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The reason they blast out the call to prayer 5 times a dayis to remind Muslims it’s time to pray. The fact that it is disturbing or inconsiderate to the non-Muslims inthe area simply does not enter into the equation, because from their point ofview, there should not be any non-Muslims.

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It's also done all over in India - and it's even worse. In Varanasi, considered by many to be the holiest Hindu city, they flaunt Hindu tolerance and all you hear all over the city from HUGE speakers the call to prayer. When I was in Bodh Gaya where Buddha attained enlightenment, they heard the Dali Lama was making a visit. They stood outside the grounds of Buddhism's holiest spot and again with huge PA systems starting shouting out Muslim prayers. The reason it's done is that many Muslims are fanatics and believe that their religion is the only true religion and they 1) don't need the approval of infidels on how to conduct themselves and 2) they want to let all the infidels know about Islam. Fanaticism plain and simple. Ive heard the call to prayer from a distance when it's not from PA systems and it is actually something very moving.


I can see from your both of your comments, you really don't know anything about Muslim's and their practices. My apartment has 5 Mosques within 1 km of here. I get used to it and it doesn't bother me, actually in the morning I used the morning prayer as an alarm clock.

Whybother - if you don't like it, then you should go up to the Mosque and tell the man to stop the Adhan and see what he or those preparing for Prayer do. Will they pull you aside and bunch you out, tell you to get out of there. No, let them be and if you don't like it, then move. This is not your country.

Shall I make a wild guess of what your religion is?

Now lets assume that those 5 Mosques were replaced with 5 Catholic churces who also pushed their prayers down everybody's throat over over a large PE system,however they are more civilised so they don't use such retarted policies,and then ask for your comments once again.

I doubt they would be in the same line as your previous one.


Let me first say that I am an athiest (literally without belief in any mainstream religion) & a secularist (of the French variety, that no individual has the right to impose their religion upon society & vice versa).

I do find part of the forum rule 7 to be indicative of a disturbing trend, that is prohibition on 'slurs or degrading comments on the basis of...religion'. Religion is a belief, unlike nationality or gender & should not be given the same status. Race is generally agreed to be such an ill defined & 'clumsy' word, that even sociologists prefer the word 'population'; anyway, that discussion is for another time.:ermm:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

The discussion here seems to centre on 2 issues. multiculturalism & freedom of speech.

Any right thinking person must agree that 'freedom of speech' means the freedom to say WHAT you want, not where, when, or indeed at variable volume. If I stand up in a cinema or bar (for example) & start shouting, it doesn't matter WHAT I say, I am spoiling the enjoyment of patrons for no good reason, Political or otherwise rantings can easily be made at another place & time. To give a more pertinent example, in the UK members of 'Unite Against Fascism' regularly congregate around pubs (bars) where the BNP have their meetings. They then begin shouting so loud as to drown out the BNP speakers during the meetings & such events usually end up by being disbanded by the police.

IMO this behaviour constitutes freedom of speech in order to suppress other's right to freedom of speech, which makes a mockery of the original premise & should not be allowed.B)

Multiculturalism, whereby several cultures inhabit the same country but exist in non integrating 'pockets' or small geographical areas, has to take account of the interaction 'at the borders' between the cultures; short & sweet.:lol:

In the UK, with our overarching noise abatement laws, the OP's problem doesn't exist. In LOS, it appears that everyone can broadcast whatever they want at high volume.<_<

My point? The almost continuous 'Chinese water torture' by the Mosques not only makes a mockery of freedom of speech, but offends multicultural & secular principles.:jap:


At least in Thailand there are (currently) areas where the Mosque cannot be heard.

