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Jatuporn Warns Of Bigger Rallies Ahead

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Bigger rallies ahead if you don't free detainees, Jatuporn warns

By The Nation on Sunday.


Red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan told an estimated 20,000 red-shirt demonstrators yesterday the group would hold an even bigger rally on March 12 if hundreds of detained red shirts, including seven of its leaders, were not granted bail next week.

March 12 marks the beginning of last year's red-shirt rally, which ended in violent riots with 91 people killed and more than 1,000 injured. An even bigger rally would follow to mark the May 19 crackdown if the situation remained the same, he said.

"If they are still [in jail] then we will have no recourse but to fight," Jatuporn told the crowd at the Ratchaprasong intersection early yesterday afternoon through loud speakers.

"Two Thais are in jail in Cambodia and it's a source of pain for the government while hundreds of innocent Thais are held in prison without qualm," Jatuporn said.

The red shirts gathered first at Ratchaprasong before moving to the Supreme Court near the Royal Lawn, and ending their protest late at night at Democracy Monument.

Jatuporn claimed he had solid proof that Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was still a British national, and could thus be tried in the International Criminal Court on an alleged crime against humanity charge, filed by red-shirt lawyer Robert Amsterdam.

"Our legal team has already checked Abhisit's nationality in the UK," said Jatuporn. Abhisit was born in 1964 in Newcastle and Jatuporn claimed there was no evidence that the premier had renounced his British citizenship. He said that under the British nationality Act of 1983 a person born in Britain automatically got British nationality.

While at Ratchaprasong, Jatuporn told protesters that during the upcoming censure debate he would also expose the "real arsonists" behind the burning of nearby buildings, like CentralWorld, after the May 19 crackdown.

"What kind of beasts burnt down Central World? We have been shot and killed and yet accused of burning buildings down," he said, adding that people would get more details during the House debate along with another exposés of serious government graft.

Earlier in the afternoon, 40 people mourned the death of six colleagues at Pathum Wanaram temple and lay roses at a site near where the victims were shot. Red Siam leader Surachai Sae-dan spoke of the need for a real revolt, which included "changing the old elite".

It took over an hour for the red-shirt motorcade to leave Ratchaprasong as they travelled slowly along New Phetchburi Road to the Supreme Court and then on to Democracy Monument. The parade was led by red-shirt motorcyclists, who shouted and honked their horns. The leaders addressed bystanders along the way but, as they set up a stage near the Supreme Court, some motorists stuck in the traffic jam became upset and honked their horns back at them.

Outside the Supreme Court, a letter signed by the seven jailed red-shirt leaders was read out. It questioned the fairness in not allowing them to be freed on bail while leaders of the yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) who occupied Government House and the airports were allowed bail.


-- The Nation 2011-02-20

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You want to give them a break where numbers are concerned.

The word unprecedented may have been chosen deliberatly as in the english language it can be used to mean less as well as more.

Dont they look a happy lot in the pix both on this and the other thread, not a smile to be seen anywhere.

Perhaps the free kow dom hadnt arrived at that time.

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It questioned the fairness in not allowing them to be freed on bail while leaders of the yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) who occupied Government House and the airports were allowed bail.<BR sab="386"><BR sab="387">

Maybe it's considered a bit different occupying a location and burning it down

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The Red Shirts don't want to go very far with the Abhisit-as-Brit claim, which sounds eerily like the equally farcical Obama-as-Kenyan claim of the American Birthers... there are other serious players in the Kingdom who have been born abroad. Best let that one lie dormant and attack the PM for not being a red shirt -- which is what they mean, anyway.

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It's coming up to protest season again.

I wonder when Jatuporn will ask everyone to bring a bottle to the protest.

Hope you dont mean like last time so they can be filled with petrol.

He seems to have forgoten about surrendering and going to jail, perhaps he has found out Mc D's dont have a branch in the remand prison.

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It's coming up to protest season again.

I wonder when Jatuporn will ask everyone to bring a bottle to the protest.

Hope you dont mean like last time so they can be filled with petrol.

He seems to have forgoten about surrendering and going to jail, perhaps he has found out Mc D's dont have a branch in the remand prison.

He's supposed to surrender tomorrow when only two of the leaders are given bail. One can only hope. B)

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"some motorists stuck in the traffic jam became upset and honked their horns back at them"

My god if I were them I would have done a lot more than "honked my horn" I would loose my cool damned quick and if any of them were in my way they would have wished they had never been born!

