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Congrats to Stabbo-lad and Aland2012...your wait is over...next in line all4one and meself...the suspense is just tooo much!...fingernails have gone..run out of valium..if I smoked l'd be on WaccyBaccy!

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Another question: I read in the 2010 Settlement thread that a phone call from a ECO 'normally precedes a refusal'...which has really unsettled me.....Is this true?...

No. It is not true.

The entry clearance officers try to decide as many applications as possible on the paperwork alone.

If the paperwork shows that, on the balance of probabilities, the criteria for the visa are met they will issue it.

If the paperwork fails to show this, they will refuse.

Only if there is an area of doubt, but not enough doubt to refuse, will they contact the applicant; either for a phone interview or to arrange a full face to face interview at the embassy. If in the interview those doubts satisfied, then they will issue the visa.

my wife had her interview after 1 week. the questions they asked her were about her ex husband and the ex's contact with his children, how much money does he give them, where does he live, his job, as well as questions about us. from what you say he must have some doubt, or wanted to answer his doubts by an interview. my wife and her two children are applying for a visa. my wife has custody of one child and has applied for and been given custody of her second child, though the courts wont give her the papers until one month is up - which is in about 2 weeks from now. we did submit court papers saying this and a temporary por kor 14. it is understandable the embassy staff have their doubts but i hope this early interview doesnt spell disaster for the application. fingers crossed it wont.



A BIG THANK YOU to everyone which has helped me in the process in getting the spouse visa , and helping before that with the holiday visa, and any other silly questions that I have asked in the passed..... Once the wife has sorted the apartment in BKK and gone to say goodbye to her family in Si Saket, she will be coming to the UK. I feel like I can relax now, but I also feel this is just the begining 555555555555555555. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN.

Alan Day :jap:

Nice one Alan. You must be feeling so pleased. Good luck.:D



A BIG THANK YOU to everyone which has helped me in the process in getting the spouse visa , and helping before that with the holiday visa, and any other silly questions that I have asked in the passed..... Once the wife has sorted the apartment in BKK and gone to say goodbye to her family in Si Saket, she will be coming to the UK. I feel like I can relax now, but I also feel this is just the begining 555555555555555555. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN.

Alan Day :jap:

YEAH gratz alan, time to relax and party :partytime2: very happy for u both, good luck in the future mate, my turn soon :thumbsup: , we decided to re-apply instead of appeal


If the wife has satisfied the ECO's doubt's, are you saying that a positive outcome would be the result?....and do you have any indication as to when the decision would be made after the 'phone interview'?

Yes and sorry, no. Not too long, though, one would hope.


Got our Visa too this morning...Approved - my life's about to change ! :whistling:

Well done both of you !!!

And guess what we got our TWO this morning as well !!!!!!! yesssssssss

Thanks to everyone and Good Luck to all those waiting


Got our Visa too this morning...Approved - my life's about to change ! :whistling:

Fantastic news. Many conratulations!!! :D

the waiting group is shrinking by the day. we need some new members please ::thumbsup:


And guess what we got our TWO this morning as well !!!!!!! yesssssssss

Thanks to everyone and Good Luck to all those waiting

Brilliant!!!! :D You must be so pleased

edit: just waiting for Chronos now from that batch of people.


Congrats to both all4one and jason...well done guys and good luck in your new adventures!

We have not heard anything today and it is unlikely that we will as the VFS will be closed now...and it appears that the VFS tracking system is still down for maintenance..unless anyone can state to the contrary..so another weekend of worry!

It would be interesting to know..just to add to my paranoia...at what time (thai time) did both all4one and jason receive their sms from the VFS?...the timings of their 'success' news postings appear to be 'Thai time'..is that correct?

The waiting and uncertainty is really cracking us both up...it's worse than waiting for the hangman!..at least with that you know what time you are going to pop your clogs!

Words of encouragement, crates of beer and copious amount of Valium would be greatly appreciated!


Question:....When a visa is granted...do they put a 'travel date' on it? Both Jason and all4one got their visa's today..when can your loved ones travel?...and what dates did you put on the application? Same question to all recent successes.

The reason I ask is that when the ECO spoke to my wife on the phone..one of the questions asked was..'when do you want to travel?'...just trying to allay my nagging doubts!..Would they ask that question if they were going to refuse?


PS....still no sign of the crates of beer or the Valium !


The visa will be dated, and valid from the day it is issued unless a later date was requested when the application was submitted; the start date can be postdated for up to 3 months.

A settlement visa is valid for 27 months, and to be time qualified for Indefinite Leave to Remain the holder must have been resident in the UK for at least 24 months. So even if the visa is not postdated, one has up to 3 months in which to wind up one's affairs and first enter the UK.