Here in the ME there is no escape. Also in shopping centres, peoples offices and cell phones invite you to get on your knees and ......

is "ME" the abbreviation for Maine,USA? perhaps we just got a good tip of where Osama it's being hideing for so long :lol:

That doesn't even make sense, apart from it being a clumsy attempt to draw a bigoted wee link between the discussion of Muslim call to prayer and terrorism. Nice one. rolleyes.gif


I can see from your both of your comments, you really don't know anything about Muslim's and their practices. My apartment has 5 Mosques within 1 km of here. I get used to it and it doesn't bother me, actually in the morning I used the morning prayer as an alarm clock.

Whybother - if you don't like it, then you should go up to the Mosque and tell the man to stop the Adhan and see what he or those preparing for Prayer do. Will they pull you aside and bunch you out, tell you to get out of there. No, let them be and if you don't like it, then move. This is not your country.

Many Thais would reply that it's not their country either, smart guy. Thailand is a Buddhist country. Since you seem to like them so much, why don't you move to a muslim country? Malaysia is just around the corner B)

The answer is simple - Just get your own huge PA system and as soon as the call to prayer goes out crank up Lady gaga or some other annoying shit and drown them out. If they object just politley explain you are the cult of gaga and this is your own form of worship.

After all what's good for one is good for all, isn't it??

Not really in the eyes of the PC brigade. There was a recent case where a guy played music over his PA system while cutting his grass that interferred with the call to prayers and he was fined.

So not everybody is tolerent it would seem.



This thread just highlights the fact that there are intolerant muslims christians buddhists etc all over the place.

Intolerant people anyway regardless of whether they have a religion or not.

When I'm on Lanta I often hear the call to prayer in the morning....and when I do I say thanks head down to the beach and enjoy a cool early morning swim.

Playing hymns or prayers through the loudspeakers is an act of desperation in my view no different in any religion.....the extremists will always try to protect and expand....well its a central tenet of all these wacky religions to find more 'believers' and add to the funds err flock umm worshippersor congregation or whatever other names these lunatics like to use.....

Mind you thats just my opinion. :lol:


Let me first say that I am an athiest (literally without belief in any mainstream religion) & a secularist (of the French variety, that no individual has the right to impose their religion upon society & vice versa).

I do find part of the forum rule 7 to be indicative of a disturbing trend, that is prohibition on 'slurs or degrading comments on the basis of...religion'. Religion is a belief, unlike nationality or gender & should not be given the same status. Race is generally agreed to be such an ill defined & 'clumsy' word, that even sociologists prefer the word 'population'; anyway, that discussion is for another time.:ermm:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

The discussion here seems to centre on 2 issues. multiculturalism & freedom of speech.

Any right thinking person must agree that 'freedom of speech' means the freedom to say WHAT you want, not where, when, or indeed at variable volume. If I stand up in a cinema or bar (for example) & start shouting, it doesn't matter WHAT I say, I am spoiling the enjoyment of patrons for no good reason, Political or otherwise rantings can easily be made at another place & time. To give a more pertinent example, in the UK members of 'Unite Against Fascism' regularly congregate around pubs (bars) where the BNP have their meetings. They then begin shouting so loud as to drown out the BNP speakers during the meetings & such events usually end up by being disbanded by the police.

IMO this behaviour constitutes freedom of speech in order to suppress other's right to freedom of speech, which makes a mockery of the original premise & should not be allowed.B)

Multiculturalism, whereby several cultures inhabit the same country but exist in non integrating 'pockets' or small geographical areas, has to take account of the interaction 'at the borders' between the cultures; short & sweet.:lol:

In the UK, with our overarching noise abatement laws, the OP's problem doesn't exist. In LOS, it appears that everyone can broadcast whatever they want at high volume.<_<

My point? The almost continuous 'Chinese water torture' by the Mosques not only makes a mockery of freedom of speech, but offends multicultural & secular principles.:jap:

What kind of religion is a religion that doesn't allow it to be questioned ? Ramming the call to payer down peoples throats 5 times per day is also a way of creating fear to stop people questioning their religion. In this day and age it amazes me how rational thinking humans can still believe in some of these religions. Is it because they are scared to question their own beliefs?


