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Pattaya A-Go-Go Staff Beat Up Foreign And Hi-So Customers

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I have been coming to Pattaya for about 10 years now and have managed to stay out of trouble, despite the nature of the place, the nature of the workers and the kind of foreigners we often get here. My rules for avoiding trouble are currently 1. don't go to Walking Street 2. don't rent jet skis 3. don't rent cars or motorbikes 4. avoid Thai men 5. avoid any Thai's who are drunk or druggy types 6. get one drink at a time, check the bill every time, never drink in a place where they keep the bill at the bar 7. never order a drink without first knowing the price 8. never lend or borrow money 9. never become "entrenched", always be an "outsider", albeit a friendly and polite one 10. never flaunt wealth or money 11. use your hotel safe deposit box 12. in the event of a dispute over money, be willing to lose and never return to that place, if you follow ther basic rules the amounts won't be large 13. trust your instincts

Maybe other people have some suggestions to add.

Apart from that I have a good time, I just think there are certain places and things that people do that raise the risks of being attacked, robbed or cheated so avoid those places and don't do those things. We may feel we should be able to go where we want and do what we want as long as it is reasonable but thats naive. A lot of the people in Pattaya, the ones in these "bad" places can't be trusted to be reasonable anymore than a dangerous dog that bites can be trusted to behave if you treat it nicely...its a dangerous dog and it bites so keep your distance...

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That must suck missout out on 8500000 Baht magazine shoot due to this instance. I'm sure this story is completely accurate and the Hi-So Thais (who of course hang out in Super Girls A-Go-Go like most Hi-Sos woman do) did not exaggerate or make anything up :lol:


Incidentally - there are a few places on Khoa San Road - Bangkok - which are frequented by foreigners whose Thai staff are only too happy to attack their customers if the opportunity arises even for the slightest and most trivial of excuses.

Reall? And which places would these be? I've been to Khao San a couple hundred times and I've never found a place where the staff are happy to attack foreigners for the slightest and most trivial of excuses.


Incidentally - there are a few places on Khoa San Road - Bangkok - which are frequented by foreigners whose Thai staff are only too happy to attack their customers if the opportunity arises even for the slightest and most trivial of excuses.

Reall? And which places would these be? I've been to Khao San a couple hundred times and I've never found a place where the staff are happy to attack foreigners for the slightest and most trivial of excuses.

DP25 - I have sent you a PM.


I've seen plenty of people getting slapped in bars in Thailand and it's nearly always because the customer is steaming drunk and abusing the staff or a member of staff. They get warned but don't give up and continue the foul mouthed abuse which inevitably leads to getting a good slap.

If you fancy a good slap yourself simply get blind drunk, argue the toss over a few baht on your bin, call them thieves, shit bags and you will "be back" then get what you deserve after repeatedly being asked to tone the foul disgusting language down, be that here or anywhere else in the world for that matter.

And i have seen pretty much sober customers get bottled by the staff because their bill was padded which means not few baht but few hundred baht or customers who were bottled because without even asking the customer, girl rings the bell and customer is expected to pay, even though he is screaming on top of his head that he did not ring the bell and did not want to buy 30 girls a round.

I have also seen sober customers get jumped and bottled when they were having an argument with the staff, but were attacked by people not relating to the bar at all.

I have also seen customers being attacked by the staff, customer being a better fighter and kick their ass, to then be jumped by every Thai Dick, Tom and Harry.

I guess it takes a "REAL MAN" to slap or beat up on someone steaming drunk according to your post and is perfectly acceptable to be cheated out of your money because they see customer as being drunk so he/she would not notice.

Whats a real man in your view?

Saw hit the nail on the head. Sounds like it hit a nerve


a real man is someone who does not need few mates to beat up on one person

a real man will not beat up on someone totally drunk

and a real man will pick a fight with someone bigger then him and harder target, rather then smaller and intoxicated guy, kind of defeats the purpose if he is trying to prove he is the real man

A real man walks away and has nothing to prove to anybody - they don't matter.



I have been coming to Pattaya for about 10 years now and have managed to stay out of trouble, despite the nature of the place, the nature of the workers and the kind of foreigners we often get here. My rules for avoiding trouble are currently 1. don't go to Walking Street 2. don't rent jet skis 3. don't rent cars or motorbikes 4. avoid Thai men 5. avoid any Thai's who are drunk or druggy types 6. get one drink at a time, check the bill every time, never drink in a place where they keep the bill at the bar 7. never order a drink without first knowing the price 8. never lend or borrow money 9. never become "entrenched", always be an "outsider", albeit a friendly and polite one 10. never flaunt wealth or money 11. use your hotel safe deposit box 12. in the event of a dispute over money, be willing to lose and never return to that place, if you follow ther basic rules the amounts won't be large 13. trust your instincts

Maybe other people have some suggestions to add.

