room temperature IQ protesters seem to think it will be if they win the election.

My definition of fairly and correctly. Without wanting to open a massive can of worms. Corruption up to the highest level. Investigate it and where necessary prosecute. Also look at all levels of bribary and extortion within the police and prosecute. I agree that certainly in Thailand this seems to be accepted as the norm. Doesn't stop me thinking it is a great shame. Mai-bpen-rai comes to mind


I agree with most – if not all that has been posted before mine. I abhor corruption and long for this country to be ruled by law. Having said that however, I feel the average Thai wants/needs corruption. Confusing thought perhaps, but think of it. If laws were enforced could the average Thai economically afford to have their family transportation i.e. motorbike legal? Could they afford to pay for a legal drivers license, or buy a helmet – for that matter?

Living in a somewhat small village in Isaan I am shocked to see children who look no older than 8-10 yrs ol zooming around on motorbikes. One reason is there is absolutely no public transportation offered. And the transportation – old, delapated bus – to Kaengkhro (the closest town) is not reliable i.e. runs whenever the bus drive feels like making a trip. So the poor Thai resort to their own devices and embrace the fact that Boobs in Brown (BIB) are no where to be seen/found and practically a moot point.

So it appears that poverty and corruption are cause/effect but without better education/raise in hourly wages/better employment opportunities the sub-culture of corruption will continue. And this will continue with the result that the rich will get richer and the poor will most likely get poorer.

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Sorry to say it, but you will find corruption in any government, anywhere in the World. Only more so in third world country's, where the law isn't enforced fairly and correctly.


What you say is true, but the issue is whether there is public tolerance for it. We have it in the US but it is not tolerated by the public and actively prosecuted when found. Tolerance of such corruption by the public is truly third world and is a big reason the Western world doesn't take Thailand seriously and sees it only as a country for cheap, easy sex. This is what the tourists take away from their visits and export back to their own country. Ask anyone in the US about Thailand and child prostitution and ladyboys are what most frequently comes up. What a legacy!

Since when are you entitled to speak on behalf of the "Western World"? Luckily Thailand is generally taken seriously by the western world! And if everybody in the US think of Thailand as a place for child prostitution and ladyboys, then I dare to say that EVERYONE in the US are ignorant, uneducated and narrow minded!

Even though corruption is still high in Thailand, they are moving in the right direction, but the road is still long! If they truly want to move forward, they will have to part with the old Patron-

client social relationship that are so incorporated in the Thai society!

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BANGKOK, 6 February 2011 (NNT) - According to ABAC Poll, Thai society can accept government corruption if they can also make the country prosperous, people live happily and also receive some benefits.

Corruption 'IS' the reason why there are so many poor and unhappy people here not receiving any help.

Corrupt officials having their cake and eating it.

Itis the reason why people accept corruption in thia government, becuase they aren't poor and they don't understand their rights. Most people here do not inderstand human rights and the many ways itis being violated. Maybe ABAC poll should start asking people how much they understand their Bill of rights

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Sorry to say it, but you will find corruption in any government, anywhere in the World. Only more so in third world country's, where the law isn't enforced fairly and correctly.


What you say is true, but the issue is whether there is public tolerance for it. We have it in the US but it is not tolerated by the public and actively prosecuted when found. Tolerance of such corruption by the public is truly third world and is a big reason the Western world doesn't take Thailand seriously and sees it only as a country for cheap, easy sex. This is what the tourists take away from their visits and export back to their own country. Ask anyone in the US about Thailand and child prostitution and ladyboys are what most frequently comes up. What a legacy!

Since when are you entitled to speak on behalf of the "Western World"? Luckily Thailand is generally taken seriously by the western world! And if everybody in the US think of Thailand as a place for child prostitution and ladyboys, then I dare to say that EVERYONE in the US are ignorant, uneducated and narrow minded!

Even though corruption is still high in Thailand, they are moving in the right direction, but the road is still long! If they truly want to move forward, they will have to part with the old Patron-

client social relationship that are so incorporated in the Thai society!

I don't see any place where the poster says he is speaking for the Western World.

I would ask you, in what ways Thailand is taken so seriously in the Western world? I'm a former school principal in the States (now retired), so most of my friends were associated with education, and frankly, if you ask the average Westerner about Thailand you'll get a blank stare, and some will mistake it for Taiwan. If they are somewhat knowledgeable about SE Asia, they'll probably see Thailand as being way behind Singapore and somewhat behind Malaysia (and possibly Indonesia), though they'll see it ahead of Cambodia, Vietnam, and Burma. But again, what exactly is it that you think they take so seriously about Thailand? That most of the frozen shrimp in American grocery stores is from Thailand? It's rice production? Of all the places in SE Asia, I guess westerners take it the most seriously as a tourist destination, although few are willing to fly that far, and those that do, see Thailand as competing with Ankor Wat. Those friends of mine who have been to Thailand, do walk away with a somewhat positive view.

But in regard to the sex tourism thing...my friends usually saw me as (and I will date myself here) a square, all too prim and proper. Yet, the number of times that they would at least hint that maybe my trips there were for sex tourism was annoying and all too frequent. Or, there were those who didn't suspect that was my purpose for going, but who were more than willing to point out that it was an evil place that was second only to the Philippines as a destination for sex tourists. Back in the late 1980s, when I fist went to Thailand, twice I had professional travel agents who booked me discount flights say things like, "When you come back, stop by and tell me how you liked Pat Pong" (wink, wink). There have been several sex exposes on American television about Thailand, some people here have actually watched those show, and let's face it, those shows didn't exactly stage what they showed.

You and I know that not all tourists head to Thailand for sex escapades. I didn't. My older single mailman (who I at first suspected was) actually went for scuba diving in the South. But, I hate to tell you how many men I've met who have been to Thailand and then start telling me about their sexual adventures in Thailand.

While I don't like people to paint Thailand with one brush, and while I'm more than willing to point out many wonderful things about the country, I also don't like people (Thai apologists?) to be naive.

On the other hand

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