A reminder:

This thread is about living next to a mosque, not about the relative merits of Islam. Please keep posts in that vein and do not take this as a platform to rail against another religion.


OP, The reason for loud speakers as some people already stated is the call for prayer. It is practiced all over the Muslim world, sort of like part of being a Muslim. Like brushing teeth for you in the morning.

It is not questioned or even considered in the Muslim countries and i guess many Mosques do not even think that it could be disturbing others. This is the reason why some people have posted that when locals complained it stopped.

Prayers must be heard all around in a distance, so hence the use of PA, In the old days when they did not have PA systems, the call would go out from the Minaret(tower from which Muslims are called to pray)

If you do live near by the mosque, and it is not a Muslim area, i suggest you visit them and speak with Imam(like a priest) and i am sure he will turn it down a notch. Not all Muslims are fanatics and extremists.


OP, The reason for loud speakers as some people already stated is the call for prayer. It is practiced all over the Muslim world, sort of like part of being a Muslim. Like brushing teeth for you in the morning.

It is not questioned or even considered in the Muslim countries and i guess many Mosques do not even think that it could be disturbing others. This is the reason why some people have posted that when locals complained it stopped.

Prayers must be heard all around in a distance, so hence the use of PA, In the old days when they did not have PA systems, the call would go out from the Minaret(tower from which Muslims are called to pray)

If you do live near by the mosque, and it is not a Muslim area, i suggest you visit them and speak with Imam(like a priest) and i am sure he will turn it down a notch. Not all Muslims are fanatics and extremists.

Dear kuffki,

Please read my post # 15

"Thats exactly what we did. We went to the Mosque to see the Imam but he did not wanted to talk to us. All other people around told us they could do nothing and they looked at us as we were from mars. Before we barely heard the call for prayer and it did not really disturbed us. However, since a few months, they installed a (I guess) speaker system and it wakes me up every morning before 06.00 am. I live at 1 mile + and even in the bathroom with the door closed, I can hear it clearly. It is getting on my nerves now. I respect every body and will not disturb them but why they not think the same? I bought this real estate and now it becomes a hell.

The way you talk illustrates how you think and I cannot agree with that. If you are so brave, leave us your address and I will wake you up every morning at 05.00 am. If you not like it, you just have to move as I am sure, where you live now is not where you were born so........ it is not your city thus move... OK?"



OP, The reason for loud speakers as some people already stated is the call for prayer. It is practiced all over the Muslim world, sort of like part of being a Muslim. Like brushing teeth for you in the morning.

It is not questioned or even considered in the Muslim countries and i guess many Mosques do not even think that it could be disturbing others. This is the reason why some people have posted that when locals complained it stopped.

Prayers must be heard all around in a distance, so hence the use of PA, In the old days when they did not have PA systems, the call would go out from the Minaret(tower from which Muslims are called to pray)

If you do live near by the mosque, and it is not a Muslim area, i suggest you visit them and speak with Imam(like a priest) and i am sure he will turn it down a notch. Not all Muslims are fanatics and extremists.

Dear kuffki,

Please read my post # 15

"Thats exactly what we did. We went to the Mosque to see the Imam but he did not wanted to talk to us. All other people around told us they could do nothing and they looked at us as we were from mars. Before we barely heard the call for prayer and it did not really disturbed us. However, since a few months, they installed a (I guess) speaker system and it wakes me up every morning before 06.00 am. I live at 1 mile + and even in the bathroom with the door closed, I can hear it clearly. It is getting on my nerves now. I respect every body and will not disturb them but why they not think the same? I bought this real estate and now it becomes a hell.

The way you talk illustrates how you think and I cannot agree with that. If you are so brave, leave us your address and I will wake you up every morning at 05.00 am. If you not like it, you just have to move as I am sure, where you live now is not where you were born so........ it is not your city thus move... OK?"