Apart from that I have a good time, I just think there are certain places and things that people do that raise the risks of being attacked, robbed or cheated so avoid those places and don't do those things. We may feel we should be able to go where we want and do what we want as long as it is reasonable but thats naive. A lot of the people in Pattaya, the ones in these "bad" places can't be trusted to be reasonable anymore than a dangerous dog that bites can be trusted to behave if you treat it nicely...its a dangerous dog and it bites so keep your distance...

Good rules... it's really common sense and not very hard.

It also helps to not seek out fights, I should say. I was drunk in a disco in Samui and saw a sweet local girl - so I went there to talk to her and she kind of did this running away thing. Too drunk to pause and think what that was supposed to mean I tried again, , then gave up. Shortly thereafter, the reason became clear - these local girls were actually really local girls, not the kind to be rented by farangs, and their Thai boyfriends worked in the bar. Being a good Thai male the guy came flying out of nowhere, screamed and then splashed his drink in my face. I smiled, apologized for hitting on his gf, wiped off that bit of whiskey, and proceeded to enjoy myself at the club. The guy lost his drink; I got a bit wet; Nothing worse happened. I found the whole thing a bit funny but then I guess that was due to my intoxicated state.


The bars that stay open late are OWNED by the police. A lot of police bought bars a few years back when the government changed the laws from bars being opened 24/7 down to closing at 2:00am and then down to Midnight. At these times many police from different sectors all over Thailand pooled their money together and bought some of the best bars in the district.

Only places considered "Night-clubs" can stay open past 12:00 legaly but they have insurance that would make you kringe and fall under different rules and regs.

I know one of the Canuks personally and have played music and got drunk with him before and even if he does get drunk you would never know it. He is one of the quietest non-outspoken people you could meet. Nice young guy really.


"After they walked out of the entrance of the bar, about 5 girls rushed after her and pulled her to the ground and attacked her."

my kind of girls / employees , going above AND beyond ; anyone got their button numbers ?

note to self ; finish my drink and leave when police man , i mean bar owner, asks me to . second thought, leave the drink and just split .


I read that article. I go in that club when I am in Pattaya. They usually do have some very attractive ladies there. But I always thought the prices were too high and except for one or two beers, that is all that I ever bought there.

The article also said the incident was on Feb 9, but the show in BKK the customers were going to was on Feb 16. I guess I don't see why they can't be ready for that show. Things may not be perfect, but it is still one week away.

It would be nice to know when "last call" was served. I mean if the drinks were served at 3:14 and then the people were told to leave at 3:15, that is not good.

Looks like more egos got involved. Not very buddhist nature.


20 of them? do me a favour! and did you see one of the models hands bandaged,that tells me he was giving a bit back too!

Also did you see the state of models? what were they modelling,shoes!


What a dream story for the Pattaya newspapers! I'm sure these ladies and their friends are eminently respectable and that this was a very disturbing incident. All the same I can't resist visualising what a UK tabloid might have made of it - Sin-city mafia, hi-so business women, exotic foreign toy boys, late night visit to dubious bar.... perfect. All fantasy, of course.


What a dream story for the Pattaya newspapers! I'm sure these ladies and their friends are eminently respectable and that this was a very disturbing incident. All the same I can't resist visualising what a UK tabloid might have made of it - Sin-city mafia, hi-so business women, exotic foreign toy boys, late night visit to dubious bar.... perfect. All fantasy, of course.

If it were Brits instead of Canadians you know someone would have published that exact story in the Daily Mail already :lol:



I have been coming to Pattaya for about 10 years now and have managed to stay out of trouble, despite the nature of the place, the nature of the workers and the kind of foreigners we often get here. My rules for avoiding trouble are currently 1. don't go to Walking Street 2. don't rent jet skis 3. don't rent cars or motorbikes 4. avoid Thai men 5. avoid any Thai's who are drunk or druggy types 6. get one drink at a time, check the bill every time, never drink in a place where they keep the bill at the bar 7. never order a drink without first knowing the price 8. never lend or borrow money 9. never become "entrenched", always be an "outsider", albeit a friendly and polite one 10. never flaunt wealth or money 11. use your hotel safe deposit box 12. in the event of a dispute over money, be willing to lose and never return to that place, if you follow ther basic rules the amounts won't be large 13. trust your instincts

Maybe other people have some suggestions to add.