As to whether the questions asked during an interview give any indication of the result of the application, I can only refer you to my previous answer;

Only if there is an area of doubt, but not enough doubt to refuse, will they contact the applicant; either for a phone interview or to arrange a full face to face interview at the embassy. If in the interview those doubts satisfied, then they will issue the visa.


mmmmmmm looking at 7by7's last post it's a good job I qualify for an Irish passport and so will my wife once we've been married for 3 years.

We wont spend 24 months in the UK over the course of our visa we'll be splitting it equally between Thailand and UK.

Jason and all4one well done boys we are really glad for you both and your wives.

Come on Chronos lets see yours as a positive next :-)


Just to clarify.

During the 24 months qualifying period for ILR one is allowed time out of the UK. There is no actual limit on the amount of time outside the UK, but when applying for ILR one will need to show that one is a UK resident; which may be difficult to do if most of the last 24 months has been spent in Thailand!

To qualify for naturalisation as British a spouse or civil partner of a British citizen must have ILR or the equivalent and been physically present in the UK on the exact day three years prior to applying (the type of visa one had at that time doesn't matter) and during that three year period have spent a maximum of 270 days out of the UK with no more than 90 days in the final year.

For others, they must have held ILR or the equivalent for at least 1 year, been in the UK on the exact day 5 years prior to applying and spent no more than 450 days out of the UK during the last 5 years with no more than 90 days in the final year.

Englishinsiam, if you used your Irish nationality to obtain an EEA family permit for your wife to live in the UK, then she would need to live in the UK for 5 years before she can apply for permanent residence (the EEA equivalent of ILR). I'm not sure, but I think that time out of the UK is allowed under the same terms as for ILR.

A moot point, perhaps, as she could always obtain another, free, EEA permit every time you wished to spend time in the UK.

However, if you use your Irish nationality for an EEA family permit you cannot then switch to your British nationality for British citizenship. So she would need to have held UK permanent residence for at least one year before she could apply for British citizenship; i.e. that's 6 years after first entering the UK with the permit.

Of course, if she has Irish nationality than she would have the same rights as you; and you seem to be saying that she can get this merely by being married to you. Is there no requirement for her to have lived in the Republic?

ILR will lapse if the holder spends a continuous period of 2 or more years out of the UK; it can also be canceled by an Immigration Officer at a port of entry if it is apparent that the ILR is being used for visits and the holder is no longer a UK resident; though the holder would be allowed in on that occasion as a visitor.

I am fairly confident similar conditions apply to PR obtained under the EEA regulations, but I'm not sure of the details.

British citizenship, once granted, cannot lapse; no matter how long the citizen spends out of the UK.


Under the Irish constitution I am entitled to an Irish Passport due to my grandfather being born in Kildare I have applied for Foreign Birth Registration and also under the constitution once we've been legally married for 3 years she is entitled to an Irish passport.

This co-incides with when our Settlement visa expires we'll never settle fully in the UK but once she has an Irish passport then we are free to travel the world with the same rights as an EU citizen.

Maybe other British nationals could look into this route for their spouses if they have Irish roots.


under the constitution once we've been legally married for 3 years she is entitled to an Irish passport.

Even if she has never set foot in the Republic?

Forgive my scepticism; but every other country I know of has some form of residency requirement for naturalisation, even if one's spouse is a national of that country.


under the constitution once we've been legally married for 3 years she is entitled to an Irish passport.

Even if she has never set foot in the Republic?

Forgive my scepticism; but every other country I know of has some form of residency requirement for naturalisation, even if one's spouse is a national of that country.

Yes thats correct even if she has never been there.

I know of 2 other Thai ladies with Irish passports via these means. It was a friend in Pattaya that told me about it his wife has had an Irish passport for 10 years now and had never been before being issued with it.


Settlement visa waitingtimes as at Sunday the 1st August 2011.

shadyacres29, 7th March- 1st April = 3 weeks and 5 days, successful

tigerjohn 15th March- 26th May = 10 weeks and 3 days, successful

englishinsiam, 28thMarch - 12thMay = 6 weeks and 4days, successful (compassionategrounds)