To start with, prior to purchasing your real estate.did you consider all the facts? I am sure Mosque has been there for much longer then you. You did not! So whose fault is that?

Lets take away the religious part of it and hypothetically take any as an example.

Example: I have a restaurant that i have had for 30 years. I cook and serve very smelly food and is not everyones taste.

You purchase real estate in the vicinity of the restaurant and now you are bothered by the smell.

Are you suggeting that i have to close down now? or change what i been serving for years?

I hope not, because from your tone this is exactly how you THINK, and if thats the case, i would tell you to bugger off as well.

As i said NOT ALL Muslims are extremists and if approached in the correct manner, with respect will listen and try to accomodate.

Perhaps you should read some books or do some research on Muslim culture and try again to go see Imam, or possibly see what others in the area think, because if you are the only one with the problem, then yeah- you are the one that needs to make a move.

And from what you wrote and i quote "All other people around told us they could do nothing and they looked at us as we were from mars." It would appear that you are the only one who is bothered, so why should the majority accomodate you?

Before i lived in the area surrounded by the Karaoke bars. When i first moved in, they were not loud, but then few months later they were open all night long and music was blasting. I moved-problem solved.

I do wake up at 5.30 am every single morning, because i have a business and dogs that need to be walked.

You need to learn some respect for other cultures and religions and you may achieve much more. And i am not Muslim before you start to develop on that idea.


As it has already been explained that the early morning prayer is customary and required for Muslims....

For us, it is a very strange practice, chanting the same chant every day, day in and day out....

For some the continuous chant is down right annoying and provocative....

But for the faithfuls, it is a ritual, a must to live a demonstrable religious life....

.... :wai:

Cheers every one.... and please be a little more tolerant, if you could.... And I humbly salute you all.... :violin:

To be fair to the OP, i dont think he had any problems with continuous chanting or chanting the same chant every day, day in and day out......he wanted to know if why was necessary to do it over the loudspeakers and disturb the whole neighbourhood, all of whom may not be wanting to be disturbed (tired, sick, elderly, babies, non-beleivers??)


As it has already been explained that the early morning prayer is customary and required for Muslims....

For us, it is a very strange practice, chanting the same chant every day, day in and day out....

For some the continuous chant is down right annoying and provocative....

But for the faithfuls, it is a ritual, a must to live a demonstrable religious life....

.... :wai:

Cheers every one.... and please be a little more tolerant, if you could.... And I humbly salute you all.... :violin:

To be fair to the OP, i dont think he had any problems with continuous chanting or chanting the same chant every day, day in and day out......he wanted to know if why was necessary to do it over the loudspeakers and disturb the whole neighbourhood, all of whom may not be wanting to be disturbed (tired, sick, elderly, babies, non-beleivers??)

In and around Southeast Asia, such practices are not out of the norm at all, using loud speakers.

However in the West, particularly around wintry city Chicago area, USA, I could not recall seeing loud speakers being used for that purpose. :jap:

Anyone moving back to Michael Jordan city of the Bulls....? :)


OP, The reason for loud speakers as some people already stated is the call for prayer. It is practiced all over the Muslim world, sort of like part of being a Muslim. Like brushing teeth for you in the morning.

It is not questioned or even considered in the Muslim countries and i guess many Mosques do not even think that it could be disturbing others. This is the reason why some people have posted that when locals complained it stopped.

Prayers must be heard all around in a distance, so hence the use of PA, In the old days when they did not have PA systems, the call would go out from the Minaret(tower from which Muslims are called to pray)

If you do live near by the mosque, and it is not a Muslim area, i suggest you visit them and speak with Imam(like a priest) and i am sure he will turn it down a notch. Not all Muslims are fanatics and extremists.

