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Attacked In The Street - And Advice?


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Hi folks, this isn't the most serious crime in the world but I was attacked by a local Thai out of the blue last night - and neither the local police nor tourist police appear at all concerned.

I was walking home at about 10pm when a man appeared out of nowhere, punched me several times around the head and fled. There was no conversation. I am 55 years old and not keen to get into fights. I was concussed for ages and didn't know where I was or where I lived.

One of the who witnesses helped me paid for a taxi to take me to the local police station and wrote on a piece of paper exactly who this man was - he works as an official motorcycle taxi rider, and gave me his orange bib number. Someone said "must be easy to find him with that information".

Thong Lo police couldn't give a hoot but finally agreed to send someone to the scene and told me to go back. However, their cop at the scene also didn't give a monkeys and wouldn't follow it up.

Someone said "you must get hospital certificate, then the police will take action", so one of the assailant's colleagues rode me to hospital where X-rays showed nothing broken, just serious bruising.

Now, the morning after I am still quite shaken up, have a heck of a shiner above one eye and pretty sore.

I called the tourist police - they said "nothing to do with us", speak to the local police.

I said I'd already been to the local police, not interested.

They said "anything else we can help you with?"

This is crazy. I don't know what I'd done to upset this guy but this was entirely unprovoked. In any other country there'd be no hesitation among the cops in getting him to court.

Any ideas? I'm thinking about asking my local Embassy, Aussie, for a suggestion. Is this a waste of time.

Edited by pomozki
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Thonglor police are notoriously lazy and corrupt, even after presenting them with irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing from an employee we still had to pay the police to deal with it.

If you want this dealing with you will have to pay them to deal with it, even then don't expect any real outcome although ours was sorted with the introduction of a good lawyer to the scene).

The truth is the police don't care, you are farang, if there is nothing in it financially for them then they don't give a dam_n.

As for the tourist police, what visa do you have? are you a tourist or do you have Non Imm visa?

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Powderpuff - are you saying unprovoked attacks are a fact of life here and to just accept them?

No wonder some local Thais think they can do what they like!

I am saying that because the Thonglor Police will take no interest in your case you are SOL.

There are ways to retaliate but I am not going into that.

The toursit police told you to shove off. You are out of options. Chalk it up to experience. Carry nung chucks. I don't know.

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Thonglor police are notoriously lazy and corrupt, even after presenting them with irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing from an employee we still had to pay the police to deal with it.

If you want this dealing with you will have to pay them to deal with it, even then don't expect any real outcome although ours was sorted with the introduction of a good lawyer to the scene).

The truth is the police don't care, you are farang, if there is nothing in it financially for them then they don't give a dam_n.

As for the tourist police, what visa do you have? are you a tourist or do you have Non Imm visa?

I have a tourist visa, considering a lawyer's offer of 10,000B to upgrade to 3-month non-immigrant visa, then 25,000B to get a retirement visa.

Out of interest, any idea how much a cop would expect from me to take action? I've got to walk past this guy and his mates to get home every day - the last thing I want is him thinking he can do what he pleases and get away with it.

Edited by pomozki
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read up on criminal law in thailand and start with making a complaint against the police officer.

"you could start by lodging a complaint with the Office of the Inspector-General of the Royal Thai Police."

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Thonglor police are notoriously lazy and corrupt, even after presenting them with irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing from an employee we still had to pay the police to deal with it.

If you want this dealing with you will have to pay them to deal with it, even then don't expect any real outcome although ours was sorted with the introduction of a good lawyer to the scene).

The truth is the police don't care, you are farang, if there is nothing in it financially for them then they don't give a dam_n.

As for the tourist police, what visa do you have? are you a tourist or do you have Non Imm visa?

I have a tourist visa, considering a lawyer's offer of 10,000B to upgrade to 3-month non-immigrant visa, then 25,000B to get a retirement visa.

