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He may well get a lighter sentence if he reveals his source.

But then again his life would be in great danger.

I don't know the guy , don't even know where Spanky's is.

But nice guy or not he knew the risk he was running , and he lost.

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But nice guy or not he knew the risk he was running , and he lost.

Do you quote the law for all things human in this life? Is that the final arbiter as to what we should or should not do in our life? Nah, forget empathy, the man knew he was wrong, so let him get years in prison. It's the law.

Would you use this line for judging people and their actions in countries with draconian laws? Nah, they demonstrated, it's against the law, they knew the risk, they should cop the full punishment.



But nice guy or not he knew the risk he was running , and he lost.

Do you quote the law for all things human in this life? Is that the final arbiter as to what we should or should not do in our life? Nah, forget empathy, the man knew he was wrong, so let him get years in prison. It's the law.

Would you use this line for judging people and their actions in countries with draconian laws? Nah, they demonstrated, it's against the law, they knew the risk, they should cop the full punishment.

So pray do tell what would you consider to be a fair and just punishment in this case?

I cant wait, this is going to be a classic....


Deport him with no jail time and no possibility of returning. That would be punishment enough and would cost Thailand nothing.

These are not really hard drugs, but the quantities that he was arrested with are rather shocking. :o


There is lots of the less refined opium in The North, perhaps that is what they were cooking with. Did that weed look shitty or what? I can't remember the last time I saw any quality weed in a Thai bust. Paid 1 Dollar per gram for these trophies, right here in the good ole US of A.



Deport him with no jail time and no possibility of returning. That would be punishment enough and would cost Thailand nothing.

These are not really hard drugs, but the quantities that he was arrested with are rather shocking. :o

The main reason for punishment is to deter others from doing it. I don't think deporting him would deter others from doing the same thing. Jail is probably not be the best way to punish anyone, however it is the only way that the authorities know how to use.


Deport him with no jail time and no possibility of returning. That would be punishment enough and would cost Thailand nothing.

These are not really hard drugs, but the quantities that he was arrested with are rather shocking. :o

The main reason for punishment is to deter others from doing it. I don't think deporting him would deter others from doing the same thing. Jail is probably not be the best way to punish anyone, however it is the only way that the authorities know how to use.

He could be forced to read TV every day. wink.gif


Stop government regulation of substance ingestion and sexual behavior between consenting adults to romove the criminal involvement and economic benefits of illegal dealing. Siimple.

Then the individual decides and parents can teach their children: easy on the cough medicine dear.


Stop government regulation of substance ingestion and sexual behavior between consenting adults to romove the criminal involvement and economic benefits of illegal dealing. Siimple.

Then the individual decides and parents can teach their children: easy on the cough medicine dear.

You mean having a beer in a bar and taking a chick home?

Been here a long time, never had the government stop me yet. wink.gif


Deport him with no jail time and no possibility of returning. That would be punishment enough and would cost Thailand nothing.

These are not really hard drugs, but the quantities that he was arrested with are rather shocking. :o

I agree - but if he got deportation he's one hell of a lucky guy - I guess they would arrest him in the US? anyway what a risk he took


Stop government regulation of substance ingestion and sexual behavior between consenting adults to romove the criminal involvement and economic benefits of illegal dealing. Siimple.

Then the individual decides and parents can teach their children: easy on the cough medicine dear.

Doesn't take into account idiots and the kids with bad parents!


Deport him with no jail time and no possibility of returning. That would be punishment enough and would cost Thailand nothing.

These are not really hard drugs, but the quantities that he was arrested with are rather shocking. :o

I agree - but if he got deportation he's one hell of a lucky guy - I guess they would arrest him in the US? anyway what a risk he took

If they just deport him, will he be arrested and charged by the USA authorities?


Deport him with no jail time and no possibility of returning. That would be punishment enough and would cost Thailand nothing.

These are not really hard drugs, but the quantities that he was arrested with are rather shocking. :o

I agree - but if he got deportation he's one hell of a lucky guy - I guess they would arrest him in the US? anyway what a risk he took

If they just deport him, will he be arrested and charged by the USA authorities?