Dear kuffki,

Please read my post # 15

"Thats exactly what we did. We went to the Mosque to see the Imam but he did not wanted to talk to us. All other people around told us they could do nothing and they looked at us as we were from mars. Before we barely heard the call for prayer and it did not really disturbed us. However, since a few months, they installed a (I guess) speaker system and it wakes me up every morning before 06.00 am. I live at 1 mile + and even in the bathroom with the door closed, I can hear it clearly. It is getting on my nerves now. I respect every body and will not disturb them but why they not think the same? I bought this real estate and now it becomes a hell.

The way you talk illustrates how you think and I cannot agree with that. If you are so brave, leave us your address and I will wake you up every morning at 05.00 am. If you not like it, you just have to move as I am sure, where you live now is not where you were born so........ it is not your city thus move... OK?"


To start with, prior to purchasing your real estate.did you consider all the facts? I am sure Mosque has been there for much longer then you. You did not! So whose fault is that?

Lets take away the religious part of it and hypothetically take any as an example.

Example: I have a restaurant that i have had for 30 years. I cook and serve very smelly food and is not everyones taste.

You purchase real estate in the vicinity of the restaurant and now you are bothered by the smell.

Are you suggeting that i have to close down now? or change what i been serving for years?

I hope not, because from your tone this is exactly how you THINK, and if thats the case, i would tell you to bugger off as well.

As i said NOT ALL Muslims are extremists and if approached in the correct manner, with respect will listen and try to accomodate.

Perhaps you should read some books or do some research on Muslim culture and try again to go see Imam, or possibly see what others in the area think, because if you are the only one with the problem, then yeah- you are the one that needs to make a move.

And from what you wrote and i quote "All other people around told us they could do nothing and they looked at us as we were from mars." It would appear that you are the only one who is bothered, so why should the majority accomodate you?

Before i lived in the area surrounded by the Karaoke bars. When i first moved in, they were not loud, but then few months later they were open all night long and music was blasting. I moved-problem solved.

I do wake up at 5.30 am every single morning, because i have a business and dogs that need to be walked.

You need to learn some respect for other cultures and religions and you may achieve much more. And i am not Muslim before you start to develop on that idea.

Dear Kuffki,

We can go on for ages like this. If you want to say something to me, pls be so kind and clever to READ MY POST FIRST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Before we barely heard the call for prayer and it did not really disturbed us. However, since a few months, they installed a (I guess) speaker system and it wakes me up every morning before 06.00 am"

BTW. I not have to wake up at 05.30. I am retired after a life of HARD working. I want a bit rest now and wake up when I WANT, not when YOU WANT !!!!!!!!! And why should I read books about your culture? I want to read books I want to chose by myself !!!!!! And I respect every body and try Not to disturb others. Do the same will you, it would be much better living together.

Capito my friend ?


OP, The reason for loud speakers as some people already stated is the call for prayer. It is practiced all over the Muslim world, sort of like part of being a Muslim. Like brushing teeth for you in the morning.

It is not questioned or even considered in the Muslim countries and i guess many Mosques do not even think that it could be disturbing others. This is the reason why some people have posted that when locals complained it stopped.

Prayers must be heard all around in a distance, so hence the use of PA, In the old days when they did not have PA systems, the call would go out from the Minaret(tower from which Muslims are called to pray)

If you do live near by the mosque, and it is not a Muslim area, i suggest you visit them and speak with Imam(like a priest) and i am sure he will turn it down a notch. Not all Muslims are fanatics and extremists.

Dear kuffki,

Please read my post # 15

"Thats exactly what we did. We went to the Mosque to see the Imam but he did not wanted to talk to us. All other people around told us they could do nothing and they looked at us as we were from mars. Before we barely heard the call for prayer and it did not really disturbed us. However, since a few months, they installed a (I guess) speaker system and it wakes me up every morning before 06.00 am. I live at 1 mile + and even in the bathroom with the door closed, I can hear it clearly. It is getting on my nerves now. I respect every body and will not disturb them but why they not think the same? I bought this real estate and now it becomes a hell.