Out of interest, any idea how much a cop would expect from me to take action? I've got to walk past this guy and his mates to get home every day - the last thing I want is him thinking he can do what he pleases and get away with it.

you have a tourist visa therefore the tourist police should deal with this, their office is on phetburi road, go in with your passport and your medical report and make sure they deal with it, if you know a respectable Thai take them with you, let them know it is not just going to go away and you want action taken.

I know we are all different, and I know things can come back and bite you on the arse, but this swamp rat would have been dealt with by now if it was me, but again this comes down to who and what you know in Bangkok.

As for the cost for the police to deal with it, offer 50% of the compensation he manages to extract from the guy who assaulted you.

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"I've got to walk past this guy and his mates to get home every day - the last thing I want is him thinking he can do what he pleases and get away with it"

If this is true,that the guy who did this and his mates are sat where you have to walk everyday, I would do one of two things, make an example of him to his mates, by using a paid Policeman AND a Solicitor to talk directly to him OR get the hell out from there as you never know who is going to take a turn next if it appears you cant do anything about the situation.

BE WARNED Thais are like pack animals and hunt and are very brave in packs, it also helps them to avoid recognition.

I would get well away from that situation whilst you still can.

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Get a copy of the police/incident report and bring it to the prosecutor's office. They will take action.

But I guess you need to ask yourself why pursue this? Are you willing to stay in Thailand while it goes to court and testify? If not, then why waste the resources of the Police and Court. My guess is that is why they didn't take it too seriously.

And you do realize it is unlikely this person will get any jail time for a simple thing like battery. So, if you are scared to ask him why he did it then I would think you better be more scared of him after he finds out you are going all out to prosecute him.

Edited by Nisa
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Thonglor police are notoriously lazy and corrupt, even after presenting them with irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing from an employee we still had to pay the police to deal with it.

If you want this dealing with you will have to pay them to deal with it, even then don't expect any real outcome although ours was sorted with the introduction of a good lawyer to the scene).

The truth is the police don't care, you are farang, if there is nothing in it financially for them then they don't give a dam_n.

As for the tourist police, what visa do you have? are you a tourist or do you have Non Imm visa?

I have a tourist visa, considering a lawyer's offer of 10,000B to upgrade to 3-month non-immigrant visa, then 25,000B to get a retirement visa.

Out of interest, any idea how much a cop would expect from me to take action? I've got to walk past this guy and his mates to get home every day - the last thing I want is him thinking he can do what he pleases and get away with it.

you have a tourist visa therefore the tourist police should deal with this, their office is on phetburi road, go in with your passport and your medical report and make sure they deal with it, if you know a respectable Thai take them with you, let them know it is not just going to go away and you want action taken.

I know we are all different, and I know things can come back and bite you on the arse, but this swamp rat would have been dealt with by now if it was me, but again this comes down to who and what you know in Bangkok.

As for the cost for the police to deal with it, offer 50% of the compensation he manages to extract from the guy who assaulted you.

Well, I just called the lawyer who's helping me on the visa issue: he said motorbike riders like that don't have a cent, so no chance of compensation - and it would cost several thousand baht to hire a lawyer to even try to get a case together for a court...

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Why not approach him in the daytime, and ask him why he did it, maybe it was mistaken identity?, perhap have someone sitting by somewhere near with a camera video, something prvoked him, try to find out what it was.

Or do you already know? and are not telling

I absolutely, honestly have no idea what I might have done to upset him - and if he's prepared to attack without provocation, me approaching him to "discuss" the issue might send him out of control

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"I've got to walk past this guy and his mates to get home every day - the last thing I want is him thinking he can do what he pleases and get away with it"

If this is true,that the guy who did this and his mates are sat where you have to walk everyday, I would do one of two things, make an example of him to his mates, by using a paid Policeman AND a Solicitor to talk directly to him OR get the hell out from there as you never know who is going to take a turn next if it appears you cant do anything about the situation.