Talk about being a gentle race! when is someone going to get tough with these wanke_rs.


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You want to give them a break where numbers are concerned.

The word unprecedented may have been chosen deliberatly as in the english language it can be used to mean less as well as more.

Dont they look a happy lot in the pix both on this and the other thread, not a smile to be seen anywhere.

Perhaps the free kow dom hadnt arrived at that time.

No I see some smiles in the pix... the sort of moronic smile one sees on buffaloes as they chew grass (ops - sorry, admin I might be insulting the innocent buffalo's)


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Jatuporn claimed he had solid proof that Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was still a British national, and could thus be tried in the International Criminal Court on an alleged crime against humanity charge, filed by red-shirt lawyer Robert Amsterdam.

"Our legal team has already checked Abhisit's nationality in the UK," said Jatuporn. Abhisit was born in 1964 in Newcastle and Jatuporn claimed there was no evidence that the premier had renounced his British citizenship. He said that under the British nationality Act of 1983 a person born in Britain automatically got British nationality.

Jatuporn can't find evidence that Abhisit had renounced his British citizenship. But the Brits (in another article) said that they don't comment on individuals.

So Jatuporn's "solid proof" is that the Brit's won't tell him.

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You want to give them a break where numbers are concerned.

The word unprecedented may have been chosen deliberatly as in the english language it can be used to mean less as well as more.

Dont they look a happy lot in the pix both on this and the other thread, not a smile to be seen anywhere.

Perhaps the free kow dom hadnt arrived at that time.

Sorry to disagree, 'unprecedented' on-its-own implies bigger than ever previously, which this (whether 8,000 or 20,000 people) isn't anywhere the peak-weekend attendance of 100,000 last year. So yet another abject-failure-to-deliver by Jatuporn. If he had meant 'unprecedentedly-weak turn-out', he would have said so, surely ?

Perhaps he might consider merging with the few-remaining anti-government PAD/NPP, so that all the lunatic-fringe are in the same group, and thus keep the numbers up to 10,000+ , for a few more weeks ? Or follow acting-UDD-leader Khun Thida's line of a more-sustainable once-per-month rally ? Wonder what she has to say, about Thaksin's picture still being displayed, at the front of this rally ?

Either way, to keep claiming that these are the sole-representatives of the vast-majority of the Thai people would clearly be mistaken, they are the dwindling-remnants of a failed-movement, time to move-on and start a new one !

"Jatuporn claimed he had solid proof that Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was still a British national", so where is it, or is it as some might suspect still being made-up ? Being born in the UK does not mean he is "still a British national" as claimed. Plenty of children are born overseas, to Thai-parents, but are still Thai-nationals. As is the current-PM, until Jatuporn produces his 'proof', which needs to be more than just evidence that he was born in a British hospital, and that the birth was registered.

I also love his claim, that the Red-Shirt hard-core rioters were framed for the burning of Central-World, this man is living in 'la-la land', it's truly worthy of an expensive international P.R. expert ! B)

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It's coming up to protest season again.

I wonder when Jatuporn will ask everyone to bring a bottle to the protest.

Hope you dont mean like last time so they can be filled with petrol.

He seems to have forgoten about surrendering and going to jail, perhaps he has found out Mc D's dont have a branch in the remand prison.

He's supposed to surrender tomorrow when only two of the leaders are given bail. One can only hope. B)

And what if none are given bail?

I could suggest an approprite course of action for him..........but then again they already did the spill blood thing.

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"some motorists stuck in the traffic jam became upset and honked their horns back at them"

My god if I were them I would have done a lot more than "honked my horn" I would loose my cool damned quick and if any of them were in my way they would have wished they had never been born!

Talk about being a gentle race! when is someone going to get tough with these wanke_rs.


Maybe not a good idea. In the past when civilians have tried to tell the red shirts off they have ended up dead

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A post speculating on His Majesty The King has been deleted.

2) Not to express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban.

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Chernobyl Jatuporn, the walking disaster area, is like a one man Prophet of Doom. I was really looking forward to his hard evidence of Abhisit's British nationality. What a buffoon he is, although much the same as his partners, I imagine

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It always amazing me how the red shirts are always so colour co-ordinated. I mean all the shirts have exactly the same shade of red. You don't see any poor red shirts with faded old shirts like you do in the countryside? Almost like its very well organised and someone paid for it all?

Is Taksin telling all his followers that they are buffaloes?