The way you talk illustrates how you think and I cannot agree with that. If you are so brave, leave us your address and I will wake you up every morning at 05.00 am. If you not like it, you just have to move as I am sure, where you live now is not where you were born so........ it is not your city thus move... OK?"


To start with, prior to purchasing your real estate.did you consider all the facts? I am sure Mosque has been there for much longer then you. You did not! So whose fault is that?

Lets take away the religious part of it and hypothetically take any as an example.

Example: I have a restaurant that i have had for 30 years. I cook and serve very smelly food and is not everyones taste.

You purchase real estate in the vicinity of the restaurant and now you are bothered by the smell.

Are you suggeting that i have to close down now? or change what i been serving for years?

I hope not, because from your tone this is exactly how you THINK, and if thats the case, i would tell you to bugger off as well.

As i said NOT ALL Muslims are extremists and if approached in the correct manner, with respect will listen and try to accomodate.

Perhaps you should read some books or do some research on Muslim culture and try again to go see Imam, or possibly see what others in the area think, because if you are the only one with the problem, then yeah- you are the one that needs to make a move.

And from what you wrote and i quote "All other people around told us they could do nothing and they looked at us as we were from mars." It would appear that you are the only one who is bothered, so why should the majority accomodate you?

Before i lived in the area surrounded by the Karaoke bars. When i first moved in, they were not loud, but then few months later they were open all night long and music was blasting. I moved-problem solved.

I do wake up at 5.30 am every single morning, because i have a business and dogs that need to be walked.

You need to learn some respect for other cultures and religions and you may achieve much more. And i am not Muslim before you start to develop on that idea.

Dear Kuffki,

We can go on for ages like this. If you want to say something to me, pls be so kind and clever to READ MY POST FIRST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Before we barely heard the call for prayer and it did not really disturbed us. However, since a few months, they installed a (I guess) speaker system and it wakes me up every morning before 06.00 am"

BTW. I not have to wake up at 05.30. I am retired after a life of HARD working. I want a bit rest now and wake up when I WANT, not when YOU WANT !!!!!!!!! And why should I read books about your culture? I want to read books I want to chose by myself !!!!!! And I respect every body and try Not to disturb others. Do the same will you, it would be much better living together.

Capito my friend ?

Just as i expected "And why should I read books about your culture? "

for the second time-I AM NOT MUSLIM

Perhaps next time, you will read some books prior to purchasing any real estate to avoid having problems like you having now.



Perhaps next time, you will read some books prior to purchasing any real estate to avoid having problems like you having now.

Really ... if you read books about their culture, they DON'T put up loud speakers?



Perhaps next time, you will read some books prior to purchasing any real estate to avoid having problems like you having now.

Really ... if you read books about their culture, they DON'T put up loud speakers?

You absolutely right, its the modern day invention. They do however SCREAM the call for prayers from minaret 5 times per day for the last 5000 odd years


"Once in the morning and once in the evening"??? I guess you never visit a muslim country. :D

I just came back from Tunisia. There its 5 times a day!!!!

Best Regards,




Perhaps next time, you will read some books prior to purchasing any real estate to avoid having problems like you having now.

Really ... if you read books about their culture, they DON'T put up loud speakers?

You absolutely right, its the modern day invention. They do however SCREAM the call for prayers from minaret 5 times per day for the last 5000 odd years

SCREAM as teenagers scream in a rock concert?? No!! The Imam or priest would in a loud voice, call the faithful for prayers. It could even be pleasant on the ears just like church bells. Blasting it on loud speakers (mosque call or church bells or whatever) may not be appreciated by everybody.


The "Real Answer" to this noise problem is that,the perpetraters of the noise,do not consider the feelings of others,and never will do.

They believe that their way is the only thing worth considering,never mind the invasion of one's Privacy,Sleep,Peace and Quiet,or their right not to have to live in excessive noise Pollution,everyday, there is no recognition of the needs and Culture of others.

