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Sneaky Burger King


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I know its a bit off topic but talk about decite, I walked into the big shop on the corner of second road and Patty Clang to do some shopping. I saw some cornflakes , they where priced very cheaply . I thought i would buy a packet along with my other bits of shopping,When i got to the checkout and the girl rang them through the till the price came up as nearly double. i asked why , the girl openly said "you not Thai". i said I live here, She called over the manage, he wanted my address and to see my passport believe it or not , at the point i said "don't bother keep all your stuff" and left them without paying, and where they where. I have never been ask to produce my passport before when i have tried to buy cornflakes.

I think we should organise a mass farang outing to buy cornflakes.

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as most visitors to thailand, do not speak thai, and why would they learn for their 3-4 weeks of hollidays per week, why is it ok for some people here that tourists (farang, chinese, indian, russian or whatever) are being ripped off by asking dual pricing that would be a big rascist lawsuit if any of them would try this to impose this on foreigners in their home country, is my question ?

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Thai apologist? Far from it.:lol:

Neither am I am apologist for those who choose to live in Thailand in blissful (pig) ignorance, then come on internet forums whinging about their lack of understanding & bleating about silly conspiracy theories.<_<

BTW always assume incompetence before conspiracy.:ph34r:

Ridiculous argument. In the UK they don't have prices in English saying £3 and prices in German, French, Thai, etc saying £4...

How do you write £4 in German & French?:whistling:

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It depends on the sandwich! I remember once I broke out a fantastic muffaletta on departure from New Orleans and people all around me including the flight attendants were visibly jealous to the point of salivation.


Hey------sorry but -----What's a 'muffeletta'?

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Is it that difficult to understand that people wish to speak their own language in their own country ?

You make an effort, you get a discount, that's what I would call a good incentive, right ?

Can you really not recognise the deceit?

Seems to me that fleecing the tourists is a common sport everywhere...

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Thai apologist? Far from it.:lol:

Neither am I am apologist for those who choose to live in Thailand in blissful (pig) ignorance, then come on internet forums whinging about their lack of understanding & bleating about silly conspiracy theories.<_<

BTW always assume incompetence before conspiracy.:ph34r:

The world is full of ignorant people, and the truth is, we are all ignorant about certain matters, whether it be Thai numerals or something else. The question is, whether it is ethical as a business practice to use customers ignorance to make them pay more than they might need to? You seem to think it's fair game. I think it is not. A good business respects all of its customers, and should do all it can to provide an equally good service to each and every one of them.

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You can get a chicken or pork burger at 7-11 for 20 baht. Why pay more for something that ain't much better? I only go to a specific Mr Mikes because I can flirt with a certain girl. Other than that I'll stick with my 30 baht Kow Padt or Padt Thai.

Oh, I'm sorry, it was at the AIRPORT Burger King. The airports ALWAYS add another 100 baht onto EVERYTHING. That is why I mostly fly Thai air or Bangkok air. They have a lounge where you can eat for free and rest in comfort while waiting for your flight. It's either that or I pack a sandwich BEFORE I leave for the airport if I'm flying on one of the cheaper, no frills flights.

But I am sure you appreciate Ian, not everyone wants khao pad or pad tThai - it is why they look for BK, McD or KFC signage (and menus in English).

Always personal choice but I think pulling out your own sandwich on a flight makes you look a bit of a ............

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I refuse to eat at airports or purchase anything in airports. They are all a ripoff. That includes ANY airport in any country. I'm quite happy eating my home made sandwich BEFORE I get on the plane. Most flights offer some sort of meal or snack anyway. The only ones that don't are the cheap charlie flights. I only fly cheap charlie flights if their schedule fits my schedule perfectly. I balance out what I pay for the value I get. You don't get value for your money in airports.

Oh, and I DO enjoy a good burger from time to time. I just want it to suit my surroundings and not have it forced on me as the only option.

"Cheap Charlie Flights" - grow up.

I fly from HCMC to Bangkok several times a year with Air Asia. Why? Because they're the best value for money. Do I need food or a movie on a flight of 75 minutes? No. Why should I pay for food or entertainment that I don't want or need?

There's nothing "cheap Charlie" about my decision, it just makes economic sense.