Edited by MaiChai
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Now it's the detainees,

but there will always be some reason for Jatuporn to cry bigger rallies coming. Why he hasn't hit his public exipry date yet is anyones guess.

K. Jatuporn is showtime at it's Thai best. Without the other UDD leaders he's amusing and does his own cause more harm than otherwise. Let him be. Only remember all his outlandish claims, anything he says can and will be used against him, even in a court of law ;)

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"some motorists stuck in the traffic jam became upset and honked their horns back at them"

My god if I were them I would have done a lot more than "honked my horn" I would loose my cool damned quick and if any of them were in my way they would have wished they had never been born!

Talk about being a gentle race! when is someone going to get tough with these wanke_rs.


Maybe not a good idea. In the past when civilians have tried to tell the red shirts off they have ended up dead

Just watched History Channel's The rise and fall of the Third Reich, and the earlier BBC's The World at War. Same thing happened to the Germans who opposed the Nazis.

Is it a coincidence that the flag of the Nazis are also red and black?

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"some motorists stuck in the traffic jam became upset and honked their horns back at them"

My god if I were them I would have done a lot more than "honked my horn" I would loose my cool damned quick and if any of them were in my way they would have wished they had never been born!

Talk about being a gentle race! when is someone going to get tough with these wanke_rs.


Maybe not a good idea. In the past when civilians have tried to tell the red shirts off they have ended up dead

Just watched History Channel's The rise and fall of the Third Reich, and the earlier BBC's The World at War. Same thing happened to the Germans who opposed the Nazis.

Is it a coincidence that the flag of the Nazis are also red and black?

Yes it's a coincidence, the closest thing to a fascist movement here are the PAD and their political arm is the NPP (New Politics Party). They even have a swastika for their logo.


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He's supposed to surrender tomorrow when only two of the leaders are given bail. One can only hope. B)

Jatuporn says a lot of things that have no basis in both reality nor honesty.


Red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan told an estimated 20,000 red-shirt demonstrators yesterday

while in another report from yesterday:

The other paper is reporting that Jatuporn announcing from the stage this afternoon that today is the biggest Red Shirt rally ever.

Edited by Buchholz
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hundreds of innocent Thais are held in prison without qualm," Jatuporn said.

What are the Red Shirt Leaders like himself doing?

Many Thai Red Shirts Abandoned By Their Leaders

The Red Shirt Leaders didn't seem to have any difficulty bringing 21 million baht, in cash, to the court when seeking bail for the other Red Shirt Leaders.

March 12

"If they are still [in jail] then we will have no recourse but to fight," Jatuporn told

More "fighting" to replicate the mayhem they created during the same time frame in 2009 and 2010 and the rapid-approaching 2011. :ermm:

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"some motorists stuck in the traffic jam became upset and honked their horns back at them"

My god if I were them I would have done a lot more than "honked my horn" I would loose my cool damned quick and if any of them were in my way they would have wished they had never been born!

Talk about being a gentle race! when is someone going to get tough with these wanke_rs.


Maybe not a good idea. In the past when civilians have tried to tell the red shirts off they have ended up dead

Just watched History Channel's The rise and fall of the Third Reich, and the earlier BBC's The World at War. Same thing happened to the Germans who opposed the Nazis.

Is it a coincidence that the flag of the Nazis are also red and black?

Yes it's a coincidence, the closest thing to a fascist movement here are the PAD and their political arm is the NPP (New Politics Party). They even have a swastika for their logo.


I think you are confusing the Buddhist Swastika with the one of the Nazis - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika

But the defining point in comparison is which group has a Hitler-like figurehead?



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<br />
<br />
<br />"some motorists stuck in the traffic jam became upset and honked their horns back at them"<br /><br />My god if I were them I would have done a lot more than "honked my horn" I would loose my cool damned quick and if any of them were in my way they would have wished they had never been born!<br />Talk about being a gentle race! when is someone going to get tough with these wanke_rs.<br /><br /><img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' /><img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/annoyed.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':annoyed:' /><img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/angry.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':realangry:' /><img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /><img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/annoyed.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':annoyed:' /><img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/bah.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bah:' /><br />
<br /><br />Maybe not a good idea.  In the past when civilians have tried to tell the red shirts off they have ended up dead<br />
<br /><br />Just watched History Channel's The rise and fall of the Third Reich, and the earlier BBC's The World at War. Same thing happened to the Germans who opposed the Nazis.<br /><br />Is it a coincidence that the flag of the Nazis are also red and black?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

probably, were your other 2000 odd posts as enlightening?

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