The only thing that matters to them is getting the message across!

And they couldn't care less,about your views!



Perhaps next time, you will read some books prior to purchasing any real estate to avoid having problems like you having now.

Really ... if you read books about their culture, they DON'T put up loud speakers?

You absolutely right, its the modern day invention. They do however SCREAM the call for prayers from minaret 5 times per day for the last 5000 odd years

SCREAM as teenagers scream in a rock concert?? No!! The Imam or priest would in a loud voice, call the faithful for prayers. It could even be pleasant on the ears just like church bells. Blasting it on loud speakers (mosque call or church bells or whatever) may not be appreciated by everybody.

I will let you be the judge on the kind of scream.How do you compare human voice to metal bells?

Muslims do not have "OR" priest, they just have Imam

I did not invent PA system or the use of it, so you would need to take it up with grand imam

But all of it is very far from the topic itself.


Ok. I spoke with a muslim today just as a friend and asked him (over a beer) and he said that it is not actually a "call for prayer" but more less "Symbylizes the TIME for prayer". It's not like they are screaming out "hey everyone it's time to pray now".

It's the same as the Catholics that ring the bells at the "Time for mass" but theirs ends shortly after.

They guy I spoke with was pretty cool so I got a little sarcastic but being cool myself and asked him if Muslims are not allowed to own watches or buy alarm clocks. He laughed his turbin off at that.

He told me himself (without me asking) that like many posters have said, it is a fanatical religion and they DO believe that it is the ONLY religion that should be practiced. This is the reason there is problems in the South here with Muslims shooting Buddhist monks and teachers etc because they don't want any other religions introduced into society.

I had a friend tell me via email that if you were to walk into the middle of a Mosque that is blaring out on the PA system that you would hardy here anything because all the speakers are faced AWAY from the center of the Mosque. Here is the quote he sent me;

I was speaking to one of the airport contractors here in Jordan, and he happened to mention that a few years ago he had installed a PA system in a mosque FOC.

However he was asked to change the alignment of the speakers as the imam (or whatever you call him) did not want the sound to be heard in the holy spot in the centre of the mosque where "Allah" stays.

So if you want some peace from the constant wailing 5 times a day, you now know where to move to!!

I'm not sure if anyone else sees this but when the "call for prayer" begins here, all of the soi dogs around start howling like they do when someone in the area has just died (If you know this fact about dogs).So it's not JUST the PA system but the local dogs too.

Ok my typing finger is getting sore now so bottom line is;


Any super being UP THERE would not want people '' wasting '' there time on there knees, up in towers talking stuff, better spend all that time helping others. :huh:



Perhaps next time, you will read some books prior to purchasing any real estate to avoid having problems like you having now.

Really ... if you read books about their culture, they DON'T put up loud speakers?

You absolutely right, its the modern day invention. They do however SCREAM the call for prayers from minaret 5 times per day for the last 5000 odd years

That's not bad for a religion that has only existed for 1500 years.

edit ... unless 5000 ODD is about 1500.


What would Mohammed do? I think he would like the speakers. He was the last prophet of god, so surely that counts for something.

Well, except Joseph Smith of course.


I am officially pissed off with the Muslim call to prayers.

It ruined my golf game yesterday. :annoyed:

I scored 127.

Ofcourse, the fact that I only play a couple of times a year has nothing to do with it (if you call what I do "playing golf") and the planes flying over every couple of minutes didn't disturb me either. B)


I was speaking to one of the airport contractors here in Jordan, and he happened to mention that a few years ago he had installed a PA system in a mosque FOC. However he was asked to change the alignment of the speakers as the imam (or whatever you call him) did not want the sound to be heard in the holy spot in the centre of the mosque where "Allah" stays.

If Allah is not supposed to hear it, the prayer obviously isn't to him... Then - who do they pray to then?

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