Apart from that I have a good time, I just think there are certain places and things that people do that raise the risks of being attacked, robbed or cheated so avoid those places and don't do those things. We may feel we should be able to go where we want and do what we want as long as it is reasonable but thats naive. A lot of the people in Pattaya, the ones in these "bad" places can't be trusted to be reasonable anymore than a dangerous dog that bites can be trusted to behave if you treat it nicely...its a dangerous dog and it bites so keep your distance...


Was up in lao a couple of weeks ago and met a aussie and a english guy in the afternoon at a bar in vientienne,after a good few bottles of leo the aussie decided to go back to the room and freshen up.so me and the english guy thought we would pay are bill too and then carry on drinking.i knew exactly what i had drunk and was nicely merry and paid the bill no probs but my english friend who by this time was quite drunk and had been drinking a couple of hours before me protested and said he wasnt going to pay,what he was saying was he had only had one bottle more than me but he looked like he had had a few when i arrived.the arguing started and had to get in the middle of things.the owner said he had drunk 3 bottles more than me,which would have been correct so i went through the calculations with him that lasted about 15 mins but finally he saw sense.

Later the owner gave me a bottle of lao and thanked me for being honest,he actually thought my friend was trying to get away without paying but it was just a case of two much beer,i have been there myself in the same scenario,i just wonder what could of happened to him if i hadnt of been there.that lad could of got beaten up pretty bad,for what? 180bt

I just think its not always them thats in the wrong its us too so i agree when you feel like your getting tipsy pay the bill and then pay after every drink.


Young male models. Mmmm. Nice. Having a night out with middle aged Thai women? Readers of the News of the World and similar rags will draw their own conclusions.


The number written is 8-500,000 Baht (should be ordered 5 to 8 hundred, but meh).

Unfortunately the whole thing is rather shoddily written.



a real man is someone who does not need few mates to beat up on one person

a real man will not beat up on someone totally drunk

and a real man will pick a fight with someone bigger then him and harder target, rather then smaller and intoxicated guy, kind of defeats the purpose if he is trying to prove he is the real man

Sounds like an uncivilised brute to me. Violence is a prerogative of the ignorant. Anybody resorting to violence has lost the argument. A sensible, responsible, adult man takes care of the welfare of his family rather than spending time, and wasting money, drinking overpriced booze in scruffy bars.

No, I'm not teetotal.


My friend had a similar thing happen a few weeks back in Silom road...her and a few thai staff went to an after work 'show

the bill came back hugely padded as somehow telepathically she had bought drinks for the whole bar....

she queried the bill and the guy gave her the whole mafia bit...she just looked at the guy and in her best dirty harry voice said 'i don't think so, do you want a problem' ..I can imagine their eyes locking for a second then the guy apologised profusely (she has a very steely take no prisoners gaze)

She is thai and well dressed...clearly it doesn't matter one iota......she thinks it could have gone either way..they will try it on anyone until challenged

Also it is pretty usual for business people to take out the foreign models, celebs...who ever they will be working with...would actually be considered poor form not to....



a real man is someone who does not need few mates to beat up on one person

a real man will not beat up on someone totally drunk

and a real man will pick a fight with someone bigger then him and harder target, rather then smaller and intoxicated guy, kind of defeats the purpose if he is trying to prove he is the real man

Sounds like an uncivilised brute to me. Violence is a prerogative of the ignorant. Anybody resorting to violence has lost the argument. A sensible, responsible, adult man takes care of the welfare of his family rather than spending time, and wasting money, drinking overpriced booze in scruffy bars.

No, I'm not teetotal.

Please go back t post 21 and 24 where the discussion has started before you start to express your opinion on the matter and see if you want to keep the same post.


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

i have seen so many hi so gimps treating staff like scum. they order them around and expect the class system to support their ignorance.

how much money, who started it. who cares really?

the blokes face looks like he had too much plastic surgery - the 800,000 baht is probably to fix his hook nose. :)

if it had been non-rich/non - jewellery shop owner/non - (gay looking) models no one would have ever known about it.


If those women were truly hiso, then the staff at the gogo bar had better head back to Isan, shave their heads, and become a monk for a while

Could indeed go bad for the bar IF daddy is a someone.

