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Government Warnings For Time Share


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Where are these banners?

One is outside the new J J Market behind Jungceylon, you can clearly see it as you drive out of Jungceylong onto "Jungceylon Boulevard" and there is a massive one at the bottom of Patong hill which you can not miss. I wonder if there are any more.

I believe TAT put them up. Kudos to whomever was responsible.

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I believe TAT put them up. Kudos to whomever was responsible.

I'd like to think it was TAT, but that sounds far too ambitious. I wouldn't be surprised if it was some individual that got stung and swore to warn others the best way possible. If they stay up, then perhaps it was TAT.

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I believe TAT put them up. Kudos to whomever was responsible.

I'd like to think it was TAT, but that sounds far too ambitious. I wouldn't be surprised if it was some individual that got stung and swore to warn others the best way possible. If they stay up, then perhaps it was TAT.

Just double-checked. They were put up by the Municipality of Patong - at least, the Municipality's logo is on them.

I've seen three of them - in front of JJ Market, where anyone leaving Jungceylon will see it; one at the base of Bangla road, next to the beach; and a huge one at the base of Patong Hill, where everyone entering Patong will see it.

I think it's tremendous.

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Well, some may think it is tremendous news, but I am far from impressed by these very selective warning signs erected by the Municipality of Patong.

If they are able to rapidly erect signs like this that warn of these (mostly foreign) timeshare touts, why can they not also rapidly erect similar signs which warn of jetski scams, bar drink scam touts in Bangla road and tuk-tuk overpricing?

This is, of course, a totally rhetorical question, since those of us who live here are well aware of the answer


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I know an ex timeshare tout. She's Thai.

Going back 11 years ago when she started, if she was seen touting by a municipal officer or a cop, she would be given a ticket and be taken to the municipal office or police station and pay a 500 Baht fine. This was paid for by the timeshare company. On average, she reckons she was fined two to three times a week. There was an unwritten rule that they wouldn't be fined more than three times a week.

Over time the system evolved and it ended up that the officers would simply nod at her; she knew most of their names by this time and the relationship was friendly. The nod meant she was to go, under her own steam, to the relevant office and pay the fine which, by the way, jumped to 1000 Baht after a couple of years.

Then, after a few more years, according to her, a deal was struck between the municipal bosses, the police and the timeshare company which involved a fixed monthly fee being paid. This meant an end to the individual fines being paid. A much simpler and cleaner way to do business, eh?

Now, based on the appearance of these municipal backed billboards, it seems like there's been a major fall out.

It'll be interesting to see what transpires.

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Well, some may think it is tremendous news, but I am far from impressed by these very selective warning signs erected by the Municipality of Patong.

If they are able to rapidly erect signs like this that warn of these (mostly foreign) timeshare touts, why can they not also rapidly erect similar signs which warn of jetski scams, bar drink scam touts in Bangla road and tuk-tuk overpricing?

This is, of course, a totally rhetorical question, since those of us who live here are well aware of the answer


I think it's a step in the right direction. Unprecedented, as far as I know, in the ten years I've lived in Patong.

A similar sign for jet ski scams would be another good development. Tuk tuk overpricing is being addressed, although it remains to be seen if the Governor's and Mayor's efforts will hold up. Drink scams - not sure how you'd warn people to not be stupid...

I tend to be much less skeptical than other folks on the forum. Maybe it's because, in spite of continuing corruption, some boneheaded moves, and years of problems, I really believe some of the people in the current government are genuinely interested in making things better.

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I think it's a step in the right direction. Unprecedented, as far as I know, in the ten years I've lived in Patong.

A similar sign for jet ski scams would be another good development. Tuk tuk overpricing is being addressed, although it remains to be seen if the Governor's and Mayor's efforts will hold up. Drink scams - not sure how you'd warn people to not be stupid...

I tend to be much less skeptical than other folks on the forum. Maybe it's because, in spite of continuing corruption, some boneheaded moves, and years of problems, I really believe some of the people in the current government are genuinely interested in making things better.


There are emplyees on all levels within Government and Police wanting to improve things. With a strong and active Governor and Phuket Police Commander Major Pekad Tantipong things seem to happen.:)

With all the publicity jet ski scams have recieved, I find it hard to believe anyone can be surpised when a rental ends in a scam attempt

Tuk tuks seem to be in a process of less roadside parking occupation and prices are coming under control.

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I think what a lot of people forget is that there are very few actual voters in Patong.

The people that operate the jet-skis, own the sun-loungers and control the tuk-tuks are voters.

This is why papering over cracks is preferable to actual solutions which will disenfranchise the people that have the power to put people in power.

What is true in Patong is also true for the other beaches.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Woody, call me Mr Sceptical if you like, because I do not think for one second that the Governor, senior police and Mayor are clamping down on scams because they love tourists and want them to have a good and fair time in Phuket.

There is only one reason why they are taking action, and that is money, money, money (or rather, the dwindling amount of it in certain people's pockets).


Edit - Even 'stupid' tourists should be protected from obvious scams.

You know the adage 'The customer is always right, even if he is a total prat' If one stupid tourist is ripped off, then they will tell many other potential (stupid) tourists - and soon Phuket will have no 'stupid' tourists at all.....

Edited by simon43
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Woody, call me Mr Sceptical if you like, because I do not think for one second that the Governor, senior police and Mayor are clamping down on scams because they love tourists and want them to have a good and fair time in Phuket.

There is only one reason why they are taking action, and that is money, money, money (or rather, the dwindling amount of it in certain people's pockets).


It seems to me present Governor and present Phuket Police Commander was appointed by BKK to clean up. They have done more clean ups in a few months than anyone before them

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awesome i wont have some pommy git pulling up on a motorbike asking me "fancy a bit o' real estate mate?" while im walking around minding my own business. I think the way to deal with the pr*cks is say "fancy showing me your work permit?" rolleyes.gif

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Woody, call me Mr Sceptical if you like, because I do not think for one second that the Governor, senior police and Mayor are clamping down on scams because they love tourists and want them to have a good and fair time in Phuket.

I'm not overly concerned about their motivation - if they're trying to improve Phuket's image in the international press for entirely pecuniary reasons, that doesn't bother me a bit. But I do think we're headed in the right direction...

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Good, small start. When will the touts be checked for workpermits? Answer is easy.

Timeshare/Fractional Ownership companies dont employ 'touts'..........forget the bad image of Tenerife 20 years ago......all OPCs and Reps have work permits so are working legally....if a customer buys 25 years of holidays in Phuket isnt that a good thing for the economy.........A lack of knowledge combined with a little jealousy I think is why most residents with tin pot businesses resent these guys for earning a decent wage

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i got some experience with time share companies and my resume - absolute MAFIA. an insider told me it's simple nothing more than washing/cleaning money comes from drug-businesses. they don't make bullshit only with their customers - also with the staff they hire.

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