BE WARNED Thais are like pack animals and hunt and are very brave in packs, it also helps them to avoid recognition.

I would get well away from that situation whilst you still can.

in this instance one of the offenders colleagues took the victim to the hospital, it may seem in this case that his colleagues want to involvement in the situation.

On another note NIsa, how can he take a copy of he report to the prosecutors office when no report has been taken? First he needs a report to be taken, then the likelihood of the matter ever reaching court for something like this is very small, a compensation package will be negotiated between the offender and the victim, then the matter will be dropped. This will not even reach the negotiation stage in court, it will be a matter of the police telling the guy how much compensation he needs to pay. Why should the victim ask himself why he should pursue this? he has already given a reason why he wants to pursue it, pursuing this is the correct thing to do.

You really need to stop confusing the thai police and thai legal system with structured systems back in the west.

It seems it is not an ongoing thing, the op has passed the offender since and nothing has happened, maybe it is mistaken identity, but that does not make it ok, the op was still assaulted and it should be dealt with.

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Why not approach him in the daytime, and ask him why he did it, maybe it was mistaken identity?, perhap have someone sitting by somewhere near with a camera video, something prvoked him, try to find out what it was.

Or do you already know? and are not telling

I absolutely, honestly have no idea what I might have done to upset him - and if he's prepared to attack without provocation, me approaching him to "discuss" the issue might send him out of control

yeah just ignore the posters that think you must have done something to cause the issue, many on here don't believe that some attacks are carried out purely because the attacker is an arsehol_e.

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Totally agree with Random...do more than call. Show up at the tourist police office in person - black eye and all. Be cool the whole time you are there...even if they won't help you or give you the run around.

Never pay off a thug to beat on a thug - that would back fire fast.

Please keep us informed. Advice will likely change as your situation changes.

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Why not approach him in the daytime, and ask him why he did it, maybe it was mistaken identity?, perhap have someone sitting by somewhere near with a camera video, something prvoked him, try to find out what it was.

Or do you already know? and are not telling

I absolutely, honestly have no idea what I might have done to upset him - and if he's prepared to attack without provocation, me approaching him to "discuss" the issue might send him out of control

yeah just ignore the posters that think you must have done something to cause the issue, many on here don't believe that some attacks are carried out purely because the attacker is an arsehol_e.

Or maybe the Thai believes he did do something to him, a friend or piece of property that showed disrespect as opposed to randomly punching a stranger. My guess is this guy speaks no English anyway and would suggest having a Thai friend approach him (without the victim) to ask why he did it. The answer should have GREAT influence on what the victim decides to do next.

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OP, where did this happen? I live on the same soi as the Thonglor Police Station and use the motorcycle taxis quite often with no problems. My kids use them also, so I am interested so that I can assure the safety of my kids.

Also, you can pay the police approximately 500 baht to take a report if they are refusing to do so. But then what? There is little in the Thai law against assault. You can't have him jailed, he doesn't have money to pay. So, as I see it, you have a couple of choices. Pay the cops to talk to him. Pay someone else to "talk" to him. "Talk" to him yourself. Or just avoid him.

You are not getting help because there really isn't much you can do, not because no one wants to help you. You are not in your home country, so stop comparing Thailand to home. Once you realize that, things will be clearer to you.

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OP, where did this happen? I live on the same soi as the Thonglor Police Station and use the motorcycle taxis quite often with no problems. My kids use them also, so I am interested so that I can assure the safety of my kids.

Also, you can pay the police approximately 500 baht to take a report if they are refusing to do so. But then what? There is little in the Thai law against assault. You can't have him jailed, he doesn't have money to pay. So, as I see it, you have a couple of choices. Pay the cops to talk to him. Pay someone else to "talk" to him. "Talk" to him yourself. Or just avoid him.

You are not getting help because there really isn't much you can do, not because no one wants to help you. You are not in your home country, so stop comparing Thailand to home. Once you realize that, things will be clearer to you.