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I saw that too. The fact that the price was in written Thai script was a little like visiting National Parks, where the Thai price is cleverly written in Thai script.

Wow...imagine that...writing signs in Thai in Thailand...how dastardly sneaky of them...surely this practice of posting signs in a country's own language in that country is something only done in Thailand and nowhere else :o:blink:

Epic fail.

Take of those rose tinted specs.

you're so right !

Is it that difficult to understand that people wish to speak their own language in their own country ?

You make an effort, you get a discount, that's what I would call a good incentive, right ?

Wrong! It is double standards which ever way you look at it.

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"Cheap Charlie Flights" - grow up.

I fly from HCMC to Bangkok several times a year with Air Asia. Why? Because they're the best value for money. Do I need food or a movie on a flight of 75 minutes? No. Why should I pay for food or entertainment that I don't want or need?

There's nothing "cheap Charlie" about my decision, it just makes economic sense.

Unlike you, I don't insult people unless insulted first. Maybe YOU should grow up.

I fly any airline that fits my schedule. I like Bangkok Air because they have a lounge that i can use when there is a long delay between flights, or when a flight has been canceled. I don't worry too much about another 200 baht if I don't have to wait for 5 hours or more in the normal airport seating.

The original topic was about the over priced costs of airport dining... whether it's Burger King or any one of the other venues. I imagine the outlets have to raise their prices to balance the over charging for rent at the airport. Proper planning BEFORE a flight should assure you of somewhere to eat if you don't want to be ripped off at one of the airport outlets. That is precisely why I choose to make myself a sandwhich PRIOR to going to the airport. You can even pick up a 20 baht pork burger at any one of the many 7-11 stores if you think you might be starving while waiting for your plane.

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I saw that too. The fact that the price was in written Thai script was a little like visiting National Parks, where the Thai price is cleverly written in Thai script.

Wow...imagine that...writing signs in Thai in Thailand...how dastardly sneaky of them...surely this practice of posting signs in a country's own language in that country is something only done in Thailand and nowhere else :o:blink:

Epic fail.

Take of those rose tinted specs.

you're so right !

Is it that difficult to understand that people wish to speak their own language in their own country ?

You make an effort, you get a discount, that's what I would call a good incentive, right ?

Absolutely spot on! They should copy this policy in say, the UK for instance, where if an immigrant is unable to read/write the language they should pay more!

Oh, just remembered, the UK are, belatedly, imposing a 'language test' on newcomers. But there again, in all fairness, the UK does supply free housing/health care/welfare benefits etc to anyone and everyone able to get in. Duh.

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It depends on the sandwich! I remember once I broke out a fantastic muffaletta on departure from New Orleans and people all around me including the flight attendants were visibly jealous to the point of salivation.


Hey------sorry but -----What's a 'muffeletta'?

It's a very small muff.

Normally, if one dives into one on the aeroplane, one finds out very quickly that there are more sky marshalls about than first seemed to be the case...and the cable ties that thwey use for cuffs really chaff, by the way*...


* so I am told

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It depends on the sandwich! I remember once I broke out a fantastic muffaletta on departure from New Orleans and people all around me including the flight attendants were visibly jealous to the point of salivation.


Hey------sorry but -----What's a 'muffeletta'?

They are GREAT and Butter is Better in Chiang Mai has them for sale.


A traditional muffuletta consists of one muffuletta loaf, split horizontally. The loaf is then covered with a marinated olive salad, then layers of capicola, salami, pepperoni, emmentaler, Ham and provolone. The sandwich is sometimes heated through to soften the provolone.[2] The size of the muffuletta is enough to feed more than one person, and many stores sell quarter or half-muffulettas.

The olive salad consists primarily of olives, along with celery, cauliflower and carrot, found in a jar of Giardiniera. The ingredients are combined, seasonings, such as oregano and garlic, are added, covered in olive oil and allowed to combine for at least 24 hours. Prepared olive salad for muffulettas can also be bought by the jar.