contractor, 31st March - 1st June = 8 weeks and 6 days,successful

neilo, 5th April -9th June = 9 weeks and 2 days,successful

samcled, 5th April - 14thJune = 10 weeks,successful

thaiscouse, 7th April - 22ndJune = 10 weeks and 6 days,successful

lingyaiyai, 11th April - 24th June = 10 weeks and 4days, successful

storeman, 12th April - 27 June = 10 weeks and 5days, successful

space1999, 5th April - 5th July = 12 weeks and 6days, successful

brynpugh, 7th April - 8thJuly = 12 weeks and 4 days, Refused

farrangkeenok, 17th May - 12th July = 7 weeks, Successful

leafmould, 11th May - 14th July = 7 weeks and 6 days, Successful

keith1, 20th May - 15thJuly = 8 weeks, Successful

geordiephil,19th May - 20thJuly = 8 weeks and 6 days, Refused

stabbo-lad, 25th May - 27th July = 9 weeks, Successful

aland2012, 26th May - 28th July = 9 weeks, Successful

all4one, 27th May - 29th July = 9 weeks, Successful

jasonr3255, 20th May - 29th July = 10 weeks, successful

POMCHOB, 26thMay - 29th July = 9 weeks and 1 day, Refused

chronos, 27th May =9 weeks and 2 days, waiting...

brumdave, 9th June = 7 weeks and 3days, waiting...

cleverD, 9th June = 7 weeks and 3days, waiting...

Kunash, 13th July = 2 week and 4 days, waiting...


Hi All,

Nam applied for a settlement visa on 6th June and recieced a message that it was ready for collection last thursday 28th july so 7 weeks 3days, she will be heading down to Bangkok

tuesday to collect and hopefully we will get the visa.

Fingers X



Hi All,

Nam applied for a settlement visa on 6th June and recieced a message that it was ready for collection last thursday 28th july so 7 weeks 3days, she will be heading down to Bangkok

tuesday to collect and hopefully we will get the visa.

Fingers X


Good luck to you and your wife. Fingers crossed for you. :)


Hi All...quick update...got a txt from the missus this morning stating that she received sms from VFS at 10.50am (Thai time) that passport ready for collection. She then phoned our Agent in BKK who stated she would collect it at 4pm today...great news?...not really as we still do not know the result!..

ok..go back to sleep and worry for just that bit longer!

....and then....received another txt from Wifey at 4pm (thai time)...Agent cannot get to VFS until tomorrow!!..<deleted>!..Ok..now rant and rave time!...fortunately...the agent nor the wife were on the receiving end of my frustrations as it would serve no useful purpose and therefore restricted myself to screaming at the parrot and

kicking the dog! (actually..I didn't kick the dog..he just hid in the corner!).

The annoying thing is...the agent has had all day to organise the pick up of the passport, even if she cannot do it personally, there are other staff that can do it, but she waits until the VFS close at 4pm to send the wife the message that she cannot go!...and that is the bit that really pee'd me off!

So another day of worry!..Bugger!


Hi All...quick update...got a txt from the missus this morning stating that she received sms from VFS at 10.50am (Thai time) that passport ready for collection. She then phoned our Agent in BKK who stated she would collect it at 4pm today...great news?...not really as we still do not know the result!..

ok..go back to sleep and worry for just that bit longer!

....and then....received another txt from Wifey at 4pm (thai time)...Agent cannot get to VFS until tomorrow!!..<deleted>!..Ok..now rant and rave time!...fortunately...the agent nor the wife were on the receiving end of my frustrations as it would serve no useful purpose and therefore restricted myself to screaming at the parrot and

kicking the dog! (actually..I didn't kick the dog..he just hid in the corner!).

The annoying thing is...the agent has had all day to organise the pick up of the passport, even if she cannot do it personally, there are other staff that can do it, but she waits until the VFS close at 4pm to send the wife the message that she cannot go!...and that is the bit that really pee'd me off!

So another day of worry!..Bugger!

Fingers crossed for you and your wife.


Misses got the sms this morning to collect passport, fingers crossed, can she go anytime to the vfs to collect it???

She will need to make an appointment online.

Only joking. I am sure she can go anytime to collect the GOOD news.

Good luck


Lets hope it's 2 more approvals.

Chronos - Make the dog feel batter and yourself take him/her for a long walk while you wait for the answer.

Incidentally the agent should have been by now :-)


Hi Guys........got text from wife today at 11.10am...Agent just been to collect paperwork from VFS...she say....YEEEEESSSSSS!...dated 1st August.

Needless to say we are ecstatic,,overjoyed..over the moon at the news....phew...what a relief...I gotta admit I was beginning to have doubts..just paranoia setting in..but I am sure that this is something we all experience during that time in Limbo..just waiting...and waiting...and waiting...watching your finger nails get

shorter. smoking or drinking too much...studying the raw nerve ends..we all know this horrible empty can do nothing about it feeling we have in our nerve ravished bodies..honestly I think I would rather chew my own nuts!

Now all I have to worry about is getting the house clean, stocking up with Thai goodies...and organize the flight in about 2 weeks time!

I would like to thank all those in this forum, who through responses to others have helped and encouraged me through the reading of their posts...and good luck to all those who still have to undergo the waiting heartaches...Thanks Guys!

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