Hi, this happened on Soi 22, a few meters from Sukhumvit, where all the motorbike riders hang out. I'm starting to think I might have to accept that assault is not taken seriously here and not worth the effort and expense of following through. If I can find a Thai who can speak to this prick or his colleagues and find out more, that might be the most I'm ever gonna be able to do

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OP, where did this happen? I live on the same soi as the Thonglor Police Station and use the motorcycle taxis quite often with no problems. My kids use them also, so I am interested so that I can assure the safety of my kids.

Also, you can pay the police approximately 500 baht to take a report if they are refusing to do so. But then what? There is little in the Thai law against assault. You can't have him jailed, he doesn't have money to pay. So, as I see it, you have a couple of choices. Pay the cops to talk to him. Pay someone else to "talk" to him. "Talk" to him yourself. Or just avoid him.

You are not getting help because there really isn't much you can do, not because no one wants to help you. You are not in your home country, so stop comparing Thailand to home. Once you realize that, things will be clearer to you.

Hi, this happened on Soi 22, a few meters from Sukhumvit, where all the motorbike riders hang out. I'm starting to think I might have to accept that assault is not taken seriously here and not worth the effort and expense of following through. If I can find a Thai who can speak to this prick or his colleagues and find out more, that might be the most I'm ever gonna be able to do

You should without a doubt get over it but I realize this is hard if not impossibly to truly do especially if you pass this guy frequently. I strongly urge you to get a Thai to speak to him. If you don't know somebody to do this and want to ask an acquaintanceship be sure you do not act mad (be very calm). In fact you may want to say that you just want to know what you did to make him upset so that you can be sure the issue is resolved. The person may come back to you and say this guy is just an SOB or he/she may come back to you and tell you that the mo-cy driver has you pegged as the farang who abused a girl he knows. Keep in mind that these mo-sie taxi drivers are shady characters and can be paid to hit somebody for a few hundred baht. It is not uncommon for a girl to pay them to do just what he did to you.

Keep in mind too that I have no doubt you felt assaulted but the legal term in the US would not be assault (use of a weapon) but simple battery. It is a misdemeanor and police couldn't do anything unless they actually witnessed it happened. You would have to file a citizens arrest. Bottom line is nobody is going to jail in either country for simply punching somebody. My point here is two fold in that it is not a serious crime but also for you not to get a terrible view of Thailand over an incident that is not common place. I could be wrong but something/somebody provoked this guy to do this as I doubt he works Sukimvit and is in the habit of punching random tourists.

Again, I strongly suggest getting a Thai to speak to him so that you and he can get past this .. unless you plan on moving in which case then just write it off.

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Except he is high on Yaba, he did it for a reason.

And the OP might have a clue to what might have caused him to punch him.

I could have a word with him on your behalf. Never had a problem doing that with the locals. They prefer to sue me in civil courts all over town.

About the cops not doing much, may be you never told the story right.

If the guy just punched you, dont just say that, also he had something that looked like a magnun piece and two samurai swords, and he ran away when people started shouting.

That would bring them down to the scene fast and would make the guy say precisely how many times he punched you and why.

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OP, where did this happen? I live on the same soi as the Thonglor Police Station and use the motorcycle taxis quite often with no problems. My kids use them also, so I am interested so that I can assure the safety of my kids.

Also, you can pay the police approximately 500 baht to take a report if they are refusing to do so. But then what? There is little in the Thai law against assault. You can't have him jailed, he doesn't have money to pay. So, as I see it, you have a couple of choices. Pay the cops to talk to him. Pay someone else to "talk" to him. "Talk" to him yourself. Or just avoid him.

You are not getting help because there really isn't much you can do, not because no one wants to help you. You are not in your home country, so stop comparing Thailand to home. Once you realize that, things will be clearer to you.

Yes, must be the best option B)

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