The muffuletta sandwich had its origins at Central Grocery, in the French Quarter of New Orleans.[3] Marie's Melting Pot, the 1980 cookbook by Marie Lupo Tusa, daughter of Central Grocery's founder, traced the origin of the sandwich:[4]

One of the most interesting aspects of my father's grocery is his unique creation, the muffuletta sandwich. The muffuletta was created in the early 1900's when the Farmers' Market was in the same area as the grocery. Most of the farmers who sold their produce there were Sicilian. Every day they used to come of my father's grocery for lunch. They would order some salami, some ham, a piece of cheese, a little olive salad, and either long braided Italian bread or round muffuletta bread. In typical Sicilian fashion they ate everything separately. The farmers used to sit on crates or barrels and try to eat while precariously balancing their small trays covered with food on their knees. My father suggested that it would be easier for the farmers if he cut the bread and put everything on it like a sandwich; even if it was not typical Sicilian fashion. He experimented and found that the thicker, braided Italian bread was too hard to bite but the softer round muffuletta was ideal for his sandwich. In very little time, the farmers came to merely ask for a "muffuletta" for their lunch.

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What we really need is an In-N-Out. Yummy.


I fear you have a vested interest...

What we need is a Beltbuster, but sadly I cannot remember the name of the chain....

But in the absence, I reiterate my belief that BK is the top amongst international burger chains, thanks to the meat flavouring that they give their burgers

Although Jack In The Box had a more innovative menu, but was not so focussed on burgers


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I saw that too. The fact that the price was in written Thai script was a little like visiting National Parks, where the Thai price is cleverly written in Thai script.

I think farangbuddha misses the point entirely.

I am Australian, and nthis would be an illegal act, and considered politically incorrect.

It is not the money for me but the fact that my philosophy treats everyone equally, and therefore feels a bit uncivilised when others can do these things.

I spend 4 weeks out of every 6 working in Papua New Guinea, they also employ the double standard.

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It depends on the sandwich! I remember once I broke out a fantastic muffaletta on departure from New Orleans and people all around me including the flight attendants were visibly jealous to the point of salivation.


Did you have to eat it with that dopey looking git?

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I've been eating TOO MANY BURGERS recently. But, that is because I like the pretty little gal who makes them for me and gives me her best dimpled smile with dreamy eyes when she hands it to me. She could be handing me cardboard between two fake buns and I wouldn't even notice. At least the tomato and lettuce is real. :D

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I've been eating TOO MANY BURGERS recently. But, that is because I like the pretty little gal who makes them for me and gives me her best dimpled smile with dreamy eyes when she hands it to me. She could be handing me cardboard between two fake buns and I wouldn't even notice. At least the tomato and lettuce is real. :D

I tend to avoid gals with fake buns, no matter how pretty they appear.

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How do you write £4 in German & French?:whistling:

€4.727 :)

That should confuse Jonny Foreigner. You also missed the opportunity to inject a bit of satire there, by simply writing €4.:lol:

I'm going for the 'Most informative post on the thread' prize. ;)

Winning comfortably so far. :)

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What we really need is an In-N-Out. Yummy.


I fear you have a vested interest...

What we need is a Beltbuster, but sadly I cannot remember the name of the chain....

But in the absence, I reiterate my belief that BK is the top amongst international burger chains, thanks to the meat flavouring that they give their burgers

Although Jack In The Box had a more innovative menu, but was not so focussed on burgers



There ya go SC.....this was the height of dining in North East Scotland when I was a kid.....in fact it was the only restaurant in town! :o

Knickerbockerglory anyone? :D

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I've been eating TOO MANY BURGERS recently. But, that is because I like the pretty little gal who makes them for me and gives me her best dimpled smile with dreamy eyes when she hands it to me. She could be handing me cardboard between two fake buns and I wouldn't even notice. At least the tomato and lettuce is real. :D

I tend to avoid gals with fake buns, no matter how pretty they appear.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yah, I noticed that after I posted it, but decided not to edit. :D

The ones with fake buns and fake boobs tend to be fake elsewhere. :lol:

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I've been eating TOO MANY BURGERS recently. But, that is because I like the pretty little gal who makes them for me and gives me her best dimpled smile with dreamy eyes when she hands it to me. She could be handing me cardboard between two fake buns and I wouldn't even notice. At least the tomato and lettuce is real. :D

I tend to avoid gals with fake buns, no matter how pretty they appear.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yah, I noticed that after I posted it, but decided not to edit. :D

The ones with fake buns and fake boobs tend to be fake elsewhere. :lol:

Well, at least the meat and two veg are real.

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