I don't see how.

Some countries have International treaties with one another to apprehend pedophiles in one country and try them for crimes committed in another country but I don't think this is true with drug cases. I could be wrong.


I've heard of Americans arrested in Mexico for trafficking, are sometimes allowed to complete their sentences in the US. This guy told me it was more like a college campus in the US. It was horrible in Mexico. He may need some assistance to stay out of Bang Kwang.


Deport him with no jail time and no possibility of returning. That would be punishment enough and would cost Thailand nothing.

These are not really hard drugs, but the quantities that he was arrested with are rather shocking. :o

I agree - but if he got deportation he's one hell of a lucky guy - I guess they would arrest him in the US? anyway what a risk he took

If they just deport him, will he be arrested and charged by the USA authorities?

I don't see how.

Some countries have International treaties with one another to apprehend pedophiles in one country and try them for crimes committed in another country but I don't think this is true with drug cases. I could be wrong.

Under US law if a person is arrested, found either guilty or not guilty and then punished (or not)........doesn't double jeopardy kick in?


In a case like this, would he stand to benefit if he were willing to share the names and so on of those to whom he sold? :whistling:

With the quantities involved I am sure there are a lot of his farang customers wondering just that :whistling::whistling:


I read something along these lines in a Thai newspaper a couple days ago.. Some American guy getting caught with drugs hidden in chocolate and candy stuff.. weird.

Not sure this is the same case.

But good to see that Americans are finally catching up with everyone else when it comes to crime. ;)

This points to the fact that anyone can do, and people from all walks of life do drugs here, not just the Nigerians, Indians and Iranians.


In a case like this, would he stand to benefit if he were willing to share the names and so on of those to whom he sold? :whistling:

Under the law he might benefit but he would be adding significant risks to his well being from such actions and he certainly would not want to be doing any jail time after talking.


I guess because he is not located on soi nana in BKK, we should cut him some slack? Or may be because he is of the wrong color from the stereotype drug dealer and only sold to adult from farang land, we should nt hang him high?

hypocrisy at best, he is not different from the Iranians with 'ice' or the Nigerian peddling crack. He is a scumbag for short.

OKAY! That's more like it! Didn't take long to recognize the old place. Carry on......


In a case like this, would he stand to benefit if he were willing to share the names and so on of those to whom he sold? :whistling:

Under the law he might benefit but he would be adding significant risks to his well being from such actions and he certainly would not want to be doing any jail time after talking.

I had thought that authorities generally are interested in going UP the chain of supply. A local sentence then might indeed be v. risky, depending. I cannot suppose that any hypothetical citizen can be charged within the U.S. if released by foreign authorities. Crime must be committed within jurisdictions in the U.S. (except, apparently, "terrorism" in war zones created by U.S.) in order to be tried there.

Good thing for him. Most states have required minimum sentences, which until recently have been severe according to the amount of drug discovered. All this assumes, of course, that accused is found to be guilty. We all know, I suppose, of cases where westerners are sent "home" to finish sentences. Handy for the accused, in one way, but makes guilty party a felon in native country on national database.


Has he had to do the ridiculous re-enactment of the crime scene yet, or does that come after a deal has been brokered?

Is that with a burger and fry's or just candy?



But nice guy or not he knew the risk he was running , and he lost.

Do you quote the law for all things human in this life? Is that the final arbiter as to what we should or should not do in our life? Nah, forget empathy, the man knew he was wrong, so let him get years in prison. It's the law.

Would you use this line for judging people and their actions in countries with draconian laws? Nah, they demonstrated, it's against the law, they knew the risk, they should cop the full punishment.

Sorry, but I don't have a clue what you are on about. My comment was quite simple and easy to understand. then you go droning on about how I quote law for all things in human life <_< &lt;deleted&gt; are you on about?

You say he should get full punishment for what he did. Have I intimated anything different?

Please enlighten me? ;)


Has he had to do the ridiculous re-enactment of the crime scene yet, or does that come after a deal has been brokered?

That is only if he makes a confession.

Does anyone not confess once the BIB have them?

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