I have been coming to Pattaya for about 10 years now and have managed to stay out of trouble, despite the nature of the place, the nature of the workers and the kind of foreigners we often get here. My rules for avoiding trouble are currently 1. don't go to Walking Street 2. don't rent jet skis 3. don't rent cars or motorbikes 4. avoid Thai men 5. avoid any Thai's who are drunk or druggy types 6. get one drink at a time, check the bill every time, never drink in a place where they keep the bill at the bar 7. never order a drink without first knowing the price 8. never lend or borrow money 9. never become "entrenched", always be an "outsider", albeit a friendly and polite one 10. never flaunt wealth or money 11. use your hotel safe deposit box 12. in the event of a dispute over money, be willing to lose and never return to that place, if you follow ther basic rules the amounts won't be large 13. trust your instincts

Maybe other people have some suggestions to add.

Yep, don't go to Pattaya. :whistling:


Oh dear a self confessed Thai Mafia bar owner assaulting a rich well to do older Thai woman!!!!Saving face here will be interesting if Thai justice goes par to the course!!!



I have been coming to Pattaya for about 10 years now and have managed to stay out of trouble, despite the nature of the place, the nature of the workers and the kind of foreigners we often get here. My rules for avoiding trouble are currently 1. don't go to Walking Street 2. don't rent jet skis 3. don't rent cars or motorbikes 4. avoid Thai men 5. avoid any Thai's who are drunk or druggy types 6. get one drink at a time, check the bill every time, never drink in a place where they keep the bill at the bar 7. never order a drink without first knowing the price 8. never lend or borrow money 9. never become "entrenched", always be an "outsider", albeit a friendly and polite one 10. never flaunt wealth or money 11. use your hotel safe deposit box 12. in the event of a dispute over money, be willing to lose and never return to that place, if you follow ther basic rules the amounts won't be large 13. trust your instincts

Maybe other people have some suggestions to add.

Apart from that I have a good time, I just think there are certain places and things that people do that raise the risks of being attacked, robbed or cheated so avoid those places and don't do those things. We may feel we should be able to go where we want and do what we want as long as it is reasonable but thats naive. A lot of the people in Pattaya, the ones in these "bad" places can't be trusted to be reasonable anymore than a dangerous dog that bites can be trusted to behave if you treat it nicely...its a dangerous dog and it bites so keep your distance...

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent eh? ;)


And story now removed from PDN web site, so all back to normal. No my mistake: can't see any story on pdn as their html is not configured for google chrome.

And this is what I love about Thai law. No mention of the club out of fear they will sue. :lol:

One more reason this crap happens over and over. Not only are there no consequences, but you can't even name the place.


And this is what I love about Thai law. No mention of the club out of fear they will sue. :lol:

One more reason this crap happens over and over. Not only are there no consequences, but you can't even name the place.

IF you and the others who wrote the same thing, why don't you bother to click on the link for the name of the bar and the bard manager. There is much more detail in the article that this post links to. typically lazy. If you are that interested in which club, you would have clicked the link.

Ms Tida Thanawan said that at about 02.00 a.m. on the 5th February, she took her friends out for a drink at the entertainment venue “super girls a-go-go” on Walking Street Moo 10 Nongphrue Banglamung Chonbrui .

How much more clarity do you want?


Strange for me that so called Hi So ladies go in those kind of places even for a drink , there are better in Pattaya , regarding those male models , no one ever earn that much in shooting pictures for magazine ... We perfectly know how those so called Hi So would have told the manager , they probably looked at him from very high above and send him to hell ( or how dare you telling us to leave we are HiSo , you are nothing).

The result of such anger is of course outrageous but we all know in the night wold people have hot temper , that doesnt excuse the beating. Too much maffia around sex and night life in this country.


"After Ms Tida made her complaints the manager said " I don't care how big you are around here, I am the mafia. Not even the police dares to mess with me and my people. Who the hell do you think you are?"."


it would be nice to see the police parade this person in front of the media, and tell the world ' No One is above the LAW '


side help: I wanted to read the whole story so clicked the link to pattaya daily news, got their page but there was no way I could get it to load any story...... is this some joke web site?


And story now removed from PDN web site, so all back to normal. No my mistake: can't see any story on pdn as their html is not configured for google chrome.

And this is what I love about Thai law. No mention of the club out of fear they will sue. :lol:

One more reason this crap happens over and over. Not only are there no consequences, but you can't even name the place.

Story hasn't been removed and is accessible with Chrome

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